Chapter 145
After spitting out the bones in his mouth, Huo Yunting nodded, "You can do whatever you want."

He didn't think too much about it.

If you don't invest in shares, you can earn some interest and sell favors.If you invest in shares, you can earn more.

That's it.

After the meal, several people went their separate ways.

One to the east and two to the west.

Lao Guo and Yu Qian didn't take a taxi, but walked on the street to eat and drink.In the dark alley, only two red dots of light flickered.

"Brother Qian'er, brother Huo is really fucking righteous!"

"I've known old friends for many years. You don't know what kind of man Huo is."

Yu Qian's gown was draped over his shoulders, revealing the white vest underneath, and he flung his arms wantonly.

"Don't tell me, they are martial arts practitioners, they are straight-tempered and bold. I like dealing with this kind of people, and they have no bad intentions."

Lao Guo didn't speak, but took two more puffs of cigarettes.After turning around two alleys and walking to the avenue, the street lights cast a dim yellow on the ground.

"Brother Qian'er, I want to make a rule for Deyun Society."

"Oh? What rules." Yu Qian became interested.

"In the future, our Deyun Society, our apprentices and juniors will have to respectfully call Mr. Huo when they see Brother Huo."

When the two met for the first time a few years ago, Huo Yunting said that Long Teng Sihai gave him the name of apprentice, which was one of his favors.

At that time, I was down and out, and a penny was hard for a hero, so Huo Yunting generously paid 8000 yuan, this is the second.

Now I want to set up a company, but the turnover money is not enough, Huo Yunting took 15 directly, without asking for anything in return, without seeking other companies, this is the third.

With these three favors in front of him, Guo Degang has nothing to repay.

Huo Yunting is his friend who forgets years, is also a friend in poverty, and even a benefactor.

It's not too much for his apprentice junior to call him Mr. Huo.

Yu Qian pondered, nodded heavily, and two streams of smoke gushed out from his nostrils.

"Not too much, this rule must be established."

"Thank you for your kindness, his kid deserves this respect."

The next morning, Huo Yunting sent the money to Guo Degang, and asked Yue Yunpeng by the way.Thinking about going to see this kid, or asking him to come to his courtyard to catch up.

Unexpectedly, the little fat man refused.

Huo Yunting was a little puzzled, what's going on?Didn't Xiaopang love to run to him before?

This question, okay, I have learned from Lao Huang and Guo at a young age.

His status as the big brother is getting bigger and bigger, but what about himself?He is still a small apprentice who can't even be called a name.

It's embarrassing.

"Brother Yun, I'd better learn cross talk with peace of mind now. When I become famous, I'll see you again."

Huo Yunting also readily agreed, this kid is good at learning cross talk honestly.

"Okay, you have to make some tricks for me, don't say much, half of your master is enough."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone and resting at home for another two days, he and Liu Yifei flew to Hengdian, Zhejiang.

This Hengdian film and television city has been around for about ten years now, and it has been expanding and expanding in the past ten years. It can be said that it is a rising star among many domestic film and television cities.

In addition, the country is also tilting resources to support it. Maybe, Hengdian will be the leader of these film and television cities in China in the future.

No, at that time most people chose Beipiao, but now the word Hengpiao has come out, which shows that its influence is extraordinary.

The two went to the airport to meet, and when Huo Yunting saw Liu Yifei, he was a little surprised to find that the little girl came alone.

"Sissy, where's your mother?"

"She said she wasn't coming."


Huo Yunting was about to take a deep breath, but Zhang Debang slipped up first.

"What are you sucking?" Huo Yunting glanced at him, and then sucked too.

"Hiss! Your mother is so worried about you now?"

The little girl nodded happily, "Yeah, my mother said you just need to take care of me, she can trust you."

Liu Yifei is really happy. Since she entered the industry, no matter what she does, her mother is always by her side.

This time I just asked tentatively, but I didn't expect to actually agree!

Looking at Liu Yifei's blinking eyes, Huo Yunting felt a warm current surge in his heart.

This is called trust.

Because Liu Xiaoli was not here this time, the two sat together.

The ticket was booked by Zhang Debang, Huo Yunting can only say that Lao Zhang will indeed come.

On the plane, Huo Yunting sat on the window seat, twirling Buddhist beads in his hand.

This Buddha bead is getting brighter and brighter the more it is plated.

I just lost one in the ancient town of Xitang before, and now there are only seventeen beads left, and it is always uncomfortable to coil them.

I feel that the merits have been transferred less.

"Brother Yun, do you still believe in Buddhism?"

"Oh, I don't believe it. It's just spinning around for fun. Every time you spin around, you will add one merit."

"Then I will turn too."

"Well, here it is for you."

The two people on the plane twirled merits, you twirled for a while, I spun for a while, and they had a great time.When the stewardess passed by, she only felt that it was full of golden light in a trance.

A young couple in love, just like this, like a child, you can give him a branch and he can play happily all afternoon.

It was already the 28th when we arrived in Hengdian, and most of the crew had already arrived, so the two of them came late.

