The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 149 Still a novelist?

Chapter 149 Still a novelist?

Hearing this, the little girl's heart began to pound.

What is this, how long have they known each other, and they are about to meet their parents?
Although I was nervous in my heart, I agreed with my mouth, "Okay, I'll tell you—hey, what are you doing~"

Huo Yunting heard another jingling sound coming from the other end of the phone, and the sound came again not long after.

"Yunting, the time you have spent together is short, some things don't need to be settled so early."

"Auntie, don't worry, I just said it casually."

The voice on the other end of the phone paused, "But it's still okay to go out and play."

"Auntie doesn't object to this, but you should think carefully about meeting your parents."

"I see."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting rubbed his face.

Well, it seems that I have to go alone.

The bracelet was stuffed in the inner pocket of the clothes, the handbag was put in the inner pocket of the backpack, and then he packed up and went to the airport.

"Mom, what are you doing? It doesn't matter if you go or not, maybe Brother Yun has already told his family."

In Hengdian, Zhejiang, the crew packed up their things and went to their National Day.

Liu Yifei also followed behind Liu Xiaoli, muttering non-stop.

"Why is there no difference?" Liu Xiaoli stared.

"Brother Yun is not that kind of person. Didn't you say that yourself?"

"Xiao Huo is a good boy, do you know what his family is like? I heard that he is still a family of martial arts, passed down from generation to generation, so it's not good that the family is a bunch of old-fashioned."

"What's wrong with the old man?"

"Thoughts are feudal." Liu Xiaoli poked her daughter's head angrily, "I think you can't wait to be with your Brother Yun every day!"

Liu Yifei stuck out her tongue, but said nothing.

The two walked out of Hengdian all the way, and were about to get into the car, when Liu Xiaoli suddenly said, "When I have time, I will visit Xiao Huo's family and see what kind of people they are."

"Yeah." Liu Yifei nodded, and then suddenly thought of something, "Mom, if your thinking is more rigid, will you urge Brother Yun to go on a blind date?"

"Yunting, do you still remember your Aunt Zhao? His daughter Bai Xiaojie looks so pretty..."

Cangzhou, Huojiazhuang.

Huo Yunting sneaked home at night, eating watermelon and chatting with his wife.

Huo Zhongde went out to visit in the afternoon, and he estimated that he would not be back in an hour.

Nibbling on the watermelon, listening to Chen Caiping whispering in his ear, the more he listened, the more he felt something was wrong, so he quickly stopped his mother.

"Don't, don't, mom, wait a moment, is this a blind date?"

"You're about the same age."

Hearing this, Huo Yunting felt a little pain in his head.

When I was a child, during the New Year’s festivals, when I went to dinner, I could always see relatives who heard about when they would get married and have children. The young people who were asked were always frowning.

But he loved watching this back then.

If someone's elders forgot to ask, he had to kindly remind him, "When will you get married, big brother?"

As the so-called reincarnation of cause and effect, now this retribution has come.

"Mom, I'm talking now."

"Ah?! Which girl?" Chen Caiping's eyes sparkled, "Why didn't you tell mom, when did you talk? How is the girl?"

"He's also a star, and we've been talking about it for a few months."

"Hey, she's also a star." Hearing this, Chen Caiping frowned slightly again, "What's the girl's house like? Is it a bit of a misfit..."

"Mom, I bought you a bracelet." Huo Yunting wiped his mouth, changed the topic, reached into the inner pocket of his clothes, and took out a small black box.

Open it, and there is a shiny necklace in front of you. Chen Caiping gasped when she saw it.

"Oh! It costs several thousand, right? It doesn't look cheap."

"[-] to [-], an international limited edition. It will appreciate in value if it's not fixed properly."

He took out another watch from his bag, "This Omega is for my dad. What's in it, Mom, I'm going to bed first. I'm a little tired today."

The watch was also placed on the table, and Huo Yunting hurried away.

Looking at the bracelet and watch on the table, Chen Caiping looked around for a long time before carefully picking them up.

"it's beautiful--"

Just halfway through speaking, he stopped again.

No, isn't it about this kid's partner?
But when she heard the "click" sound of locking the door, Chen Caiping pursed her lips and put away the watch and chain.What's going on with this kid will be interrogated tomorrow.

Huo Yunting felt that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he had a meal with his parents the next morning, went to see his grandparents, and then made excuses to leave in a hurry.

Before leaving, I looked back at my house. It was dark when I came back last night, and I didn't take a closer look at the decoration.

