The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 222 One punch per second

Chapter 222 Thirteen Punches in One Second
The current Guinness World Record holder for the number of punches per second is Bruce Lee, with nine punches per second.

If you want to break this record, you have to hit the bottom with ten punches.

Ten punches per second, Chen Weitao felt tongue-tied just thinking about it, but Brother Huo said he thought he could try it.

What level is he now?
Chen Weitao couldn't restrain his excitement, and asked out of curiosity, but Huo Yunting himself didn't know what level he is now.

To put it bluntly, it is more difficult to find an evenly matched opponent.

The shadow counts half, and now he still looks half-dead from his dream.

As soon as he said it, Huo Yunting began to search for video records of Bruce Lee's nine punches in one second on the computer, but only found the video of Bruce Lee's six kicks in one second and punching back with an inch punch.

The record of nine punches in one second seems to exist only in word of mouth among netizens, and there is no video data at all.

Unable to find it, Huo Yunting put down the computer and asked Chen Weitao to find a boxing mat to test on the spot.

Clenching his hands in front of him, staring at the boxing mat on Chen Weitao's chest, he took a deep breath—"Papa Papa", there was a burst of continuous beating sounds.

Soon, Chen Weitao reported to him, "Seven punches."

Huo Yunting pouted, "No, come again."

The production crew was in full swing, and the sound of intensive boxing in the open space continued one after another.

The crew members who were watching from the side were full of praise, saying that Huo Yunting's fist was really fast, leaving only afterimages.

These laymen were just watching the excitement, only Huo Yunting, an insider, understood that after fighting for so long, the upper limit might be eight punches per second, and there would be no more punches.

Chen Weitao's arms were numb, and Huo Yunting's arms were sore.Both of them were a little puzzled.

It shouldn't be, is it possible that you really can't get over this hurdle?
"What are you doing? Are you addicted to boxing? This is the filming of Immortal Sword III, not Ye Wensan."

Huo Yunting was about to try it again, when Li Guoli, who was holding a loudspeaker, walked over angrily, "Aren't you satisfied with making you play popping sounds? The recording needs to be muted, it's all noise from your place."

"I'm sorry, director, I didn't expect the sound to be so loud." Looking at Li Guoli's uneasy expression, Chen Weitao quickly apologized, "Brother Huo mainly wants to see if he can break the world record of nine punches in one second."

As soon as they heard that Li Guoli was interested, they asked Liang Dao and the others to pat their heads together and chat with each other.

Hearing that netizens even started a special discussion about how many punches Huo Yunting can punch in one second, his first thought was that Huang Baiming was deliberately stirring up the heat.

But it's not right to think about it again. Leaving aside the fact that Huo Yunting represents Chuanwu, who would want to do such a thing that can easily ruin his reputation by accident.Huo Yunting is not a fool either.

"Yunting, if you really want to challenge this Guinness World Record, I suggest you find a professional to advise you."

"How to say?"

"The Guinness World Records also have their own referees, right? They also set the rules, right? Let me tell you, you should contact them first to understand the rules."

As the so-called knowing yourself and knowing the enemy, you will win every battle, this is what you are talking about.

But Huo Yunting thought for a while and refused for the time being.

He is now hitting eight punches per second, and he is still two punches away from breaking the record.

It didn't sound that bad, just two punches.But how difficult is it to make up two punches in one second?
He felt that he was still far from breaking the record, and he hadn't reached the time to rely on such little tricks to compete for the slightest gap.

Just like some poor students always like to buy a lot of stationery, some third-rate painters always like to buy some expensive paints.

At least wait until he can hold on to nine punches in one second before thinking about hiring this professional.Otherwise, after asking, I couldn't break this record, which would be somewhat embarrassing.

In the following days, apart from filming, Huo Yunting spent most of his time honing his boxing speed.

The action scenes are directed by Chen Weitao, so there is no need for him to worry. He exercises his arms and stretches every day, at least four to five hundred times.

During the period when he was honing his punching speed, the topic of whether Huo Yunting could break the world record became more and more heated on the Internet.

In addition to the spontaneous frame analysis of netizens, there are also a lot of media news involved in publicizing it.

"Huo Yunting's Punching Speed ​​Breaks the World Record"

"Nine punches in one second are about to become a thing of the past"

"Ip Man's martial arts scenes are all real shots"

The news media doesn't care whether you have broken the world record or not. Since there is such a gimmick, you can't let it go.

There are a lot of specious smoke bombs in various gossip news, and netizens are also scolding on it.

It can be roughly divided into two categories, Huo Chui and Huo Hei.

But this is still a relatively pure kind, not discussing appearance, not discussing acting skills, only discussing real force.

Huo Hei has always been skeptical about Huo Yunting's true strength, and feels that the two karate competitions he participated in before are likely to be a show.

Huo Chui held the opposite opinion. You can't even trust the Chinese Wushu Association and the State General Administration of Sports, so what else do you believe?
Ye Weixin's easter eggs released in the end credits, and Huo Yunting's one-and-a-half-minute long shots without editing have become a new round of discussion hotspots between these two groups.

