The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 156 The Uninvited Guest in the Small Yard

Chapter 156 The Uninvited Guest in the Small Yard

Pants are off, you tell me you're on your period?

No, I don't accept it!

Li Guoli turned to Huo Yunting, "Yunting, do you think they can give you the face of Ren Qiu Chuanwu?"

Huo Yunting choked on these words, and looked at him speechlessly, "If my name, Ren Qiu Chuanwu, can be spread to the prairie, I'll still be in the entertainment industry, and I'll open a martial arts gym to recruit apprentices." Be a guru."

Li Guoli was a little melancholy, which is true.

"You can charge someone a higher price. If you charge 500 yuan a day, someone will definitely come."

"Fuck off." Li Guoli cursed angrily, "I'll pay you 500 yuan a day for a group performer, and I'll have to pay for my fucking pants."

Having said that, Li Guoli still asked his assistant to ask again, and the price was raised a bit.

Now someone became interested, but then asked carefully what kind of film it was filming, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

What segment is it?Heard that profuse sweat was involved, so I started to ask more questions.

Now the assistant dared not speak.

Although there are no smearing parts in the script, they also think so, what if people don't recognize it?
Don't say a damn sentence wrong, let someone beat you up.

So the assistant found an excuse to slip back, and when he saw Li Guoli, he looked helpless.

"Director, I dare not say that. After all, we have to take care of other people's feelings."

"This isn't some deep mountain and old forest. Why are you afraid that someone will dig a hole and bury you?"

The assistant looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, "Director Li, I really dare not bet. How about you try it yourself?"

Well, in fact, Li Guoli didn't dare too much.

Forget it, let's find a group performer.

The prairie is the last stop of all the shooting locations, and you can call it a day and go home after shooting.

The Spring Festival in [-] was relatively late, in the middle and late February.Everyone finished shooting the film at the end of January, which was staggered with the Spring Festival.

Otherwise, it would be a bit troublesome to go home during the Spring Festival holiday, and then have to go to the production team in the next few days after the year.

On January 28, the crew officially wrapped up.Cai Yinong also specially invited Wang Fang over to meet Hu Ge.

After lying on the hospital bed for several months, Wang Fang can be regarded as completely recovered.

The excitement on Hu Ge's face could not be concealed, his eyes were red with excitement, and he rushed forward and hugged Wang Fang tightly without letting go.

The two have worked together for several years, and they are said to be assistants and bosses, but their relationship is like that of siblings.

In fact, ever since the car accident happened, he has always had a thorn in his heart.Xiao Kai was discharged from the hospital not long after, but Wang Fang has been lying on the hospital bed, and he has not been to the hospital for a few months of filming.

I can't bear it, and I dare not.

He was afraid that as soon as he went to the hospital, the group of paparazzi would surround him again.

Today, the production team wrapped up and Wang Fang was completely discharged from the hospital, which can be described as double happiness.

Hugo was very happy.

King He chatted for a few words, then came to Huo Yunting and gave him a big hug.

"Brother Huo, it's been several months, and I haven't thanked you in person. I really thank you for saving my life in that car accident."

On the expressway late that night, if Huo Yunting hadn't discovered it and reminded them earlier, and slammed the steering wheel to avoid the most serious situation, the three of them would have to explain where they were.

"How long has it been in the past, why keep mentioning it? It's over, it's over."


Hugo nodded heavily.

Saying goodbye to everyone in the crew, when we arrived at Liu Shishi, the little girl suddenly asked him for his phone number.

"Mr. Huo, can you add a contact information?"

Speak openly, in front of everyone.

Everyone knew that Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei were a couple, but for a while, no one dared to make a scene.

Liu Shishi was also beating drums in his heart, and kept telling himself that he just wanted to add a contact method to the seniors in the industry, which is normal.

Huo Yunting didn't hesitate too much, and told her his phone number with a smile.

In the end, Li Guoli gave some red envelopes according to the hair, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was officially completed, and everyone went back to their respective homes to find their mothers.

On the way back to Beiping, Huo Yunting was still walking with Liu Yifei. The little girl looked as usual, laughing and joking, which made Huo Yunting a little curious.



"Why didn't you respond at all?"

It didn't take Huo Yunting to make it too clear, Liu Yifei knew what he was referring to, raised his head, his eyes curved into a smile, "Then what do you want me to do?"

"Jealous? Losing your temper? That's something only children do, I'm already an adult." She bit the last three words emphatically, as if implying something.

"Whoever talks to someone will have no friends of the opposite sex."

Huo Yunting rubbed the tip of his nose embarrassingly, which is true.

