Chapter 209 Naming Rights

In Huo Yunting's opinion, Yamazaki Yoichi's approach was more or less like seeking a fish from a tree, so he clicked.

As for whether he can listen to his heart, it has nothing to do with him.

To put it bluntly, the two were just acquaintances many years ago. Could it be that he still has to try his best to persuade him?

Huo Yunting's hit ten was very beautiful, and the whole crew was stunned.If it weren't for the medical staff who carried away a few, they would have applauded no matter what.

There is only an afterimage of this fist left, hey, a must!
In Xiong Dailin's words, the attack speed is full.You didn't punch out, Huo Yunting's fist had already left quite a few marks on you.

Perhaps it is slightly inferior in strength, but the speed is far beyond that of others.

She said this half-jokingly, and was corrected by Ye Zhun.

"Master Huo's punches are really fast, but it doesn't mean he's not strong enough. Today's boxing is not only based on speed alone, but also on strength."

If you are a beginner, if you don't grasp the force point well, it is easy to rely on the strength of the elbow to exert force. This kind of hitting has a disadvantage, that is, the more you hit, the less force you will get.

But masters are different, punches rely on inch strength, and as the punches get faster and faster, the blows become stronger and stronger.

"Master Huo is not a beginner." Ye Zhun said with emotion, the stick that was interrupted by the two of them in the competition that day is vivid in his memory.Thinking of this, I felt that the tiger's mouth began to ache.

Xiong Dailin clucked her tongue when she heard it, no wonder people often say that laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the way. If you are not proficient in martial arts, you really don't understand the Taoism.

One punch knocked out the spirits of this group of people, and they wished they could pack their bags and leave on the spot, but it was difficult to leave because of the contract.

They are also Huang Bai chicken thieves, I am afraid that this group of people will run away halfway, this contract is very harsh.

A group of people couldn't get away if they wanted to, and followed Huo Yunting to film every day with lowered brows and shy eyes.

Taking the sparring that day as the prototype, Huo Yunting expanded the content again, the ligaments that were not broken before were broken, and the bones that were not broken were broken.

They practiced the few minutes of sparring that day over and over again, and the group of people did not forget to review the game during the rehearsal, discussed it for several days, and finally came to the conclusion: If you don't hesitate, you will definitely not lose.

Of course, these words were said in private, not daring to let Huo Yunting hear them.

One-on-one scenes are easy to shoot, with two people together, it is convenient to fight.But this pair of ten is a bit troublesome and difficult to schedule.

It took nearly two weeks to finish the filming, and those judo masters carried their luggage and fled all the way away.

Yoichi Yamazaki was the last one to leave. He practiced kickboxing, and he was on a different path from those practicing judo, and he couldn't walk together.

"Walk slowly on the road."

Huo Yunting said goodbye to him, Yamazaki Yoichi had a complicated expression, with mixed feelings.For about four years, facing Huo Yunting, he couldn't sustain a face-to-face meeting. Now he probably understands the powerlessness of Siyu in the famous city.

I can only comfort myself in my heart that I lost because my mentality was messed up at the time.

After bowing, he dragged his suitcase and left.

"Brother Ji, do you think this person will come to you again?"

Looking at Yamazaki Yoichi's slightly lonely back, Fan Shaohuang clicked his tongue twice, why do you have to make things difficult for yourself?
If the martial arts circle is compared to a cliff, those people in the martial arts circle are struggling to climb up. When they lower their heads, they will be those who are climbing below them. Huo Yunting.

Even if you look around the world, it's hard to find someone who can defeat Huo Yunting in actual combat, right?If you can't compare with anyone, you have to compare with him. Isn't this a dead end?

"I don't think they will come to me again."

"Oh? Why? Shouldn't this kind of person have been fighting and failing repeatedly, haunting you for half your life?"

Huo Yunting joked, "If he really wanted to pester me for half his life, he would say that there will be a date later when he left."

After filming the one-to-ten scenes in the underground fighting arena, the rest is all literary drama.

When Huo Yunting was free, he held his computer on weekdays, and when he was free, he would make a video with Zhang Debang to see what was going on in "Wolverine".

By the way, I also took the opportunity of the video to meet the director and the leading actor.

If he remembers correctly, the one who played Wolverine was called Hugh Jackman.I don't know if it's because of the character's appearance in the play, the corners of the hair are curled up on both sides, and the teeth and claws are bared.

Several people said a few words, Gavin Hood and Hugh Jackman were shocked by Huo Yunting's authentic New York accent.

Although neither of them is American, but they hang out in Hollywood, and they go shopping a lot, and they can hear one or two.

Huo Yunting said that although he is not in Australia, he is very concerned about the film.

This is true. He previously recorded and sent the various moves and routines he studied from the script of "Wolverine" in the way of stick figures, and he didn't know how well Chen Weitao and his three researched.

Just about to make some nonsense, when Ye Weixin called him to film, Huo Yunting stopped chatting and hung up the phone after expressing a little apology.

