The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 16 Part-time martial arts

Chapter 16 Part-time martial arts
Huo Yunting has been looking for this girl named Niannian for a long time, and she is indeed not in the main creative team.

Because there are too few scenes.

When Huo Yunting found the girl and told her Director He's request, the girl was suspicious for a long time, always thinking that it was an apprentice who came to tease him.

It was Fan Bingbing who helped him out, which proved that this was indeed Director He's request.

Shooting started in the afternoon, and it was done while working out.

Those who have a part in the scene will be filmed first, and those who have no part in the scene will be tired first.

For such a large site, the rent would cost thousands of dollars a day, not to mention the rent for other machinery and equipment.

If you let them run in for a week before working, why would the management scold them to death.

As for why the actors who are spouses are not allowed to run in private in advance... probably because they are afraid that something will happen to the run-in.


After resting for a while, Director He yelled through the loudspeaker, asking the actors to change their clothes and put on makeup.

There are quite a few people in the make-up team, and they are basically girls.

Baseball cap, long sleeves, and a face scarf, it can be said that in this place full of yellow sand, he wrapped himself tightly.

Of course, this is Huo Yunting's makeup artist watching other actors.

With a fleshy face, the curly beard was straightened and probably longer than his own hair, and he was facing him.This is his makeup artist and the leader of the makeup team.

It's a bit difficult, isn't the fucking gap too big?

Little did they know that this was Director He's special order to put Huo Yunting's makeup on himself, so that he would look old.

After a while, the makeup was finished, and the wig and beard were all glued on. At first glance, it really looked like a master.

"Brother, how's it going? Try taking two steps?" The bearded and rough voice sounded, attracting the attention of many people around.

Nod.Standing up and flicking his long sleeves, a sense of vicissitudes slowly burst out.

"Good guy, you are really Huo Yunting."

Han Xue looked at her mouth, he tried his best to look like an old man, and Huang Haibing tried his best to look like a young man.

If you ask her, it's just right for the two to switch roles.

Of course, this is just thinking about it.

The male and female protagonists are all voted by netizens. What they want is their popularity. Who would buy it if it were Huo Yunting.

"The actors are in place, the actors are in place!"

"Old Hu, ask two people to lay the track."

"Where's the light? Light? Light!"

""Ping Zong Xiaying", one scene at a time, action!"

The following days are busy shooting schedules, but Huo Yunting is busier than others.

And it is far beyond others.

Why?Huo Yunting is also fucking in charge of martial arts instruction.

There are only two martial arts directors in the crew, one is Li Cai and the other is Guo Jianyong.

Unfortunately not enough.

Four masters of martial arts: Jin Yong, Gu Long, Liang Yusheng, Wen Rui'an.

As a master of martial arts, Liang Yusheng is also the originator of "new style of martial arts novels", so his writing skills are naturally impeccable.

Not to mention that "Ping Zong Xia Video Record" is the masterpiece of Liang Yusheng's novels, and it is also his most satisfying work.

The description of martial arts in the book is naturally many and difficult.

It's just that except for Huang Haibing, who has a foundation in acting in martial arts dramas, everyone else is basically exposed to martial arts dramas for the first time.

Even Fan Bingbing, who is the heroine, is more exposed to costume dramas than martial arts.

Li Cai and Guo Jianyong were struggling to teach, but it's a pity that this group of people studied hard, after all, it was the first time for a big girl to get on the sedan chair.

"Yunting! I remember you are also a Lianjiazi? Go up and help, teach and demonstrate."

The director has spoken, and he can't do anything about it.

Yes, let's go then.

Holding the Baiyun Sword in his hand, he came to Sun Hao's side in a spirited manner.

"Brother Hao, can I help you?"

" need, go teach Hanxue, I'll think about it."

Sun Hao's expression was weird. At the age of 35, he asked a person 15 years younger than him to teach him martial arts moves... It's so weird.

Huo Yunting's face was indifferent, he nodded slightly and then leisurely came to Han Xue's side.

"Xiaoxue, may I help you?"

"Hey, it's called Sister Xue! I'm older than you, okay?"

Huo Yunting was helpless, "Isn't it necessary for a few months?"

"No, call."

"Okay, okay, sister Xue, may I help you?"


Han Xue was the one who chatted with him more in the whole crew.

Don't look at him who has won Golden Harvest's "Star of the Century" Newcomer Gold Award, or is a college student in the Department of Acting, but he has an easy-going attitude.

This is not to say that the other actors put on airs, the main reason is that the two are of the same age and have little acting experience, so they can chat.

As for his wife, no, the actor who played Xie Tianhua's wife, Chen Niannian, was too introverted to chat with.

The other actors are even worse. Although they are polite and polite when speaking, they all have a trace of alienation.

I thought being busy was just busy for a while, but later Huo Yunting found that he seemed to be the third martial artist in the crew.

As soon as Li Cai and Guo Jianyong were busy, he had to follow suit.

Sometimes Huo Yunting wondered if he could be selected for the role of Xie Tianhua, because Lao He had long thought of oppressing himself.

Fortunately, Lao He has a bit of conscience, and he found him in private and promised to add another 5000 yuan, which should be considered as the cost of asking him to be a martial arts finger.

Huo Yunting quit.

How much does Yong get?I'm doing the same job as him, just take this?
Lao He scratched his head, and the two bargained about the price, and finally settled on 8000 yuan.

by cash.

Another [-] was credited, and Huo Yunting regained his spirits all of a sudden.

If you are not idle, you are idle, and you can't get along with Chen Niannian. Isn't it good to make a second income?

Actors are generally older than Huo Yunting, and it always seems too strange to ask him to teach martial arts moves, so they have always been more resistant to Huo Yunting.

Except Shi Xiaolong.

In fact, he is also a trainer, and he always greets himself just to make gestures with himself.

Huo Yunting was too lazy to ignore him.

He was also so crazy in the first year of junior high school. He felt that he knew both swordsmanship and boxing, and he was invincible among his peers.

Later, he was hit by a super fat, dimension-reducing high school freshman.

The fat man rushed over and pressed him down, at that time Huo Yunting felt that half his life was lost.

Later, he was the one who subdued Fatty with one move, or he would have overturned.

Since then he has kept a low profile.

When you are fifteen or sixteen years old and your body has not yet reached its peak, provoking someone who is older than yourself is not a mouse licking a cat*—is it okay to look for excitement?
This kid is only 15, younger than Yue Yunpeng, playing the role of Zhang Danfeng in his youth.

Regardless of his young age, he is a real child star.At the age of five, he starred in his first movie "Xiao Lin Kid".

However, Huo Yunting didn't bother him, and almost became Han Xue's personal military finger during this time.

He thinks it's okay.

Food and lodging included, chatting with Han Xue and guiding Han Xue's movements after filming her own scenes, this life is much better than when she was acting as a group performer in Beiping.

I lived in the basement then, but now I live in a hotel.

At the same time, he was also very moved by the woman Mo Xiaoqi's divination, and she really got it right.I did move out of the basement before the end of February.

But nine out of ten it was covered up, after all, this woman counted for him to pass this time.

Huo Yunting felt very comfortable in such a life, but Lao He couldn't hold back anymore.

Mom slapped, grinding and chirping.

According to this speed of filming, I can't finish it in July!

Add some special effects.

 Will update steadily in the future!
  12 points a chapter

  6 p.m. chapter

  Please collect and recommend^

(End of this chapter)

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