Chapter 154

Before Huo Yunting could speak, Chen Weitao, who had been sitting beside him while eating sullenly, hurried up.

"Master Huo, to be honest, if you really want the whole Huo family class, shall I hang out with you?"

"At any rate, we have also won the top three in the National Martial Arts Competition. It must not insult your reputation as Ren Qiu Chuanwu."

Chen Weitao really wanted to rely on him.

He has strength and background, and it seems that the road is unimpeded at present.If he really sets up a martial arts team, even if he dies in a few years, he can still eat two bites of meat first.

To put it bluntly, I entered the circle as Ye Luzi, with no background.

Huo Yunting took two mouthfuls of rice, thought for a while, and shook his head.

"Let's talk about this later. Just let me set up a team, and I don't have any outstanding characteristics."

Li Guoli thought for a while, "Isn't imagination counted? I think you have done this trick, and you are very sensible when it comes to special effects."

"You talk about imagination, doesn't Yuan's class have any?"

Isn't "The Matrix" behind the scenes of Yuan Jiaban?

Instead of setting up a low-profile version of Yuan Jiaban, it would be better to find a long-established team to join.

With his strength, he will be the master of any team he goes to.

Li Guoli thought for a while, but actually he didn't know much about Huo Yunting's kung fu.The only thing I know is that this kid is real kung fu, the kind that can kill people.

But it is estimated that it is difficult to express it from the movie.

For a certain visual effect, this practicality must be sacrificed.

"You kid is so persistent in bringing real kung fu into the film."

Li Guoli sighed with emotion, and then laughed and teased, "You are nicknamed Chuanwu, you know so much kung fu, you can just create a few of them yourself?"

"The kind who can fight and is handsome."

Huo Yunting was taken aback for a moment, then pondered, his eyes lit up a little, maybe it's really possible.

Seeing his dazed look, Li Guoli added, "I'll just say it casually."

"Don't worry, I have thought about it myself."

Li Guoli nodded, that's true, at most he was talking about his ideas, and it was Huo Yunting who really made the decision——

"Hey, fuck, when did you get the fat back for me?"

Huo Yunting ignored him, and while eating, put the matter of self-created kung fu to the bottom of his heart for the time being, thinking about the martial arts team.

This Wuzhi team did not clearly say who joined which team.In fact, those of you who got together have become very famous, and naturally someone will gather you together and say that it is who and who you are in the team.

Of course, it was like this in the past, but he doesn't know if it's still the case now.

But no matter what, if you want to form a team, you can't just have the team leader alone, and you won't be a polished commander.

But who else could he turn to?

Shaking his head, it's better to think about opening a martial arts gym to deal with the martial arts team.

I thought so in my heart, but I still looked at Chen Weitao who was at the side.

"Old Chen, I don't have much interest in this martial arts team, but if you want to learn Kung Fu, I can teach you."

Old Chen had the idea of ​​relying on himself, so he came back and tricked him into becoming a coach in his own martial arts gym.

As soon as he said this, Chen Weitao's eyes lit up, and he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. Not to mention teaching, even just looking at it would benefit a lot.

"Hey, by the way, how old are you, Old Chen?"

"32, what's wrong?"

Huo Yunting nodded, not too old.

"It's okay, I'll just ask."

the following days.Huo Yunting runs on three heads, teaching others martial arts moves, filming his own scenes, and teaching Lao Chen Kung Fu.

Needless to say, Lao Chen's foundation is still good, it's just that the initial path was wrong.

A punch and kick came out in a flashy manner.

The two had a real battle, and Huo Yunting knocked him down with one move.

When Huo Yunting told him about this, Chen Weitao was also a little at a loss.

"Master Huo, when I first started learning martial arts, I was planning to become a martial artist in the entertainment industry. If you want to fight with real knives and guns, poking your eyes and kicking your crotch, it's not cool to fight, and the audience doesn't want to watch it."

Huo Yunting who said this is also a little silent, but you really have a clear purpose.

