The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 135 New Usage of Lunying

Chapter 135 New Usage of Lunying
Although the two of them are outsiders, there is no such thing as a nonchalant person at the dinner table.

Even without mentioning Jay Chou's personal invitation, the popularity of the two of them from Treasure Island is not low.

He's more or less a wrist, and they're all from the entertainment industry. Who would like to offend others for nothing.One more friend and one more road.

At the dinner table, these Taiwan artists asked a lot about the current situation and development trend of the mainland.After all, this piece of cake in the mainland is really too big, and everyone wants to go up and get a piece of it.

It's a pity that one is too young and relies on her mother to watch everything, and has never paid attention to it; the other is that the experience of entering the industry is so weird that there is nothing to share.

In the end, we chatted dryly for more than an hour, and didn't ask anything except knowing the prosperity of the mainland and Huo Yunting's miraculous development track.

After the meal, everyone went back to their respective houses to find their respective mothers.

But Jay Chou called Liu Yifei and Huo Yunting to stop, he had to give some instructions.

Although the filming location of this film was at his alma mater, Tamkang High School, but the students are still in class, so they went to shoot the location first, and then went to the school to shoot after the students had summer vacation.

The time interval is not far away. The middle school on Baodao is on vacation around the end of June, and it is nothing more than half a month of waiting.

"OK, we have no objection to this matter, you are the director and you have the final say."

Liu Yifei nodded her head twice.

He didn't say anything, but he was thinking that Jay Chou was indeed an amateur. The director had the final say on such matters, and there was no need to discuss it with the actors.

"Okay, Jaylen, let's go now."

Huo Yunting was about to stand up when Jay Chou stopped him again.

"By the way, Yun Ting, I remember that actors usually write biographies."

To be honest, he really doesn't understand being a director, he is an amateur.From the first word he wrote the script, Du Zhilang, the editor of the crew, helped him polish and revise it, and taught him how to write it.

As for how he and Du Zhilang met, we have to talk about "Fearless", which was released at the beginning of this year.

Du Zhilang served as the screenwriter in "Fearless", and he composed the theme song for "Fearless".

After going back and forth to the crew for a long time, the two became familiar with each other.

No, now that his debut novel is about to start filming, he invited her to be his screenwriter.

Huo Yunting nodded, "This must have been written."

A few days after Huo Yunting came down to the film, Jay Chou told him to write a short biography of the characters—in fact, even if Jay Chou didn't remind him, he should have written it.

In any case, he is an old actor who has been in the industry for several years, so it is not that he is not conscious of this.

It's just that at that time Jay Chou was still busy with the script and planning the launch, so he never had time to read the biography.

Although he wrote the biography in the document, and he doesn't have a computer with him now, he has memorized it fluently in more than a month, and he just opened his mouth.

After finishing his short story about his characters, Jay Chou nodded in agreement, "It's well written, but there are some things that need to be changed."

Huo Yunting nodded, "It's okay, just tell the director."

If the crew is compared to a person, then the director is the brain.Branches are allowed within the crew, but the main idea must follow the direction of the director.

Otherwise, everyone has their own ideas, and in the end they will only come up with a four-faced image.

As soon as Jay Chou opened his mouth, Huo Yunting frowned.

He understands that he should change the biography, but Jay Chou's changes are too weird.

"Actually, this male lead has never been in a relationship before..."

"His instructor is actually very strict..."

"And he actually prefers that hairstyle..."

After listening to Jay Chou's rambling, Huo Yunting was very confused. It's the same as if he didn't say it for a long time, but he changed the details——

Seemingly thinking of something, he tentatively said, "Jay, why do I feel that the more you talk about this character, the more it resembles you?"

"Ah? What? It's not..." Jay Chou was a little stuck for a while, "This is actually the prototype of a friend of mine..."

"Okay, I believe it."

Looking at Huo Yunting's trusting eyes, Jay Chou was speechless.

After he finished speaking, it was Liu Yifei's turn. Similarly, Jay Chou also made some changes.

Listening to his request for modification, Liu Yifei also felt that something was wrong the more he listened, and finally said in a strange tone, "Why do I feel that what I said is a bit like Hou Peicen?"


"Ahem." Huo Yunting kicked her calf, "Don't talk nonsense, this must be a friend of Jay's."

"Ooo, your friend."

