The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 123 The President's Bodyguard

Chapter 123 The President's Bodyguard

Others in their 20s have already won the nomination for best actor, chatting and laughing with various big shots, and getting along well.

He is more than 30 years old this year, and he still played a small role with the support of others, and he still plays in groups.

Originally, Huang Bo was about to give up his dream of being an actor, so he just messed around as long as he didn't starve to death.However, my landlord is the fucking actor nominee in his 20s.

Man, if you want to hang out with a bunch of extras, then you think you have to brag every day if you think you're a joker.

You have to hang out with the nominated actor every day, and if you don't make some achievements, you will suffer to death.

Huang Bo is like this.

Ever since he learned that Jiang Wen had come to the courtyard to invite Huo Yunting to play a role, Huang Bo these days did not go out of the gate, so he wanted to make a familiar face in front of Jiang Wen.

Two days later, the gate of the courtyard was knocked again.Before Huo Yunting opened his mouth, Huang Bo passed by like a big black mouse.

"I'm going to drive, I'm going to drive."

"Hello, Teacher Jiang Wen, my name is Huang Bo."

"Huh? Hello, hello... This is Huo Yunting's house, right?"

"Yes, we are roommates."

Huang Bo cheerfully welcomed Jiang Wen in, and Huo Yunting also got up to greet him.

"Yunting, what do you think? I really think you are suitable."

When Jiang Wen took his seat, Huang Bo hurriedly refilled tea and water.

I thought Huo Yunting would agree, but unexpectedly he shook his head.

"Director Jiang, I'm really sorry, I can't act in this film. Yesterday my agent came to me and told me, good guy, the company has fully arranged my schedule for the next half a year."

Seeing what he said, Jiang Wen couldn't say anything more.

Regardless of whether it is true or false, people's attitude has already been expressed.It will be embarrassing for everyone to pursue it further.

"You said that this matter is not coincidental, then we have a chance to cooperate again."

After speaking, Jiang Wen left vigorously.

Until the door was closed tightly, Huang Bo was still a little dazed.

It took less than 5 minutes from when Jiang Wen entered the room to when he left, and he only spoke a word to himself.

This is Huo Yunting's house.

Huang Bo seemed a little disappointed.

"Okay, stop crying. I've read his script, and it doesn't suit your role."

Huang Bo shook his head and sighed, "If it's not mine, I won't be able to ask for it after all."

Then he looked at Huo Yunting again, "Huayi has arranged some good work for you, you don't even want Jiang Wen's films."


"...Damn it! Did you make it up?"

"Don't talk nonsense, that's called a white lie."

Huang Bo was a little sour, "People are fighting over their heads and want to play a role from it, but you are fine, people come to beg you not to."

Afterwards, he went out in a vicissitudes of life, and continued to squat at the gate of Beijing Film Studio.

Huo Yunting was also very helpless, he definitely wanted to act in Jiang Wen's film, but he couldn't understand the script.

It is difficult for him to cut out this film in his head.

This is what directors of literary and artistic films always like to add private goods to their films.In other words, there are several scenes in the whole film that do not contain private goods.

Don't bet on this, it's better to be safe.

After staying away from home for a few days, Zhang Jizhong suddenly called. "The Legend of Condor Heroes" will start broadcasting earlier in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Originally, "The Legend of Condor Heroes" was expected to premiere from Taizhou in March next year, and Hong Kong and Taiwan would have to wait until June and July.

I don't know how Zhang Jizhong told people that he pushed the broadcasting time of Hong Kong and Taiwan forward by three months.

He has already negotiated with a variety show on Baodao, and he will take the male and female hosts to do an exclusive interview before the broadcast around February.

It's preheating.

Huo Yunting nodded, he had no objection to this, but there was one thing he couldn't figure out.

"Director Zhang, do we need to tell me about this three months in advance?"

Zhang Jizhong sneered twice, "How many times did you leave the crew when filming "The Legend of Condor Heroes"?"

"I don't want to say hello to you in advance. I will take Liu Yifei with me when the time comes, and they will be able to have a private dispute over our crew."

Huo Yunting argued hard, "Director Zhang, I told you before, if you say a word, I will just stay in the crew and not go anywhere."

"Fuck off, stop talking to me. Can I stop you?"

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting took this matter to heart, and then sent Liu Yifei a message and talked about it, but he didn't expect that he would reply with three question marks, and didn't know there was such a thing.

Good guy, Zhang Dazi is so worried about himself.

After staying in Peiping for a while, the company arranged several commercial performances for him. Although the money was a little less, the advantage was more.

Even though he won a nomination for best actor, it's a pity that it was only a nomination, and it was still won by a literary film that was not released in China.

To put it bluntly, domestic audiences know Huo Yunting because they heard about the nominated actor, not because of the films Huo Yunting acted in.

