The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 245 Uncle Ge's Visit

Chapter 245 Uncle Ge's Visit
"The Grandmaster" is finally finished, and Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei are completely relieved.

The period of filming with Wang Jiawei was really tormenting, now I have to relax.There are quite a few people who think the same as them, no, it should be said that everyone in the crew thinks the same except Wang Jiawei.

It's like every year after the college entrance examination, the students always come out to get together and relax.

On the second day after returning to the crew after finishing filming, Huo Yunting took Liu Yifei, Shen Teng, Shi Xingyu, Zhang Debang and others together to set up a grill at the entrance of his villa, ready to eat barbecue.

These are all comrades in arms who suffered together. Originally, he wanted to ask his father to come with him, but Huo Zhongde declined.

He is not as tactful as Zhang Debang, he can still call elder brother when facing people who are dozens of years younger than him, it will be a bad atmosphere if he goes.

Seeing this, Huo Yunting didn't say any more.

The days of May have entered the end of spring, but the breeze is still cool, which is a good time to eat barbecue.

When the meat skewers were put on the grill, thick smoke billowed and the aroma filled the air, attracting Ge You, who was fishing next door.

"Hey, how about some barbecue?"

"Hello, Teacher Ge You."

"Good afternoon, Teacher Ge."

"Uncle Ge eat two bites together?"

Ge You didn't look away either, guessing that he was waiting for him to say this in his heart, "Well, then I'm not welcome." After saying that, he sat down cross-legged.

If it is said that Huo Yunting can be seen from a distance but not played with, then Ge You is really a dragon who can't see the end.

He only heard his name but never met him. For a while, except for Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei, no one dared to speak.

"Uncle Ge, a few days ago I heard Brother Wen say that you want to try another role? To play Huang Silang?"

Ge You stared at Chuan'er, "Let that kid approve it for me."

"I guessed it. Huang Silang is arrogant and ambitious. It's really inappropriate for you to have a decadent face all day long."

"It's just a decadent face, it's all about acting, understand?"

The two of them chatted one after another, and the others around them didn't dare to speak without authorization, they just sat around and listened.

One is at the forefront, and the other is a rising star. Both of them have far more identities than the others present, and they can't get involved in the topics they are talking about.

But even if you just listen to it, you can get a glimpse of its charm.

Like Jiang Wen's handwritten love letter, Feng Xiaogang and his pants, etc... Of course, they just listened for fun, and didn't dare to inquire too much, and didn't dare to listen too carefully.

Except for Liu Yifei, she listened to everything with great interest.She wasn't in a hurry to speak too vaguely, she would chew on his ears after going to bed at night.

The two talked about the script from Jiang Wen's dinner that day, and then talked about his "The Sun Also Rises", and then they talked about the Emperor.

"Uncle Ge, you said the Emperor, why is he willing to invest in Jiang Wen at a loss?"

That script was indeed obscure, and it could be said to be the ultimate in art.Rather than saying that it was filmed for the audience, it was not that Jiang Wen filmed it for himself.

Such a film, which is highly likely to be guessed at a glance and will not be returned to its original value, will be rushed to invest money?He really couldn't understand it.

Ge You shook his head meaningfully, "Is Boss Yang short of this little money? He is worth tens of billions and tens of millions short of him? He wants face, not money."

"Besides, this film company's investment means that there are profits and losses. No one can guarantee that they will make profits for a lifetime."

Huo Yunting sprinkled cumin without raising his head, "But no matter what, this company still makes more money than artists."

"Isn't this nonsense, if the company doesn't make as much money as there are artists, why start a company? Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many stars who would start their own company after becoming popular..."

Ge You was talking non-stop, but suddenly stopped the topic, raised his eyebrows and looked at Huo Yunting, "You're asking all kinds of questions, maybe you want to start a company?"

Huo Yunting nodded sincerely, "I have this idea."

As soon as these words were said, everyone present gasped, even Liu Yifei beside him was no exception.

The two of them did talk about starting a company before, but it was just a casual chat at that time, and she didn't expect Huo Yunting to remember this matter until now.

"Brother Yun, do you really want to start a company?"

"There are more and more people eating behind us, so we need to arrange the plates."

In the past, he would feed the whole family by himself, and at most he would have two servants by his side.