Later, when Lao Chen asked him for advice on kung fu, he always asked how to play more handsomely, not for practicality.

Huo Yunting lost all interest in teaching Lao Chen Kung Fu. It was because Lao Chen had doubts and asked him when he didn't understand.

Chen Weitao was filled with emotion, he deserved to be Ren Qiu Chuanwu.She knows all the flower work and real work!

At the end of October, Liu Yifei asked for leave to participate in the Golden Eagle TV Art Festival and won the sixth Golden Eagle Goddess.

In mid-November, the filming of the scene in Hengdian was finished, and everyone packed their things and started to go to Xiangshan Film and Television City.

Huo Yunting has seen the filming location of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", which is similar to the filming of Immortal Sword before. He walked around the film and television city in Zhejiang.

After resting from Xiangshan for a few days, Huo Yunting greeted Liu Shishi and continued to teach her the Yang family's marksmanship.

This pear blossom gun already existed in reality, and Huo Yunting happened to know how to do it, so Yuan Yuan just handed it over to him.

It's just that the difficulty is definitely higher than those fabricated special effects skills, and Liu Shishi doesn't have any martial arts skills yet, so it's more difficult to learn.

Especially today, looking at a restless look, full of flaws.Huo Yunting, who watched her wielding a gun, was angry, she hadn't remembered anything after being in Hengdian for so long.

"Stop, stop, is this how you beat Zijinguan? How many times have I told you from Hengdian before, why can't you change it?"

"Mr. Huo, I'm sorry. I, I—"

Huo Yunting stopped her, "I see you are restless today, did something happen to you or something happened?"

Hearing this, Liu Shishi blushed, clasped his hands together, bowed his head and said nothing.

Huo Yunting, who looked at it like this, couldn't figure it out, and Liu Yifei, who was not far away, gradually became murderous.

"What are you doing?" Huo Yunting angrily knocked her on the head with the bamboo pole in his hand, "If you have something to say, just talk about it, why are you blushing?"

"That's right, I have a play of mine this afternoon, isn't it..."

Huo Yunting has a good memory, and Li Guoli doesn't shy away from talking to him, he can talk about everything, and after thinking about it, he knows what scene today is.

"Oh, it was Yang Kang who killed Ouyang Feng, and then came to you to say something about keeping you innocent, Barabara."


"Is there a problem with this scene?"

Liu Shishi's eyes were a little evasive, and his hands were almost tied together, "That's right, the director told me that this part is going to be a kiss scene."

This is my first kiss.

Master Liu dared to shout these words from the bottom of his heart.

After hearing what he said, Huo Yunting was stunned for a moment, subconsciously went to find Hu Ge's position, turned his head, and just met his eyes.

I don't know if Lao Hu felt guilty or what, he quickly lowered his head and pretended nothing happened.

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, you can tell that it is definitely not a borrowing, but a real kiss.

Now Huo Yunting also felt a little strange, Lao Hu still has a partner.

Comparing his heart to his heart, if Lao Li asked Sissy to take a kissing scene with someone else, he would kill him.

After hitting her hard, Huo Yunting sighed and patted her on the shoulder, "Okay, let's not practice guns for now, take it easy."

After all, I went to the shed to find Li Guoli, and asked for the script of the scene to be filmed in the afternoon.

Open it up, good guy, this is a collection of several kissing scenes together.

And I don't know when the script was changed again.Painted and altered, it is specially marked that it cannot be borrowed.

Some of these kissing scenes were lightly tasted and clicked; there was one outside the city gate, where they hugged and gnawed hard; there was another indoor scene, where they were hugged and gnawed hard, and their hands were still moving; and...

After watching the scenes to be filmed this afternoon, Huo Yunting frowned into a Sichuan character, he used kisses as a fucking meal.

so often.

Li Guoli, who was smoking a cigarette and staring at the monitor to review the footage shot in the morning, saw that his brows were frowning, and was curious. He turned his head to the side and saw that he was replaying scenes of Liu Shishi, and his heart skipped a beat.