Looking at the two pairs of trusting eyes in front of him, Jay Chou was finally defeated.

"Okay, okay, you guessed it."

"Tsk tsk." Huo Yunting smacked his lips, rich man.

He wouldn't dare to play like this if it was changed.

Of course, he didn't have that much money either.

"Hey, don't say it outside."

"Don't worry, it's the same as if you didn't tell me if you told me about it."

After talking about the biography of the character, Jay Chou has no other questions.

Several people were about to get up and leave separately, Jay Chou seemed to think of something again, "Hey, by the way, I heard that you actors still have this process of getting in touch?"

Hearing this, Liu Yifei's eyes lit up, Huo Yunting's face changed, and he quickly reached out to stop him.

"Jay, there's no need for this."

Jay Chou showed an expression of sudden realization, and slapped his hands, "Oh, that's right. The two of you are already in a relationship, so there's no need to get along anymore."

Glancing at Liu Yifei who had a flushed face beside him, the corners of Huo Yunting's mouth twitched a few times.

"Jay Lun, don't talk about it outside."

"Don't worry, it's as if you didn't tell me if you told me about it."

Early the next morning, Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei changed into the uniforms of Danjiang High School and went to the river near Danshui District.

Huo Yunting's hair has been raised for several months, and it is already long enough. The stylist made a hairstyle of the same style as Jay Chou's.

As for Liu Yifei's hair, she wore a wig, making her ear-length hair short.

He loosened the tie at the top of his jacket, looked around, and saw some pedestrians watching.

Jay Chou wore a tight hat, mask, and glasses, while he and Liu Yifei turned out to be out of ancient costumes, and no one recognized them for a while.

Passers-by took a rough look, but no one knew him.I thought it was some unknown small crew, so I lost interest, so what should I do.

Take a long breath and step on the bicycle that has been prepared in advance.His complexion changed, and a cheerful, somewhat handsome high school student suddenly appeared.

If you want to insist on any changes from before, no one can answer.But if you look carefully, you will find that his current temperament is quite different from before.

The character of Ye Xianglun is not uncommon in Huo Yunting's character material library.

Thinking back when he squatted on the street for a whole day, he had never seen any kind of students coming and going.

Good students who are nerdy, mischievous, self-confident academic masters, little bastards... a dozen students of different forms can be figured out with a little thought.

Seeing Huo Yunting's performance, Jay Chou nodded in relief, as he really did not choose the wrong person.

Huo Yunting will definitely be able to act well for him in this "spring dream" that belongs to him.

Ye Xianglun pushed his bicycle and walked by the river, with Lu Xiaoyu beside him.

"...Then what does your father do?"

"You don't know my dad?"

"Okay, that's fine if you don't know."

Lu Xiaoyu looked at Ye Xianglun jokingly, "What's so secret about this?"

"If you have a secret, I can't have a secret."

Seeing Lu Xiaoyu's helpless expression, Ye Xianglun suddenly stroked her cheek with his finger.


Then he pushed the bicycle and ran all the way, leaving only Lu Xiaoyu who was a little happy and shy in place.


As soon as he heard the click, Huo Yunting put down the pedals and went to the monitor to watch the clip just now.

He thinks it's not bad.

Especially after my fingers brushed Liu Yifei's face, she was happy, shy, and also tinged with helplessness and sadness.

It really showed vividly, far beyond his cognition of Liu Yifei's acting skills.

This is an extraordinary performance.

Jay Chou nodded, "Yifei's acting is pretty good, she's acting in her true colors."


Huo Yunting didn't speak.

I thought this paragraph was over, but Jay Chou was not very satisfied.

"Yunting, your state shouldn't be like that...the main reason is that some details are not in place."

Huo Yunting listened patiently, and finally Jay Chou even got on his bicycle and demonstrated to him what Ye Xianglun in his mind would do.

After watching Jay Chou's demonstration, Huo Yunting was stunned.

Is there a difference between getting on the left foot and the right foot?

Jay Chou said yes, because he is more used to getting in the car with his left foot.

Listening to Jay Chou telling him about this scene, Huo Yunting's face twitched.

It's broken, I'm a stand-in.

Thinking of the word substitute, Huo Yunting frowned, as if thinking of something.I suddenly felt enlightened in my mind, but I quickly suppressed this feeling of enlightenment in my heart...

On the first day of starting the machine, Huo Yunting was exhausted.

