Chapter 193

The rose buddha sons paid tribute by the Wutai Kingdom produced curling smoke in the incense burner, just like the body fragrance of a mature woman, which made people restless.

Fang Zhimei's breath was extraordinarily fresh and elegant, which diluted the enthusiasm, but added some tenderness and seductiveness to the restlessness.

The carriage compartment is very large, even rolling around in it can be fun. When Qin Shouan took Fang Zhimei into his arms, Huai Yu also had quick eyes and quick hands, and quickly pulled down the side windows and door curtains.

Huai Yu also heard some gossip, although it was not something she should pay attention to, but she was also happy for His Highness and Miss Fang San.

But after all, unmarried men and women, being seen cuddling, will inevitably lead to some gossip, which is very unpleasant.

"Lay Yi'an's works are rarely circulated in the world, and it's normal for you not to know about them, but it's a bit arbitrary for you to think that Brother Shou'an is a bold and coquettish talented woman."

Qin Shouan felt the soft girl in his arms, and smiled slightly, "It seems that sister Yiren is soft and soft on the outside, but she is still as strong and stubborn as the prime minister's wife on the inside."

When Fang Zhimei heard his explanation, she couldn't help but feel ashamed. She must have acted like a mother just now and was jealous?As a result, he immediately said that she was like a mother.

The name of the mother's female prestige is prominent in the three lanes and seven alleys, and even the palace is used to tease her father from time to time. Fang Zhimei put her hands on her chest, pointed her two index fingers back and forth, and said softly:

"No... Mother said that I am not like her at all, and I will definitely not be able to control my husband in the future. My husband will definitely have three wives and four concubines..."

After finishing speaking, Fang Zhimei glanced at Qin Shouan, he should understand the meaning behind the words, right?

Sister Yi Ren is a smart woman, she knows very well that her situation is completely different from that of her mother back then.

Back then, my father was a well-known talented man in Longyin City. How many ladies had dreamed of a good son-in-law, and how many oirans recommended themselves as pillows with red cards, but his father was from an ordinary family. Her natal family is a prominent family, and now her father is in the position of governor, and her mother has also contributed a lot.

Under such circumstances, coupled with the fact that her mother has a strong personality and her father loves her, she can naturally control her father and can firmly control the property and power of the prime minister's mansion, so that her father has to buy and sell calligraphy and painting to save some private money.

Brother Shou'an is different, he was born rich and honored.

Even a woman as rich as Tang Wanrong, who controls the business of the palace treasury, can't control the old prince's sensuality and finally lost his life, how can Fang Zhimei control Qin Shouan?

Fang Zhimei thought to herself that she would not be stronger than Tang Wanrong.

If she is really married to brother Shou'an by the empress dowager, the biggest advantage is that she is a childhood sweetheart with brother Shou'an. He has both a wife's love and a younger sister's love for her. Can be shaken.

Except for the empress dowager, the empress empress, and the imperial concubine with children, the concubine is basically the top among women. Those little vixen who are deliberately planning to enter the palace, no matter how much they are favored by Brother Shou'an, it is impossible for them to ride on her neck to do their best. .

The most unbearable thing for a woman is not her husband, three wives and four concubines, but her colleagues domineering and arrogant in front of her.

Besides, Fang Zhimei handed over the handkerchief to the empress, who can fight against Fang Zhimei in the palace?
Thinking of this, Fang Zhimei felt that she was a little too petty and not magnanimous when she was jealous of Lay Yi'an just now, and she didn't have the confidence and grace of a big woman at all.

"I think what my mother said makes sense, but it's only suitable for the relationship between mother and parents. Didn't brother Shouan say he wanted to marry many, many wives when he was a child? If my sister-in-law is like my mother, then it won't work. Sister-in-law should not control brother Shouan in the future , but should help him take care of the women in the mansion, right?"

Fang Zhimei nestled in Qin Shouan's arms, while watching the three maidservants out of the corner of his eye to see if they showed the look of "Miss Fang San, you are the sister-in-law yourself", and said softly.

Being hugged by Brother Shou'an like this, Fang Zhimei was still a little shy. After all, he was not a child. Although there are rumors, he is still unknown after all, but he is so close to her, is he also declaring something?

Anyway, no one would hug other women casually like this!

"This matter seems a bit complicated." Qin Shou'an pondered for a while, on the surface he did not have a formal relationship with any woman in name.

