The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 203 Official Announcement

Chapter 203 Official Announcement
This was the first round between him and Fan Shaohuang, and it was just a sounding board.They had to negotiate again for the lenses they really wanted to use in the later stage.

"Brother Fan, are you okay?"

Huo Yunting restrained his movements, a little worried.

Although he has a sense of proportion, it is the weak point of the joint after all. No matter how well he controls his strength, he cannot withstand the brittleness of the joint.

After moving his ankles and ankles, Fan Shaohuang smiled, "No big problem."

Fan Shaohuang did not come from learning Shao Beiquan. From a certain point of view, he is more like Huo Yunting, who has learned a lot and miscellaneously.

His father, Fan Meisheng, was good friends with Bruce Lee, and he was always considered to be Bruce Lee's nephew. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, he naturally stepped into martial arts without hesitation.

Jingfan, such as eagle boxing, taekwondo, dragon-shaped eighteen massage... His masters are countless.

Unlike Huo Yunting, who is limited to Wing Chun, his fists and feet don't have to be 100% Shaobeiquan, and it doesn't matter if it is mixed with other things.

It would be fine if they lost in a serious competition, but now they only use Wing Chun, and it would be unreasonable if they still lose.

Looking at Huo Yunting who had placed Wen Wen's hand, various thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he held the long knife hanging on the wall——


The blade is sharp and the hiss is harsh.Wrapping the Bafa knife around his head, Ye Wen retreated a few steps, and suddenly pulled out a feather duster from the vase.

"I'll go, use a feather duster." Ye Zhun couldn't help but said, "This is crazy."

The feather duster was a bit heavy, and when I pinched it hard with my finger bones, I found that the bamboo tube was solid.But even if it is solid, how can it compare with a knife?

The Bafa Dao is heavy and heavy, and cannot keep up with the feather duster.The bamboo pipe crackled and flapped on his body, and Fan Shaohuang grinned in pain.

Finally, finding the right time, he chopped down with a knife, and for a while, chicken feathers flew, and the duster was finally chopped into two pieces.

Fan Shaohuang also heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, he had finally won by a margin.

Long knife versus broken stick, the advantage is mine.This opportunity cannot be missed!
A thought flashed through his mind, Jin Shan rushed forward with a long knife in his hand, slashing sideways, Huo Yunting retreated and dodged again and again.

When he retreated to the point where there was no way to retreat, his heel suddenly touched the wall. Jin Shan found a big knife and slashed towards him, and hurriedly lowered his head to dodge.

The Bafa Dao was still scratching the wall, Huo Yunting suddenly grabbed the bamboo stick, aimed at the armpit, flicked his wrist, and with a "snap", the bamboo stick shot out like an arrow off the string.

After hitting the armpit, Fan Shaohuang's complexion suddenly twisted.The hand holding the big knife also began to tremble uncontrollably.

If it weren't for the cloth strip wrapped between the hand and the handle, the knife would have fallen off and fell to the ground.

The bamboo stick was right on his Jiquan acupoint.


Hong Jinbao suddenly yelled to stop.

Huo Yunting patted the dirt on his body, and walked out from under the big knife stuck on the wall.Fan Shaohuang waited for his wrist to relax, and then he bowed his hands to Huo Yunting with a wry smile.

"Brother Fierce, I am convinced by your skill."

Huo Yunting also waved his hands modestly, "Brother Fan's words are too polite, I was just lucky."

lucky?This was no fluke.

As soon as I swung the bamboo stick, there was a crackling sound.This is no fluke.

"Master Huo, your last move was not Wing Chun."

"Brother Fan, your Bafa Dao is fierce and ruthless, I have to guard against it."

The last move of throwing the bamboo stick was indeed not Wing Chun, it used the method of flying marbles.In today's scene, it might be more appropriate to call it a flying stick.

Fan Shaohuang didn't speak, but just cupped his hands again.

Hong Jinbao greeted the two of them and briefly talked about the sparring session just now, and showed them the replay on the monitor.

Not a big problem, Hong Jinbao's only suggestion was to keep the feather duster at the back and not break it, and use a feather duster to win the opponent.

If the time goes back more than a month, then Huo Yunting has specified that he cannot agree.

In a wide square, the loss of Shaobei Fist to Wing Chun is already outrageous. If you want to beat him with a feather duster, it would be a bit too much.

But if it is about taking a picture of Ip Man who looks like a superhero, then Huo Yunting thinks it is more reasonable to take a shot with bare hands.

After agreeing, he went to perfect the set just played with Fan Shaohuang, and Chen Zhihui raised some opinions from time to time.