But now there are more and more people following him. Leaving aside other things, Huo's family class alone is almost a hundred people younger.

Zhang Debang rolled the skewers silently, in fact, he was already very excited.If this company really starts up, wouldn't he, a veteran, be directly under one person and over ten thousand people?
He has seen a lot of star Ge You who wants to start his own company, and he is not surprised that Huo Yunting has this idea, and he continues to roll without raising his eyelids.

"What type of company are you planning to set up? A brokerage company?"


"Then it's mainly about investment?" Ge You smacked his lips, "Think about it yourself, starting a company is not like being an actor, you will definitely get paid for a movie, and every investment loss is a possibility Son."

For a young man like Huo Yunting to set up a film and television company, he can't play well.

Huo Yunting smiled cheerfully, "I'm a person with a unique vision, and ordinary movies can't catch my eye."

"No one can guarantee that their vision is accurate every time. Boy, if you lose once, you may go bankrupt."

"I don't mean to make a lot of money with this, the main thing is to take good care of the people under him first." Huo Yunting handed the last batch of roasted mutton skewers to Liu Yifei, "Just for fun, learn from experience .”

Ge You couldn't help shaking his head, but he still had a few more words to tell him in detail about how to start a company in the entertainment circle.

He had been around for a long time, and the water was deep, so Huo Yunting listened with 120 points of energy.

As the saying goes, going up the mountain is easy and going down the mountain is difficult, and this company is no exception.

It is easy to set up a company, with two brokers and some money on hand.But getting it going is the hard part.

Let's just talk about the most intuitive one, such as the release number. If there is no special organization for the release number of movies and records, you can only buy it from big companies.

The release number of a record is about [-].

Huo Yunting grinned when he heard this, "It's not an easy job to start a company."

Ge You shook his head, "It's not enough."

Shi Xingyu and the others cleaned up the grill, while Huo Yunting and Ge You walked and chatted all the way to the balcony on the third floor.

A gust of wind hits, the lush greenery below rustles, and the setting sun shines crimson again.Ge You couldn't help feeling emotional, "You bought this house really well, it's in such a good location."

"Uncle Ge, can you elaborate on that taboo you mentioned just now?"

"That's a long story, find two chairs and let's sit down and talk slowly."

Huo Yunting nodded, and touched his body, but there was nothing, and the smoke fell below.



"Help me get the cigarettes up, the third floor!"

Huo Yunting yelled downstairs, then took Ge You to his bedroom to move the rocking chair.

Those two bamboo rocking chairs were usually placed on the balcony, but it rained yesterday, so they moved back to the bedroom for fear of getting damp.

The two went to the bedroom, picked up two bamboo chairs and walked out. Ge You turned around and saw his souvenir cabinet.

"Hey, Brother Huo, your cabinet is really interesting."

"People have to keep something in mind when they are alive, it's just some small things."

Ge You stared straight at it, and slowly lowered the bamboo chair he was dragging, and nodded in agreement, "I have to think about it, I have to save it."

The first thing that came into view was a long sword.

"This sword looks unusual."

"Yu Chenghui is a gift from the old man."

"Ouch! That's really unusual." Ge You's expression became serious.

I thought these were all Huo Yunting's personal collections, but now I see it is not the case, there is a story behind every object.

"What about the Buddha beads?"

"At that time when I was filming "Kung Fu", I had a little misunderstanding with Shi Xingyu, and I solved a string of Buddhist beads that he gave me..."

Ge You listened with relish and nodded frequently.

The person who gave the beads due to a misunderstanding has now become his younger brother. He has broken up this string of beads, beaten foreign celebrities, and experienced a car accident with him. The story behind this string of beads is not small.

If he had such a thing instead, he would have to carefully confess it.

"Brother Huo, your cigarette."

Suddenly Shi Xingyu's voice came from outside the door, Huo Yunting took the cigarette in his hand, patted his shoulder, "Thank you."

Shi Xingyu didn't speak, but stared at the showcase, "Brother Huo... Are these the string of beads I gave you back then?"


Shi Xingyu opened his mouth wide in astonishment.

Needless to say what this showcase is for, you can get a little idea by looking at other exhibits-but is his Buddhist beads qualified to be placed in it?
Seeing that he was in a daze, Huo Yunting waved his hands in front of him, "Why are you in a daze?"

