Chapter 220 Nationality
"Wait, wait. See what happens."

Breaking away from Liu Yifei's little hand that was holding the hem of his clothes, Huo Yunting hastily dashed to the front of those who had just made a sound.

"what happened?"

The few people who had spoken just now were still discussing in shock, but when they saw Huo Yunting suddenly appearing in front of them, the discussion fell silent again in an instant.

Huo Yunting himself was already a big name they couldn't afford to mess with, not to mention he still wore the same pair of underpants as the director.

"Why are you sneaking around, keep talking, what's wrong with Gong Li?"

Several people looked at each other, and a young girl weakly pushed the computer in front of Huo Yunting.

"Brother fierce, no, Mr. Huo, you, look, Emperor Gong has changed his nationality."

Huo Yunting gasped, this is no small matter.

If it were an ordinary person, they might not have such a big reaction, but who is this?Gong Li.

I don’t know how many major awards at home and abroad have won. No matter at home or abroad, they have great influence and appeal.This kind of person suddenly changed the phone, which can be said to be a big earthquake for the entertainment industry.

Of course, the same is true for the growing number of netizens.

Huo Yunting took the computer and scanned it roughly. The matter of changing nationality is true, and Gong Li himself has admitted it.The reason is that her husband Huang Hexiang is a Singaporean, so she also wants to transfer her nationality to Singapore, as the saying goes.

If you talk about picking, it seems that you can't find any faults, but with such a sudden move, everyone who hits is caught off guard.

Huo Yunting looked down and saw that the comment area had already exploded, and there were various opinions and discussions.

Some expressed understanding, while others cursed; some satirized and others laughed;

It can be said that I have seen all kinds of things in the world.

Was it because of her husband that she changed her citizenship to Singapore, or was it for some other reason?There was a lot of discussion.

To put it bluntly, many people think that Gong Li started out by shooting Chinese rural subjects and sensitive subjects, but now that she is going to change her nationality, many people feel that she has been betrayed.

"My God, Gong Li has changed his nationality?"

Liu Yifei, who was behind her, also turned her head to look at it, with a look of surprise on her face.

"No, it's not a small matter."

This is just after the incident was revealed, and the discussion has already become so serious.If it waits for a long time to ferment, and various media make up and make up and make up, the matter will become more serious as soon as the news comes out.

Huo Yunting patted Liu Yifei's head with emotion, "Let's watch the show."

After the filming of the morning scene was over, Gong Li's change of nationality was basically reported, and Huo Yunting kept talking about it during lunch.

Regarding Gong Li's change of nationality, the crew also expressed their opinions.Huo Yunting felt that if Li Guoli hadn't been suppressing him, this group of people would have started fighting.

After eating, Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei went back to the room to rest. He spent more than half an hour just washing up, for fear that Liu Yifei would drag him to the scene again at noon.

The scene right last night nearly cost him half his life.Not to say how tired physically, mainly mental torture.

"Brother Yun."

As soon as Liu Yifei's voice sounded, Huo Yunting's heart trembled twice.

"What's wrong, Sissi?"

"Have you finished washing? Let me tell you something."

Huo Yunting's heart skipped a beat again, she couldn't be doing the trick of gaining true knowledge through practice, right?

After flushing his face with water again, Huo Yunting pushed the door and walked out.

Seeing Liu Yifei's slightly weird expression with his hands behind his back, Huo Yunting took a deep breath, "What's wrong?"

She raised her two hands behind her back to her chest, pinching a small card with her pale fingertips.

Name: Liu Yifei.

Gender: Female.

Nationality: Han...

"Look, my ID card."

Huo Yunting was stunned for a while before realizing what she meant.

He opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. After thinking about it, he laughed and poked her on the head lightly.

"You are—"

"At first it was just to go to school, but now that I'm done with school, I should have changed it back a long time ago." Liu Yifei smiled a little shyly, "You can do whatever you want."

"When did this happen? I don't know why."

As soon as she said this, she puffed up her chest proudly, "I have been doing it for a long time, but I didn't know when I would be able to come down at that time, so I never told you."

Huo Yunting scratched his head, wanting to say something, but didn't know what to say.He ended up just rubbing her head again.

There was a bloody storm outside, but the two were in harmony inside the house.

