The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 102 Old Huang, why did you change your gender?

Chapter 102 Old Huang, why did you change your gender?
I nominated actor?

Huo Yunting was taken aback for a moment, then his heart beat suddenly.

"Director Wang, do I have a chance to win Best Actor?"

"Regardless of whether you have a chance or not, if you can be nominated, you have already made a lot of money! You have made a lot of money!"

Wang Xiaoshuai suppressed his voice, but he could still hear the excitement in his tone, which seemed to be more excited than Huo Yunting.

Those who didn't know thought he was the one nominated for Best Actor.

The host is still reading the list of selected personnel one by one, but Huo Yunting has no intention of restarting the game of Snake Eating.

Since he can nominate the best actor, is there a real chance to get it back?
I thought about it in my heart, but in the end it was lost.

This year's Cannes Film Festival winner was awarded to "Three Burials of Escada", starring Tommy Lee Jones.

An old white man who looked to be five or sixty years old.

It wasn't until the host said the name of the award-winning actor that Huo Yunting's slightly hanging heart finally let go.

If he, a young man in his early twenties, wins Best Actor, he will really become popular all over the country.

Counting from the beginning to the end of the whole country, there are only two people who have won the best actor at the Cannes Film Festival, one is Ge You, and the other is Liang Chaowei.

If he really picks up the best actor, then he will become the third actor in China to win this honor.

And he's only 23.

It wasn't until the white old man walked up to the stage to give a speech that the feeling of unreality in his heart gradually subsided, and Huo Yunting lowered his head again and started a game of greedy snakes.

The venue was too noisy, and he didn't want to distract his surroundings.This foreigner's "impurity" is more unfamiliar, and it might be more wasteful to digest.

Seeing Huo Yunting lower his head to play with his mobile phone again, Wang Xiaoshuai couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

"Little Huoer, with your mentality, it will be a matter of time before you win the best actor."

It's easy to say four words, but how many people can remain calm in this kind of situation.

He doesn't know about others, but Huo Yunting definitely counts as one.

"I'm lucky if I get it, but my life is lost. Today, I was nominated for a best actor, and I earned my blood."

Today is the 22nd, the last day of the Cannes Film Festival.

After the host gave out all the remaining awards, the guests left one after another, and Huo Yunting also walked among the crowd.

Wang Xiaoshuai beside him was still chattering excitedly, saying that the trip was worthwhile.

As soon as he walked out of the main entrance, a hand suddenly patted his shoulder. Looking back, he saw a white foreigner with black hair and green eyes.

Looking at the tag on his neck, Huo Yunting knew that he was a staff member.

"Are you Mr. Huo Yunting Huo? From the jury, Mr. Wu wants to see you."

These words were whispered in his ear, and Wang Xiaoshuai and the others just watched from the sidelines.

After thinking for less than a second, Huo Yunting patted Wang Xiaoshuai on the shoulder, "Director Wang, Wu Yusen wants to see me. Go back first."

Wang Xiaoshuai stared wide-eyed, "Damn it! Wu Yusen wants to see you, why don't you hurry up!"

After greeting Gao Yuanyuan and Qin Hao, Huo Yunting followed the staff to the backstage through the side door.

The staff who have been doing it repeatedly are busy dismantling the scenery and removing the stage.

A fat old man who looked friendly was sitting on a chair looking at a stack of blank papers, and he didn't know what he was looking at.

"Mr. Wu, Mr. Huo is here."

The staff member greeted Wu Yusen and turned to leave, leaving the place for Huo Yunting and the others.

"Hello, Director Wu." Huo Yunting held out his hand politely.

"Hello, hello. You don't have to be so polite, sit down." Wu Yusen smiled cheerfully.

Holding his generous palm, it is completely impossible to see that such a person can take such violent and beautiful shots.

Wu Yusen looked up and down with admiration in his eyes, and then gave a thumbs up, "It's amazing."

"When I was watching the movie, I never thought that such a low self-esteem and introverted rural boy would be played by such a handsome boy as you."

"Is yours 1.8 meters high? I think you only give me the feeling of 1.7 meters in the film. How did you do this?"

Huo Yunting smiled, "Squeeze your neck, bend your legs a little, and bend your waist a little. Quietly, you can't tell."

"That's tiring."

"No, my back hurts every day when I was filming."

After chatting with Wu Yusen for a while, Huo Yunting probably figured out how he was nominated for the best actor.

In the eyes of these judges, his Xiao Gen can only be regarded as relatively good, not perfect.

The reason why he was nominated for the actor is because he saw his appearance in reality.

One is a tall, strong and handsome guy, and the other is a timid and timid rural guy. No one can tell that they are played by the same person.

Based on this alone, he is qualified to nominate this actor.

"Young man, work hard, maybe next time the best actor in Cannes will really be in your hands."

"Then let me borrow your blessings."

After talking to Wu Yusen again, Huo Yunting left and went back to the hotel.

As soon as he arrived at the hotel gate, he saw Wang Xiaoshuai squatting on the steps smoking a cigarette.Seeing him walking this way, his eyes lit up, and he rushed up in a hurry.

"How? What did I tell you?"