"Well." The little girl laughed, showing her two pointed canine teeth, "If I find out that you are in two boats, hum..."

"How could it be? What we martial arts practitioners pay attention to is a stable foothold. If we step on two boats, we will definitely capsize." Huo Yunting said righteously.

Back in Beiping, Liu Yifei originally wanted to go to Huo Yunting's house to play, but when she thought of the alumni she could almost call uncle, she gave up the idea.

In the end, the two parted ways at Yu Suier Hutong.

"Cissy, go slowly." Huo Yunting greeted.

"Yi Fei, go slowly." Chen Weitao greeted.

"...What do you think you are following me for?"

"Learn from the scriptures, Master Huo." Chen Weitao looked sincere, "I still haven't figured out a lot, and I want to ask you for advice again."

Huo Yunting raised some points from the crew in the past few months, and he felt that his level had really improved by leaps and bounds.

Huo Yunting can be said to know everything.

Even if there are some questions that knocked him down, he can figure it out after gesticulating in the air for a while.

This is called talent difference cauldron.

"Then you have a lot to learn, and you may not be able to finish teaching today."

"It's okay, I can just stay in a nearby hotel. If I can't finish studying today, I'll come back tomorrow."

"Hey, what I said, I can't see it." Huo Yunting put his arms around his shoulders, "It just so happens that I still have a spare room in my house, I can rent it to you cheaply..."

Chen Weitao looked happy, what a coincidence.

Following behind Huo Yunting, he twisted and turned from the alley to a courtyard.Looking at the familiar big iron gate, Huo Yunting took a deep breath and arrived home.

"Where did I put my keys..."

The hand was overturned in the pocket, and after a while a key was inserted in the lock, and the door was opened with a "bang", "Old Huang, I'm back!"

The yard was silent, and no one responded.

Only the cold wind blew through the fallen leaves in the yard and knocked down a mineral water bottle with some water stains on the stone table, which proved that the place had not been abandoned for a long time.

Huo Yunting went to the room on the left side to search around, but no one was there.

Well, you are really dedicated, this is going out to take on the show again.

"Old Chen, I'll give you the key to the room on the right side. When you come back, clean up by yourself."

"I'll go to sleep first."

Locked the door, threw things on the coffee table in the main room, went back to the bedroom and fell on the bed, wrapped in a big quilt and began to sleep.

Having been with Lao Chen for the past few months, I dare not say that I know the basics, but I also know the general idea of ​​him.You can't do something like petty theft.

What's more, he has nothing to steal in this yard.

When I woke up, I stretched my waist, and I felt refreshed all over.Look at the time, at 05:30 in the afternoon, I slept for three or four hours.

As soon as he lifted the quilt, a gust of cold air penetrated through various gaps such as trouser legs, sleeves, etc., which made him get goose bumps all over his body.

Put on thick clothes quickly, and went to the window to see that it was white and misty outside.

It's snowing heavily.

Pushing open the door, the cold wind howled, and the little snowflakes hit his face and turned into water droplets, which made him wake up a lot.

"Ouch, Master Huo, you're awake."

Chen Weitao was sweeping snow in the yard, and the snow was swept to the sides, piled up several centimeters thick.

"I said, Lao Chen, it's snowing here, what are you doing sweeping it, there will be more after sweeping."

"Hey, it's snowing a lot today, and you'll have to use a shovel when it's over—I don't think there's a shovel here."

While the two were talking, the door was knocked loudly.

"Hey, I guess it's Lao Huang who came back." Huo Yunting laughed, "I'll introduce you to my old brother."

After taking two steps towards the door, the smile disappeared again, "No, Lao Huang has the key."

I was puzzled, but I still opened the big iron door, and felt more and more important to poke a hole in the iron door as a cat's eye.

"Master Huo."

The visitor was tall and burly, with an unshaven beard, and saluted with fists in his hands, "Long time no see."

"Shi Xingyu?"

Huo Yunting was quite surprised, he hadn't seen this kid for many years.

Ever since he left a message to himself saying that he was going back to Shaolin Temple to practice penance, he has never heard of him.

"Come, come, let's talk when we come in," Huo Yunting turned sideways.

After entering the room, Shi Xingyu looked around and settled on Chen Weitao.

"Who is this……"

"Oh, this is Chen Weitao, the moving finger of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". He is a friend of mine, come to visit me."

The moving finger of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Does that mean that Huo Yunting is going to participate in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?

A hint of envy flashed in Shi Xingyu's eyes, but it was soon suppressed.

Turning to look at Huo Yunting, "Master Huo, I told you three years ago that I would go back to Shaolin Temple to practice hard. In the past three years, I have beaten all the masters in Songshan Shaolin."

