The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 138 The Big Mouth in the Circle

Chapter 138 The Big Mouth in the Circle
At nine o'clock in the morning on June 6, the premiere ceremony of "Crazy Stone" officially began.

Guests and reporters entered the venue one after another.

Due to Liu Dehua's strong word-of-mouth promotion, almost all the guests who came today are heavyweights.

Such as Cui Jian, Huang Jianxin, Sun Honglei, Chen Kexin, etc., are all supported by heavyweights.

And in the first round of theaters, it was strongly released with 9 shows a day, which is relatively rare in China.

Huo Yunting, as the most famous one among the leading actors, is familiar with all the bosses.

For example, Huang Jianxin and Chen Kexin, these two famous directors are more interested in him, and they ask him what he is doing now and if there is any filming.

I was surprised to learn that he was acting in a romance film about Treasure Island.When I asked who the heroine was, I was not so surprised when I learned that it was Liu Yifei.

All of them showed "so that's how it is" expressions.

Liu Dehua attaches great importance to this film. Not only does it have a strong screening of nine shows a day, but it even has a small red carpet.

This posture can be described as full.

Walked a small red carpet, took some photos, and by the time the film was broadcast, it was already past ten o'clock.

Among the six directors in Liu Dehua's Asian Rising Star Director Project, "Crazy Stone" is his favorite.

Of course, this is after watching the finished film.

If he had known that this film could be so good, even if he squeezed out the other five films, he would have to allocate another 100 million to Ning Hao.

When the film was shown, Huo Yunting sat in the front row, laughing continuously for about an hour and a half.

This version is the uncut version, which keeps Huang Bo's last sentence on the phone in the sewer, you *got*!

When this sentence came out, the laughter on the field almost broke through the ceiling.

When the headlights were turned on again, the reporters quickly picked up the cameras and started interviewing the guests.

Watching movies belongs to watching movies, and you still have to be dedicated when it's time to work.

Chen Kexin laughed until he wiped away his tears, "I watch movies now only on the recommendation of my friends. Andy Lau told me that this movie is very good, so I came here. It really didn't disappoint me when I saw it today."

Huang Jianxin also nodded, "I really didn't expect this film to be made by a rookie director, and his technique is already very mature."

Although most of the reporters' questions are quite satisfactory, there are always some annoying people who want to talk to you.

No, like this one, he started to use Ning Hao's words, asking him if his film was as humorous as Feng Xiaogang's "A World Without Thieves".Already going beyond the other side.

Ning Hao is a newcomer as a director, but in fact he is already an old fritter, and he is not good at all.

He directly stated that Feng Xiaogang is a big name, and that he is not as good as a rookie.

If I have to say it, Feng Xiaogang's humor relies on his lines, and every word is refined.

He himself relies on those unexpected plots, and most of these plots are a flash of inspiration or figured out by the crew and team together.

He is still far from Feng Xiaogang.

After questioning these guests around, Liu Dehua, who was almost laughing out of his face, made a concluding speech.

After answering some questions from reporters, today's premiere ceremony should come to a successful conclusion.

If nothing else, accidents should happen.

Just as Liu Dehua in a black suit was about to step down, a reporter suddenly rushed to the front.

"Mr. Liu Dehua! Is it true that Song Zude revealed that you and Yu Kexin have a son!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

The reporters who were about to leave all came to their senses and pointed their guns at Liu Dehua, as if they were sharks smelling of blood.

I originally thought that today would be a regular interview, but I didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains.

Huo Yunting also regained his energy, staring at the scene intently.

Huo Yunting didn't know who Yu Kexin was, and he didn't bother to inquire about her relationship with Liu Dehua.It's just that the name Song Zude made him prick up his ears.

Liu Dehua, who was smiling all over his face, froze for a moment, and then smiled even more.

"Excuse me, friend from the reporter, what did you just say?"

At this moment, the host rushed to the stage, "This is the end of the premiere ceremony, everyone, please leave in an orderly manner."

Then Liu Dehua flicked his sleeves and strode away.

Seeing that the scene was in chaos, Huo Yunting grabbed Zhang Debang's neck, and the two got together and left from the backstage.

Zhang Debang himself was born as a group leader, and he knew a lot of gossip news in the circle, not to mention that after the internship, he only knew people in the circle, so he knew more gossip.

"I said Lao Zhang, what happened just now?"

"Fuck, you don't even know this?"

"That Yu Kexin is Brother Hua's ex-girlfriend. It just caused too many messy things."

"It's like telling the private life of the two of them publicly, AUV, that's a thin! Asking a media reporter to send him a photo of himself, AUV, that's an explicit! He even said that he has uterine cancer and wants to have a child, Ask Brother Hua to donate to him—"

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Huo Yunting's face darkened, "Who asked you this, I'm asking if you know Song Zude."

Originally, he thought that this person was just watching Liu Yifei being more popular at the time, and wanted to gain popularity, black and red are also red.

As a result, I heard this person's name again today, Liu Dehua's big name can't do without his arrangement-what is this person's origin?
As soon as he mentioned this person, Zhang Debang clicked his tongue twice, and his voice became much softer.

The things he has done, don't say that he can't count them with one hand, even with his hands and feet.

In November 2004, it was claimed that Jin Qiaoqiao had created "Wu Qihua Late Night Whoring".

In July last year, a book titled "They Are the Kings of Hype" was published, which scolded Lin Zhiling as "the most poisonous woman".

After "The Promise" came out in December, it was said that Boss Chen was gone.

In February this year, it was also said that Li Yuchun, the champion of "Super Girl", took aphrodisiac medicine.

In May, it was revealed that Wang Fei's daughter was not Li Yapeng's...

Hearing Zhang Debang tell the story of Song Zude one by one, Huo Yunting frowned more and more.

What's up with this man?
Is this specifically about celebrities or what?

"Oh, yes, I remember he also said that your old brother Guo Degang is like a pig."

The more Huo Yunting heard it, the more he felt that it was outrageous. He had been in the entertainment circle for so long, and it was the first time he heard of such a person.

At first I thought it was just a joke, but now I see that I live by it?
"For such a long time, no celebrity has thought of suing him?"

"Brother Yun, there's no way to talk about this kind of thing. As long as you respond and get mixed up with this person, it's over for you."

Zhang Debang spread his hands.

"This is taking off your pants to prove your innocence."

(End of this chapter)

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