prince's rivers and lakes

Chapter 301 Cross the river and demolish the bridge

Chapter 301 Cross the river and demolish the bridge
The word "happy to be a father" sounds good, describing a man's festive atmosphere and mood when he hears that he is going to be a father.

But when it came out of his mouth, it felt a little strange, not to mention that he was talking about her.
After "self-pregnancy".

He believed that "self-pregnancy" was an excuse for a woman to have sex with someone else. In other words, what he just meant was that if she had a child with someone else, he would be willing to go through some humiliation to help, and he would also make a willing gesture. festive look.

Is this what he meant?

What nonsense. Tang Wanrong would not think that he was really willing to do this. How many men in the world are willing to suffer such injustice and sacrifice?What's more, he is still a prince.

Besides, how could she have a baby with someone else?If she really wanted to have a child for Cheng Huan, would it be possible for her to successfully conceive by herself? If she wanted to find someone for help, who else could she ask for?
Aristocratic women are generally not as conservative as the daughters of ordinary people. Once they are touched, they will not marry unless they are married. However, those with better conduct will still care about it, such as Tang Wanrong and him. Such an intimate and transgressive situation happened. Many times, it was impossible for her to find another man to accompany her.

"I'm telling you the truth. Since you firmly believe in the matter of self-pregnancy, maybe you will never forget it and there will be a response. Remember to inform me when the time comes... Only I dare to admit it. If others dare to admit it, Jiuzhou Mansion The ninth-grade masters are not vegetarians, and by the way, I am also a high-ranking master." Qin Shou'an said half-truthfully.

Naturally, he didn't believe that thing, but if it really happened to Tang Wanrong...Qin Shou'an would think that it might have something to do with him.

After all, he has such a special physique, and he and the mountain owner's child were born in just a few days. Tang Wanrong and he had some intimate behaviors that exceeded their limits, such as taking a hot spring bath together, which made her suspicious. It was not impossible for her to be suspicious of him. Bar?
He would not believe that Tang Wanrong would find another man and use such a lame excuse to fool him. If she had that intention, how could she remain a virgin to this day?

However, he has checked her body today. There is no sign of pregnancy in her body, only "Tang Wanrong Yuanyin Tuberculosis" that worries him. Now it seems that her life is not in danger, so he can only observe the situation like this first.

"You... don't yell here and ruin my reputation!" Tang Wanrong had already kicked Qin Shou'an out, but he put his foot on the threshold so that she could not close the door.

Tang Wanrong could only blush and stared at him with gritted teeth and said, just now the two of them closed the door, a man and a woman were alone in the same room, it didn't matter what they said or did, and no one knew, what would happen if the door was opened now? ?
Everyone talks about opening the skylight and speaking openly, which means that now we can only speak openly and openly, and everyone can listen. Is what he said everyone can listen to?

It's not like he didn't know that the servants of Langya Palace had the habit of spreading gossip about their master. This was also cultivated by Qin Heng... Back then, Qin Heng was complacent about his romantic deeds and didn't mind what others said. He even hoped that Everyone in the three lanes and seven lanes knows that he is a romantic.

The servants of Huiyin Changyin Pool do not mean that they will stay here for the rest of their lives. In order not to form a deep-rooted clique and prevent them from forming cliques for personal gain, Tang Wanrong has always been used to rotating the servants in various houses, so today in Huiyin Changyin Chi's servants may go to Langya Prince's Mansion tomorrow to spread the secret they just heard.

"That's not true...but if there are rumors that Miss Tang and I have an affair, then I can only turn the rumors into facts." Qin Shou'an said seriously, and frowned slightly, "Miss Tang, it's not an exaggeration. To put it bluntly, I rarely express my feelings to the same person several times, and I have actually been rejected, or not responded at all... Under normal circumstances, I am very impatient, and people will break up if they don't see eye to eye. . However, I am very patient with Miss Tang, you can reject me a few more times."

Qin Shou'an knew that Tang Wanrong was particularly insecure. This was a woman with a very scary childhood shadow. In those long and smelly barbarian excerpts, these shadows would have to be shown every one or two plays. What an impact it had on her.

She always likes to test, especially when she is not sure about a man with Qin Shouan's temperament. Unless Qin Shouan one day takes the initiative and directly cooks the raw rice into cooked rice, she may accept the status quo more quickly.

