The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 131 "Mission: Impossible 3" Premiere

Chapter 131 "Mission: Impossible 3" Premiere

Huo Yunting gasped, "Naked replacement? It's such a big game."

Deng Chao nodded heavily, "Yes, it was because he asked me to be naked that I refused."

Huo Yunting said with a teasing smile, "I remember the male lead is Liang Chaowei, right? You don't want to do his naked body? It will help if you are familiar with him, and no one else will recognize you."

"It's fine if it's just a naked substitute, the problem is that they want to play for real."

After saying this, the smile on Huo Yunting's face slowly faded away, and after a long while, "The fake show is real?"

Deng Chaozhong nodded emphatically, "Yes. If I really act in this film, I guess I won't be able to develop it from the mainland in a few years. If it doesn't work, I will be banned for the rest of my life."

Huo Yunting opened his mouth and was speechless for a while.

Now thinking about the day when Li An called him to ask if Liu Yifei was compatible, a feeling of disgust and irritability suddenly came to my heart.

Oh shit.

He glanced at Feng Xiaogang, who was flying with cigarette butts in his fingers, and then at Deng Chao, who was sitting beside him dragging his cheeks and was so bored that he was picking his hands.

Suddenly he was born with a trance that he was not an actor.

No, or the trance of not being a star.

He has seen the husband and wife of the crew, and he has also seen those who betrayed their lust for the role.But—the fake show really can't be made into a tertiary movie?

No, pornography is more appropriate.

Li An is definitely a famous director, why did he do this in the film?Feed your own quirks?Or is it for the pursuit of art?
Either way, he couldn't accept it.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, the irritability in his heart became more and more intense.

He often let out a foul breath and poked Deng Chao beside him, "Do you know who the heroine is?"

"I'm not sure about this. I heard from Director Li that he will hold a national audition in June, from Shanghai."

After a pause, he poked his head towards Huo Yunting, "I heard what Director Li said. In order to pursue a sense of reality, he wants to find someone who is inexperienced."

It's the big girl with yellow flowers.

Huo Yunting smiled silently and didn't speak any more.

Feng Xiaogang is still arguing with people. Besides Huayi's investment, there seem to be several presidents of China Merchants Bank.

He wants to get a 5000 million unsecured loan from China Merchants Bank, which can be said to be a chicken and an egg.

It's just that the presidents are not very willing to act like a white wolf with empty hands.

They were noisy and lively, Huo Yunting looked at the time, got up and coughed lightly.

"Director Feng, I'm sorry, I won't accompany you for now." Pointing to the ceiling, Mr. Wang is still looking for me.

To bid farewell to the people in this room, Huo Yunting went to the door of Wang Zhongjun's office and knocked lightly.


"Mr. Wang." Huo Yunting pulled the chair in front of the desk and sat down, "Do you need something from me?"

Taking off his glasses, Wang Zhongjun rubbed his face, did you do something with that Tom Cruise when you participated in "Mission: Impossible 3"? "

"Huh? How did you know?" Huo Yunting was quite surprised, he had never told anyone about this.

Could it be that Han Sanping told him?
Wang Zhongjun's face darkened, "Can't you let me save some time, kid? Can you do something related to actors all day long?"

His fingers tapped heavily on his notebook a few times, then he turned the screen and pushed it in front of Huo Yunting.

[On April 26, the premiere ceremony of Mission: Impossible III was held in Rome.Tom Cruise stepped off the plane to the cheers of thousands of fans in Rome. 】

Huo Yunting crossed his legs and rested his head on his hand, he understood a little bit in his heart, probably Tom Cruise mentioned him at the premiere ceremony.

But what's the trouble with that?Wouldn't it be good to have a little more exposure internationally?

Immediately afterwards, the female voice, like a news broadcast, continued.

[He is holding his girlfriend Katie in his arms, wearing a black leather jacket and a pair of sunglasses.But the most eye-catching thing is the string of Buddhist beads on his left wrist...]

Huo Yunting quietly put Erlang's legs down and sat upright.

He felt that this situation was somewhat unexpected.

It would be fine if Tom Cruise just wore a rosary, but the premiere got a little too much gimmick.

Er Gou'er was also stingy, insisting on mentioning what it meant to wear this prayer bead.You said that you wrote the script, do you know what's going on?

He said this, and then Tom Cruise began to talk.

From the Shang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty.He told these reporters about the flying bullets of the Shenhu Technique, and finally removed the handle and demonstrated it to them on the spot, which resulted in smashing the lenses of two cameras.

[Tom Cruise said that the magical tiger technique, flying marbles, was taught by the Chinese actor Huo Yunting who played a guest role in the crew, and this trick will also be shown in the film. 】

Followed by an interview with Tom Cruise.

[Yes, I have studied with the master for a long time.This is a kung fu that has been passed down for thousands of years, it is a killing technique...]


Huo Yunting hastily pressed the pause button, his mind racing.

Now he knows what Wang Zhongjun's headache is.

After a moment of silence, "Mr. Wang, this killing technique is really not what I said."

"To put it bluntly, this flying bullet is just throwing stones. You said that it must be hitting the most vulnerable part of a person. You said that there is no such thing as killing or not. It's not like boxing. There's nothing like it—"

"Okay, okay, what's the use of telling me this. If I hadn't blocked you, the police would have to ask you to file a record today."

Wang Zhongjun waved his hand, "In the future, besides filming, going on variety shows and other things related to actors, you have to say hello to the company in advance, do you understand?"

"I understand Mr. Wang."

Huo Yunting searched on the computer and found that the popularity of his name had risen to another level.

Except for "The Legend of Condor Heroes", everyone is now discussing how much real kung fu he knows.

And it was revealed that he worked as a part-time martial artist on the crew of "Ping Zong Xia Ying", and acted as a moving finger on the crew of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", and many moves in "The Legend of Condor Heroes" were designed by himself.

Experts know that the movement of martial arts fingers is good-looking, but it doesn't necessarily mean that they will have real kung fu—laymen don't know.

Netizens took a look, and the first play started to be a martial arts finger. This must be real kung fu.Not to mention that he won the championship in two Chinese and foreign Sanda fighting competitions.

For a while, speculation on the Internet was in full swing.

There are also some media who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, saying that he is Cheng Long's successor, the next Bruce Lee... Huo Yunting got goosebumps watching it.

Pushing the computer back, Huo Yunting solemnly assured Wang Zhongjun again.

"Mr. Wang, I promise, I will tell you in advance if I do this kind of thing again in the future."

"Do you still want to have a next time?" Wang Zhongjun was anxious, this kid really doesn't have a long memory.

"In the future, tell that Zhang Debang first about such things."

Suddenly remembered something, Wang Zhongjun said again, "What do you want from me?"

(End of this chapter)

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