He felt that there was something wrong with his thinking, he shouldn't play a cheerful and confident academic master, he just acted like Jay Chou's character.

"Brother Yun, are you tired today?"

Looking at Liu Yifeifei who was bouncing around beside him, Huo Yunting said helplessly, "You must not be tired, why are you tired of acting in your true colors. The director has never picked your thorns."

As soon as Liu Yifei said this, her face turned red, but her eyes were also sparkling.

What does it mean to act in my true colors?Brother Yun finally got the hang of it?

Before she could say a few more words, Huo Yunting dragged his tired body back to his room.

I don't even bother to look at the computer, and I don't want to move with my head on the pillow.

He closed his eyes and began to think about Jay Chou's daily words and deeds.

Just as I was thinking in my heart, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed, my eyes suddenly opened, and I sat up suddenly.

Stand-in, stand-in... Don't you still have a shadow in your mind?

Then how to deceive himself, he has an idea.

The previous psychiatrist advised him to forget Huo Yunting's identity, and to play the role in the dream wholeheartedly, looking for the feeling of deceiving himself.

After careful consideration, he gave up.

Although dreams are perishable, they are only "easy", not completely forgotten.

It’s okay once or twice, as time goes by, the accumulation of less becomes more, and quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, which will definitely have an impact on one’s mental state.

But he has a shadow.

Yingying is equivalent to a hard disk that is copied and pasted in a dream. It can also know Kung Fu Ying and English that it knows.

In other words, the shadow is equivalent to a backup hard drive.

Then what if after "deceiving" oneself in the dream, only the feeling of "deceiving" is retained, and the impurities remaining due to perishability are transmitted to Ying.

It's just a hard drive, it's not conscious, it doesn't-

Thinking of this, Huo Yunting's thoughts froze, and he suddenly smiled.I should have done it myself.

He thinks that the shadow is a hard disk, not because of doubt, but because of conviction.

When he thought this way, the idea had come true.

He had "fooled himself".It was the same with the appearance of that strange snake and snake gall back then.

I was inspired by the word double when I was filming in the morning, and this idea of ​​deceiving myself has already begun to be outlined.

He had acted in countless films before, even though he consciously kept his identity as Huo Yunting at that time, after a long time, he would eventually forget some of it.

It was at that time that he accumulated some experience of "deceiving himself".

Now, his experience came in handy.

Huo Yunting suppressed the excitement in his heart, closed his eyes, and fell asleep again after a while.

When he opened his eyes again, what was reflected in his eyes was a piece of white, and there was a bang bang bang bang sound in his ears, he was lying on the sleeper of a train.

Turning his head, there was a dark figure lying directly opposite him, only the gold-rimmed glasses were shining brightly.

He stretched out his hand and the shadow of his hand, and when the two fingertips, one black and one white, touched——

An indescribable feeling emerged in his heart, that he could pass some "residual scum" to Ying.

"The Legend of Condor Heroes", "Harry Potter", "Kill Bill"...

The scum of the second personality left by countless films due to the perishability was excreted by him.


Taking a long breath, Huo Yunting smiled.

Finally, I don't have to worry every night that I accidentally dreamed of a world of high martial arts, and people were killed in the dream.

And he defined the shadow as a hard disk, which saves it from being conscious.

Close your eyes, open them again, and suddenly appear in Tamkang High School.

He is Ye Xianglun.

Try to forget Huo Yunting's identity, Huo Yunting, no, Ye Xianglun started to take the class seriously.

"beep beep"

"beep beep"

Huo Yunting opened his eyes, it was five in the morning.

Turning off the alarm clock, staring at the ceiling for a while, he has completely forgotten about his experience of falling asleep last night.

After the dream ended, all these impurities were discharged to Ying.

I just remember that feeling of "cheating the past".

Brush your teeth, wash your face, and change your clothes.

After combing his oblique bangs in front of the mirror, Huo Yunting walked out of the room and ran around a few times.

Although the heart is pounding, but the heart has never been so peaceful.

After running back, just in time for the crew to pack up and go to the shooting location.

"Good morning, Jaylen."

"Yunting, you get up so early. That's right, all of you martial arts practitioners seem to get up early."

Huo Yunting smiled, "What's going on today?"

"Let me see... Oh, there are a few kissing scenes, and they were resolved in one go today."

(End of this chapter)

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