The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 173 Spring Festival Gala Invitation

Chapter 173 Spring Festival Gala Invitation

Although I don't know how Zhang Debang, a veteran, and Zhang Han, a college student who just graduated, went both ways, but Huo Yunting didn't have much interest in listening.

As long as Zhang Han is stable and does his job well as an assistant, that's enough.

To be honest, Huo Yunting has only one purpose in setting up this studio, and that is to spend the money he earns by himself, and there is no middleman to make the difference.

But Zhang Debang didn't think so. He felt that this studio was the beginning of a new starting point in his life, and it took a lot of effort to prepare it.

Naturally, he was more serious. He found an office building, rented a floor for office space, and organized a ribbon-cutting event. Everyone from the studio came to meet him, the second-in-command.

Of course, the main thing is to let everyone meet the boss Huo Yunting.

Everyone chirped and chirped, he opened a bottle of champagne, and the inauguration ceremony of the studio ended.

Huang Bo was among the applauding crowd.

This was also greeted by Zhang Debang.

How can a studio have only Huo Yunting as an artist?More or less pulled down.

Look at last month when Fan Bingbing left Huayi to work alone, there were still a few unknown artists below.

This row of noodles must be produced.

After signing Huang Bo for five years, I don't expect his performance to bring benefits, but simply regard him as a mascot.

It doesn't cost much anyway.

The main reason is to hope that their studio can be as unwavering and persistent as Huang Bo's pursuit of the actor's dream.

The news of the establishment of the studio was not publicized too much, but Huo Yunting posted a blog post on his blog, saying that he would have the opportunity to cooperate with Huayi again in the future, and they got together and separated.

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar in the circle.

Huo Yunting is a sweet potato, so Huayi just let go?What do you think?

Moreover, this Chinese family has a big business, and everyone knows the reason why they can enjoy the shade by leaning on a big tree. What is Huo Yunting thinking?

Many people in the circle are confused by this, but only the parties involved know the twists and turns.

The news spread widely, and Liu Xiaoli was the first to call, asking straight to the point why Huo Yunting wanted to terminate the contract with Huayi.

These days, she is very concerned about Huayi's affairs.

"Yunting, is your appointment coming up soon? No more renewals?"

"Auntie, I'm going to try it out on my own. I don't want to be under others all the time. Otherwise, half of the money I make will be taken away by the intermediary Huayi."

"You open your own studio?"


"Are you sure?"

Huo Yunting smiled, "Auntie, to tell you the truth, after I signed with Huayi, only a few films were made by Huayi."

"In fact, most of them came here because of me. If it wasn't for this, how would I dare to do it myself?"

There was one more thing he kept in his heart and didn't say it.

As his illness gradually deepened, he became more and more proficient at editing movies in his head.

In addition, the number of films he read has increased exponentially in the past two years, and the script is in front of him. Give him a few hours, and he can grade the script.

Liu Xiaoli pondered for a while, and finally couldn't help nodding to admit that he did have the strength to do it on his own.

"That's true. You know a lot of people, and you have your own strength. There is really no need to spend it on Huayi."

Liu Xiaoli had checked his development path, and to be honest, she was shocked.

I've been in the industry for four or five years, and I haven't made a bad film. Every film is good, and the people I know are all big names.

Participated in "Kung Fu" and got to know Yuan Jiaban and Zhou Xingchi; as a technical director for "A World Without Thieves", Feng Xiaogang favored him very much, and Liu Dehua had a good relationship with him——

No, I invited him to Huazai Tiandi's concert a few months ago.

Participating in "Blue Red" was nominated for Best Actor, and also got to know Wang Xiaoshuai, the backbone of the art film director; "The Unspeakable Secret" also met Jay Chou, a Taiwanese star.

I beat Cheng Long and Li Lianjie on the set of "The King of Kung Fu". They didn't complain at all, but they had a better relationship with him; they played "Sword of Heaven" and "Legend of the Condor Heroes", and their relationship with Tang Ren's Li Guoli was also good. ok no...

I have been in the industry for four or five years, and every film is so popular, what kind of vision can be accurate at every step, and every step is not bad?
Most importantly, this kid seems to have a high emotional intelligence. According to the news she inquired about, all the stars and actors who have worked with him have praised him.

Connections are not about abundance but essence, but Huo Yunting's connections can no longer be summed up in terms of essence, they can only be described as luxurious.

