The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 217 The Difference Between Military Martial Arts and Traditional Martial Arts

Chapter 217 The Difference Between Military Martial Arts and Traditional Martial Arts

The more Huo Yunting thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible.

He can learn martial arts overnight in a dream, so why can't he extract the essence of these countless martial arts from the dream, discard the dross and blend them into one?

Looking at the three soldiers in front of him, Huo Yunting felt that his thoughts suddenly became clear.

Why put some real guys in film and television works?Just let them go back where they came from.

It's right for some real guys not to let the common people learn. Just like Mr. Ye said, if you fight before you learn, at most you go to the hospital to get medicine. After you learn, you don't go directly to buy coffins.

This is also the reason why modern fights such as boxing and Sanda have techniques that are explicitly prohibited by the competition.

I'm afraid that if someone is not careful, it will be useless.

It is not good for ordinary people to learn these things, but soldiers can learn them.

The more Huo Yunting thought about it, the more cheerful he became. He was about to speak to some soldiers when he suddenly heard the door being pushed open with a "bang".

Seeing that Huo Yunting was safe and sound, Liu Yifei's flustered eyes calmed down, took a deep breath, and looked at the soldiers.

"Comrade policeman, has my boyfriend committed any crime?"

The three soldiers looked at each other, and then one of them popped up with a bit of style.

"Miss Liu, what happened was an accident. You can take your boyfriend away after signing the contract."

The old couple behind him also breathed a sigh of relief, but looked at the middle-aged man sitting next to Huo Yunting with some doubts.

who is thisJudging from his complexion, he doesn't look like a master who has practiced martial arts for many years.

Liu Yifei rolled her eyes and saw that it was a middle-aged man again, her heart skipped a beat.

Even if Huo Yunting was sitting with seven or eight young girls, she wouldn't think too much about it. Is it ordinary people who can hold back their girlfriends for a few months?

But she was afraid that Huo Yunting would stay with middle-aged and elderly men.

Huang Bo is, Guo Degang is, Li Guoli is, Liu Dehua is, Zhang Jizhong is...

What kind of same-sex attraction physique is this?

Huo Yunting left a phone number for several people, and made an appointment to meet them sometime later. The gentle and gentle leader was named Yu Ke.

Sounds like a girl.

Although those soldiers didn't know what a big star had to talk to them, they still accepted it happily.

Anyway, he is still a star, or recently, no, Huo Yunting, whose momentum has never declined.The phone number they want to reach is enough for them to call back to the army for a while.

After signing, take Huo Yunting away.

On the way, before Liu Yifei could ask, Chen Caiping started chattering.

"Didn't you go to call a car? How did the police catch you? When I came out, I saw a mess at the security checkpoint. Did you do it? What did you do with that middle-aged man?"

Liu Yifei hurriedly pricked up her ears, what she was most concerned about was this, what on earth did he get caught doing with that middle-aged man.

Huo Yunting was also quite helpless, "I was implicated purely innocently. I just wanted to smoke a cigarette. Who knew that he buried the lighter in the soil of the flower pot. People thought it was a bomb. Be an accomplice."

Huo Zhongde grinned.

This can't be said to be blind to the law, it can only be said to be short-sighted.

Liu Yifei felt relieved.

Because of the accident that happened in the morning, the old couple lost their mood this afternoon, so Huo Zhongde still invited Huo Yunting to go to the martial arts hall to have a look.

I sent a message to the teaching assistant to return to school at [-]:[-] this afternoon, and I will be here before [-]:[-] tomorrow morning at the latest.

Then I found a restaurant, and went to the martial arts hall after lunch.

The children and teaching assistants were not there, Huo Yunting unlocked the door and went in, the empty martial arts hall was a bit cool.

Looking at the training ground in the middle and the training equipment such as weapon racks and wooden dummy posts on both sides, Huo Zhongde's eyes lit up.

Look at this place, it's so spacious and air-conditioned; look at this weapon, it's shiny.

Huo Zhongde nodded again and again, this martial arts gym really suits him too much.

Then I went to the second floor to look at five six-person dormitories with bunk beds, air-conditioning and private bathrooms. Chen Caiping took a deep breath.

"The living conditions are too good, isn't it food and housing?"

"There are also tuition fees, but not much. After a few years, when these children grow up, they will be the pillars."

Huo Yunting took his parents to visit the martial arts hall, and introduced to them all aspects of the martial arts hall and what was taught on weekdays.