In the afternoon, Emperor Gong gave his latest response, "There is nothing wrong with my choice. It is much better to simply explain the matter than those stars who have foreign nationality and shout that they are Chinese. Their hypocrisy is learned by themselves. Won't."

Now, the comments of netizens are completely blown up.

They even started to investigate which stars are of foreign nationality, and the Internet was really lively for a while.

But fortunately, the young couple who were filming Chinese Paladin III were not involved.

The discussion was lively and lively, but it didn't take long for it to turn off, leaving only some sporadic discussions.

In mid-November, after the filming of Gu Jianguo's scene was over, a group of people brought red cloth to decorate the scene of the couple's new house.

Seeing the staff busy from there, Huo Yunting really felt a little hot on his face, but he was still trying to maintain an old-fashioned look.

"Brother Ji, do you want to play the opposite?" Lin Zi teased with a hurried smile.

The two are also old acquaintances, having met each other many years ago when they were filming "Kung Fu".

Hearing Lin Zicong's words, Huo Yunting coughed lightly, "Fatty Continent, you have to show your professionalism as an actor, don't discuss these things, everything is for art."

Lin Zi laughed hastily and his whole body trembled, he nodded quickly and stopped talking.

The small hall in Huayin Palace is well decorated, decorated with lights and festoons, and it is full of red.

Huo Yunting looked and looked, then turned to look at Li Guoli, "Director Li, why don't we shoot the drunk scene in front of me first?"

"It's all arranged for you and tell me this?" Li Guoli sneered twice, "This is the highlight of the scene, and it must be filmed well, even if it's ng a dozen times, it doesn't matter."

He could tell that Huo Yunting was a bastard, unless it involved his relationship with Liu Yifei.

It's already 2008, and it's still in the entertainment industry, and it's unexpectedly possible to find such an innocent young man.Li Guoli felt that if there was a remake of "My Father and Mother" one day, there would be no more suitable roles than the two of them.

The clothes pulled the two of them to change into the wedding clothes. The red clothes were worn on the upper body, the headdress was decorated with golden leaves and red ears, and the bright red hijab was draped behind.

Just looking at the two huge "囍" characters on the wall, Liu Yifei's face turned red.

When the lights hit, it looked even more blush and moving.

"Where's the actor? Why aren't you here yet?"

"Quick, quick, come on, 3, 2, 1, action!"

Zixuan was sitting on the marriage bed, and Xu Changqing was standing in front of her.

"Officer, you're blushing so early."

"Next, let's proceed."

In just two sentences, Liu Yifei felt his ears turn red, and Huo Yunting was also a little embarrassed. He felt that now he had surpassed Xu Changqing's role and merged with himself.


"Yifei, you have to be affectionate and shy, but don't act like an innocent girl. This is Zixuan when she was young."

Li Guoli told Liu Yifei about his flaws with a serious face, causing her to nod frequently.

In the end, this scene was ng more than a dozen times, and Hu Ge's mouth was almost numb from laughter.

Huo Yunting started to train him early the next morning, all the splits and leg presses were arranged for him, which caused him to walk with a limp for several days.

The bridal scene, which was less than 5 minutes, took four days to finish filming.

After the four days of filming, Liu Yifei felt that they had more contacts than the two of them in the past two years, so she strongly asked Huo Yunting to reflect on it.

He promised very well, but as soon as he turned his head to read the novel, Liu Yifei bit his shoulder angrily.

After the bridal chamber scene was filmed, it was time to change places. Huo Yunting received a call right now, it was from Ye Weixin.

As soon as he saw Ye Weixin's name, Huo Yunting, he guessed that he must be calling him to do pre-publicity.

I answered the phone and asked, as expected, "Ip Man" was officially released in mainland China on December 12th, and it was released in surrounding Southeast Asian countries on December 12th, and in Hong Kong on December 18th.

In two days, he will be going to Peking for a promotional meeting. As the leading actor, he will definitely be there, and Mr. Ye will also be there.

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting went to find the director.

After briefly talking about the matter, Li Guoli was a little silent.

"Director Li, because the release time in Southeast Asian countries and the Hong Kong area is not much different from that in mainland China, so I may wait until mid-December to go again, about a week or so."

After hearing Huo Yunting's words, Li Guoli, who was already quite silent, became even more silent.