Looking at it now, the shiny white tiles on the outside of the walls, the red tile roof, and even the dead wood fence have been replaced with new ones.

Putting it in the village is definitely the most conspicuous one.

How do you say that?
A beggar will only be jealous of beggars who are more powerful than him, not the coal boss.

Huo Yunting is now a small coal boss.

"Dad, Mom! I'm leaving!"

Wave your hand without taking away a cloud.

As for how his mother told his father about having sex, he stopped listening.

From Huojiazhuang, I went to Zhejiang by train.But not to Hengdian, but to Hangzhou.

This is what he discussed with Liu Yifei in advance, and he went to Hangzhou to play.

There are still four or five days left for the holiday, so I won’t go to places far away. If I can’t make it by then, I might as well choose a place nearby.

Where do you choose?

The two coincidentally fell in love with Hangzhou.

This "paradise on earth" has been known for a long time, and he also wants to see what this paradise is like.

When it comes to Hangzhou, the West Lake is indispensable.

Huo Yunting can still remember the poem in the textbook: If you want to compare the West Lake to the West Lake, it is always suitable to wear light makeup and heavy makeup.

Therefore, the first stop of the two is the West Lake Scenic Area.

Walking into the scenic spot, well, there are a lot of people.

But it's true, this National Day has seven days of fun, everyone is here for travel and fun.

They put on sunglasses, a baseball cap, and a big straw hat, and no one recognized them in the crowd.

I can't finish seeing the surrounding scenery, who cares who are the two people wearing hats next to me.

There were too many people, afraid that Qianqian would get lost, so Huo Yunting naturally took her hand.

Glancing at the little girl quietly, the bases of her ears were a little red, but half of her face was covered by big sunglasses and a straw hat, so she couldn't see her expression clearly.

Huo Yunting chuckled and led her forward.

After walking two steps, the little hand in the palm suddenly moved dishonestly.Huo Yunting thought that he was holding it too tightly, just as he loosened his hand a little, the soft and boneless hand flipped over, and interlocked its ten fingers to grab Huo Yunting's palm.

For a moment, Liu Yifei obviously felt that hand stiffen.

The little girl looked up, her sunglasses and baseball cap covered most of Huo Yunting's face, she couldn't see the expression clearly, but her ears were obviously red.


The corner of his mouth raised slightly, outlining a smug smile.

Huo Yunting pretended to be nonchalant, but his heart was pounding.Wasn't this little girl quite introverted before? Why is she so good at flirting all of a sudden?

The two first went to Wansong Academy, then visited Qixia, Yue's Tomb, and then went to Lingyin Zen Temple.

A huge plaque hangs in front of the temple, Lingyin Temple.

This Lingyin Temple is said to have existed during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. The Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties have gone through four generations. It can be described as a veritable millennium ancient temple.

The two went in for a stroll, and just happened to see an old monk in cassock, who looked like a highly respected type.Huo Yunting stopped the old monk, showed him his prayer beads, and asked if he could make up.

The old monk was about to decline politely, but seeing the strange expression on the face of the string of beads, he invited the two of them to the inner room.

Listening to Huo Yunting explain the ins and outs of this string of Buddhist beads, even the old monk can't help being amazed by his decades of life experience.

This Buddhist bead is really quite legendary.

"This benefactor, I think that there is no need to mend this prayer bead."

The old monk stroked his beard cheerfully, and was about to speak when Huo Yunting stood up and put his palms together.

"If that's the case, then I won't bother."

"Sissy, say goodbye to the master, let's go."

"Amitabha, goodbye master."

The old monk opened his mouth and didn't react for a while.

I haven't finished my words yet, why did I turn around and leave?This is too impatient.

When he came back to his senses, two figures, one tall and one short, had walked more than ten meters away.

"Oh, that's all."

"Brother Yun, why do I feel that the old monk wants to say something?" Walking out of Lingyin Temple, Liu Yifei asked curiously, "I don't believe you didn't see it."

Huo Yunting curled his lips, "It looked like he wanted to play tricks with me. After a while, he said something in the air, which made me ponder for a long time and couldn't figure it out."

The two walked to Zou at the western foot of Gushan Mountain, discussing how high the ratings Li Guoli's version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" could finally win.

Liu Yifei felt that although the changes were relatively large, they were reasonable and made up for some of the low ratings.

Huo Yunting felt that the adaptation is not a random change, it is better to respect the original.Honestly, it was filmed according to the original work, how could the ratings be so low?
The two chattered, Huo Yunting stopped and arrived at Xiling Bridge.

