The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 151 The Criminal Law Is My Sect's Secret Biography

Chapter 151 The Criminal Law Is My Sect's Secret Biography

I'm so stupid, really.

I only know that Chen Hegao doesn't talk about martial arts, but I don't know if he talks about martial arts to this extent.

Seeing a group of people rushing towards him, Huo Yunting's face turned green.

This fucking is not for playing dirty, this fucking is a gang fight for yourself!

When I watch some martial arts movies on weekdays, the main characters show off their fists and kicks. If you pick a dozen or so, there is no problem with dozens of them.

But that's a movie, not reality.

In reality, even if Zhang Sanfeng was alive and Dong Haichuan was reborn, fighting with a bunch of Lianjiazi with bare hands would not be an advantage.

Grandma's, it's shady, isn't it?Then I'm welcome too!

"Sissy! Hide out!"

Shouting, Huo Yunting strode towards Chen Hegao.As the saying goes, to capture the thief first, capture the king, no matter what his disciples and grandchildren think, take down Chen Hegao first.

But how could Master Chen and his disciples let him succeed?A swarm of bees surrounded him.

Dodging the two oncoming fists, he swung his lotus-leaf legs around the neck of a skinny guy, pressed hard, and fell backwards, his head and the cement floor had an intimate contact.


The blow was not light, the thin young man was staring at the stars, and couldn't get up for a while.

Although one trick has turned over one, it is a drop in the bucket, and there are too many people.

Staring at the one who ran in the front, he kicked him on the lower abdomen with a mid-section side kick, the strength was lost at all, and he vomited acid water directly, was kicked out by Huo Yunting, and hit other people.

There was an open space in front of him, but some fists and feet behind him hit him.

Waist, popliteal, tendons, underarms, head, crotch... Damn, it's really merciless.

The most fucking outrageous thing is that another one jumped up and hugged his thigh and gnawed it!
What kind of play is this.

Everything else is easy to say, but the crotch can't be hurt.

Thanks to his research on crotch protection, thanks to Guo Jianyong, he caught that kick as soon as he kicked it.

The palm blade of one hand pressed down on the ankle, and stretched forcefully with the wrist as the axis——Kacha

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Dislocated ankle.

This dislocation is also called broken joint in kung fu, and this hand is exactly the classic move of Shaolin capture - the golden thread wrapped around the wrist.

As soon as the hands were loosened, the dislocated leg and foot hit the ground, and the heart-piercing shouts became even worse.

The besieging apprentices saw it, good guy, so cruel?I didn't dare to go forward for a while.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Although they were gathered together, no one dared to act rashly.

This is not quite right with what the master said, this is a trick that turns over one, and it doesn't look like the usual fake emptiness.

Chen Hegao stood on tiptoe and stretched his neck vigorously to look around, the more he looked, the more wrong he looked.

So tough?

It's really different from those people I beat up in Wulin Square before.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Chen Hegao yelled at the top of his voice, "Damn it!"

This is great, shouting out with this voice, this group of people took out things from their waists one by one, everything!
Screwdriver, steel ruler, mobile phone, brick, hemp rope... Huo Yunting's eyelids twitched when he saw it.

Not about martial arts.

He really doesn't talk about Wude.

At this moment, he finally understood what Chen Hegao's unrestricted fighting meant.

But fortunately, he came prepared.They were the first to strike, so don't blame yourself for being rude.

He reached into his pocket and took out a handful of stones, swung his forearm vigorously, and the crackling stones smashed out, throwing them in the face.

There was a burst of wailing for a while, and the formation of the siege was also chaotic.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Huo Yunting stepped forward, knocked the person in front out with an elbow, and opened a way out.

Stepped on these people and rushed in front of Chen Hegao, before he could react, a wheel arm knocked him to the ground.

Then he raised his knee and raised his foot to slam his head hard.

"Stop stop! I admit defeat! Admit defeat!"

Chen Hegao knelt down and hugged his head, begging for mercy, and then felt a gust of wind blowing on his cheek.

Opening his eyes quietly, he saw a huge sole resting two or three centimeters from his cheek.

Huo Yunting retracted his feet, and Chen Hegao stood up embarrassingly.

He touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, then suddenly let out a loud shout, raising his fist to greet Huo Yunting's head.

However, the speed was still slow, before the fist could be swung, a big hand had already clasped his head - and then he felt that Chen Hegao was licking his palm with his tongue.

