The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 140 The method of inheritance to future generations

Chapter 140 The method of inheritance to future generations (4k)

Huo Yunting looked bewildered.

"What background and identity do I have?"

Zhang Debang was taken aback, "Why, you don't know?"

"Stop playing charades, just tell me what's wrong."

"Someone refuted the rumor for you!" Zhang Debang looked excited, and then changed his words, "No, the official agency refuted the rumor for you."

After speaking, he hurried into the room, and there was so much noise that Huang Bo, who was squatting on the steps and brushing his teeth in a vest and shorts, was recruited.

Watching Zhang Debang fiddling with the computer, Huo Yunting thought to himself, could it be that Boss Wang is working hard?

"Brother Huo, take a look. You're so fucking hot, this face changes faster than the sky."

"What's that word called? What bow?"

"Be respectful before being condescending." Huang Bo added abruptly from the side.

"Yes, yes, that's what it means."

On the blog, Song Zude posted an apology video.

[I hereby solemnly apologize to Mr. Huo Yunting, and once again to Ms. Liu Yifei.Because I got false news before...]

Huo Yunting fast-forwarded through the following words at double speed.

It's useless, it's nothing more than an apology and then clearing myself up, saying that I am also one of the victims.

After talking for more than ten minutes, the video ended.

This person surnamed Song seems to have apologized twice in total.

The last time it was because Liu Yifei appeared on "Today's Statement", the booth was so noisy that he couldn't stop it, so he could only apologize hastily.

But afterwards, he secretly poked and poked that he had been bullied by Liu Yifei's fans.What this did was disgusting to the extreme.

The second apology is for me.

But he didn't do anything.

No, it should be said that the matter was resolved before I had time to do something.

"How about Brother Huo, are you looking relieved?" Zhang Debang seemed more excited than Huo Yunting, "Yesterday, this grandson was exposed from there, and he swore that what he said would never be fake, so he sent an apology video directly today!"

"This attitude of being respectful and condescending, do you think it looks like the protagonist in the short story "Chameleon" written by the Russian writer Anton Chekhov. What is it called, what kind of bumpy rice tofu?"

Huo Yunting sighed, "That one is called Ochumelov."

"Old Zhang, we're not cultural people, so we're just pretending to be bored."

Patting Zhang Debang on the shoulder, he searched for the reason that forced Song Zude to post an apology video.

It wasn't hard to find, and I saw two postings soon, and then my pupils shrank.

It is issued by the State Sports General Administration and the Chinese Wushu Association.

State General Administration of Sports: So far, I remember that in the 5 China-Japan Martial Arts Tournament, Huo Yunting defeated the opponent 0-[-] and won the championship.I also remember the karate competition in [-], in the face of the enemy's provocation and humiliation, Huo Yunting won the championship again by KO in a round...

...But the really infuriating ones are not those who don't know the truth, but the villains who spread rumors and make trouble.

What he said was level, and Song Zude was not mentioned at all, but anyone could tell who he was talking about.

There are also many comments below, the first ones are those old friends who fought side by side.

Liu Hailong: On the field, Yun Ting and I hung shoulders and shoulders together in only our underpants. Is it possible that I have to avoid it?

Bao Ligao: Brother Huo talked about marrying his wife several times while drinking [smiling face].

Huo Yunting turned his gaze to the article issued by the Chinese Martial Arts Association.This is short.

Chinese Martial Arts Association: Hero, you should use martial arts to break the ban!

Huo Yunting smacked his lips, "Good guy, he's more fierce than me."

Although they didn't say what was going on, they caught up with this stall, and it was two official organizations that hadn't said a word for 800 years.Everyone knew what was going on.

The authorities are all over. If Song Zude can't produce any evidence and insists on doing it, then he is digging his own grave.

In addition, Huo Yunting saw Yu Kexin issued a clarification statement, saying that she and Song Zude did not know each other at all.

Those words said are all nonsense, and I hope it will not cause too much trouble for Liu Dehua.

Good guy, in one night, the situation reversed and the offense and defense changed.

Just after reading the news here, Liu Dehua called.

"Hello? Ting Zi, you are so awesome, the official agency sent you a message, and directly silenced that Song!"

Liu Dehua's words were very excited, Cantonese mixed with Mandarin, half-baked, babbled, Huo Yunting couldn't hear anything except the first few sentences.