In two or three days, the martial arts scenes that he and Jin Shan were looking for were filmed.This speed, let alone Ye Weixin and Huang Baiming, even Fan Shaohuang was startled.

Filming, the most grueling and time-consuming part is the martial arts scene.

If an actor is not familiar with martial arts, he will spend a lot of time learning and studying these martial arts routines.

Although it is good to have a good understanding, it does not mean that you can sit back and relax.Although the fight scene between Deputy Director Chen and Fan Shaohuang hasn't been filmed yet, the two had tried each other in other venues before, and the results were not satisfactory.

There are not many actors like Huo Yunting who can finish in two or three days from running-in to completion, even if they are in the whole country.

Huang Baiming sighed in his heart, although he had met many badminton masters in the past, they were also non-professional. Today he has a national team player here.

The ability to feed the ball and catch the ball is really strong.

Hong Jinbao is also impressive.Compared with a few years ago, this kid's skill has increased unabated, like riding a rocket.

Although I have heard a lot about his deeds, I still have to see it with my own eyes before I believe it.

After filming the martial arts scene with Fan Shaohuang, the scene of the Ye family's mansion has come to an end for the time being.Huo Yunting packed his things and prepared to go to America.

Before leaving, I asked Huang Baiming what big drama he was short of. Huang Baiming raised two fingers: hit the devil, or hit the devil.

One was to beat the leader, Miura, and the other was to beat ten judo masters.

Huo Yunting pondered for a while, and asked, "Are those judo masters using group performances or real ones?"

"Ikeuchi Hirochi, the actor who plays Miura, is indeed a judo-knowledgeer, but he doesn't know much, he only knows some basic things."

Huo Yunting thought for a moment, and then suggested, "Director Huang, I think it's better to find something solid for me in the group fight scene."

"In the group fight in the cotton factory before, I couldn't stretch my arms and legs. Those people didn't know martial arts, and it was difficult for them to cooperate in fighting."

Huang Baiming was stunned. After thinking for a while, he nodded, "This is indeed reasonable. Master Huo, then I will find some people who know how to do it."

"Director Huang, don't worry about whether I can catch it, you just need to worry about whether the other party can catch it."

Finally, Huo Yunting waved goodbye to everyone and took Shen Teng on the journey to San Francisco.

On the way, I sent a message to Liu Yifei and made an appointment to meet in Los Angeles. After boarding the plane, I leaned back on the chair and closed my eyes to sleep.

This journey is a bit long, and it might not be enough to return to the cage.

Just as he was about to close his eyes, someone patted his shoulder, followed by a faint scent of flowers.

Huo Yunting looked sideways, and there was a stewardess with a ball head standing behind him cautiously, with a nervous expression on his face.

She could still vaguely see some sweat dripping from her forehead.

Huo Yunting also became nervous while watching, thinking of Brother Hua's fanatical fan.What's really his grandma's feng shui turn, so it came to me so soon?

"Well, Mr. Huo, can you sign for me?"

Seeing her being so polite, Huo Yunting felt relieved.

"Hehe, yes." Smiling at the stewardess, Shen Teng and the very tactful pair handed over the pen they carried with them.

"Where is the sign?"

"Oh! I have a notebook here."

Huo Yunting signed his name in a fluttering manner, asked the stewardess for her name, and wrote a long paragraph of blessings by the way.

The stewardess was excited, and so was her little sister.In a blink of an eye, all the kung fu rushed up.I don't know where they were hiding and watching.

After signing for this group of Yingying and Yanyan stewardesses, the flight attendant shyly handed over the booklet.

"Mr. Huo, can you sign one for me too?"

"Mr. Huo, my dad likes you very much."

"Master Huo, our captain also wants to ask for your autograph..."

Huo Yunting took a look, good guy, why are you my fan who co-authored the entire flight?

Before the name was signed, a flight attendant quietly squatted beside him, "Mr. Huo, would you like to let the passengers in other cabins know that you are there? I think there are quite a few people who want your autograph."

When Huo Yunting heard this, was it okay?It was tiring to sign them such a small number of flight attendants, and with a bunch of passengers behind him, he couldn't survive.

Look at the nameplate of this little girl: Liu Yue.

"Xiaoyue, I think it's better to keep a low profile. Why do you want to cause a commotion in the entire cabin because of me?"

Liu Yue's brain reacted quickly, and she slightly apologized, "I'm sorry, Mr. Huo, for disturbing you."

"Haha, it's okay."