Huo Yunting nodded, realizing in his heart that this is a visit to find a place.

But how the hell did he find his home?Is my address such a bad street?

I won't let the paparazzi install bugs in this room, right? Huo Yunting suddenly seemed to be facing a big enemy, and his expression became serious.

Seeing Huo Yunting's suddenly solemn expression, Shi Xingyu was slightly relieved.It seems that he should not have reached the point of being invincible all over the world.

The champion of the two karate competitions, if it is him, I can't guarantee that I can do it.

During the period of hard training in Shaolin Temple, every time I saw the news of Huo Yunting, my heart skipped a beat.

too fast.

If I didn't try to lose face back then, but continued to play the role of coolie with the cheek, would it be me who has just returned from filming "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?

"Master Huo—"

"Brother, let me ask, is there a formation of eighteen bronze figures in your Shaolin Temple's entrance to the mountain?"

Just as he spoke, he was interrupted by Chen Weitao, who was watching from the side.

Seeing his curious expression, Shi Xingyu's face twitched a few times, "Don't do this now... I don't know if it was there before."

Shi Xingyu looked at Huo Yunting seriously again, "Master Huo, I have been practicing hard for three years, and I want to have a few more tricks with you to see how far I have reached."

"Oops! I remembered! You are the one who made people dizzy with an elbow on the set of "Kung Fu"!" Chen Weitao stretched his head slightly with his broom in his arms, and put his hands in his sleeves.


"That time was an accident." Shi Xingyu blushed, and held back his words for a long while.

"Okay, okay, it's a big deal."

Huo Yunting patted the snow on his body and took off his jacket.Walk to the middle of the yard and wave to him, "Come on, let me see how far you have practiced now."

With a serious expression, Shi Xingyu took off his backpack and stood opposite Huo Yunting.

Open your steps, spread your arms back and forth, and spread your palms upwards.

Starting gesture, Erlang bears the mountain.

Is this Shaolin boxing?
It seems that in the past three years of hard work, he has also learned other things besides the Twelve-Road Tan Leg.

Huo Yunting narrowed his eyes slightly, stepped forward in a lunge, put his left arm in front of his body, and his right elbow across his chest.

Starting gesture, Liangyi elbow.

Shi Xingyu's pupils shrunk, another Bajiquan!
Three years ago, I lost at this elbow!

The figure moved out suddenly, heeled forward, and stabbed at the ribs with the palm of the rising sun.Huo Yunting turned sideways slightly, opened the pipa grid with his hand, and hit it hard with his belt shoulder——


The snow on the ground was thick and slippery. He was knocked out of a distance and almost stumbled.

Tai Chi?Grade eight?
Before he had time to think about it, he frowned, the muscles of his legs tightened to grab the ground, and he took a few steps to run up the ground and flew around, and his feet fell towards Huo Yunting.

Oh, whirlwind kick.

The difficulty of this trick is not low.

Thoughts flashed through Huo Yunting's mind, and suddenly he realized that a sideways kick was kicking Shi Xingyu's abdomen.


He kicked it with all his strength and flew out, hitting the iron gate heavily.


"My grass!"

Shi Xingyu lay on the ground and retched, Chen Weitao's eyes popped out of shock.

So fucking fast.

This kick does not contain any skills, it is fast, accurate and ruthless.A simple side kick can directly kick it a few meters away!
Moreover, the monk's whole body was falling, and in this case, he was kicked a few meters away!

Before he was on the crew, he only asked for some performance routines, but today is the first time he realizes Huo Yunting's horror.

He hurried to help Shi Xingyu up, "Xingyu, are you alright?"

Huo Yunting looked worried, don't die here.

"Cough cough... Vomit! Master Huo, I, I'm fine."

Struggling to get up, his face was full of loneliness.

Why did I study hard for three years?Just to make him beat me up again?
Huo Yunting saw that his eyes were empty, and his heart skipped a beat.It's broken, don't just kick his Dao heart to pieces.

He sat down at the stone table and patted Chen Weitao, "Old Chen, comfort me, I'll run for a cup of tea."

Chen Weitao nodded, "I understand."

Looking at Shi Xingyu with a dull face, Chen Weitao also felt a little sympathetic.

"Hey, monk, it's all right."

"Think about it, last time people were dizzy from dryness, but this time it was just retching, which is a big improvement."

After finishing speaking, I heard the sound of gnashing of teeth.

"Monk, don't bite your gums so hard, it's easy to bleed."

 Good news: crossed

  Bad news: the crossing is in the detention center
(End of this chapter)

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