The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 125 Invisible teasing is the deadliest

Chapter 125 Invisible teasing is the deadliest

Huo Yunting's words were like Sun Wukong's immobilizing spell, just yelling made her freeze.

The difference may be that Sun Wukong shouted one word, and Huo Yunting shouted two words.


Huo Yunting yelled again, got up and strode over, after a closer look, it was really her.

"Haha... Brother Yun, long time no see."

"Where's your mother?"

"It's at the hotel."

Huo Yunting frowned, and put the hat back on for her, "You can do it, you sneaked here by yourself, you're really not afraid of being followed by the paparazzi, are you?"

"My mother is really in the hotel."

"Then I'll call and ask."

"do not!"

Huo Yunting gestured to put his hand into his pocket, and Liu Yifei quickly grabbed his arm.

Then quickly let go.

"Which hotel are you staying at?"

"Eight Speed ​​Hotel..."

Drilling her finger hard on her forehead, Huo Yunting's face was full of anger, "Why are you so big-hearted? You are the traffic code of those media reporters now, so what if the paparazzi spread rumors about our affair?"

Liu Yifei's eyes lit up.

"Let them pass it on. Anyway, I am not afraid of the shadow obliquely."

Huo Yunting stared, "Let them pass it on, do you know what it means to become a tiger by three people? Tell a lie a hundred times and it will become true."

"I'm upright and I'm not afraid of the shadow slanting!"

"I'm afraid!"

Liu Yifei muttered dissatisfiedly, but Huo Yunting didn't know what she was talking about.

He took out two masks from his pocket, handed one to Liu Yifei, and put it on himself, and then a muffled voice came.

"I didn't see it, you are a quiet little girl who also likes Sanda."

As soon as she mentioned this, her face turned pale, and when she saw Huo Yunting greet the foreigner with blood spattered on his face, she trembled in her heart.

"I don't like watching Sanda, it's blood stabbing."

"Then what are you doing in Guangzhou?"

Liu Yifei's face froze, "I came to Guangzhou to meet friends, and I just saw your name on this gymnasium, so I came in and took a look."

"Oh, that's it." Huo Yunting glanced at her, "No wonder you slipped away after watching the first scene."

After saying this, Liu Yifei lowered her head again, feeling a little dejected.

The thumb stuck in the pocket of the coat pocket kept pinching the belly of the finger, leaving nail marks.

She was also in a mess. She wanted to have a look and left, but she didn't expect to be caught.

Should I say something?What should I say?

Huo Yunting's voice came suddenly, dragging Liu Yifei out of her cluttered thoughts, and she was standing at the door of the Eight Speed ​​Hotel.

"Come with me tomorrow, and I'll take you back to Peiping."


After watching Liu Yifei walk into the hotel, Huo Yunting turned around and walked towards his own hotel, not forgetting to take a good look around.

After confirming that there are no paparazzi, I feel relieved.

Early the next morning, the battle report came out.

Huo Yunting VS Reslanovic, KO
Polygo VS Sudovich, 3:2
Liu Hailong VS Azadovic, 5:0
Wang Xuyong VS Anu Anovich, 5:0
Xue Fengqiang VS Sergey, 2 rounds KO
Another five-game win.

The hot discussion on the Internet exploded in an instant, and the two most discussed people were Huo Yunting and Xue Fengqiang.

He emphasized that Reslanovich, who was provocative at the beginning, is still in the hospital, and it is estimated that he will not be able to get out in ten days and a half months.

There is also Xue Fengqiang who KO'd Russia's top player in two rounds, this president's bodyguard is really a bit stretched.

Seeing dozens of news and comments refreshed every second, Huo Yunting was also quite emotional.

This karate is really a bit hip-stretching. In the [-]-[-] match between China and Japan, it was assumed that the Japanese side had no masters. This time, the world's karate players were all selected for real.

He personally thinks that maybe this karate is not very good.