Even though he is as close as the mountain lord of Riyue Mountain and many female disciples, if it is made public, he may become the target of public criticism.

When he came back in the morning, he met so many believers and fanatical supporters outside Ji Jing Zhao Jian Nunnery. If it was revealed that he had been honest with the four masters, even if he was King Langya, he would probably have to leave Longyin City temporarily to avoid the limelight. .

In the eyes of ordinary people, Huaiyu is just a bed-warming maid. According to the current customs and etiquette, even if he and Huaiyu have given birth to a bunch of fat boys, he is still single outside.

Tang Wanrong was the only one who had a formal relationship with him in name... After all, there was such a righteousness as "the order of the parents".

Even if it's a little absurd, it's still official. If you really make Qin Heng's letter public, and then explain clearly the relationship between Tang Wanrong and Langya Palace, even if it will cause an uproar and opposition from many people, it's not unworkable.

Just judging from Tang Wanrong's attitude, if Qin Shouan really did this, she would probably separate from Langya Prince's House, and Qin Shouan would be completely defeated by then.

After thinking about it, Huaiyu seems to be the only woman who can let his concubine manage and lead him after he really gets married.

"Did you also hear some rumors that the Empress Dowager is planning to marry us?" Qin Shouan thought of this, and finally understood that Yiren's sister didn't just come to rub hands with Brother Shou'an today.

Fang Zhimei hastily twisted her body, trying to struggle to escape from Qin Shouan's arms, a bit of shyness overflowed from her flustered eyes, she was caught by him as soon as she raised her hands, and she still hugged her in her arms, embracing him. With her slender waist, her skin can even feel the heat of his palm, which is a bit scorching.

"There are no rumors... I don't know, have you heard?" Fang Zhimei wanted to run away, and then he understood that no matter what, Brother Shou'an still loves her as before, even if the rumors are true. False, she won't be able to become a princess for a while, but she won't be replaced by a contemporary "Yi'an layman" suddenly.

So while she raised her hand to block the maids from watching, she leaned against his chest softly and her cheeks were slightly hot.

"Of course I've heard of it, but according to the analysis of someone who is very close to the empress dowager, it doesn't seem to be the case." Qin Shouan repeated the analysis of the mountain master: rewarding the palace, beating the Rong family, and occupying the Langya palace. Cheap.

Qin Shouan believed that as long as Fang Zhimei had no other sweetheart, she would definitely be very willing to propose marriage to the Empress Dowager.

Women don't have much say in their own marriages, and most of the time, they don't have high demands on the man. Often, they just need to take a look at the man without any ill feeling, or if they haven't heard of the other party's bad deeds.

Based on the relationship between him and Fang Zhimei, it is almost a certainty that the husband and wife will love and live in harmony after marriage.

But it doesn’t seem to be such a thing now. Choosing a princess for a prince is not an emotional or personal matter. big event.

It has nothing to do with whether the individual is willing or not, and whether there is a favorite candidate.

Since Qin Shouan enjoys the benefits of this feudal ruling class system, he has to consciously maintain and abide by the constraints imposed on him by this system, and most of the time he can't help himself...Of course, if the queen mother suddenly wants to marry If it was given to him, then Qin Shouan wouldn't be able to control so much, he could even seek to usurp the throne.

"Brother Shou'an, do you want me to pass it on to my father so that he can analyze this person's opinion?" Fang Zhimei calmed down with some disappointment. It seems that Brother Shou'an didn't think that the rumor would definitely come true like she did. .

At this time, Qin Shouan felt that Qin Shouan's hugging arm was extra forceful, but the sweetness in Fang Zhimei's heart overflowed from that layer of disappointment. No wonder he hugged her into his arms as soon as she got into the car, probably because Tell her that no matter what the rumors are, she is his favorite Yiren sister, and he likes to hold her in his arms and love her intimately.

Thinking of this, Fang Zhimei felt a little ashamed, did she patronize and want to be a princess?Obviously, getting along sweetly and intimately with brother Shou'an is more important now.

"When he comes home, I'll ask him." After Fang Zhimei finished speaking, she got out of the mood of worrying about whether she could be a princess. Feeling his generous chest and strong heartbeat, her body felt even stronger. Soft, raised her head and her eyes were full of joy, if there were not three people sitting beside her, she would have been whining and whimpering in his ear like a child.

When you were young, you acted like a baby to him because you wanted him to take her out to play, but when you grow up, you acted like a baby to him, but did you want to be his woman?Fang Zhimei noticed this difference, her body warmed up quietly, and she limp in his arms, if she hadn't been hugged, she would have melted like ice and snow into spring water and flowed away.

