The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 158 Revenge on the Children

Chapter 158 Revenge on the Children

Huo Yunting became interested. Although Lao Zhang was always out of tune, it was one of the few times when he was serious when it came to his acting.

Awesome?What kind of awesome method is that?

"Okay, let's talk in the first room."

Zhang Debang nodded and hurried to the main room.Although it was noon, it was still a bit cold.

Seeing this, Shi Xingyu and Chen Weitao also consciously stopped their work and followed them to the main room.

During this morning, the two of them can be regarded as getting to know each other.

They all hang out with Master Huo, and they reckon they will have a good deal of dealings for a long time.In the future, he might be Master Huo's right-hand man.

According to the situation, this old Zhang should be Master Huo's agent. He said that he has a great job, which means he is a big piece of meat.

Then can the two of them also take a sip of the meaty smell?
Thinking in my heart, I followed my steps.

Huo Yunting turned around suddenly, looked at them both with a puzzled look on his face, "What are you doing? Did you know what I taught you two?"

The two looked at each other in blank dismay, "I don't know much if I haven't learned anything."

"If you don't understand, then continue to learn. What are you doing with me?"

"Alright, Master Huo."


After cursing, go back to the main room.

"Brother Huo, who are these two?"

"Little brother."

Huo Yunting made him a cup of tea, "Tell me, what a good job."

""King of Kung Fu"."

"Suck it~"

After taking a sip of his tea, Zhang Debang smacked his lips twice, "This film is really awesome, starring Cheng Long and Li Lianjie. It's an international route, and it will be released worldwide."

"Hey, so awesome."

Huo Yunting was a little surprised.

"That's not true." Zhang Debang looked mysterious, and moved closer, "This film was originally funded by Huayi, and Cheng Long also specified that he wanted to act opposite you. Brother Huo, you are so awesome!"

The reason why Lao Zhang withered in the morning was not only because he saw the news that Huo Yunting was going to open a martial arts gym, but also because he saw the movie "The King of Kung Fu".

Invest four hundred million!

Shot according to the standards of Hollywood blockbusters!

"Oh, yes, Brother Huo. The heroine is Liu Yifei."

Huo Yunting frowned deeply, "Cheng Long is the leading role?"

The admiration for Brother Cheng Long is nothing but admiration, but it seems that a person has to be viewed in a variety of ways.


Forget it, don't mention it.

The words were very cryptic, but Zhang Debang understood immediately.

"Don't worry, although Cheng Long is the leading actor, the hero is not him, but a foreigner."

Zhang Debang said eloquently, the two people lying on the window eavesdropping pouted their buttocks and pressed their ears to the window.

This story is relatively simple. It is roughly the story of a foreign boy who accidentally came to the world of Journey to the West and defeated the Jade God of War to save the world.

To be honest, it's a bit cliche.

But Cheng Long and Li Lianjie are the biggest selling points of this film.

"Then who am I playing?"

"Jade Border God of War."

"I'm the biggest villain in this film."

Thinking about it carefully, the villain I have played since my debut seems to be Brother Dao.And rather than being a villain, Brother Dao is more like a street gangster.This Yujiang God of War is the out-and-out villain.

Oh, and the villain Long Wu in Mission: Impossible.However, this character does not have much ink, it just shows his superb flying skills and ruthlessness.

Most of the audience just said "I'm stupid, I'm handsome", and there was no other reaction.

Huo Yunting hesitated.

Like some big names who have been famous for a long time, they would rather play a lot of bad movies than play villains.

Just like Liu Dehua, although he has played some villains, he has a requirement, that is, he must die in the end.

Of course he said it himself.

The reason why big names don't like to play villains is because they are afraid that the audience will be substituted into reality, which will affect their future drama development and their own reputation.

For example, Li Mingqi who played the role of Nanny Rong in "My Fair Princess", how many people's psychological shadows are the expression of gnashing his teeth now.

Or Du Xudong, a local ruffian, a rascal and a traitor, as soon as he saw his face, he knew he must be a villain.

Of course, it may also be because of his looks that he is a villain by nature, and he can't play a righteous character.

As if seeing what he was thinking, Zhang Debang said with a smile, "Brother Huo, if someone really has to consider refusing, you can accept it."

"Have you forgotten what netizens call you? Actor with Thousand Faces!"

"Don't talk about the far away, let's take the near ones as an example. For example, Hu Ge, whether it's Yang Kang, Dong Yong, Li Xiaoyao, Ning Caichen, they all play positive niches."

"If he is asked to play the role of Yujiang God of War, then his design will collapse."