"I just praised me a few words, saying that I didn't expect that the rural guy was actually played by me."

Wang Xiaoshuai suddenly realized.

This is true, it is not too much to nominate an actor based on this point, but Huo Yunting's qualifications are still too young.

"By the way, have you added your contact information?"

Huo Yunting thought about it, and told the truth.


"Oh, you said you—forget it, it's okay if you don't leave your contact information. Just make a good impression, and you need to ask the brokerage company to help you contact..."

Hearing Wang Xiaoshuai rambling in his ear, the two walked up the steps into the hotel.

Huo Yunting didn't know if there was a real-time broadcast in China.

Anyway, as soon as he returned to the room and sat down for a while, the phone buzzed endlessly, like a vibrating egg.

The phone calls and text messages came one after another.

Like Feng Xiaogang, Fan Bingbing, Liu Pinyan, He Qun, Hu Ge, Guo Degang... Even Teacher Xu called him.

"Hello? Brother Hua..."

"Sister Bingbing..."

"Don't, I'm still too early to be the real actor..."

He was busy with all kinds of phone calls and text messages that night, and he didn't even go to the dinner party that Wang Xiaoshuai asked him to have.

"Hello? Miss Hua."

"Yunting, you are really famous this time. Once you win the nomination award, you should be the second youngest actor nominee in the country."

"The nomination of Best Actor has a lot of money?" Huo Yunting still didn't understand these things.

"If you are nominated, you will be a half-step actor. Who cares how you got this nomination? Now the Internet is full of discussions about you."

I chatted with Wang Jinghua about something else before hanging up the phone.

It's just that Huo Yunting feels a little strange in his heart, isn't it great that he won the nomination for Best Actor?Why does Sister Hua's tone sound a little strange, as if she is calm?

I turned on the computer and searched online, and sure enough, the news that I was nominated for Best Actor in Cannes has been spread all over the Internet.

I don't know who took the photo of him looking down at his phone, and a large number of media praised this photo wildly.

[Huo Yunting, who is only 23 years old, was nominated for Best Actor in Cannes, but he took it very lightly.You see, even though the host announced the nomination, he still looked at his phone calmly. 】

[It seems that to him, the important news is far more important than this so-called false actor.Some people yearn for the title of film king, while others feel at a loss...]

He couldn't read this article after reading a few lines, so he quickly forked it out.His cheeks were a little hot.

Fortunately, no one took pictures from behind, otherwise it would be a lot of fun to see him playing Snake on his mobile phone.

Wang Jinghua's call should be the last one.Throwing down the phone, Huo Yunting went to take a shower and tidy up his things.

Tomorrow they were due to sail back home.

Originally, Wang Xiaoshuai planned to go back by cruise ship, but under Qin Hao's strong request, he finally got two taxis instead.

Wang Xiaoshuai was puzzled, never heard that this kid is afraid of water.

After tidying up and going to bed, Huo Yunting checked the news about himself from the computer for a while.

Like "Underworld" and "The Best Time", these two films are far less mentioned than "Blue Red".

This also has a lot to do with Huo Yunting's nomination for best actor.

According to Wang Xiaoshuai, if the exposure of his actor nomination increases again, the probability of "Green Red" being released in China will be even greater.

【cough cough】

While scrolling through the news, a middle-aged man coughed.Huo Yunting opened QQ, it was a green watermelon.

[Green Hair Watermelon]: Congratulations, you have been nominated for Best Actor in Cannes.

[The mind is very clear]: Thank you.

After typing the two words, Huo Yunting felt that something was missing, so he added a smiling face.

Early the next morning, several people dragged their luggage and boarded a pre-booked taxi to Nice International Airport.

Qin Hao also saw Shu Qi wearing big sunglasses, so scared that he hurriedly pulled down the brim of his hat.

At about six or seven o'clock in the evening, several people got off the plane from Beiping.

"Handsome guy, heaven and earth, rich and rich begonias, half price for newcomers. Do you want to come?"

Huo Yunting couldn't help but feel a little emotional when he saw someone around gathered around and handed him a small card.

It's about the same as in Nice.

After leaving the airport, the group bid farewell and left one after another.

Huo Yunting also took a taxi to go to his courtyard, and said that he hadn't been back for several months.

He didn't say hello to Huang Bo, what he focused on was a surprise.

It was meaningless to tell him on the phone that he was nominated for Best Actor, and he had to tell him face to face.

The taxi sent him all the way to the front of Yu Suier's Hutong. Huo Yunting got out of the car, wobbled around the small alley, and turned into the gate of his house.

Looking inside, the lights are still on.You can vaguely hear him humming and singing there.

"This old boy, he's not asleep yet."

He took out the key from the bag, turned the lock and opened the door to enter.Then I saw a group of figures sitting at the small stone table humming a song.

Quiet Mimi walked over and slapped him on the back, "Old Huang, are you surprised?"

When Lao Huang turned his head, Huo Yunting's smile froze on his face.

Although the other party has short hair, but is wearing half sleeves, Huo Yunting can still vaguely see the outline of a woman.

"Fuck! Old Huang, did you fucking go to Thailand?"

ps: Today is crazy Thursday, a girl v me fifty
(End of this chapter)

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