It's just that Qin Shou'an doesn't want to do this. He is more successful in front of other women, which is not the reason why Tang Wanrong must treat him like this. The world is so beautiful because of their existence. He prefers to be the gentle breeze blowing on his face. Rather than the violent wind that destroyed them.

"'s enough if I give you a leg." Tang Wanrong was so embarrassed that she kicked the toes of her delicate shoes out from the bottom of her skirt.

Rather than kicking someone, let alone trying to step on someone, her leg was a little too wide, but Qin Shouan just reached out and held her heel.

Tang Wanrong was unsteady on one foot and quickly grabbed the edge of the door. She stood near the door, her sight was limited, and she looked around hurriedly. She was still worried about being seen. She only felt her heel falling into his hand, but there was a feeling in her heart. Dang, suddenly blushing.

Although there have been many overreaching situations before, this is the first time that he has taken advantage of him directly... No, he has already taken advantage of him once in Wang Xie Fengyue Tower.

At that time, her face was still covered with a veil, so at least she didn't have to face him directly, and he deliberately pretended not to recognize her, which more or less made Tang Wanrong feel better about deceiving herself.

Now he actually...he actually held her foot directly. This was clearly an act of deceit. Did he know who she was?Is her foot something he can get his hands on?
If he can get his hands on her, can he... well, now is not the time to think about what he can do, and then do whatever he wants to do to her!Tang Wanrong's cheeks were flushed, and she felt that the roots of her legs were warm, almost scalding, so she quickly pulled her legs back.

She pulled her legs back, but the shoes fell into Qin Shou'an's hands. She was stunned for a moment and stepped back a little, but her feet still remained stretched out.

"Why doesn't it stink at all?" Qin Shou'an asked a little doubtfully, holding Tang Wanrong's shoes.

"You're the one with stinky feet!" Tang Wanrong's cheeks were pink and tender, and her heart was beating in embarrassment. How could she have thought that he always spoke in a completely unreasonable way? What did he say?Is this what he said to a woman he said he had a crush on and wanted to be his princess?

He always talks like this, so she ignores his thoughts again and again, because he is not serious!Would other men be like him? When facing the woman they like, other men would be eager to smear honey with their mouths, right?He speaks beautiful words all the time and praises other women to the highest standards. How can anyone be like him?
However, he shouldn't be like this in front of other women, otherwise how could so many women lose their virginity to him?He must have been talking sweet words to other women, coaxing them into falling into his arms and letting him do whatever he wanted. They still felt that it was true love and sincerity.

If he also said those sweet words to himself...that would be the same!Tang Wanrong is not a woman who loses her virginity easily. "Shoes that have been worn for a day should at least have a sour smell, right?" Qin Shou'an became even more confused, "Is it possible that Miss Tang was born with perspiration?"

"Why are you studying this! I change my shoes at least five times a day, how can they smell!" Tang Wanrong was ashamed and angry. Why is this person like this?Tang Wanrong couldn't imagine anyone else behaving like this in front of her. He seemed to be such a strange person in the world. It really made people's hearts tremble, made them angry and annoyed, and just looking at him made her think. chaos.

"That's it. No wonder the ancients used girls' shoes to pour wine and drink. It must be Miss Tang's situation to be worthy of entry." Qin Shou'an suddenly realized.

Tang Wanrong's shoes are indeed fragrant and soft, and the inside of the shoes is clean without any stain. A pampered woman like her is often able to keep her body and clothes clean to the extreme. She changes at least five pairs of shoes a day. These shoes are It may not be new shoes, because new shoes are uncomfortable to wear.

Nowadays, there are some literati who are jealous and want to imitate the romantic style when they go to Goulanwashe. They use the girl's shoes to pour wine and drink. Qin Shou'an has to worry, if the girl has athlete's foot, will it be transmitted to their mouths?You still have to pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene.

"You dare! If you dare to use your shoe to pour wine and drink...I...I will never eat a bowl of noodles with you again." Tang Wanrong imagined the scene of him pouring wine and drinking with her shoe, and suddenly felt helpless Accept, threatened angrily.

