Chapter 111
Shaking his head, throwing away all these messy thoughts in his mind, he followed Huo Yunting's suggestion to write the script with peace of mind.

This train was rented for a few hours, and every minute and every second was burning money.

Heipi took his seat and took out a Coke.


"Where is it splashing? Watch it."

"Brother, I'm sorry."

The script was polished and revised with Huo Yunting's opinion, and the filming was very fast.The scene was filmed in about an hour and a half.

It's just that Ning Hao's heart hurts when he thinks about the time left in the rented car, it's all money.

When the tram stopped, the extras rushed out, Huo Yunting and the others also got off the car behind the big crowd, and walked back.

Seeing Ning Hao carrying things in big and small bags, Huo Yunting felt distressed for a moment.

I started as a member of the group, and after passing through so many crews, there is no director who carries props by himself when he is down.

Even when he was filming "Green Red", Wang Xiaoshuai never reached this point.

"Director Ning, let me get it for you."

When he looked up, it was Huo Yunting's cheerful face.

Ning Hao's heart felt warm again, as soon as the words of refusal reached his throat, he saw Huo Yunting scoop up the spare can of Coke.

"I'll lose weight for you."


The soft words in the throat fermented into a string of swear words, and finally swallowed them in his stomach. He gave him an annoyed look, and walked forward sullenly.

Drinking coke leisurely, strolling behind Ning Hao, looking back, saw Huang Bo's sullen expression.

"What's the matter, Old Huang?"

Huo Yunting grabbed his neck, and the can of Coke in his hand touched the one in Huang Bo's hand.

"I'm fine... What can I do?"

"Don't pretend, we've known each other for so long, and I still don't understand you? Don't talk when you have something on your mind."

Seeing that he couldn't hide anymore, Huang Bo squirmed his lips and opened his mouth slowly.

"I'm just a little confused. I feel like I've gone to this university as if I haven't."

"You said that when Xiaojun was talking about the script, we both watched from the sidelines. Today, the filming is officially underway. You can see so many problems, but I can't understand anything."

"Do you think I'm not suitable to be an actor at all?"

After hearing what he said, Huo Yunting's face was a little surprised, can this also be a blow?Why do you look like Lao Guo now?

"The broadcasting you studied in college is still dubbing."

"Dubbing." Huang Bo's voice was muffled, "It's just my class, once I leave this major, I'll be gone."

Good guy.

Huo Yunting's eyelids twitched, "The letters you received in the past few days?"


No wonder……

"Old Huang, you're underestimating yourself. You also started out as a group performer. You don't know how different the other group performances are from your acting skills."

He patted him on the shoulder, "Look at that Wang Baoqiang, he also came out of group acting. When he was filming "Blind Well", he was almost stripped."

"The result? "A World Without Thieves" became famous all at once. You, just wait for our "Crazy Stone" to be released."

Ning Hao in front nodded, the grandson finally said something human.

Looking back at Huang Bo, "Huang Bo, why are you comparing yourself to him? The 23-year-old nominated actor, except Xia Yu, who else can do it?"

Letting the two of them feel so relieved made him feel better.

After filming the tram scene, I returned to Arhat Temple again, and the filming continued intermittently until August, when all the scenes in Arhat Temple were completed.

During this period, Huo Yunting held on to Yue Xiaojun, and eagerly learned from him about storyboarding, camera positions and other director knowledge.

After learning more, he found that his illness was serious again.Or evolve again.

From turning the script into fragments and substituting them in, he has been able to put all the fragments together in his mind—this fucking is really a movie.

Dreams are volatile and fleeting. Many times, if you don't think about them, you will forget them all after a while.

I watched the edited clips in my dream, but I can't remember too many clips when I wake up now.

But he only knew that the corners of his mouth were grinning upwards when he woke up.It's huge.

Comparing the feeling of watching the finished movie in a dream with other comedy movies he has seen before, he thinks that "Crazy Stone" is definitely a top-notch movie.

My beginner's editing level can still make me laugh from ear to ear in my dream, but if I let a professional do it, then this film will definitely be even better.

"Grandma, I really found a treasure this time, this movie is so damn hot."

On August 16th, everyone left Luohan Temple and went to shoot the opening scene, which was the scene where Lao Bao was smashed into the glass of the car by the Coke thrown by Xie Xiaomeng, and the car hit the BMW again.

Don't look at the poor jingle of the crew, but Ning Hao is a person with pursuit and insists on shooting in real scenes.

With the help of the Wailian producer, the crew finally rented two cars from the repair shop, but it cost thousands of dollars.

Because Ning Hao told the people at the car factory at the beginning that the car must be partially damaged.

It took me a long time to ink with others before I reluctantly agreed.

There was a loud bang, and the Coke bottle smashed on the glass of the car.Lao Bao and the two quickly got out of the car to have a look.

Lao Bao was looking around for who the person who threw the Coke was, and the assistant greeted him.

"Brother Bao, take the cable car up high."

"Hey! You died tragically in the cable car!"

"Looking for death, you gave birth to a baby without an ass hole!"

The two of them still felt puzzled after cursing, but when they turned around, the car ran downhill.

Did not pull the handbrake.

The two hurried to catch up, but in the end they still couldn't catch up with the speed of the car. They only heard a "clang" and collided with the BMW.

The four-eyed secretary got off the BMW, adjusted his glasses, and cursed, "Goofy, high-tech, unmanned driving."


Ning Hao yelled, and everyone rushed to check the injuries between the collision of the two cars.

After a while, Yue Xiaojun raised his head, "It's broken, it's a big blow."

I didn't grasp the strength well, and the collision was serious.

This is like going for an operation. Originally, only one foot was cut, but the whole leg was cut off.

According to the staff of the repair shop, the bumped part is not very easy to handle and is troublesome.For a while, the repair shop was unwilling to lend the car to the crew anymore.

Ning Hao was forced to delete some originally designed shots.

"I said Director Ning, why is our crew so poor? Our script is not bad, so we can't find investment?"

Seeing Ning Hao smoking a stuffy cigarette, Huo Yunting couldn't help asking.

It's been a rough day. If he didn't know that the cost was more than 300 million, he would have suspected that this film was actually Ning Hao's final project.

"It's impossible to find an investment... But that kind of big investor has a lot of things to do. This needs to be changed, and there needs to be changed. My script has to be changed beyond recognition."

After smoking the cigarette, he spit it out on the ground and stamped it out, and then lit another one.

"Although Brother Hua's "Asian Rising Star Director" gave me a little less money, I have 100% autonomy. 100% autonomy, you—"

"I follow up."


"I'll give you extra money for this film."

(End of this chapter)

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