Chapter 263 Most Popular

This Asian Film Awards is organized by Hong Kong International Film Association, referred to as AFA.

The fifth Asian Film Awards was grandly held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, and the ceremony was held at the Hong Kong Film and Television Entertainment Expo.

Moreover, it was also held simultaneously with the flagship event of the Hong Kong International Film Festival Association, the No.30 [-]th Xiangxiang International Film Festival and the [-]th Xiangjiang Asian Film Investment Conference, and its reputation is very loud.

Jiang Wenren happened to be in Beiping, so he called Huo Yunting, and the two boarded the plane to Xiangjiang together.

Huo Yunting wanted to ask about the Asian Film Awards, but felt a few fiery eyes on them.

The two looked back, and saw several anxious stewardesses looking forward to it.Seeing Huo Yunting and Jiang Wen looking over, they hurriedly looked away.

"It's a good little girl, why are you sneaking around, and if you have ideas, you can be generous."

Jiang Wen yelled, and a group of stewardesses surrounded him with happy faces and asked for autographs.

As for the group photo, Jiang Wen promised to stay and take a photo with them after getting off the plane.

After Jiang Wen's signature was finished, the stewardesses all looked at Huo Yunting, and he also picked up a pen to sign, and the group of stewardesses left satisfied.

Jiang Wen smacked his lips, "Brother Huo, you are still popular with the little girl, better than me."

Huo Yunting shook his head humbly, "I'm just average in appearance, mainly because Brother Wen is here for comparison."

"I really can't say anything with your mouth!"

After getting off the plane, Huo Yunting and Jiang Wen stayed for a while, took a photo with several stewardesses, stewardesses, and the pilots, and then packed up and headed to Xiangjiang Film and Television Entertainment Expo.

Arriving at a nearby hotel, several leading actors of the "Let the Bullets Fly" crew also met, as well as some behind-the-scenes.

Huo Yunting looked around, missing a key person, "Why isn't Uncle Ge here? Come by train?"

"He doesn't follow the class of "Let the Bullets Fly". He is the lead actor of "The Orphan of Zhao."

When Huo Yunting heard this, he knew in his heart that nine out of ten he was selected as the best actor.

Then he greeted Zhou Runfa and the others, "Brother Fa, Teacher Liu, long time no see."

"Long time no see, long time no see." Shaking hands with the two, Zhou Runfa laughed and teased, "Yunting, I see that your face is flushed. Is there news that you are sure that you are going to win an award?"

"Hey, where did I get this contact, I'm so refreshed."

"I don't think so. It's not a gossip, it must be getting married to be so rosy."

Before Huo Yunting could speak, Liu Jialing who was beside her was slightly surprised, "Ah, Yunting is getting married, I don't even know about it, why didn't you invite me?"

Huo Yunting's forehead was sweating slightly, wasn't he afraid that the invitation would be inappropriate.

But he still showed an apologetic expression, "Sister Ling, I'm really sorry. I was still thinking that I wasn't qualified to invite you to this wedding."

Liu Jialing shook her head with a smile, "Is there any qualification for this? When? I'll take my husband there."

"April NO.15, Sister Ling, you still put your own business first."

"It's small things, I can make time for them."

"Yes, Sister Ling, I'm waiting for your visit."

After resting in the hotel for two days, on March 21st, the crew of "Let the Bullets Fly" changed into suits and went to the red carpet together.

Huo Yunting has walked many red carpets before, including everything from home and abroad, and he has seen all kinds of celebrities.

But today he was still a little surprised.

Feng Xiaogang, Liang Chaowei, Zhang Ziyi...almost half of the top performers in China were present.

These are only about one-third of the venue, and the rest of the faces are mostly from Japan and South Korea, and the sporadic ones are from Indonesia, Thailand and other countries.

This mighty group of people can keep up with the number of people walking on the red carpet in three film festivals.

Huo Yunting didn't know many people, so after walking the red carpet and signing autographs, he found a place to rest.

He was one of the early ones to walk the red carpet, and there were still a bunch of people behind him, who probably couldn't finish walking in two hours.

It was boring to stay still, so Jiang Wen invited him to go to the expo, but he was not in the mood, his mind was only on the wedding.

It's okay to hold a banquet, but he is still not sure about the guest seat.

He felt that his guests and friends were more or less like fruits and vegetables, a bit of mutual generation and restraint.

It's okay to eat alone, but it will go wrong when eaten together.