After a while, Li Guoli sucked his teeth, his face was full of pain, "I said... brother fierce, if you have any opinions on me, you can speak up."

"Director Li, what do I have to say about you?" Huo Yunting looked sincere, "It's not the first time I've left the group to participate in a publicity event. You don't know me yet."

Hearing him say this, Li Guoli felt even more pained.He always felt that this kid Huo Yunting gave him eye drops on purpose, but he couldn't find anything wrong with it.

His grandma, every time there is this kid in his own filming, he will leave the group halfway to do publicity and attend the premiere.

He has been a director for so many years, and he has never met such an outrageous person.Is this kid offending him?

He is also a director in the Hong Kong circle, and he also has a little friendship with Ye Weixin, so he had to give him face, so he had to reluctantly let Huo Yunting go.

The female number one runs back and forth between the two crews, and the male number two has to leave the group and disappear for a while.The only thing that can comfort him now is that at least Huo Yunting didn't take Liu Yifei away.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Huo Yunting boarded the plane back to Beiping.

This time was no exception, as soon as they boarded the plane, they were recognized by the stewardesses, and a group of stewardesses and flight attendants surrounded them chattering for autographs.

After finishing the autograph, I would come back from time to time to chat with him by deliberately creating a little encounter.

Once or twice is okay, but Huo Yunting can't bear it if the number is too much.

If it weren't for the fact that these people were his fans, he would have wanted to complain.

Huo Yunting couldn't handle it, so he took out the MP4 from his bag and stared at it intently.

Seeing him being so serious, several stewardesses muttered in low voices.

"Teacher Huo is so serious."

"What's on the MP4? A novel?"

"How is it possible, who reads novels on the plane, I guess it's the actor's self-cultivation."

"Do you have this book?"

"You're not an actor, how do you know you don't?"

Several stewardesses left muttering, Huo Yunting sighed and continued to read his novel.

During the time Shen Teng was with him, the most busy thing was to write novels for him.

Sometimes when I go out of the country or other places, it takes more than a dozen or dozens of hours.He can't sleep just by sleeping.

This MP4 comes in handy.

Huo Yunting flipped through it casually, it was an online game novel, it was about the extremely popular game "Legend" a few years ago.

He had also heard of this game a little bit. It was said that a piece of good equipment broke out in the game at that time and could sell for thousands of dollars, and some people even made a small fortune from this game.

The main character is interesting, he has a "system".

This system will assign tasks to the protagonist, and rewards can be obtained after completing the tasks.

Although the novel is poorly written, the idea of ​​this "system" is really refreshing.

Huo Yunting chased the novel to the end in one go, and the final ending is that the protagonist completes the last task assigned by the system, and thus the protagonist reaches the pinnacle of life, and the system disappears after the protagonist completes the last task.

Huo Yunting was taken aback for a while.

Seeing him in a daze, Shen Teng glanced at the side, "Brother Huo, I've read this novel too, it's so badly written, I forgot to delete it for you and replace it with a new one."

"I think the idea of ​​this system is quite novel."

"It's also a popular theme this year, and now it's called system flow."

"System flow..."

Huo Yunting listened to this word thoughtfully.

He doesn't play online games, and he doesn't like to read the author's messy writing. The reason why he read it with his nose pinched is all because of the idea of ​​this system.

He vaguely felt that this was a very important thing—but he didn't know why he wanted it.

He doesn't intend to write novels, so what does it matter to him even if the system is popular?

For the rest of the time, he stared at the MP4 in his hand in a daze. He always felt that an idea kept flying in front of him, but he couldn't catch it no matter what——

"Brother Huo, we're here, let's go."

"Oh, good."

The two left in a low-key manner, avoiding the aunts who asked one by one if they wanted to watch the dance, avoiding the black car drivers who never negotiated the price first, and went straight to the driver Laohou.

"Boss, long time no see."

"Old Hou, let's go to the studio first."

"Alright boss."

When he arrived at the studio, Huo Yunting just raised his legs and walked up, when he happened to see a little girl walking down with a computer in her arms.

"Hi boss!"

"Well, okay, why go?"

"My computer seems to be stuck, ask the master to reinstall my system."

Huo Yunting was stunned again, then suddenly slapped his hands, "Damn it, I finally figured it out."

(End of this chapter)

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