Still not hot enough.

Originally, after the last commercial performance on December [-]th, Huo Yunting planned to go back to his hometown in Cangzhou to stay with his parents for a while, but a phone call abruptly changed his route from Cangzhou to Guangzhou.

It was Yu Hongjian calling.

When he first saw this name, he still thought about it for a while, who is Yu Hongjian?
Then I remembered, isn't this the founder of the Sino-Japanese Martial Arts Tournament?

"Mr. Yu, what wind brought you here?"

"Oh, Master Huo was joking. I have a competition and want to invite you."

Huo Yunting froze for a moment, "Who will you hit this time?"

"It's still kung fu and karate, but this time it's not a wider range."

"Then what was the fight?"

"World Professional Karate Competition. Master Huo, do you want to try it? There is a full [-] prize money for the individual championship. And your teammates are all old friends, Liu Hailong, Bao——"

"Okay, when and where?"

Yu Hongjian was a little surprised, he responded without even asking who his opponent was, so confident?

However, he quickly replied, "Guangzhou Tianhe Stadium will officially start on December 12."

"Okay, I'll call you when I get there."

"Oh, that's really hard work, Master Huo."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Hongjian stroked his chin, he was still a little young, it's gone...

His ideas are not too bad, but they are only aimed at ordinary people.For Huo Yunting, an outlier, conventional thinking is not applicable.

Others practice martial arts in a cyclical and gradual process. The more advanced the kung fu is, the easier it is for him to encounter various thresholds and get stuck.

As the old saying goes, one who crosses this threshold is called the Tao.

But for Huo Yunting, no matter how difficult the threshold is, it can be solved in a few nights.

Shadow is as strong as he is.

Ying is getting stronger and stronger, and he is also getting stronger.

If it is said that he was somewhat on guard in the Sino-Japanese martial arts competition last year, but now he dares to say that he is definitely one of the small group of people standing at the top of the kung fu pyramid.

It's not bad to go play again.

By the way, let's see if this world-class karate is any better.

As usual, I still reported this matter to Wang Zhongjun.

Similarly, Wang Zhongjun was also silenced this time.

He was really surprised, if you don't want to be a good actor, why do you have to go out of your way?
Acting cross talk, fighting, what else can this kid not do?

Originally, he wanted to approve it for him, but when he thought of the petition that appeared on his desk, the words came to his lips and swallowed back.

In the end, he just said gently, "Go, be careful on the road, and be friendly with foreign friends...can you win?"

"I won't come back if I don't win."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Zhongjun's desire to send this kid away quickly became more and more intense.

December NO.20, Huo Yunting went to Guangzhou Tianhe Stadium alone.

The square top is sharp and angular, in the shape of a prism.There are various red banners hanging around.

Warmly celebrate Kung Fu VS Professional Karate Tournament
Tianhe Stadium welcomes foreign friends

"Willow legs draped" Liu Hailong
"Ren Qiu Chuanwu" Huo Yunting
"Prairie Proud" Polygo

Various vertical banners.The outside of the gymnasium was full, and the cold wind whizzed past, and large swathes of red fluttered with the wind.

The campaign had already started since I accepted Yu Hongjian's invitation, and within half a month or so, it could be said that the competition was once again spreading the buzz.

My teammates are all old friends, Wang Xuyong, Liu Hailong, Bao Ligao, just replaced Qing Gele with a buddy named Xue Fengqiang.

The momentum was so great that the names of their five players spread throughout half of Guangzhou.

Especially Huo Yunting.

During the last Sino-Japanese Martial Arts Tournament, his reputation as Ren Qiu Chuanwu was only spread in a small area in the south, and the discussion was not very hot.

In the northern martial arts circle, Ren Qiu Chuanwu's name can be said to be well known, and with the two old men from Shandong as guarantees, basically no one objected.

But this name has only been passed down to the Qinling-Huaihe line, and it cannot be passed on to the south.

This time Tianhe Gymnasium put up a banner of spreading martial arts, and the number of people discussing it has skyrocketed almost in proportion.

Even though Huo Yunting has a solid record in front of everyone, doubts still continue.

Huo Yunting didn't want to be bothered by these people, so he came to him to try two tricks if he had the ability.He also let the doubters know whether the name of Chuanwu was blown out or not.

On the night of checking in from the hotel, Huo Yunting got the list of karate competitors.

Glancing at it, he frowned.

What Sudovich, Anu Anovich, and Reslanovich all belonged to Old Vitch's family at a glance.

The five players are all Russians, and they are all figures who have won various karate weight championships.

The only one who is not Vich is a 90kg weight class player named Sergey.Huo Yunting paid close attention to him.

Not because he is known as Russia's number one master, nor because he is known as the king of karate, but because he served in the Russian National Security Agency in November this year.

He is the president's bodyguard.

(End of this chapter)

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