Like Wang Jiawei and Huang Baiming, if they were at the same table, Huo Yunting would be afraid that they would fight on the spot.

"Teacher Huo?"

Suddenly someone greeted him, Huo Yunting turned around and looked - he didn't recognize him.

A skinny girl.

"Hello, who are you?"

"Ah, hello, Mr. Huo, my name is Zhou Dongyu. I've been watching you in a daze just now. Is there no map of the expo?"

Looking at the map that Zhou Dongyu handed over, Huo Yunting turned his head back again, "No, it's just that I'm too lazy to move."

This excuse is too childish.

Afterwards, the girl named Zhou Dongyu silently apologized and left.

From the beginning to the end, Huo Yunting's thoughts never left his guest row.

Damn, how to arrange it.

I can't ask you in person if you're having trouble with someone.

The red carpet of this magnitude has been rather slow to go.It took more than three hours to walk down the whole scene.

Huo Yunting smacked his lips as he watched from the sidelines. Those who knew it were walking on the red carpet at a film festival, but those who didn't know it thought it was a meeting of gangsters.

Both men and women are basically all in black, and there are very few people wearing strange clothes.Huo Yunting didn't know the reason for this.

When the red carpet is over, today's event is over.The staff began to organize the exit of people.Today is just walking the red carpet, and the official awards ceremony will start tomorrow.

Huo Yunting tapped his stiff legs, got up and strode away.

At [-]:[-] p.m. the next day, the award ceremony officially began.

Huo Yunting found his own seat, next to Jiang Wen, although it was closer to the front, it didn't seem to be in the first three rows.

This shows how many stars have come to the Asian Film Awards this year.

First, I listened to a few hosts talking about the development and achievements of Xiangjiang Films, the integration of Asia, the theme of this year's Asian Film Awards and so on.

After talking for a long time, it finally came to the official part of awarding.

The first one to be presented was the modeling design award, but unexpectedly, the first one was won by "Let the Bullets Fly".Zhang Shuping, the modeling designer of the crew, was very happy.

Huo Yunting thought deeply, wouldn't he just take this award?
Soon, the next award will be awarded...

The winners of the latter awards are basically from China, Japan and South Korea, and occasionally there are a few from Indonesia and Thailand.

Rather than calling it the Asian Grand Prix, Huo Yunting thought it would be better to call it the East Asian Three Kingdoms Grand Prix.

After listening patiently for a long while, it finally came to the stage of judging the actors.

The best new actor award was presented first. Huo Yunting saw the thin girl from yesterday in the nominations. Her representative work is "Love in the Hawthorn Tree".

Huo Yunting was thoughtful, *girl.

It's a pity that in the end he was only nominated for the Best New Actor Award and was won by a treasure island actor named Zhao Youting, whose representative work is "Monga".

Making gangster films these days feels a bit like a renaissance.But the Renaissance is not bad.

"...The next one will be awarded the Best Supporting Actress Award. The nominees are: Liu Jialing, "Let the Bullets Fly"; Aoi Yu, "A Lullaby for My Brother"; Yin Ruzhen, "The Second Daughter"..."

Hearing that Liu Jialing's name appeared in the Best Supporting Actress list, Huo Yunting turned his head to Jiang Wen, "Brother Wen, how did Sister Ling become a supporting actress?"

Jiangmen narrowed his eyes and stared at the front, and said in a rough voice: "She doesn't have many roles, the heroine will only have that role."

"Then who is the heroine of Let the Bullets Fly?"

"There is no heroine at all."

Huo Yunting sat up straight and continued to listen to the awards ahead.

In the end, Liu Jialing failed to win the best supporting actress, and the winner was the Korean named Yin Ruzhen.

The host continued to present the next award, Huo Yunting suddenly frowned, and poked Jiang Wen, "No, brother Wen, then who is the heroine of our film?"

From a certain point of view, "Let the Bullets Fly" can be regarded as a stream of group portraits, and it is impossible to strictly distinguish who is the male lead between him, Zhou Runfa, and Ge You.

So how is the nomination for Best Actor calculated?

Jiang Wen scratched his chin, "Strictly speaking, the three of you are male leads. As for who the best male lead is, it depends on what the jury thinks."

Huo Yunting was speechless.

In other words, the three brothers still have to compete internally.

When it came time to select the best actor, Zhou Runfa was selected.

However, it was not him who won the award in the end, but Ruan Jingtian, the lead actor of "Monga".

Huo Yunting sighed regretfully, he came here today to accompany him.

No, it’s not even considered a running companion, he wasn’t selected for any of them.