The arm trembled, but it didn't let go. Instead, the five fingers grabbed it even harder, and slammed it back hard——


There was a close contact between his head and the wall, and he was dizzy for a while, only feeling that the three emperors and five emperors were dangling in front of his eyes.His legs went limp, and he fell to the ground with a "plop", and it took him a while to recover.

"Brother Yun! You are so amazing!"

At this moment Liu Yifei came bouncing over, clapping her hands, with a look of admiration and admiration on her face.

"It feels like the "Kung Fu" you filmed! Awesome!"

She doesn't know martial arts, and thinks that real kung fu is the same as in movies, and it's easy for a real master to beat a dozen ordinary people.

I still feel that just now is the normal process of the competition.

Huo Yunting rubbed her head fondly, glanced back at those disciples who were at a loss, squatted down and looked at Chen Hegao with a nonchalant smile.

"I said Master Chen, your unlimited fighting is really amazing. It's such an infinite method after a long time of trouble."

Chen Hegao shook his head, regained consciousness, touched the back of his head, grinned and bulged.

To be honest, Huo Yunting's attack was a bit heavy-no, it was very heavy, basically he didn't hold back.

When he beat Chen Hegao himself, he didn't show mercy, so this Master Chen must be impatient.

But he doesn't regret it.

Promised to be good tomorrow, the two of them will gesticulate, and the **** called more than a dozen apprentices to beat him up, this is called "the two" gesticulate?Not to mention that even the guy's affairs will be moved later.

As the saying goes, three points are reasonable and hard, if this Chen Hegao really choked with him, he would be right.

But he didn't expect that the first thing Chen Hegao said when he came back to his senses was, "I'll go, awesome!"

The second sentence is, "You are not Chuanwu."

Huo Yunting frowned, "I am Chuanwu."




Huo Yunting rubbed the five fingers of his left hand together and clenched them into fists.

"No, I mean that you are different from Chuanwu I have seen."

After stumbling to his feet, he dispersed his group of apprentices, and then took Huo Yunting back to the private room on the second floor to sit down and discuss in detail.

Of course, before going to the private room on the second floor, Huo Yunting picked up the apprentice's dislocated ankle.

With a "click", another tragic cry sounded.

On the second floor, Chen Hegao opened the door, but Huo Yunting did not move.

Chen Hegao was a little puzzled, what happened?
"I was afraid that there were five hundred knives and axes hidden inside, and my head would be cut off as soon as I entered."

Chen Hegao smiled with embarrassment, reassured that the competition was over, and then Huo Yunting walked in suspiciously.

After shopping around and confirming that there is nothing wrong with her, she greeted Sissy.

"Master Huo, what I mean is that your Chuanwu is different from what I know. You are the unusual minority."

Chen Hegao brewed two cups of tea, pushed them in front of the two of them, and chattered.

Gently patted Liu Yifei's hand that wanted to touch the teacup, Huo Yunting looked at the thin man opposite him indifferently.

"Then Master Chen, what does Chuanwu look like in your understanding?"

"The flower shelf is empty, it looks quite mysterious, but in fact it will shatter when touched."

He took a sip of his tea, and his eyes were a bit sad, "I think back then when I was in Wulin Square, what kind of kung fu did the sect's successors never see? Without exception, I kicked my crotch and poked my eyes..."

"Look at them all yelling and scolding fiercely on weekdays, which one dares to come up and kick my hall?"

Huo Yunting twitched the corners of his mouth, nonsense, who the hell dares to kick?
That is to say, I am a brave person with high skills, and I have real kung fu, otherwise I would be beaten by the crowd today.

"Master Chen never learned martial arts before?" Huo Yunting couldn't help asking.

He originally thought that Chen Hegao had reached the third realm of seeing whether mountains are mountains or whether water is water, and he had simplified the complexity.

But looking at it now, it doesn't seem to be the case.

"I learned some before, but gave up halfway."

Leaning back, tilting the back of his head, he touched the big bump again, grinning his teeth in pain.He sat back cautiously, still muttering incessantly.

"It's just that I underestimated you today. I didn't prepare a dump truck, or I will definitely put you down today."

"Wait a minute, fight the apprentice first, and then the master, is this the process of the martial arts competition?" Liu Yifei sensed something was wrong and asked.

"I don't know." Chen He shrugged, "I'm not from the martial arts world."