At ninety o'clock in the morning, Liu Hailong greeted Huo Yunting to the gymnasium, and the interview began.

The reporters focused on how Huo Yunting viewed his opponent's provocative behavior before the opening.

Huo Yunting politely said that he was not targeting him, but that he had always been more aggressive.

"I didn't mean to target him, it's just that he is really rubbish."

"Of course, I'm talking about his skill."

There are also those who have malicious intentions and want to make a big news, and raise this matter to the national level, Huo Yunting is not up to this trick.

It means that personal quality is a personal matter, and if you provoke, you must be prepared to be beaten.

Huo Yunting didn't bite the hook, and the reporters lost interest. They turned around to interview Xue Fengqiang, and then left.

Yu Hongjian was very happy. This competition can be said to have brought out its reputation and prestige.

Immediately booked five movie tickets for the most popular movie "The Promise", as a reward for the five contestants to relax.

The ticket for the movie is at [-]:[-] p.m. Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei agreed to take the plane at around [-]:[-] p.m.

There was more than enough time, Huo Yunting responded immediately.

He is also very interested in Chen Kaige's film, which is said to have been filmed for three years.

The total investment is a full [-] million yuan, and the cost of publicity and distribution is also rich. CCTV's prime-time "The Promise" advertisements are overwhelming, and the cars, posters, street signs, and calendars in the streets and alleys are all printed with the word "Promise" Two big characters.

The first-line stars in China, Japan and South Korea are hired behind the scenes by an Oscar-winning production team, not to mention that Chen Kaige himself has always emphasized that this is "the first magical movie in China", directly targeting the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.

Huo Yunting has never seen such a powerful movie.

At around 12:30 noon, Huo Yunting planned to pack up and go to the cinema after eating, and then received a text message from Liu Yifei.

[I bought two movie tickets for "The Promise". It's at 1:24 p.m., shall I invite you to watch the movie? 5 rows of 6 and [-] seats. 】

It seemed that he was afraid that he would misunderstand, and he followed up with an explanation.

[Just take it as a thank you in advance for escorting me home.The reason why they are next to each other is that all other locations are sold out. 】

Huo Yunting let out a "hiss", hesitated for a while, and tapped the words with his fingers slowly.

[I made an agreement with someone in the morning to go to Wuji together in the afternoon, which is also a point. 】

【Oh, let me go and see for myself.I wish you a lot of fun. 】

Then the phone went silent.

Huo Yunting stroked his chin, this little girl was a little angry.

After thinking about it in my heart, I added that they were all men, and then I stopped a taxi and went straight to the cinema.

As soon as I entered the movie theater, my good fellow, there was a sea of ​​people, and the heads were surging.The movie theaters are crowded, all of them are watching "The Promise".

Huo Yunting almost thought that he was on the train returning home during the Chinese New Year.

The front chests are attached to the backs one by one, and they are so crowded that they cannot be squeezed any more.

Fortunately, five of Huo Yunting's brothers are tall and burly, looking fierce.

The others subconsciously moved away a little, preferring to have their ass close to the bird than to get too close to them.

After entering the cinema, I found a seat and sat down, which was relatively front, in the fourth row.

Lights off, screen on.Huo Yunting glanced back, there were densely packed heads.

After less than 5 minutes, Huo Yunting's cell phone vibrated suddenly. He took out the cell phone and glanced at it. With a "hiss", he patted Xue Fengqiang beside him.

"Brother Qiang, I have to go first, I have something to do."

Xue Fengqiang smiled honestly, "I understand, you actors must have a lot of things to do. I'll just tell Lao Liu and the others when I get back."

Patting him on the shoulder, Huo Yunting bent over and went out the front door.

There are 34 seats in the 5th row, and Liu Yifei is spread out on the chair with her hair curled in boredom.

She had seen "The Promise" a week ago and didn't like it very much.

In the rain, in the fog, weird, annoying, without any emotional intelligence...

Just as he was wandering in the sky with his eyes wide open, someone suddenly sat on the empty seat beside him.