However, Liu Dehua understood what he wanted to express.

Song Zhude was ordered by the authorities today, and he will no longer bite people like a mad dog in the future.

"Tingzi, you are quite secretive. I didn't even realize that you have such a background."

Huo Yunting made a haha, changed the topic, and hung up the phone after saying a few words.

He was also thinking about this question, why did the State Sports General Administration and the Chinese Wushu Association speak for him?

Seeing Huo Yunting rubbing his chin, Zhang Debang asked curiously, "Brother Huo, you don't understand this?"

"If I know what's going on, why am I still in a daze."

"Could it be that you won those two championships?" Huang Bo said.

After pondering for a while, Huo Yunting shook his head, "Although the two champions are awesome, I don't think they can support me to this extent."

Before he could figure out why, he suddenly thought of Yu Hongjian, is he the manager of the Guangdong General Administration of Sports or something?

They are both the General Administration of Sports, so it should have something to do with it.

Thinking in my heart, I called Yu Hongjian.

"Hello? Mr. Yu, there is something I want to consult with you. It is about the publication of the General Administration of Sports and the Wushu Association..."

"Yo, you don't know yet?"

Yu Hongjian's tone was very surprised, and Huo Yunting was also very surprised, "Should I know about this? It can't really be those two champions, right?"

"Old Sword Master Yu greeted you, why, didn't the old man tell you?"

Huo Yunting was really startled now.

Nowadays, the social atmosphere is becoming more and more open, even a little too open.

When I was living in the basement, I chatted with Miss Mo once, and I heard from her that there are gay bars in some places.

Young people may accept more and more in the future, but the older generation can't see this kind of thing.

Originally thought that Yu Chenghui called him suddenly last night, just because he was afraid that he would pass his two-handed sword to a homosexual with bad conduct, but he didn't expect to say hello for himself.

Upon hearing this, he quickly apologized to Yu Hongjian, hung up the phone and called the old sword master.

As soon as the call was connected, Huo Yunting solemnly thanked him.

"Senior Yu, I'm bothering you about this today." After a pause, he added, "I saw today's post from the General Administration of Sports and the Martial Arts Association."

The voice on the other end of the phone was melodious, "Don't thank me, if you want to say thank you, thank you masters."

"Don't underestimate these old fellows. The National Martial Arts Team, National Security Division, and even some of them have high military ranks, but they have taught many of them."

"I'm just passing on a message from the middle, telling them that what the surname Song said is nothing."

Hearing this, Huo Yunting was stunned and remained silent for a long time.

He opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

After a long while, he said softly, "You said that you all helped me for this, how can I repay this?"

As soon as I said this, my mind suddenly thought of the snowy winter of the year before last.

The words he said when he bid farewell to the old Juggernaut in Zhuangkou.

Master Huo, I'm sorry.

"Yunting, I am sorry for you."

The voices on the phone and in his head erupted at the same time, overlapping each other, and Huo Yunting was in a trance for a while.

He couldn't understand why Yu Chenghui was so sure that he would take the path of martial arts.

"Thank you, Senior Yu."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting let out a long breath, and looked at Zhang Debang who was sitting across from him scratching his ear and cheek.

"Old Zhang, let's book a plane ticket and go back to Baodao for filming."

"Huh? Hey, okay!"

While taking a taxi to the airport, I received another call from Wang Zhongjun.

It's just that this time Boss Wang's tone is no longer trouble-free mixed with helplessness, but gentle enough to make Huo Yunting's skin crawl.

"Yunting, why don't you tell me about this kind of thing in advance, or I don't know what's going on, so I'll let you solve it."

What he said was gentler than Liu Yifei, Huo Yunting felt weird.

"...Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, I didn't expect this, it's quite sudden."

"Hehe, it's okay. Even if it's not sudden, I will definitely solve this Song Zude for you. The company is your home."

It's no wonder that Wang Zhongjun's words became more and more gentle, the main reason is that he was shocked when he woke up today.

Good guy, what a face it must be for the General Administration of Sports and the Martial Arts Association to make a joint statement.

Everyone was shocked.

However, after careful inquiry, he gasped again when he found out who was looking for him.

Not normal.

Although the final result of doing things is the same, is it a concept that the teacher and the principal entrust someone to do things?

At the same time, his view of Huo Yunting changed again, this is not a time bomb, it is a time bomb!