It was only after she finished talking that she felt something was wrong. Originally, when two people were eating a bowl of noodles, there was some ambiguity that was not suitable to be discussed openly. But by saying this now, she seemed to accept the relationship between the two of them, which was unclear. How could you threaten him with this matter?
It seems that she thinks that the two of them should continue like this in the future, and it would be good to continue like this.

But now that he has said it, there is nothing he can do about it. What comforts him a little is that she has said so. He probably won't insist on doing such a disgusting thing again, so he will force her to eat noodles together next time. , she would no longer be disgusted by him pouring wine with her shoe.

After all, if he had done this and she had a bowl of noodles with him, wouldn't it mean that she had tasted his own shoes?

"Okay, I'll listen to Miss Tang." Qin Shou'an smiled slightly, feeling that the shy and angry Tang Wanrong was incomparably beautiful, exuding a moving charm that made him almost want to leave the emperor behind. ...This emperor is so bad that it really makes people want to seek the throne and usurp him.

If the emperor hadn't invited him, he might have made great progress if he stayed a little longer and chatted with Tang Wanrong, her shoes, the fragrance on her body, and the night tonight, and could touch her little hands openly and so on. It may not be impossible.

Touching her little hand openly would have more symbolic meaning than waiting for an opportunity to grab her shoes now.

In this era, if a woman is willing to hand over her hand to you, it basically means that she is willing to hand over her life to you, because holding her hand usually means letting you take her with her wherever she goes. This is better than what Qin Shouan knew in his previous life. Those women are willing to go out to eat with you, watch movies with you, and even travel with you, but if you want to do something further, there is no need to talk, there are too many things to pay attention to.

"Bah, you listen to me in everything...I didn't say anything." Tang Wanrong's cheeks were slightly warm, and she felt a little sneaky at this time. She couldn't help but lower her voice and said, "Give me my shoes quickly."

She did not lack shoes, but when someone brought them later, the maids did not dare to ask. However, it was inevitable that someone would see that she was feeling a little uncomfortable and was helped back to rest by the prince. Now that the prince is gone, what happened? Is one of the dowager's shoes missing?

Qin Shou'an ignored her denial. Things between men and women are not about a gentleman's words, and what's more, she is not a gentleman, but a woman.

The tacit understanding between the two of them was much more effective than black and white writing on a piece of paper. Qin Shouan bent down and held her heels while she wasn't paying attention.

Tang Wanrong fell into his hands again and struggled anxiously, but since she had no way to avoid it, it was even more impossible to break away. Thinking that the other party was a martial arts master and she was just a weak woman, Tang Wanrong stared at him timidly and aggrievedly. She looked at him and showed some angry and helpless emotions appropriately, which not only showed her attitude, but also prevented him from feeling that she was too disgusted with his closeness and gave up on what she was going to do next.

Next, of course, it was just to help her put on her shoes. Since he took them off, it didn't matter if she asked him to put them on, right?

Qin Shou'an felt that it was like soft jade in his hand, and he couldn't put it down. But when he heard footsteps approaching, he didn't dare to try to play with it. He just held her instep and stuffed it into the shoe.

Tang Wanrong quickly retracted her feet, grabbed the door with both hands, and shut him out. However, she did not mean to close the door. She just stood there and stared at him shyly. If a woman was treated like this, she still did not feel ashamed or angry. , crying and crying, hoping that he can understand that his feelings are not really unresponsive.

"I'm leaving." Qin Shou'an suppressed the urge to step into the door again. He knew that some things must be kept within limits, and he should not be too eager and anxious. Women like Tang Wanrong are indeed a bit slow to take action, don't you? When she gradually enters the state, she cannot realize her most touching moment.

"Yes." Tang Wanrong responded softly, staring at him softly, then shyly bowed her head and closed the door.

Listening to Qin Shou'an's footsteps leaving outside the door, Tang Wanrong heard two sets of particularly cheerful and jumping footsteps. There was no doubt that they were Hei Ji and Bai Ji.

Tang Wanrong suddenly felt like burning down bridges. She had already eaten a bowl of noodles with Qin Shou'an. These two people were of no use to her anymore, right?No, no, they may not be able to provide Tang Wanrong with any help, but if they make suggestions for others, they might be able to ruin some of Tang Wanrong's arrangements.

(End of this chapter)

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