The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 133 Huang Bo's Suspicion

Chapter 133 Huang Bo's Suspicion

Huang Bo was beaming with joy, rushed to the small courtyard, picked up his guitar and played "Good Luck".

After waiting for several months, I finally saw Xin'er.

Hearing Huang Bo sing "Good Luck" with a loud voice, Huo Yunting closed the doors and windows, and continued to ponder these two scripts.

Which one is more suitable for you, "The Unspeakable Secret" or "Assembly Number"?

Just as he was thinking, there was a light knock on the door outside.

"I'll go!"

Huang Bo put down his guitar, opened the door, and then froze.

The person who came to visit was also stunned.

Huang Bo rubbed his eyes, then cried out, "Liu Yifei?"

Liu Yifei who was standing at the gate was also very confused, did she go wrong?
"Old Huang, who is it?"

Huo Yunting, who was leaning on the bed, glanced out, then shivered, and quickly got up from the bed.

"Sissy? Why are you here?"

Seeing Huo Yunting coming out of the room, and looking at the three 40-year-old men and the guitar on the small stone table in front of him, Liu Yifei's face suddenly turned pale.

Brother Yun, are you kidding me?

Is it true what I said from the taxi that day? ? ?

After looking outside the gate, Huo Yunting hastily pulled the girl in.

"How did you find out here?"

"I—that's right, it's not an inquiry..." Liu Yifei's tone was dry, obviously his brain was short-circuited.

"Inquire?" Huo Yunting was a little suspicious, could he inquire about such a remote place?But thinking about it again, Jiang Wen also found it by himself...

With a slap on the forehead, he suddenly remembered why Liu Yifei had such a reaction.

So he quickly patted Huang Bo on the shoulder and introduced to her, "This is my roommate and my good brother, Huang Bo."

Emphasis was placed on the three words "good brother", "I live separately, he lives in the left room, and I live in the middle room."

Huang Bo glanced at him in confusion. Is it necessary to emphasize where they live?
He led Liu Yifei into the middle room and poured her a cup of tea, "Why did you suddenly think of coming to me?"

She was a little distracted, still thinking about whether Huang Bo and Huo Yunting were simply roommates, until Huo Yunting asked again, and then she came back to her senses.

"Oh, I just want to ask about "The Untold Secret", do you plan to act in it?"

Speaking of business, Liu Yifei's eyes sparkled.

"What? Whose movie is "The Unspeakable Secret"?"

Huang Bo's head suddenly came in through the window.

Before Huo Yunting could speak, Liu Yifei took over the conversation.

"Ah, don't you know? She looked at the window and tilted her head, "It's Jay Chou's movie.his debut novel. "

"Damn it, Lao Huo, didn't you say you haven't had a movie recently?"

Huo Yunting bowed his hand, "I haven't agreed to participate in the show yet, isn't it just that there is no movie, that's enough, let's play "Lucky Come"."

Watching Huang Bo's head disappear into the window, Huo Yunting turned around.

"I'm thinking about it. I just went to the company. Feng Xiaogang has a movie called "Assembly Number" and he wants to invite me to act in it. There may be a conflict in time."

"What the hell? Why is there another "Assembly Number"?"

He picked up an apple from the table and threw it directly at the window.

"Talk about your "Lucky Come"!"

After sending Huang Bo away again, looking back, Liu Yifei's face was a little dazed.

This is not a good new Jay Chou movie, why suddenly there is another "Assembly Number"?
He bit his lower lip lightly, "Brother Yun, then which movie do you want to act in?"

"I'm still thinking about it."

Liu Yifei pouted.

Originally, I ran over happily thinking that Huo Yunting would definitely agree, but I didn't expect Feng Xiaogang to appear out of nowhere.

After thinking about it, she hooked her hands at him pretending to be mysterious.

"Brother Yun, let me tell you a secret. Originally, my mother wanted me to sign with Sony Music."

"Yo, is there such a thing?" Huo Yunting was slightly surprised.

The old saying is good, if you act well, you can sing. If you are good at acting, you can go as a singer. This girl wants to develop in an all-round way on land and sea.

"Then why didn't you go?"

"It's because of this movie."

Liu Yifei slapped her hands, "My mother is very optimistic about this movie."

Although she had some private thoughts, she was not lying.

After Jay Chou sent her the script, Liu Xiaoli went to a professional script analyst to evaluate it.

The analyst's words are also very interesting. The domestic box office and the European and American box office cannot be guaranteed, but Japan and South Korea are very fond of this.

When Liu Xiaoli heard this, she had a good relationship. Originally, she asked Liu Yifei to sign with Sony Music mainly because she wanted to open up foreign markets.

However, the international market follows the singer's footsteps, and I don't know if it can be done. After all, it is like a mountain.

If it is said that "The Unspeakable Secret" really has the possibility of opening up the Japanese and Korean markets, then it is better to let Liu Yifei try it first.

After hearing Liu Yifei's rambling, Huo Yunting was a little surprised.I didn't see it, there is such a profession.

He finished editing Jay Chou's film in his mind, and compared with other films he has observed these days, it is indeed more in line with Japan and South Korea.

He originally thought that he could cut out a piece in his mind, which could be said to be beyond the vision of most people.

I didn't expect that someone could analyze the future direction of a film just based on the words on the paper script.

It's really a strong player with its own strong player.

Huo Yunting pondered slightly in his heart and made up his mind.

He felt that if he looked at the employment prospects, he still had to open up foreign markets.

Moreover, it is estimated that this film is not popular in China for a while, and it will be reversed in a few years.

Just like "Journey to the West".

After chatting with Liu Yifei for a few more words, it was decided that I would still act in Jay Chou's "The Unspeakable Secret".

The corners of Liu Yifei's mouth couldn't stop rising.

After chatting for a few more words, Huo Yunting asked casually, "Qi Qian, why don't you eat here at night?"


Huo Yunting was a little dazed, so I'll just be polite... How can I really let her and a girl's family eat with him in the middle of the night.

If Liu Xiaoli knew it, she would kill herself alive.

Of course, this is a joke.

Liu Yifei agreed, he couldn't say he was joking, so he had to send Huang Bo to buy some food.

In the evening, a table was set up from his room, but this time it was not in the yard, and the mosquitoes in spring were also a bit severe.

Chatting at the dinner table, Liu Yifei was surprised that this 40-year-old uncle was actually her classmate at the same school and level.

One is the oldest student in the whole grade at the age of 28, and the other is the youngest student in the whole grade at the age of 15.

What is the rationale for this coincidence?

After the meal, Huo Yunting followed Liu Yifei and sent her home.After chatting briefly with Liu Xiaoli for a while, I headed back.

As soon as he got home, he saw Huang Bo sitting in the yard smoking a cigarette.

Seeing Huo Yunting coming back, he looked him up and down.

"I said Lao Huo."


"You have an unusual relationship with Liu Yifei, don't you?"

ps: I’ll be fine tomorrow, let’s make an update

(End of this chapter)

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