"A martial arts competition is a gesture between two good masters, and the point will stop." Huo Yunting explained.

"Movies are movies, which are different from reality. Things like picking a dozen or so rarely happen in reality."

This time, Liu Yifei became angry.

She didn't understand the truth of it, and thought it would be easy to pick a dozen or so, but now that she saw it, it was this skinny rib who was bullying people!

So many people greeted her together, still holding things in their hands, Liu Yifei became more and more angry when she thought about it, and kicked Chen Hegao's calf hard with her foot under the table.


Huo Yunting scratched her thigh.

This kick was hard enough, Chen Hegao grinned.

But she didn't blame Liu Yifei, she still had a smile on her face, "It's true that I did it unethically, and it's only natural for Ms. Liu to be angry."

Although Chen Hegao acted very free and easy, Huo Yunting still couldn't believe it.

"Master Chen, what happened to you? What made you look like you are now?"

Chen Hegao rubbed his calf, his face pensive, and after a while he said softly, "Learning martial arts can't save people."

But just by looking at his current figure, one can guess that he must have been a thin child when he was a child.

What does that mean?I was easily bullied as a child.

So when he was in school, he joined the martial arts team with his physical education teacher. At that time, he thought that he could protect himself and others by learning martial arts.However, it didn't take long for him to hear that the physical education teacher was hospitalized.

He was beaten when he acted bravely.

Three high school students.

This incident brought him a great shock, and he found that learning martial arts cannot save people.

Then after his long-term calculation and observation...

"Don't, don't, just wait for a while." Huo Yunting was a little confused, "What do you mean by long-term calculation and observation?"

"Think about what it's like to fight on the street with others."

"I also won the first prize in the National Practical Martial Arts Essay Competition in [-] and [-]."

Huo Yunting twitched the corners of his mouth, "It's okay, just keep talking."

After long-term research, he found that kicking the crotch is the first element to solve the opponent. If the opponent protects the crotch immediately, then poking his eyes is the second element to solve the opponent.

"Hey, I still talk about martial arts at this time, let me tell you."

I don't know if he was afraid that Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei would misunderstand him, so Chen Hegao added this sentence.

However it didn't help.

He sighed and continued to speak slowly.

What really made him so ignorant of martial arts was that he met a famous gangster in Hangzhou, Ma'er.

This person usually goes home, kills people, goes to the hospital, three points and one line.

This guy talked to him, and he said that you guys who practice martial arts are useless. If you are really good at fighting, I will treat him to group exercises.

At this moment, Huo Yunting put away his fun-seeking mentality and pondered seriously.

Although he didn't know what this gymnastics meant, he could probably figure it out after going through it just now, that is, calling for the younger brothers to chop with a knife together.

To be honest, if dozens of people hacked him to death with knives, he really couldn't guarantee that he would get out alive.

After chatting with this horse, Chen Hegao's mentality changed completely.

What is the purpose of learning martial arts?Protect yourself and protect others.

But now he found that learning martial arts might not be able to protect anyone, so he gave up learning martial arts.Take a magic path.

Huo Yunting listened to him with a serious expression, but couldn't help agreeing with his words in his heart.

It took a while before he spoke, "Those Chuanwu masters you mentioned, nine out of [-] are all superficial learners, or liars under the guise of Chuanwu."

Chen Hegao did not object, but nodded in agreement, "I believe what you say, and I think you should be the real martial arts master after fighting you like this today."

"But here's the problem. I'm in Red Sun Square, oh, it should be called Wulin Square now. I've been fighting all these years, and I've met you, a true martial artist like you."

Huo Yunting thought for a while, "Master Chen, you are kicking the crotch and picking the eyeballs again. You hit so hard, you are not afraid of getting into trouble after the fight."

These tricks are ruthless, but if one is not paying attention, it becomes intentional injury or murder.

This is also the reason why Chuanwu is constantly simplified and popularized.

There are more than one billion people in the country, if all of them really practice ancient martial arts, whoever has a wrong mind, the social security will not be guaranteed.

No, even if you don't change your mind, conflicts are prone to occur.At that time, what can we do if we fight and kill a few.

Facing Huo Yunting's doubts, Chen Hegao smiled confidently, and casually took out a copy of "Encyclopedia of Criminal Law" from under the table.

"The first lesson I learned from Unrestricted Fighting is to be familiar with criminal law."

(End of this chapter)

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