"Xiling, tsk tsk." Huo Yunting was quite emotional, "Su Xiaoxiao, a famous prostitute in the south of the Yangtze River, has lost her soul."

"Thousands of years have left a famous historical site, and the six dynasties have been in Xiling."

Listening to Huo Yunting explaining this allusion in a few words, Liu Yifei was full of admiration, "Brother Yun, you are really good. You know this kind of unpopular allusion."

"If you hadn't dropped out of school back then, you would definitely be a college student now, maybe we could still be alumni."

"Hey, I see what's written on the sign over there."

Looking in the direction of Huo Yunting's finger, there is a sign erected beside the Xiling Bridge, with the allusions of Xiling written on it.

"Wow, you actually copied your homework!"

"You can copy it too."

"How can I copy it when you block it?"

The two were laughing and joking, and after crossing the Xiling Bridge, there was the Xiling Yinshe in front of them.

This Xiling Yinshe is considered to be the most researched on gold and stone seal cutting at home and abroad, and has the title of "No.1 Society in the World".

Although Huo Yunting is not interested in engraving gold and stone seals, he has come all the time, so he has to take a look.

Enter through the small door to see the garden landscape.If you want to go in again, you have to make an appointment.

"Brother Yun, why do you think they are so strict?"

Looking at the Yanhua Sutra Pagoda in front of her, Liu Yifei raised her head and was fascinated.

"Little sister, you can't just go in here, it's full of cultural relics."

A sudden voice came from beside them, and the two looked sideways at the same time. It was a man with a round face and an unshaven beard.

The round-faced man snapped two more photos with the camera in his hand, explaining to them.

"This octagonal pagoda has eleven levels. The first level is engraved with the "Avatamsaka Sutra", and the second and third levels are engraved with the "Diamond Sutra". Buddha statues are carved on the eighth level and part of the top of the tower. How many years old object."

Huo Yunting was a little curious, "What about this tower?"

"Except for this pagoda? There must be six or seven thousand pieces of calligraphy and painting, calligraphy and calligraphy, and seals in other places."

"It's still possible to make an appointment to go in and take a look. In a few years, I guess I won't even be able to take a look at it."

The round-faced man finished taking the photo with emotion, came to Huo Yunting and stretched out his hand, "Xu Puppet."

"Zhang Debang."

"Who is this?"

"Oh, I'm his girlfriend, my name is Liu Xiaoli."

Liu Yifei stretched out her hand generously, and shook Xu Puppet's hand.

"You two are foreigners, right? Come to visit..."

Xu Puppet was a warm-hearted person, and seeing that the two came here for fame, he acted as a tour guide and introduced the Xiling Yinshe to them.

Seeing that Xu Puppet was face-blind and didn't recognize who they were, Huo Yunting readily agreed.

Stopping and stopping along the way, you asked me to answer, so I visited the Xiling Yinshe all over the place.

It's just that Xu Puppet felt a little strange as he walked. This Zhang Debang's voice...why does it sound so similar to Yang Guo in Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei's version of "The Legend of Condor Heroes"?
After a few glances quietly, it really looks more and more like it.

After hesitating for a while, Xu Puppet asked tentatively, "Huo Yunting?"

"What's wrong?" Huo Yunting asked casually.



"I'm going! You really—"


Huo Yunting quickly stopped the excited Xu Puppet.

I looked around by myself and saw that no one was paying attention, so I grabbed Xu Puppet's neck and came to a deserted place.

"I'm going, you're really Huo Yunting! I'm your fan, your performance of Yang Guo is simply amazing, especially the part about Snake Pill..."

Huo Yunting interrupted him, "How did you recognize me?"

This Xu Puppet was also sincere, "I heard your voice resembled me, so I called out tentatively."

The corner of Huo Yunting's mouth twitched, he actually fell here.

Xu Puppet looked at Liu Yifei who was beside him again, with fierce gossip on his face, "Then this is Liu Yifei?"

Huo Yunting's head was a little big, and he patted Xu Puppet's shoulder, "Don't say it."

"Yeah, don't worry. I'm very strict with my mouth."

Xu Puppet nodded, "Really, you played Yang Guo really well. Just your dark iron epee, I even wrote it in my novel. But I changed the name to Heijin Gudao. It was the inspiration for your dark iron epee..."

Huo Yunting's eyes widened slightly, good guy, this is a novelist.

"What's the name of your novel?"

""Tomb Raider Notes", just two or three months after writing, it's serialized from Tieba."

(End of this chapter)

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