Liu Yifei was taken by the staff to familiarize herself with the hotel and the shooting location.Huo Yunting and Li Guoli greeted each other and started wandering around the crew.

It's okay to stroll around and see who are your acquaintances and new faces.

The crew of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has many strangers and some old acquaintances.Most people would say hello to him when they saw him.

Huang Qiusheng, this is also an old acquaintance. He played Ye Xianglun's father in "The Unspeakable Secret".

This time in Legend of the Condor Heroes, it is Huang Yaoshi.

There is also one named Xie Na, Huo Yunting knows this face.After all, the variety show "Happy Camp" is relatively popular in China. He has watched a few episodes and knows that Xie Na is one of the hosts of this variety show.

When I glanced again, a dazzling light pierced over, and I took a closer look, and I was happy.

"Mr. Xu, why did you say it was such a coincidence that I met you again?"

Hearing someone calling him, Xu Jinjiang subconsciously rubbed his neck, looked sideways, relaxed again, let out a long breath, and smiled on his face.

"Yunting, long time no see."

He really likes Huo Yunting.

"Tell me, Mr. Xu, what kind of fate is this, the third play we have worked with?"

Huo Yunting also disappeared, sitting cross-legged beside Xu Jinjiang.

"Mr. Xu, what are you acting this time?"

"Ouyang Feng."

"Okay, Mr. Xu, another tyrannical and cool character."

Xu Jinjiang smiled shyly, and then began to gossip, "Hey, Yunting, what is the relationship between you and that Liu Yifei?"

When he was shooting Immortal Sword together, he felt that the temperament of these two people was a bit compatible, but when he saw that woman Liu Xiaoli was frightened, he didn't say anything.

Later I heard that they filmed "The Legend of Condor Heroes" together, and Huo Yunting also saved Liu Yifei's life.After that, I filmed "The Unspeakable Secret", and now I'm filming "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

With three male and female protagonists in a row, more than a year of filming time, even strangers have to show their feelings.

Not to mention that "The Unspeakable Secret" itself is a romance film.

Huo Yunting thought for a while, and told the truth that they were talking.

Xu Jinjiang nodded, and she guessed right.Then I wondered whether I should teach him some experience.

Although he is also talking on paper, most of them are learned by the crew - but he feels that Huo Yunting doesn't even have the experience of talking on paper.

While chatting, Huo Yunting glanced sideways and saw a girl, he was taken aback.

At first glance, I thought it was Liu Yifei.

But it was just a glimpse in a trance.

I went to look again and found that Liu Yifei and Liu Yifei were two completely different people.

"Teacher Xu." Huo Yunting interrupted Xu Jinjiang who was talking eloquently, "Who is this girl?"

"Oh, it's Liu Shishi, and it's Mu Nianci."

Huo Yunting nodded, chatted with Xu Jinjiang and followed the staff to the hotel.

In the evening, a table was set up at Li Guoli Hotel, which was the opening banquet.

Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei sat on both sides of Li Guoli, facing a group of half-familiar faces.

Li Guoli introduced, one by one, they took the initiative to introduce themselves and say hello.

"Hello, Mr. Huo, my name is Liu Shishi..."

"Hello, Mr. Huo, I really like your performance in "The Legend of Condor Heroes"."

"Mr. Huo, if I hadn't met you in person today, I would never have thought that such a ruffian character in "Crazy Stone" would be so gentle in reality."

Hearing the compliments and flattery from other people around, Huo Yunting was in a daze.

I still remember that when he was filming "Ping Zong Xiaying" with He Qun, he was almost the same as the group of actors in front of him.

It's just that he didn't flatter.

He laughed dumbfounded, then nodded gently one by one, remembering their faces and names.

The meal was quite harmonious, and Liu Shishi suddenly spoke in the middle of the meal.

"Mr. Huo, do you believe in Buddhism?"

Huo Yunting froze for a moment, "Oh, a friend gave it to me."

"Yunting, your Buddhist beads are not ordinary."

Seeing Xu Jinjiang staring straight at him, Huo Yunting handed over the beads.

He hurriedly took it over, looked at it carefully, couldn't stop admiring, but frowned suddenly after circling around.

"Why is there one missing? Where is Happy Arhat?"

Huo Yunting shrugged helplessly, "Something happened before and I lost it."

Xu Jinjiang smacked his lips in regret, "Oh, this one is missing, and the value will be greatly reduced."

"Brother Yun, if you want to talk about Buddhist beads, I have one here."

Hu Ge spoke suddenly, frowning and thinking for a while.

"I'm going back to Shanghai tomorrow to get some things from the film crew. I remember when I went to play in the southern suburbs, I met a master from Longhua Temple."

"He begged for vegetarian food with me, so I bought him a vegetarian vegetable bag, and then he gave me a prayer bead."

"Hey, this is not allowed, this is not allowed." Xu Jinjiang shook his head hastily, "There is no one who takes apart other people's Buddhist beads to make up for himself. This is called destroying the Three Treasures."