"I said Yunting, you fucking want to eat what's in the bowl and look at what's in the pot."

"Go away and pull (three voices) away, am I that person?" Huo Yunting cursed angrily.

"Then Liu Shishi is a little girl of eighteen or nineteen, and she has just grown up not long ago. Is it appropriate for you to let others let her go?"

"Hey, Mr. Huo, you can't say that. This is also the need of the plot. You should dedicate yourself to art."

Huo Yunting turned his head and looked, the person who said this was a middle-aged man, wearing glasses, with a cheerful face, and a cigarette butt in his hand.

Huo Yunting looked at the middle-aged man and thought for a long time, then suddenly realized, oh, he is an assistant director.

It seems to be called Huang Mingwei or Huang Weiming?

"Director Huang, you asked to add this scene?"

"I asked for it." Li Guoli beside him said.

To say that it is indeed very common to have a kiss scene in the entertainment industry, let alone a kiss scene, there are more real ones.

Not far away, just the nearest.Teacher Xu has touched the thighs of many people.

After all, this is also art.But Huo Yunting couldn't accept it, and always felt that something was wrong.

Seeing his frowning appearance, Huang Dao smiled cheerfully, "Mr. Huo, you said that you are not a newcomer in the circle anymore. Have you never seen such a thing?"

"Look at Director Jiang Wen's "Sunny Day", Ning Jing's breasts are even exposed."

Huo Yunting thought about it and frowned, did you?Could it be that I watched the cut version?
"Let's take a close look at Li An's "Lust, Caution" these days. Didn't the newcomer Tang Wei be chosen as the heroine? The bed scene was filmed for seven days, and it was really fun."

Li Guoli nodded in agreement.

"This is actually a form of expression of art, right? It's just that the artistry of the public has not kept up for the time being—"

"No, that "Lust, Caution" has already started filming?" Huo Yunting interrupted him with a confused expression.

"That's right, the contract I signed with someone in August this year should have been filming for a few months now."

"Seven days of filming the bed scene?!" Huo Yunting was shocked, "This fucking took seven days?!"

"Well... After all, it is Li An, who has always been at the forefront of art." Li Guoli racked his brains to hold back a sentence.

"However, they also take good care of the feelings of the leading actress. When filming a bed scene, except for the cameraman, the director and the leading actor, no one else is allowed to watch it."

"That was also given to me for seven days."

"This..." Li Guoli didn't know what to say for a while.

"Director, all are in place."

Just when the atmosphere was getting awkward, a young girl wearing glasses got into the shed and shouted, then left in a hurry.

"Okay, okay, let's stop talking, let's go to filming."

Director Huang smoothed things over, and Huo Yunting came out of the shed in a daze.

The sun hit her face, but she still felt a little unreal.

"Is this an actor?"

He muttered something to himself, but he didn't know who he was asking, maybe no one asked.

In the afternoon, the kiss scene between Liu Shishi and Hu Ge officially started.

This is an indoor play, and it cannot accommodate too many people. For some psychological reason, Huo Yunting went to the scene.

His status, no one stopped him.

Liu Yifei also followed behind him, staring at him like a cat.

Liu Yifei is here, so naturally, Liu Xiaoli is also there.

The room seemed full now.

Originally, Hu Ge was also a little flustered at this time, and always felt a little sorry for Xiao Xue.Glancing at his head, seeing Brother Huo's sharp eyes, he panicked even more.

"3, 2, 1, action!"

"why why!"

Yang Kang put his hands on Mu Nianci's arms, "I killed Ouyang Ke, Ouyang Feng will not let me go!"

Mu Nianci suddenly panicked, "I killed you, I should have killed Ouyang Ke..."

"No! Nianci, don't be stupid. As long as I can keep your innocence, I'm willing to die!"

"To die together!"

Then the two looked at each other affectionately, the atmosphere was just right, when Hu Ge put his head up, Liu Shishi suddenly avoided, blinked his eyes, and cried.