Hearing what he said, Huo Yunting also pondered in his heart, there is indeed some truth.

He has acted in so many plays since his debut, and there are almost no duplicate characters, only Guo Jing and Yang Guo are more similar.

Let him play the villain Yujiang God of War, and the audience's reaction will not be so strong, at least they will not substitute this role into reality.

He has won two martial arts championships and won glory for the country.These two medals almost gave his image in reality to death.

Chivalrous and courageous, with superb martial arts skills, and awe-inspiring righteousness...

No matter how many villains you play, you can't hide the gold content of these two medals.

"Brother Huo, don't worry, you can definitely play the God of War in Yujiang. In the end, you stretch out three fingers, and the salary is a full 300 million."



Two "hiss" sounds came from outside the window, Huo Yunting knocked on the table angrily, "Go and practice!"

"Hit me one by one in a while, and if you fail, your legs will be broken!"

Then there were loud footsteps outside the window.

I guess it slipped away.

"Is there a script?"

"Yes." Zhang Debang took out the computer from his backpack and sent him the electronic version of the script.

With two beeps, Huo Yunting received the document.

I roughly flipped through the script, mainly to see the subdivision of Yujiang God of War.

Basically, it imprisoned the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, ruled the heaven, and plunged the world into chaos.

Cruel, perverse, moody, with a deep ambition for power.

This is Huo Yunting's first impression of the role of Yujiang God of War.

Seeing Huo Yunting's pensive look, Zhang Debang opened his mouth several times, but he didn't say anything.

In fact, there is another copy of this script.

It is the first edition.

When Zhang Debang came by taxi, he watched it from the road, and his heart beat when he saw it.

Because the character of Yujiang God of War in the first edition is an old hooligan.

What Seven Fairies, Queen Mother... Anyway, as long as it is a woman, it cannot be separated from his clutches.

It can be said that it is the kind that will not let go from the age of three to the age of eighty.

At that time, Zhang Debang shrank, let alone shrank after watching it.

If he acted according to this image, it might really damage Huo Yunting's reputation.

Fortunately, there is a second edition.

Changed the character image of Yujiang God of War.

After reading it, he called his acquaintances in the company to ask, is this edited by the editor or the company's request?

After a while, people replied that the first edition was written by the editor, but Wang Zhongjun sent it back.

Just one request, to change the character image of Yujiang God of War.

When people spread the gossip, Zhang Debang became more determined to fight Huo Yunting.

The company really valued him, fearing that his character image would affect his development, even the script could be changed.

Can I eat less meat after I become his agent?

After reading the script, Huo Yunting asked, "What about the storyboard script?"

Zhang Debang froze for a moment.

Huo Ge started to watch storyboards after filming "Crazy Stone".

But what can be seen from his level of half learning from Yue Xiaojun.

Of course, this is what I said in my heart.

"Oh, I'm sorry Brother Huo, I forgot about this, I'm going to ask for it now."

After finishing speaking, he got up and walked out, going to the company, and brought the paper version along the way.

When Zhang Debang left, Huo Yunting also got up and went out. Seeing the absent-minded two gesticulating from there, Huo Yunting sneered.

"Come on, let me check what you two have learned this morning."

Then there was a burst of howling and screaming in the small courtyard.

Most of them were contributed by Chen Weitao. Shi Xingyu's face was distorted from the beating, and he gritted his teeth and remained silent.

That afternoon, Zhang Debang brought over the paper version of the script and the storyboard. Huo Yunting went through it in his head and thought it was feasible.

Although it is also a magical film, it is at least easy to understand and is a commercial film.Unlike "The Promise", artistry is no longer comprehensible to people of their age.

I asked about the shooting start time, late February and early March.It was originally planned for May, but due to some special reasons, it has been moved forward a lot.

When he was free, Huo Yunting found a piece of paper to settle accounts.

"The Legend of Condor Heroes" pays 35 yuan, Wu Zhi pays 80 yuan, plus a symbolic 15 yuan from the screenwriter team, "The Unspeakable Secret" pays 100 yuan, borrows [-] yuan from Lao Guo, and auctions things for [-] yuan. Investing in "Crazy Stone" earned more than [-] million yuan, plus various commercial endorsements...

Calculating carefully, excluding the share with the company, the tax rate, and various other expenses, he now has about two million in deposits.

Although it is enough to check the bank card for things like deposits, but I always have a sense of accomplishment.

This is all his hard-earned money.

Not to mention opening a martial arts gym, buying a suite is enough.