When you are not well-known, you can get along with so many big names. It stands to reason that your EQ can't be low. How come you don't know anything about relationships?

Liu Xiaoli sighed, listening to her daughter complaining to her every day made her tired.

Let the two of them share a room, and this kid can probably sleep on the floor by himself.

Shaking his head, all these messy thoughts were suppressed in his heart, and then he asked, "Yunting, have you heard any gossip? Tell auntie?"

Huo Yunting can open a studio to work alone, but Liu Yifei can't.

Originally, after chatting with Huo Yunting on the set last time, the weight in her heart was inclined to sign Huayi, but now the balance is shaking again.

Huo Yunting was not stupid, he understood what he meant, and immediately explained with a smile, "Auntie, really not, it's just that my contract with Huayi is about to expire, and I don't plan to renew it."

"Sissy is my girlfriend, I can't cheat her."

"This is also..."

"Okay, with your words, Auntie can rest assured."

"Auntie, Huayi is fine, it's just that I have a little idea."

"It's good for young people to have ideas, and they have to work hard on their own."

After comforting Liu Xiaoli a few words, assuring her that Huayi will be fine, he hung up the phone.

Looking at the phone again, there were several missed calls.

Some are from friends asking why he wants to open his own studio, this is Fan Bingbing; some are from friends who come to give some advice, such as Liu Dehua.

The rest are calls from various other brokerage companies, asking if Huo Yunting is interested in joining, and the share will definitely not treat him badly.

There was even a call from Cai Yinong.

"Sister Cai, why don't you let Lao Li call me?" Huo Yunting teased.

"He's embarrassed, so I have to come in person."

"Sister Cai, thank you for your kindness, but my studio has already finished preparations, let's cooperate again when we have a chance."

Seeing this, Cai Yinong didn't talk nonsense anymore. The Tangren itself was not that big, and he could pass Huayi's size, let alone the Tangren.

The phone call was just a random question, without much hope.

"Well, I wish you all the best."

"Then I will borrow a good word from Sister Cai."

Huo Yunting opened a studio alone, this incident did cause a little disturbance in the entertainment industry, but it soon calmed down.

The big dye tank in the entertainment industry, if it can make waves, it is already very good.

Ever since Huo Yunting announced the news on his blog, the whole studio has been busy with public relations and publicity.

Zhang Debang drank with various people every day, made dinner, and found suitable movies for Huo Yunting.

It's just that nothing satisfied Huo Yunting.

After a long time, rumors of "Huo Daoer" spread on the road.

How did this title come about?It all depends on Zhang Debang's mouth.

Everyone who talked about cooperation with Zhang Debang would wipe his forehead when he walked out of the hotel after drinking and eating, which was quite strange.

There is no other reason, Zhang Debang also asked someone for a storyboard script.

It is reasonable to ask for a script, but it is a bit strange to ask for a storyboard.

Huo Yunting's manager...can understand storyboards?
After talking carefully, I realized that it was Huo Yunting, not him, who was going to watch the storyboard.

Everyone was a little curious about this kind of thing. He, a young man in his early twenties, could still understand the storyboard script?
At this time, Zhang Debang's chatterbox opened, and what he said was a hype.

Speaking of it, "Crazy Stone" is because he has given various opinions, which is why it has the current results.

The collaborator was interested, and asked carefully, which university did Mr. Huo graduate from the director department?

Dropped out of high school.

What can a partner say?It's hard to say.

I had no choice but to joke, "I didn't see that Director Huo still has this ability."

Seeing a lot of people, Huo Yunting's insider news was also spread out.

In the end, I don't know how this matter got to Ning Hao's ears, and then let him confirm it.

"That's right. Huo Yunting did give me a lot of advice when I was filming "Crazy Stone". It was very useful. Do you have any questions?"

Now, no one questioned Huo Yunting's strange request to watch the storyboard anymore.

It's just that the name "Huo Dao" has been called out by the behind-the-scenes workers.

This was when Huo Yunting and Jay Chou were promoting the release of "The Unspeakable Secret". Liu Yifei told him that he knew he had such a nickname again.

"Zhang Debang is so talkative."

Huo Yunting, who had just finished the interview and returned to the backstage, twitched his lips, feeling speechless.

"Xiao Zhang, let's book a few tickets back home."