Before he opened this martial arts gym, he learned from Yuan Baye, and also discussed it with Wu Bin and Liu Baoshan. From the first day of teaching, he started to teach according to the direction of martial arts guidance.

It is still a little different from teaching Huojia boxing in a serious way. Huo Yunting feels that these things have to be explained to his father in advance, otherwise it will be like the group of people he taught the "Wolverine" crew—— neither fish nor fowl.

Huo Zhongde listened carefully, and finally showed a little disappointed expression, "I thought you would teach something real."

"Dad, it's not very necessary in film and television dramas. And I've found another way."

"Oh? What way?"


Then he told the story of him and the three soldiers.

It also surprised Liu Yifei and Chen Caiping, who didn't expect Huo Yunting to fight with the three of them.

However, Huo Yunting didn't dare to say that he wanted to develop a set of physical skills and promote it to the army. If it didn't work out, wouldn't he be embarrassed?

This matter of martial arts will never end once it is said, it will not stop until the sun sets and the assistant teacher and some students return to school.

"Come, come, come here." Huo Yunting slapped his hands and greeted him back, "This is my dad, and he will take my place for a while."

Several half-children looked at each other, bowed their heads and bowed in unison, "Master Huo is good."

Huo Zhongde's heart is soft and his legs are weak in this sentence called Master Huo, and the goosebumps extend from the hair to the toes.

He repeatedly waved his hands to these children and said no.

But the more you say that, the more excited these kids are.Master Huo is so awesome, so his father must be even more awesome.

The children screamed vigorously, and Huo Zhongde could hardly hold back the serious expression on his face.

Huo Yunting behind him didn't know, he left them in the martial arts hall, and ran out to buy food by himself.

When I came back, I saw that the group of children had already practiced, and it seemed that they should get along well.

The next day, the martial arts staff arrived one after another, and Huo Zhongde started to practice without resting.Chen Caiping accompanied her from here, and the two lived in the office.

Huo Yunting wanted the old couple to come back and live at home, but he couldn't persuade them, and it didn't make sense to force them. He kept talking about leaving time for them young people to spend time together.

Seeing this, Huo Yunting couldn't say anything more.

Returning to the quiet home, the night is the same as before, but Liu Yifei's pajamas are becoming less and less, and her movements are becoming more and more insane.Huo Yunting felt that she was really a little drifting, and she was challenging his limit every day.

If this continues, one day he might not be able to resist tidying her up.

On the 21st, when the soldier named Yu Ke had free time, Huo Yunting made an appointment with him.

Huo Yunting booked a private room in a nearby restaurant, and it was chilly when the air conditioner was turned on.He didn't want to wear a hat all the time in this hot weather, his head was about to get prickly heat.

"Brother Yu, why are you alone?"

"I'm on vacation, they're still early."

"I see." Huo Yunting nodded, one is enough.

No wine, not even beer, only a large bottle of Coke.

In Yu Ke's own words, even though Hugh has been transferred now, it is still a period of alert.Until the Olympics are over, he will not drink at all.

Huo Yunting got straight to the point, and asked directly what else their troops had besides military and police fighting skills, capture fists, and martial arts.

I also asked some common things about training in the army.

Yu Ke talked to him slowly, Huo Yunting, a big star, invited him to dinner with nice words, so it’s not easy to come, but the things in the army can’t be just said to the outside world, all the things you talk about can be found on the Internet of.

Going deeper, at most, talk to him about unimportant leftovers, and if you make more detailed corrections, you will not utter a word.

But even so, Huo Yunting still gained a lot. Combining his revelations, he found that the gap between military martial arts and traditional martial arts is really not small.

There are three points in military martial arts. It is easy to learn and master, because it needs to be popularized on a large scale;Because unarmed combat is not the main requirement of the army; the training time should not be too long, and it will be effective in one year at the latest.

Now is the era of hot weapons, no matter how bad it is, there is still a knife, and the requirements for unarmed combat are relatively much smaller.

Moreover, the requirements for endurance in the army are far higher than those for explosive power.

Yu Ke chewed the duck meat, and glanced at Huo Yunting from time to time.

Why is he a big star asking these things?You don't want to promote traditional martial arts in the national army, do you?
Tsk tsk, he thinks this is even more difficult than taking the first class.

How much ability does it take to promote traditional martial arts to the national army?