Regarding this matter, Huo Yunting didn't say anything except smacking his lips.

"Damn it, aren't these media reporters just making up things?"

Looking at the hot topic on the Internet recently, "Huo Yunting breaks the Guinness World Record for boxing in one second", Shen Teng scolded his mother.

"The public relations team seems to be eating idle food." Watching the news, Liu Yifei muttered in dissatisfaction, "Brother Yun, you have to beat your staff hard when you go back."

Huo Yunting was wearing a vest, with a little sweat on his forehead. Opposite him stood Chen Weitao holding a boxing mat.

He didn't speak, but nodded silently, his fists stuck to the boxing mat again.

Until the end of this year, on the eve of Christmas, when the topic of whether Huo Yunting had really broken the world record was about to explode on the Internet, the crew of Immortal Sword III in Hengdian Dream Valley erupted into a burst of shouts that resounded through the sky.

"Brother Huo! Nine punches! It was definitely nine punches just now!"

"Now we really hope to surpass Bruce Lee!"

Hearing Chen Weitao's excited cry, Huo Yunting also had a rare smile on his face.

The only pity is that there are no video records around.

Facing the excited people around, Huo Yunting breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Shen Teng beside him, "Shen Teng, go and contact Guinness."

These days, with special exercises for both arms, he can already punch nine punches in one second, so the remaining punch from the distance record is not a big problem.

Guinness responded quickly, and returned the call on Christmas night.

Knowing that the person who is going to challenge the record is Huo Yunting, he didn't care about Christmas, so he sent someone to come in person in a hurry.

This is the most famous new-generation martial arts actor in the big eastern country in recent years. He is likely to be the one who can keep pace with Cheng Long, Li Lianjie and others in the future. Even Guinness should pay more attention to it.

If the challenge of this record is really successful, whenever people mention Huo Yunting in the future, they will think of his Guinness World Record, and when they look for related videos, they will see their Guinness World Record referee.

Otherwise, according to the previous rules, Guinness at most requires the challenger to send the video.

On the afternoon of the 26th, the referee team sent by Guinness arrived at Hengdian Dream Valley.

A pair of blond and blue-eyed men and women referees standard Westerners, followed by the photographer and assistants.

"You guys have worked hard." Huo Yunting shook hands with several people sincerely.

For Westerners, this Christmas is equivalent to their New Year's Eve, celebrating the new year.

If you are willing to work overtime during the Chinese New Year, in addition to paying high overtime pay, you can only be forced by the superiors.

The tall female referee seemed a little flattered and even said that it was not hard work, and then she talked to Huo Yunting about the rules for recording the number of punches in a second.

Punch for 1 minute, then record the total number of punches and take the average.This is the challenge rule for the number of punches per second.

After listening, Huo Yunting was silent; Chen Weitao was also silent; beside him, Li Guoli, who was excitedly setting up a camera to join in the fun, was also silent.

Damn it, playing for 1 minute to take the average, if he had known what kind of energy he was practicing for such a challenge rule, it would have been enough.

Seeing Huo Yunting's sudden silence, the two referees were confused for a while, "Mr. Huo, do you have any questions about the rules of this challenge?"

"No, nothing." Huo Yunting shook his head, "We can start now."

The female referee nodded, and went to greet the photographer to set up the camera and prepare to shoot. Hu Ge, who was a little dazed, came up and said, "Brother fierce, there is something wrong with the challenge rules they said? Are you targeting us?"

"That's not true, the main reason is that I thought the rule required the first second."

"Is there any difference between just the first second and taking the average?"

"Strength builds speed, and speed builds strength. Fists go faster."

Hu Ge seemed to understand, but nodded thoughtfully.

"No, when did you call Brother Ji?"

"Anyway, it's spread, and it's the same name."

The photographer of the referee set up the camera, and Li Guoli changed the camera position and set up the camera.

If it's not done well, this will be a video that can be recorded in history, so he, as a director, has to treasure a copy, not to mention that it happened from his crew.

Putting on a short martial arts shirt, Huo Yunting made an OK gesture, looking at the mat in front of him, eager to try.

The referee and others stand behind the timer, and the male referee's hand is on the button of the timer.

"Three, two, one, go!"

With a shout from the male referee, Huo Yunting hit the mat instantly with both fists.

At the beginning, it was like light rain in the mountains, and it was sparse and non-stop, and then the rain became heavier and heavier, with dark clouds and heavy rain...

Soon the whistle sounded and 1 minute was over.

The timer is fixed at 60 seconds.

A group of people rushed to the camera and played it back at 0.5x speed.

If you don't slow it down, you can't see it clearly.

In fact, it is not clear even if it is slowed down.

The group counted countless times, and finally the male referee raised his head in shock, "781 punches."

Chen Weitao was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized, "13 punches per second?"

(End of this chapter)

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