Seeing that Huo Yunting was somewhat regretful, Jiang Wen patted him on the shoulder, "Brother Huo, it's okay, don't look at the big name of this Asian award, but it's actually worth nothing."

Huo Yunting raised his eyebrows slightly, brother Wen knows something inside?Leaning her head slightly towards him again, "What do you say?"

"This Asian Film Awards, you can get it just by listening to it. It's not so much an award for Asian films, but it's not about Asian film and television professionals sitting together and sharing results. A film festival that has just been held for five years, it can Where is it too strong?"

After a pause, he added, "Of course, just because it's the same now doesn't mean it will be the same in the future."

Huo Yunting was thoughtful, but soon looked at Jiang Wen suspiciously, "Really? Is it because you nominated a bunch of awards but didn't win any of them, and you were dissatisfied and purposely arranged with me from here."

Best director, best film, best screenwriter, and the three most valuable awards, Jiang Wen was nominated for each of them, but they all ended up running with him.

Jiang Wenting gritted his teeth, "Am I that person?"

Huo Yunting shook his head, "I don't know."

"I fucking understand why Wang Jiawei hooked up with you."

"He resisted me? How could he be so shy, him."

The two were chatting with each other, and special awards had already begun to be presented on the podium, such as Lifetime Achievement Award, Outstanding Contribution Award and so on.

"...The next award to be presented is quite special, it is a newly added online voting this year. The most popular actress nominee: Jeon Do-yeon..."

Jiang Wen really didn't have the heart to argue with Huo Yunting anymore, so he quickly changed the subject, "Stop it quickly, listen to what the host said, the most popular host and hostess in online voting, maybe you are there."

"Hey, I thought this kind of online voting was only available to young people like the Peking College Student Film Festival."

"How about I say that this film festival is not doing well now, it's too young."

"Brother Wen, you can't use the map cannon, isn't there an online voting for the Hundred Flowers Awards?"

"Is the Hundred Flowers Award created by young people? How many years has it been?"

The two bickered and watched Quan Doyeon go on stage to receive the award and give a speech.

"...The following is the audience's favorite actor award, the nominee: Huo Yunting, "Let the Bullets Fly"..."

"Hey, hey, don't talk about it, you have been selected."

When Jiang Wen looked at Huo Yunting, he found that he was already sitting upright, staring at the podium seriously.

"...The final winner is Huo Yunting."

Soon, there was thunderous applause inside and outside the banquet.

Jiang Wen, who was beside him, also clapped vigorously, shouting at him with all his strength amidst the roaring applause, "Brother Huo, no loss! A good start! This is the first one, and we will have more prizes in the future!"

Huo Yunting grinned, and lightly punched Jiang Wen in the chest, "Wait, your award is also behind."

He straightened his suit and then strode forward.

"Mr. Huo, congratulations."

The person who presented the award was a Korean, and his attitude towards Huo Yunting seemed very respectful. Looking at the humble look on his face, Huo Yunting suddenly had this idea in his mind. Could it be that "The Secret That Cannot Be Tellable" is still showing its residual heat?
He took a closer look at the trophy in his hand, and it looked like a headless figure with his hands spread out and one leg independent.The overall structure is composed of countless prisms, which looks very abstract.

Just about to speak, but suppressed the voice.Huo Yunting thought about it carefully, what is this trophy called?

I didn't listen carefully when the award was presented before. I don't know what the trophy is called. Could it be called the Golden Asia Award?

Countless pairs of eyes stared at him from the audience, and he couldn't hesitate anymore, "I'm very happy, I can win the Most Popular Actor Award today, it seems that everyone still likes me very much."

The following words are basically clichés, thank the director, thank the screenwriter, and thank all the big names in the crew.

Finally, Huo Yunting talked about Liu Yifei.

"Then, I am also very grateful to my fiancée. To be honest, I have been out filming all year round, and she has never lost her temper with me...I am not a qualified boyfriend."

Sissi and him did have a lot of grievances over the years. They were obviously close at hand, but it felt like they were in a long-distance relationship.

"However, I will definitely be a good husband in the future."

Just when Huo Yunting bowed and was about to step down, the Korean who was presenting the award finally couldn't help asking: "Mr. Huo, are you and Ms. Liu Yifei getting married?"

After saying this, Huo Yunting firmly believes that he is a diehard fan of "The Unspeakable Secret".

He nodded slightly, "Yes, we will hold a wedding in April."

(End of this chapter)

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