"Mr. Xu, if someone gave me a bunch, they gave me one."

Now Xu Jinjiang was a little confused.

"Only one?"

"Only one. I remember that Luohan was happy, it should be the happy Luohan?"

Xu Jinjiang rubbed his forehead with a puzzled look on his face.

"It doesn't make sense, how can anyone give someone a Buddhist bead..."

But Huo Yunting was interested, he really wanted to make up for his own prayer beads.

The string of Buddha beads that Shi Xingyu gave him is really not ordinary. If you want him to make up a whole Buddha head from the Daji, he feels a bit out of place.

Hu Ge said that this master he met by chance felt a little interesting, like some mysterious chance in the novel.

It is a good thing to give this Buddha head a bad job.

The official start time of the crew is September [-]st, so it's too late.

"I said, Old Hu, I can go with you."

"Hey, I'll just bring it back for you, it's just that one anyway."

"No, I'll go with you, it will take some time to come back."

If no one mentioned it, he wouldn't be able to think about it, and if one is missing, one will be missing.

But today, when they said this, they suddenly felt itchy in their hearts, and for no reason, they wanted to quickly replace his Buddhist beads, and they didn't want to delay for a moment.

Seeing this, Hu Ge no longer tried to dissuade him, "That's fine, Brother Huo, you can come with us on the night of the 29th."


"Yes, and my assistant and driver."

"All right."

At around eight o'clock in the evening on the 29th, several people got up from Hengdian and walked to Shanghai.

The first half of the road was driven by Hu Ge, and Huo Yunting just sat in the back seat obediently.

He can't drive.

I dropped out of high school and came to Beijing, and I didn't have the money and time to learn a driver's license.

Until about nine o'clock in the evening, I arrived at the service area.

"Xiao Kai, let's switch, I'll catch up on sleep."

"Good boss!" Xiao Kai hurriedly opened the car door and slipped out.

Beside him is Huo Yunting, a big name who knows real kung fu, he feels nervous when he sits with this person, his back straightens after a few hours together.

Xiao Kai is Hu Ge's driver. He is not very old and looks quite young.

Yawning heavily, Hu Ge and Xiao Kai changed seats, got into the back seat, leaned against the car window and fell asleep.

Huo Yunting slipped down to smoke a cigarette.

There was no one around in the middle of the night, Huo Yunting looked up at the moon, a layer of thin clouds enveloped the slightly shining light ball.

"Damn it, Mao Yue."

There is a saying in his hometown, called Mao Yueyue, a fierce ghost appears.

This moon is hairy, which is unlucky.

But Huo Yunting didn't pay much attention to it, he was never afraid of such mysterious things with his iron-boned evil spirit.

After smoking, Huo Yunting returned to the car, started the car and continued to drive on the highway.

After getting on the Shanghai-Hangzhou Expressway at around ten o'clock, Huo Yunting couldn't bear it any longer and closed his eyelids.

Through the rearview mirror, Wang Mian looked at the two men who had fallen asleep leaning against the car window on one side, smiled and stared forward again.

Huo Yunting was dreaming again, this time he was not in any movie, only a slightly shiny figure in a gold frame standing opposite him.

With a thought, a long sword appeared in his hand, holding it with both hands in a posture, Mantis held the sword with both hands.

Suddenly, a hand appeared in the shadow, and the two clashed.

Huo Yunting always felt that Ying was a little weak today, and he knocked over the long sword in his hand in two or three moves.

He really wanted to cut off its neck with a sword, but he felt the feeling of "deception" and needed to reject those impurities to him, so he was a little reluctant to do it for a while.

At the moment of hesitation, Ying swiped his sword, and Huo Yunting quickly blocked it.


With a sound, Huo Yunting suddenly opened his eyes.

It was pitch black inside the car, only the noise of the car humming forward.

Suddenly felt a little cold in the stomach, stretched out his hand to touch it, but the slightly cold little thing rolled down all the way.

Then it landed on the car mat with a "click".

Touching his chest, he found that the rope of the Guanyin jade pendant that Liu Xiaoli gave him was broken.

Lowering his head, he groped around on the car cushion, found a small soft and cool thing, and held it in his hand.

He got up, raised his head, and looked at the front of the car glass along the space between the driver and the co-pilot. They were approaching quickly with a large truck.

"I'm stupid! There's a car ahead!"

"Little Kai! You fucking watch the road!"

Huo Yunting yelled loudly, awakening Hu Ge who was soundly asleep, and also awakened the tired Xiao Kai.

"Ah! What's wrong, Brother Huo..."

Huo Yunting rushed forward suddenly, grabbed the steering wheel and swung it to the left, but it was still too late.


There was a violent collision sound, and finally there was a neighing like iron teeth, and the two cars slammed into each other.


ps: I was confused when I wrote the text. When I was thinking about the text, I thought about smoking, but I forgot to pick up the cigarette. I just lit the lighter and burned my lips.

Uncle, it's bald
Four hundred words exploded today...although it is small, it still explodes

(End of this chapter)

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