"Okay Brother Huo." Zhang Han nodded, and then sneaked a glance at Liu Yifei who was resting his chin, and Jay Chou who was beside him, his heart was pounding.

My choice of being an assistant is definitely not bad!
Most of his classmates are now playing tricks in various film and television bases, and he chose to come here as an assistant.

At that time, some people said that his assistant had no future. Do you still dare to say that now?

How long have I been Huo Yunting's assistant, and I have seen several big stars come.

Jay Chou, Liu Yifei, Huang Junlang...

And Brother Huo and Liu Yifei are really a couple!
As an assistant these days, he can eat all kinds of entertainment and gossip news.

Thinking of this, his attitude became more humble.

As long as I can make Huo Yunting feel comfortable and introduce myself a resource, isn't that better than being a walk-on?
And what kind of people did Huo Yunting contact with on weekdays?As an assistant, he must be in constant contact with him. Over time, the accumulated contacts will be incredible.

"Brother Huo, then it's scheduled for this afternoon?"


After Zhang Han left, Liu Yifei quietly whispered in his ear, "Brother Yun, I feel that your new assistant has a lot of inner drama."

"I want to take a shortcut from me." Huo Yunting sighed, putting his hands on her head and rubbing it, it was not comfortable for the little girl.

"Look at his performance, it's really good to be able to work hard like this."

With the other hand, he swiped the mouse, flipping through the comments on "Legend of the Condor Heroes" on the Internet.

It has been almost a month since it was broadcast, and the comments on the Internet have gradually begun to increase, and there have been many fierce scolding battles.

For his and Liu Yifei's version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", the evaluations on the Internet can be said to be two extremes.

Those who say that the filming is good are almost praised to the sky, and those who say it is bad are almost scolded to the ground.

It’s okay, although the changes in this version are big, but the characters behind the original characters are deeply studied; Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei are very compatible, it is an idol version of a martial arts drama, etc.

To put it badly, say that this version is simply a Qiong Yao-style dog-blood love triangle martial arts drama;

But there is only one thing that both the pros and cons have to admit, and that is how handsome the martial arts scenes are.

Although this version uses a lot of special effects, it is just as an addition. If the special effects are removed, the martial arts movements are still very good-looking, not bad.

Immediately, some people speculated whether the martial arts instructor was Huo Yunting, and at first glance, well, it really was.

Whether this film is good or bad is put aside for now, anyway, Huo Yunting's kung fu skills have been blown to a new height by netizens.

However, some people soon jumped out and sang the opposite tune. He was all putting on airs and couldn't help but fight.

Then he was quickly slapped in the face with the title of two martial arts champions.

Apart from the various comments from netizens, and then looking at the ratings, the flaws are not hidden, and the overall trend is still showing an upward trend.

Especially on the Jiangsu Variety Channel, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has been dominating the ratings list this month.

In the afternoon, after the announcement was over, Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei bid farewell to Jay Chou and returned to Peking.

Liu Yifei's filming is almost done, and she is taking a break from her busy schedule, planning to come back and take a look at Huo Yunting's studio and their small villa.

I went to the studio first, and Zhang Debang had already said hello before I went. This is the proprietress who came down to inspect, and everyone put their eyes on it.

Looking around, Liu Yifei was quite satisfied.

His good looks beat the rest of his studio.

"Cissy, come over and have a cup of tea. This is a gift from fans who went to Yunnan to do promotion, Pu'er."

"Hey, good."

Just as he was about to take her to his office, a loud voice suddenly sounded.

"Brother Huo!"

"Brother Huo! This is a fucking big job!"

The jumping Zhang Debang rushed over, startling everyone.

The two girls in the media operation grinned, and Uncle Zhang's image was too shattered.

In the past, Uncle Zhang never had a calm expression on his face, as if he was sure of winning.Why is it like Fan Jin who passed the Zhongju today?

"Hahaha! Damn it, I've been annoyed by those hanging people for a long time. I'm showing me some rubbish scripts every day. I won't hang them this time!"

As soon as he stroked his hair, Lao Zhang was in high spirits, as if he was rejuvenated in the second spring of his life.

"What is it, it's inexplicable." Huo Yunting frowned, "If you have something to say, just say it, it's always a joke."

"Hey, we're invited to the Spring Festival Gala!"

The hand holding the tea box couldn't help shaking, Huo Yunting's expression remained calm, "That's it."

(End of this chapter)

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