"Ge Laozi, even the rent increase here is a bit steep."

Then Huo Yunting told Zhang Debang that the address of the martial arts gym should be chosen, and by the way, help him choose a house, preferably a courtyard house.

He made up his mind to settle down in Peiping.

He can live in a building, but he will have some private space to practice martial arts in the future. Now that he is famous, he can no longer run around on the street like before.

As for the martial arts hall, Huo Yunting thought about it and told Lao Zhang that he would not discuss this matter with Mr. Wang for the time being.

His contract with Huayi will expire in June and July this year, and he does not plan to renew it.

He asked this question on the sidelines from Liu Dehua's third-rate celebrity exchange group. With Huo Yunting's current reputation, he could already do it on his own.

When Zhang Debang heard this, he hesitated. This is a breach of contract.

But after thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and agreed.

He and Wang Zhongjun haven't seen each other once in 800 years, but they see Huo Yunting every day, and the time they spend together almost catches up with his wife.

Let's see the situation first.Zhang Debang thought in his heart that if something really went wrong then he would cut it off.

"Oh, by the way, Lao Zhang, there is one more thing, please ask Boss Wang, if it's okay to bring the two of you into the crew."

"Just let them fight."

On February 2th, Valentine's Day, Huo Yunting has no concept of a foreign festival.But today's young people like to celebrate this Valentine's Day, and Liu Yifei is no exception.

Huo Yunting doted on her, during the day they covered each other tightly, went to the street to play around, and at night they went back to his courtyard for a meal.

While eating, he was tired and crooked, Huang Bo's gums were almost crushed.

He simply hid in the house and didn't come out, out of sight and out of mind, even making phone calls with Xiao Ou began to feel numb.

After Valentine's Day, Huo Yunting went back to his hometown, Shi Xingyu and Chen Weitao also left separately.

Carrying various gifts and supplements such as cigarettes and alcohol in his hand, as soon as he entered Huojiazhuang, he heard a child shouting.

"Huo Yunting is back! It's the big star Huo Yunting!"

Then there was a burst of gongs and drums, firecrackers blared, and the neighbors in the village swarmed out, which startled Huo Yunting and almost subconsciously kicked him out.

Glancing left and right, they were all neighbors, and there were no strange paparazzi in it.

Let go of your heart and keep your eyes on the child who shouted.

His grandma's, it seems that this kid called it the last time I went home.

Laugh with you, and chat with some neighbors.As for those matchmakers who seemed to be familiar with each other and clamored about blind dates, he ignored them all.

From Huojiazhuang to Chenjiatun, Huo Yunting's head hurts.

"My eldest son is back!"

As soon as she stepped into the house, she saw Chen Caiping's beaming face.The previous words of the matchmaker around his head also dissipated.

"Well, I'm back."

This year has been a good year, but his parents have been asking him about Liu Yifei.

Huo Yunting was embarrassed to say that the main reason was that the little girl was only eighteen or nineteen years old now, and she always felt that she was involved in seducing an innocent little girl.

He was afraid that this matter would reach his grandfather's ears, and the old man would kick him.

"Hey, by the way, Mom, whose family is that child who called outside today? Just yell at Huo Yunting for coming back."

"It seems to be a child of Huo Qiang's family."

"That's it." Huo Yunting secretly remembered it in his heart.

This year's Spring Festival was a bit sloppy, mainly because of the rush from "The King of Kung Fu".

Huo Yunting went back on the fifth day of the lunar new year.

Before leaving, he went to Huo Qiang's house, and as expected, the screaming child was his family's child.

"Brother Qiang, I wish you a happy old age."

"Ouch! The big star is here, sit down quickly." Huo Qiang's family seemed a little flattered.

"No, I'm leaving now, come back when I'm free."

Huo Yunting smiled, and took out a stack of exquisite exercise books.

"This is the exercise book I bought from the city some time ago. There are three subjects in Chinese, mathematics and English, five for each subject. All elementary school students in big cities use it."

Huo Yunting looked sideways, the child was dumbfounded, as if his life had been impacted.

"Hurry up, Xiaoyu, thank you, Uncle Huo."

Xiao Yu didn't speak, her nose was sore, she burst into tears, and then ran back to the house, closing the door heavily.

"Oh, this, this whole thing..."

"Hehe, it's okay. Brother Qiang, happy new year." Huo Yunting cupped his hands and left contentedly.

ps: Blind Guess Someone wants to tell me that Yujiang God of War's make-up is too disgusting.

Stack the armor first, it will be changed later, and other places will also be adjusted
(End of this chapter)

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