The wind swept away most of the dishes on the table. Seeing that Huo Yunting was still in deep thought, Yu Ke couldn't help asking, "Mr. Huo, you have asked a lot of questions. What are you going to do?"

"Could it be that you want to create your own kung fu to promote the whole army?"

Huo Yunting coughed twice, "Just asking."

Hey, he really has this idea.

To be honest, the two of them can't help but Huo Yunting alone, he is still able to do a job with ease, it is indeed slightly inferior.

But his personal strength in martial arts does not mean that he is also strong in kung fu, right?
To be honest, it was a bit outrageous for a star like him to come to the army to teach people how to box. He couldn't help but say a few more words.

"Mr. Huo, if you want to promote this, I think it's okay to promote it among the police and special police. If you want to promote it on a large scale in the army, it will be difficult."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"Whether it's military boxing or grappling boxing, it didn't fall from the sky, right? Folk martial arts, modern fighting elements, everything that is suitable has been integrated into it. And it's the best integration, but why don't you say it still doesn't work? ?”

Huo Yunting blurted out without thinking, "Different positions?"

"That's right. The original intention of these things is to be able to kill ordinary people with one blow. But a lot of techniques are based on the premise that the opponent can't react well or the physical fitness is not as good as your own."

Having said that, Huo Yunting quickly came to his senses, "Soldiers will not attack civilians, your opponents can only be..."

"Yes, a soldier."

"Hiss..." Huo Yunting was thoughtful, he had never thought of such a train of thought.

"However, the special forces will be required to practice some one-hit lethal things, and their training intensity is also higher."

"Brother Yu, tell me? Hey! Waiter! I want another fried chicken in sauce, Jiaoquan'er, glutinous glutinous rice in sugar, a knuckle in sauce, fried loofah, three fresh meatballs, and crab meat soup. By the way, there are three more bowls rice."

Guys, this ordered another table.

Yu Kezhi is embarrassed, can't he eat a hundred and eighty out of this meal?

Huo Yunting chuckled, "Just eat, I'll treat you today."

Yu Ke scratched his head, no longer hesitated, and talked about the few special forces training that he knew.

They need to master a variety of weapons, be proficient in various mobile tools, and be proficient in infiltration skills and espionage skills.

Such as eavesdropping, stealing, lurking, observing...

He stuttered and almost sweated in the cold wind in the private room. It can be seen that he really said all the few things in his mind about the special forces.

Huo Yunting also nodded straight after listening, "I understand the skills of infiltration and espionage."

Yu Ke's face was full of black lines, "Mr. Huo, in folk terms, these things are pickpockets, thieves, robbers, and sneak photographers. Let me tell you, when these things were first formed, it was not easy to find a teacher."

"I know." Huo Yunting nodded sincerely, "I understand."

What I learned from the train back then was thought to be the skill of slaying dragons—I think so all these years.

Looking at it now, that's not the case, it's just useless.

If the old liar knew that his little things could shine in the army, he would be considered lucky in his life, and Izumi knew it.

But the old liar should still be alive, right?
The mind is flying wildly, and the thoughts are becoming more and more accessible.

All the questions that could be asked have been asked, Huo Yunting couldn't bear it anymore, patted Yu Ke on the shoulder and left first.

"Brother Yu, eat slowly, I'm in a hurry here, so I'll go back first."

Seeing Huo Yunting's back was about to leave the box, the fresh meatball in his mouth was about to be swallowed, so he quickly got up and stretched out his hand to say hello, "Teacher Huo, I can't finish it!"

No one responded.

"Then did you pay?" He shouted again.

No one responded.

He slumped back to the chair, rubbed his bulging stomach, looked at the steaming dishes on the dining table and said cruelly, "His grandma's, give it a try!"

Huo Yunting went home directly, his brain was extremely excited, even when Liu Yifei asked him if he went out drinking with middle-aged men again, he subconsciously admitted it, and Liu Yifei locked his neck in anger.

Her strength to lock herself was like a kitten scratching an elephant. She broke away from her hand, hugged her and walked upstairs to the bedroom without giving any chance to refute, which made her so shy that she couldn't even speak. up.

Back in the bedroom, he threw her on the bed, and a hungry tiger pounced on her, causing her body to tremble with excitement.

His fingers had already grasped the bed sheet tightly, he looked at Huo Yunting's face that was getting closer and closer, and then - he kissed her forehead lightly, "I'm too tired, let's squint for a while."

Leaning on her shoulder, soon, a slight snore sounded.

What he needs most right now is sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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