At the airport, he bought a plane ticket, Zhang Debang went to buy cigarettes, and Huo Yunting planned to watch the news again, when the computer started coughing and beeping non-stop.

At first glance, it was all QQ news.

It was the group that Liu Dehua pulled him into: the third-rate celebrity exchange group.

A bunch of people inside are crazy about him.

[Li Yapeng]: @胡云亭 Awesome!
[Lin Chiling]: Brother Huo is very powerful, I have seen that Song's apology twice

[Wang Fei]: Heh, I said long ago that he would hit the iron plate sooner or later.


There are not many people in this group, more than [-] people, and the group nicknames are all real people's names.It's not so much a third-rate celebrity exchange group, it's better to say it's an exchange group for those persecuted by Song Zude.

These are all connections.

Huo Yunting made a bared expression.

[Huo Yunting]: Sorry, I didn't look at the computer just now.

Afterwards, I chatted with the big names for a while, scolded Song Zude for a while, closed the computer, boarded the plane and flew to Baodao.

When we arrived at Tamkang Middle School, the doorman stopped him.Huo Yunting took off the mask to reveal his face before putting it in.

As soon as he entered the school, he was taken aback.A nest of people dressed as students chatted together.

"Huh? Do you think that person is the gay star from mainland China?"

"Please, how could such a handsome guy be?"

"He also said Brother Hua, you can believe that too."

"Stop talking, he's going this way."

To be honest, these students are somewhat out of touch.

This damn thing is separated by a distance of more than ten meters, and the voice is surprisingly loud, let this be deceiving.

The voice is very immature, and the emotional intelligence is not too high, it should be a student without a doubt.Nine out of ten are the group performers hired by Jay Chou.

With Jay Chou's current status, it is estimated that the portrait has long been hung in the Hall of Fame of Tamkang Middle School.

If he said to find a few group performers, all his younger students would rush to come.

After a few people walked in, they saw Jay Chou and Liu Yifei.


"Is everything settled?"


Jay Chou nodded, "This guy is really outrageous, worse than our paparazzi."

Huo Yunting nodded, looked at Liu Yifei not far away, and suddenly smiled.

"Sissy, long time no see."

"Hmm... Long time no see Brother Ha Yun."

Huo Yunting raised his eyebrows slightly, it's been a few days since the girl's condition has improved.

Is this talking to her mother?

Seeing that his hero is back, the crew can start working again.

But because he was rumored to be gay, Jay Chou still gave him half a day of buffer time, and he will start working again tomorrow morning.

In the afternoon, Huo Yunting walked around Jay Chou's alma mater and couldn't help smacking his lips.

What a fucking luxury.

When he was in high school, he didn't have any equipment, and he always had dry toilets. When he caught up with someone who was too fat, his hips were next to his hips.

The playground is also sandy.

Not to mention the teaching buildings, row upon row.So are the classrooms inside.


At six or seven o'clock, Huo Yunting originally wanted to talk to Liu Yifei, but the little girl seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and ran away without a trace.

Huo Yunting didn't know where she went, so he had to give up this plan.

I took a shower in the evening and read the news while lying on the bed.

Song Zude has been criticized by thousands of people. It belongs to the fact that one second said that I would rather die than surrender, and the next second said that I would do everything.

Reputation is lost.

No one will believe anything else, and his mad dog career can be said to be over now.

"Damn it, yes."

Just after cursing, I suddenly received an email.

Open it, it's all in English, it's Tom Cruise's personal doctor.

Huo Yunting has a good relationship with this doctor, and would chat about his idea from time to time, after all, among the people he knows, this doctor is considered the most professional.

And the private doctor is also willing to talk about this, because the idea proposed by Huo Yunting is really interesting.

No, today I suddenly had a new idea, so I hurriedly sent an email to Huo Yunting to discuss it.

[Dear Huo, I suddenly thought of a very interesting method when I was treating another patient today.Of course, it is also very sinful...]

[Perhaps you should know that mental illness is related to genetic factors, and it has a chance of being passed on to future generations. 】

[Is there such a possibility that the protagonist who has this disease can transfer his "disease" to the child? 】

ps: Thank you, the lord of Xiaojuerwo, for making up the Jiageng in the past two days

Today's update is complete, 4K Olympic

Supplement: Don't write green, don't write multi-female, pure love
(End of this chapter)

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