When Liu Shishi cried, the tears couldn't stop, and they fell down with a puff. When he saw Hu Ge panicked, he hurried forward to comfort her.

"Master, don't cry, don't cry." Hu Ge panicked, "I beg you, if this gets out, I'll make the actress cry, and I won't be able to live in Hengdian for the rest of my life. "

Liu Shishi's mother was also at the side, her brows were furrowed into Sichuan characters, her eyes were full of distress, she hurried forward to hug her daughter.

"Director, this is Shishi's first kiss after all, can't we change it to a borrowed seat?"

Liu Xiaoli looked at it with her arms folded, and also let out a long sigh, feeling quite sad when a rabbit dies.Then he turned to look at Li Guoli, "Director Li, Master is still a child."

Both she and Liu Shishi's mother came to see their daughter, and they had something in common, and they became best friends in the past few months on the set.

Although everyone was persuading him, Li Guoli did not change his face and remained firm.

"This kiss scene must be a real kiss, and you can't borrow a seat. If you borrow a seat, it will look fake, and you can't perform that kind of energy."

"The film and television industry has been developing for so many years. If you don't even dare to shoot a kiss scene, what kind of actor should you be? Forget about quitting the industry!"

Li Guoli's words blocked all the excuses, and the atmosphere in the room was a little dignified for a while.

"Lao Li, let me tell you something."

Huo Yunting spoke suddenly, and walked out with his arms around Li Guoli's shoulders.

After leaving the house, he put a red plum in his mouth, "Lao Li, don't push the child so hard."

Li Guoli frowned.

He can ignore those two women, but if it's Huo Yunting, he has to take care of them.

"Yunting, if everyone is like you, then we won't be able to shoot this scene."

"I didn't say that you have to borrow a seat. It's okay to use a piece of paper to block it, or use plastic film or scotch tape to block it."

Li Guoli was unwilling to say this, and Huo Yunting was also unwilling to give up.

The two remained in a stalemate like this until the cigarette butts burned out, and finally Li Guoli let out a long sigh.

"Okay, Yunting, I'll give you this face."

"Thanks, Lao Li."

Patting Huo Yunting on the shoulder, Li Guoli turned and walked back, but stopped after walking a few steps.

"Yunting, let me tell you something you don't like to hear. Even if you change Liu Shishi's kiss scene today, there are too many real kiss scenes in this country, and you can't control it."

Huo Yunting smiled, "I don't care if it's voluntary. Liu Shishi is obviously unwilling, so I have to talk about it."

Li Guoli shook his head and went to greet the director team, makeup team and props team.

This lens needs to be changed, and the mouth can no longer be used for close-up shots.

The props group also had to stick scotch tape on the lips, and then put on foundation, so it couldn't be seen.

Huo Yunting felt a little melancholy, sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Thinking about these messy things, someone poked his shoulder suddenly.

Looking back, it was Liu Shishi and her mother.

"Mr. Huo, Mr. Huo, thank you." Liu Shishi's nose was still red.

"Yes, Mr. Huo, thank you for your help." Mother Liu said softly, but she couldn't hide her gratitude.

Huo Yunting smiled, "It's nothing, I just mentioned it casually."

The mother and daughter thanked Liu Shishi repeatedly, and left in a hurry when they heard someone from the makeup team greet Liu Shishi.

The two left, and the surroundings became quiet again.

Huo Yunting rested his chin, staring at the sky in a trance.

"Brother Yun!"

A familiar voice came, and Huo Yunting knew who it was without looking back.

Sniffing the fragrant wind blowing towards my face, I smiled, "What's the matter, Sissy?"

The little girl also held her chin and looked at the sky.She didn't talk about what happened just now, but Jay Chou.

"Just now my mother told me that Jay Chou was looking for us, guess what happened?"

ps: Chapter 149 has been revised and the bracelet has been given away.I just said that I always feel like I forgot something these days.

That paragraph felt a bit abrupt, but it feels better after changing it

But today there are more than 700 words

(End of this chapter)

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