"Brother Huo, when did you get this showcase?"

"It's been there since the day I stayed."

Shi Xingyu nodded dumbly, walked back with a slightly stiff body, and turned back after two steps, "Brother Huo, lighter."

Only then did he stagger down the elevator.

Ge You couldn't help but smack his lips, is this a coincidence or intentional?
When Shi Xingyu arrived downstairs, Chen Weitao was frantically picking up the remaining skewers.

Seeing my good partner, I greeted loudly, "Monk! Are you full? Do you want to masturbate with me again?"

Shi Xingyu sat down dumbly and didn't answer, he was still thinking about what Brother Huo had told him before.

"It's been there since the day I stayed."

When I think of these, I feel a little warm in my heart.Huo Ge is a man with a sharp mouth and a tofu heart. He is typically cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

"What are you doing? Did Brother Huo criticize you?" Seeing that Shi Xingyu hadn't responded, Chen Weitao couldn't help but guess.

"Oh, what a big deal. It's not like he criticizes you once or twice, but Brother Huo really has a temper these days. I think Wang Jiawei forced him..."

"Old Chen." Before he finished speaking, Shi Xingyu interrupted him with righteous words, "If you continue to speak ill of Brother Huo like that, don't blame my brother for not being sympathetic."

Chen Weitao was stunned for a while, trying to swallow the meat in his mouth, "Monk, you fucking force you, it's not the time for you to tell me every day——No, did Brother Huo give you a raise?"

"Why is the salary raised or not? You are hanging out with Brother Huo just for money?"

"Then why not? Figure him out?"

"I want him to be kind!"

Chen Weitao's face was wrinkled together, and he waved his hands again and again, "Monk, don't be so disgusting with me. Only when I say this, I believe it. If you say that, I would rather trust Brother Huo to give you a raise."

The two downstairs were whispering, and the two upstairs were chatting around the display cabinet. Ge You was really interested in the stories behind the things inside.

"The real estate certificate is also put in it?"

In the bedroom on the third floor, Ge You, rubbing his chin, was still looking around in the showcase.

"I bought this house with Sissy, and I will put the marriage certificate in it after we get married."

Ge You couldn't help but click his tongue when he said this, this kid is indeed a clear stream in the entertainment industry.

Looking up, I saw a piece of paper covered with red handprints.

Huo Yunting doesn't need to explain this much, although he doesn't recognize the many names, but looking at the top of the dozens of names: Yu Chenghui, and looking at the time and date, he has already guessed it pretty well.


Ge You gasped, and straightened his back subconsciously. Now he can probably guess that many of those unrecognizable names may have very high gold content.

As long as he continues to walk straight on the road of spreading martial arts, the gold content of these names will never change.

"This is the Iron Scroll of the Dan Shu, the gold medal to save you from death."

Huo Yunting didn't speak, he was almost thirty, and now he was more and more aware of the weight of this petition.

Ge You looked to the left, and saw another letter of appointment, with Huo Yunting's photo on the upper right corner.

He squinted his eyes and watched the small words on the letter of appointment unconsciously read out, "Specially invite Ren Qiu Chuanwu, the founder of Chuanwumen Mr. Huo Yunting to fight for the ZJ Provincial Armed Police Corps' anti-terrorist special warfare—"

In the middle of speaking, he blinked his eyes and straightened up with a "bass".

Looking at this display case, Ge You's mouth was dry for a while, he understood why Huo Yunting was a clean stream in the entertainment industry, even if he didn't want to be a clean stream.

"...Yunting, when did this happen?"

"Just before I filmed "The Great Master", a Hangzhou master I knew taught there for several months." Huo Yunting scratched his chin with a regretful expression on his face, "Originally their Liu The staff officer also said that some of the things I taught are quite suitable for special forces, but as a result, I haven't stumbled for so long."

Ge Youting's forehead was hot, he wiped his forehead with his sleeve, and moved the bamboo chair back to its original place.

"What's the matter, Uncle Ge, we haven't finished chatting yet."

"Stop chatting, there's no need. I think it's just right to put your shopkeeper in the living room on the first floor."

Ge You took a deep breath, "When your company starts up, whoever trips you up in the future, just bring him to your house as a guest."

(End of this chapter)

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