After dealing with it all, Huo Yunting's wrist was already sore.When he was writing essays for the senior high school entrance examination, he had never worked so hard.

"Mr. Huo, thank you for your hard work."

"Haha, you work harder."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Huo, I will definitely treasure it."

"You're welcome, you're welcome..."

Send them away, Huo Yunting said dryly.Fortunately, he also enjoyed a top-notch service.

He asked Liu Yue for a blanket to wrap around his body, and was about to fall asleep when he looked back at Shen Teng.

"Shen Teng, if you encounter such a thing in the future, you should take the initiative, Ang."

After all, he tightened the blanket around his body and fell asleep.

Shen Teng seems to understand, but how can he take the initiative?

It was already afternoon in Los Angeles, Shen Teng rented a car and took him to the hotel that the organizer had booked for them.

He was the last one to go, but when he arrived at the hotel, he found that there were only five people involved in the announcement.

Director Luobo, himself and Sissy, Cheng Long and Michael.

Li Lianjie was busy with business and couldn't get away, so he didn't come.Huo Yunting was shocked.

It turned out that it was possible not to come, why the hell didn't I think of it, I would have known that I wouldn't have come.

"Brother Yun, I thought you weren't coming."

"The crew can't get away."

Rubbing her head, she suddenly asked, "Do you remember what I told you before?"

"Ah?" Liu Yifei tilted her head, "What?"

After resting for a whole day, several people went to attend the premiere conference at night.

Huo Yunting was wearing a black suit, and Liu Yifei was wearing a long silver off-the-shoulder dress. The two of them linked their arms together and followed behind Cheng Long and Luo Luo.

Brother Cheng Long still has a lot of face, ABC, CBS, CW, PBS and more than 30 mainstream media in the United States are all here.

Just waiting for everyone to show up, most of the media reporters turned their microphones on Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei.

These two, one is playing the final villain, the other is playing the heroine, why did these two seemingly incompatible people appear together arm in arm?
The first to appear is the director and the male lead, followed by the villain and the heroine, and the male lead is still behind, alone.

Not to mention that the reporters found it ridiculous, even Rob Minkoff was a little embarrassed.

Michael may not be the most insignificant actor in history.

"Mr. Huo, may I ask what is your relationship with Miss Liu?"

"Mr. Huo, are you and Miss Liu lovers?"

After coughing twice, the voices of the reporters gradually weakened.

Huo Yunting leaned forward slightly, and leaned in front of the microphone closest to him, "That's right, we've been together for more than a year."

The reporters were stunned for a moment, in an authentic Brooklyn accent, and then they came to their senses and asked questions louder and louder.

"Mr. Huo, why did you agree with your lover to play the heroine?"

"How do you feel about playing the biggest villain in the show?"

"Is Mr. Tom Cruise really your disciple?"

Seeing that he couldn't find out why he couldn't ask, some people even approached Michael to ask.

"Mr. Michael, what do you think of Mr. Huo Yunting and Miss Liu Yifei?"

Michael was taken aback, which one did he start with?Hurry up to say that Huo Yunting is his half-master, and Liu Yifei is naturally the teacher's wife, and the cooperation is very pleasant.

All kinds of overturned words were said, and a point of view was killed. I respect Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei very much.

The reporters were disappointed that they couldn't find any breaking news.

Cheng Long saw that it was almost done, and kept Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei behind, and the reporters began to ask serious questions about the film.

Huo Yunting pulled Liu Yifei, and quietly took a tip, and a photographer took pictures of them.

The conversation was almost over, and at around nine o'clock in the evening, everyone went to the famous Kabuki Theater in San Francisco to hold a screening ceremony.

There are many associations in the United States, such as the Film Association of America, the San Francisco Film Education Department, etc. Huo Yunting felt that many of them were invited to act as trustees.

Each of them holds a notebook in their hands, which is the posture of making an evaluation after reading it.

Among this group of Westerners with a lot of taste, I entered the projection hall, and after a while, the lights went out.

When the lights on the screen came on, Huo Yunting suddenly felt itchy in his palms.Liu Yifei scratched lightly with her nails.

Lowering his body quietly, Huo Yunting moved his head closer, "What's wrong?"

"Is this the official announcement?"

"Why don't you count it, it will definitely spread to the domestic capital, it's just a matter of time."

"Hmph, this kind of thing is still mysterious. At that time, I thought it was a big deal."

"Why? It's not a big deal."

The voice in the movie became louder, Huo Yunting moved closer and whispered in her ear.

"Say it once in a lifetime."

(End of this chapter)

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