"Okay, let's fly the kite when we have news." Qin Shouan nodded, holding her waist lightly with his palms, feeling a little hot in his palms, because he always wanted to go up or down.

It's all a habit developed by indulging in female sex these days... It really is like a maniac once he enters luxury and lust, this body seems to be out of control, endless, wanting to pursue some pleasure and satisfaction regardless of occasion and object.

"Your Highness!"

Bai Ji's voice came from outside the car curtain.

The carriage of the Prince's Mansion has been parked outside the Prime Minister's Mansion for a while, is there something wrong?Qin Shouan let out a "hmm", and Han Xin pushed open the curtain of the car.

Bai Ji's status was unusual, and she and Fang Zhimei were acquaintances. Fang Zhimei quickly moved from Qin Shouan's arms and sat down beside her.

The moment the car curtain was pushed open, Qin Shouan just saw Hei Ji standing far away on the wall of the Prime Minister's Mansion, making a vigilant look.

The location is good, and the posture is handsome, but it doesn't seem to make any sense. In broad daylight, no one would use the eaves and walls to get close to the assassination. Her direction can basically only guard against the people who came out of the prime minister's mansion.

Unless she got a tip, the prime minister's office was using Miss Fang San to hold Qin Shouan back and then carry out some plan to assassinate Qin Shouan.

"Your Highness, I vaguely heard you guys talking about the marriage referral just now, do you need my help to analyze it?" Bai Ji cupped her hands and volunteered.

Qin Shouan stared at Bai Ji for three breaths.

Bai Ji looked at him patiently.

His gaze was filled with an incomprehensible feeling, as if he didn't know much about Bai Ji, so he was also full of doubts about her words and deeds.

Bai Ji couldn't help frowning slightly, and at the same time she was a little angry. Except that she and His Highness hadn't done something that benefited a lot, they were basically intimate. Could it be that in these experiences, he was only obsessed with her incomparably beautiful and peerless carcass? And have no idea of ​​her interesting soul, noble personality, witty mind, and clear and transparent state of mind?
Bai Ji couldn't help feeling a little regretful and sighing. There was nothing she could do about it. Even if there were countless men kneeling under their pomegranate skirts, how many of the most magnificent prostitutes really understood their hearts?

They were completely attracted by their confidantes and their too dazzling skins.

Fortunately, Bai Ji didn't have such high demands on King Langya, she mainly wanted to use His Highness to benefit Riyue Mountain a lot, and as for the fusion of spirit and desire, she could gradually figure it out in the future.

"It's none of your business." Qin Shouan found that Bai Ji couldn't read his eyes at all, so he waved his hand to let her slip away.

Just like this, you still want to be his right-hand man?

"Your Highness, you may be able to make decisions on other matters, but referring to marriage involves the will and game of the palace, the empress dowager, the empress empress and others..." Bai Ji glanced at Qin Shouan's robe while speaking .

Qin Shouan stepped forward, put his arms around Bai Ji's slender waist and pushed her out, then grabbed her underarms with both hands, and threw her out of the carriage.

"Brother Shou'an...then I'll go first too!" Fang Zhimei knew that she was also particular about the occasion, and she couldn't let the carriage of the palace stop here all the time so that she could have a close relationship with Brother Shou'an.

Fang Zhimei stepped on the ladder and got off the carriage with the help of the servant girl of the palace. Watching the carriage team of the palace leave, she found that Bai Ji was still standing there.

Holding a long knife in her hand, Bai Ji stabbed Fang Zhimei's skirt with the handle.

Fang Zhimei felt that she had stabbed the inside of her thigh, and the thin-skinned and tender Miss Fang San let out an "oops" and looked at this female officer of the ninth guard of Longyin Guard who was often seen in the palace inexplicably.

"Bai Ji, what are you doing?" Fang Zhimei asked inexplicably, but he didn't mind Bai Ji's abruptness. Seeing that the carriage team in the palace had left, Bai Ji was still here, so she probably had something to say to her. She said... Could it be that Bai Ji has a different opinion about the Empress Dowager's marriage?

When she got into the carriage just now, she seemed to want to say this. Brother Shou'an didn't want to hear it, but Fang Zhimei was willing to hear more people's opinions.
I almost forgot to add a change to the leader of Black Tongue Candy, it will explode tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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