Finally, he told Zhang Debang again, "Old Zhang, take care of the three of them, call me more during the free time at noon and night, and ask if you don't understand."

"Brother Huo, don't worry, I've been watching this matter. If the three of them try to be tough, I'll report to you as soon as possible."

"Ip Man" was filmed until the end of July, when the torch festival killed young people.Huang Baiming gave him four or eight big red envelopes, which is also an old tradition of directors in the Hong Kong circle.

Huo Yunting felt that this tradition was very good and it was necessary to continue, then turned to look at Ye Weixin.

Ye Weixin glanced left and right in a daze, but there was no one around, so he confirmed that Huo Yunting was looking at him.

Then he showed an unbelievable expression, "What do you think I am doing? Do I want to wrap one for you too? You might as well ask everyone in the crew to wrap one for you."

Huo Yunting curled his lips, and patted Ye Weixin's shoulder with a smile, "Director Ye, you're offended by what you said. Am I that kind of person? I wish our movie a big hit."

"What do you mean by curling your lips?"

In the evening, everyone had dinner together, and then went back to each house to find their mothers.

Huo Yunting wanted to go back to Beiping and Liu Yifei to be gentle, but Zhang Debang hadn't heard anything recently, and every time he called, he always said "It's fine", "Don't worry", "No problem" and so on.

He felt that he had to take a look to feel more at ease.

So the plane ticket originally planned to go back to Peiping was changed to go to New Zealand.

Why don't you go to Australia?Because the scenes in Australia have already been filmed.

"Do you want to go back?" On the way to the airport, Huo Yunting suddenly looked at Shen Teng, "I have been out with me for several months, go home and have a look?"

Shen Teng smiled shyly, "No, Brother Huo, I'd better go with you, isn't that what my assistant does."

This is a polite remark, and he also wants to go back in his heart.But the problem is that Brother Huo is going to the "Wolverine" crew.

During the time I was with Brother Huo, I met some big names in domestic entertainment. It's only been a while, and they have all moved to the international arena.

And Fox, one of the six largest companies in the United States, how could such an eye-opening opportunity be missed?
Seeing that he was like this, Huo Yunting didn't say any more.

The current location of the "Wolverine" crew is Paradise Valley in Queenstown, which is known as the adventure capital in New Zealand.

The magic movie trilogy "Lord of the Rings" that foreigners especially like was filmed here.

Huo Yunting went to the place and took a look, it was really pretty.

Blue sky and white clouds, clear water and green mountains, a vast land with few people and few man-made buildings. Climbing up a mountainside and looking into the distance, an epic feeling comes over us.

"This place is truly magical."

Huo Yunting sighed, and Shen Teng nodded in agreement.

"Stop chatting, let's find a car."

"Good Brother Leho."

I found a local taxi driver and showed him the address of Zhang Debang newspaper. The driver gestured an OK gesture and greeted them to get in the car.

The driver was a bearded driver, very rare, and he was a quiet driver. He didn't say a word during the half-hour journey.

When he arrived at the place, Huo Yunting asked in English, "How much is it?"

The driver froze for a moment, "You can speak English."

Then he tapped his head depressedly, "I thought you didn't understand English, so you kept silent, and I was suffocated along the way."

Well, it seems that the characteristics of this driver's talkativeness are shared by the whole world.

"Brother Huo! I miss you!"

When he arrived at the place, Zhang Debang, who was laughing loudly, ran over in all directions without waiting for him to ask someone for directions.

"Brother Huo, is the filming of "Ip Man" finished?"

"Why do you keep asking nonsense, what am I doing here if I don't finish filming? Traveling?"

"That's true. You must be traveling with Ms. Liu."

Huo Yunting ignored him, "How was the filming going? Did any problems arise?"

Zhang Debang, who was leading the way, was silent for a while, then shook his head, "It's nothing, it's fine."

Huo Yunting raised his brows slightly, "Old Zhang, we have been dating for a long time, I know what you are doing, why are you hiding it?"

Then he patted him on the shoulder, "Say it straight. Is there some white skin that discriminates?"

Zhang Debang shook his head, "That's not the case. Anyway, there are more than [-] people here. If anyone messes with me, I will directly invite them to go to the group gymnastics."

Huo Yunting's face twitched a few times, "Speak directly if you have something to say, don't hide it."

"Actually, this matter is big or small." Zhang Debang pondered and said, "Brother Huo, although you didn't come, but at the end of this film, your finger must be written with your name Huo Yunting. Because You are the representative of our entire team."

Huo Yunting nodded, "And then?"

"You also know that this director has made two-handed preparations, besides our Huo family class, and their Hollywood moves..."

Hearing this, Huo Yunting already guessed it.

"This is someone who wants to compete with us for the naming rights of the ending."

ps: It’s a bit of a calvin, the school affairs have come to an end for the time being, and the update will start tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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