Withdrawing his thoughts, he frowned, and moved his butt to the other side.

Who is this person?Suddenly, I sat in the seat I bought.If it wasn't for the fear of being recognized, she would have yelled at him long ago.

No quality at all!
Originally, he wanted to pinch his nose to suffer from being dumb, but he didn't expect that person to go so far as to make an inch of it. It was fine to look at her from time to time, but he even moved his head closer.

The curly-haired left hand was about to move, just about to give him a slap——

"Why don't you see me reacting at all?"

"Brother Yun?"

The voice was so familiar that she knew who it was even without looking at his face.

"Aren't you going with your good brother?"

"I watched with them for 5 minutes just now, and I'll be with you for the second half." Huo Yunting said casually, crossing his legs.

Old Xue and the others are a bunch of tough guys, big bosses, and they set an alarm for their mobile phone in advance, and they can't detect it even if they make an excuse.

Liu Yifei, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, obviously needs to take more care of her mind.

As a child, he likes to lose his temper, let alone a little girl, so he can only be coaxed.

The original depressed mood was swept away, Liu Yifei suddenly became energetic, and felt that "The Promise" was not so incomprehensible anymore.

He rubbed the corner of his mouth subconsciously raised, "Then what should you do when you come back and let them see it?"

"Let's leave after everyone is gone, have a meal, and then go straight to the taxi at the airport."

"Where are they from?"

"Did you see those rows in front? The four big-headed melon seeds that stand out."

"I said brother." The two were whispering, the buddy who heard their sour words in front couldn't stand it anymore, "I can understand you picking up girls, but can you two keep your voice down. "

"Oh, sorry, sorry."

Huo Yunting apologized, kicked Liu Yifei's calf, and made a booing gesture to her.

Liu Yifei didn't speak, changed to a more comfortable posture, stared at the screen with great interest, and suddenly regretted that she didn't buy a bucket of popcorn.

The film "The Promise" is not long, about 120 minutes.

After watching, the lights turned on, and the audience began to leave the stage one after another, but the voices of doubts rose and fell one after another.

"What the hell is this?"

"Why didn't I understand?"

Huo Yunting didn't speak, just kept his head down.

There was a turmoil in my heart, this was more stream-of-consciousness than Jiang Wen's "The Sun Also Rises".

 The world is full of surprises.

  5000 years ago, a hundred schools of thought contended and beasts turned into demons. There was a Confucian student who remonstrated with the heavens with his body, and followed the law with his words.

  3000 years ago, the Central Plains fell, and starvation was everywhere. Yunmeng Daze has a supernatural presence, with four hooves and one horn, the head of a tiger and the body of a deer.

  100 years ago, there was a scholar who fell in love with a monster. However, monsters have different paths and are not tolerated by the world. They wrote a suicide note to be buried together and died for love. The suicide note can be transformed into a contract, which can turn a demon into a human, or a human into a demon...

  However, if you are a scholar with nothing to use, how can ordinary people speak the law?What meat can be eaten to prolong life fifty springs?Demons are beasts, how can people change?

  Therefore, there are different kinds of people, different people and different things, different monsters and different gods in the world, and the past and the present have never been cut off.


  In the Qianming Dynasty, the country lasted for 800 years, the human world was great, the spirits and monsters were hidden in the wild, and the gods and gods did not come out.

  At some point, Jia Mingan discovered that he was born with the ability to distinguish the so-called aliens.

  The dragon girl of Qingjiang who is in the position of god but willing to fall into evildoers... The desolate Taoist can only pray to break the world with a sword in his dream...

  On the banks of the East China Sea, there are clay statues of gods trampled by thousands of people, and on the top of the Western Regions, there are holy lotuses with unclean bones and bones like a forest.

  Jia Mingan couldn't help but look at himself.

  [Calamity demon star, just existence will bring disaster, see it and kill it! 】

  Then I'll be damned if I cooperate?
(End of this chapter)

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