The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 266 Can you handle the skill of the past three years?

Chapter 266 Can you handle the skill of the past three years?
The old people have taken the yellow crane,
The Yellow Crane Tower was crowded with people.

The Yellow Crane goes back and forth,
Baiyun thousands of years empty.


No, why do you feel that you have made a mistake?

Yawning heavily, Huo Yunting opened his eyes.

It was already around ten o'clock in the morning, and the incandescent sunlight swept in through the gaps in the curtains, as if looking at the messy battle situation last night.

Liu Yifei beside her was still in a deep sleep, her messy hair sticking to her cheeks.

His face was rosy and rosy, and he couldn't help poking it with his hand.

"Well...don't make trouble, I'm so sleepy..."

"Okay, you can sleep a little longer."

He got up and stretched, and then he felt back pain and leg cramps.But only for a moment.

He has practiced martial arts since he was a child and has been single for almost 30 years. He is an old bachelor who is also a family trainer. If three times can make him feel uncomfortable for a long time, then his life will be in vain.

Gently covered Liu Yifei on the bed with a quilt, and then went to the bathroom.

It's really sticky.

When he finished his shower and changed his clothes, Liu Yifei also got up.

A bath towel was wrapped around her body, and her whole body was rosy.

Seeing Huo Yunting, his face turned even redder.

Huo Yunting looked funny.Before tonight, she had no taboos, she could wear whatever she wanted to be cool.From time to time, she sticks to him and says some witty things to him.

It's okay now, with low eyebrows and shy eyes, it's back to the way they were when they first met.On the contrary, he was not so scruples, and he wanted to drive as much as he wanted.

The momentum of offense and defense is also different.

"Get up."

"Well... Brother Yun, have you finished taking a shower? I want to take a shower too."

"Oh, you wash."

Seeing her limping appearance, Huo Yunting couldn't help but said, "How about I wash it for you."

"Need not!"


The bathroom door was slammed shut.

Huo Yunting shrugged helplessly and went back to the bedroom.

The sheets were a mess, half wet, half dry.There is a touch of bright red that is extremely dazzling under the sunlight.

Located in the middle of the sheet.

In addition, there were many traces of saliva and teeth marks on the pillows and quilt covers.Huo Yunting sighed, he was very busy today.

There was a constant sound of water in the bathroom, and the fog filled the air.

A slender white hand gently wiped the mirror, and then the bumpy figure was reflected in the mirror.

The wet long hair was tied to the back of the head, making it even more beautiful.

It's just the self in the mirror, with many man-made flaws.

It's all Huo Yunting's fault!

It doesn't matter if you start with your hands, your mouth, your legs!

Although my heart was full of resentment, but when I recalled the feeling of last night, my face suddenly became hot again.

Hey, what's going on in my head.

Her heart skipped a beat, and then her face turned even redder.

When she finished her shower and changed her clothes, she went back to the bedroom and found that the sheets were clean.

"Brother Yun, have you cleaned up the sheets and quilts?"

"Yeah, I'm about to wash it."

Seeing the sheets and quilts in Huo Yunting's hands, she strode over abruptly, but soon stopped halfway.

Frowning, biting his lower lip, he moved in front of him in small steps, rummaged through the sheets in Huo Yunting's arms, found the blood-stained one, rolled it up and threw it into the trash can.

"This new bed sheet, don't you want it?"

"No more!"

She blushed so much that she was about to bleed, Huo Yunting nodded helplessly, "Okay, no more."

Logically speaking, they should visit both parents today, but Liu Yifei still took small steps until three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and finally had to call and tell them that Liu Yifei was unwell.

The elders are all experienced, so they understand this very well, and they didn't ask too many questions, and all the tacit understanding was silent.

It's just a reminder to the two of them to have a child as soon as possible, so as not to miss the age.Huo Yunting repeatedly agreed.

Before the call was over, he was pushed out of the bedroom by Liu Yifei, and the door was locked with a "click".

He closed the curtains, then carefully lifted the skirt, looked at it, and poked it.

Huo Yunting looked puzzled, what is this for?

I knocked on the door for a long time, but my mouth was always muttering, and I didn't understand.Huo Yunting had no choice but to go to the living room to watch the news.

The hot topic on the Internet now is their wedding.

"Shock!She actually came to Huo Yunting's wedding"

"Huo Yunting gets married, half of the entertainment industry gathers"

"A simple wedding, but also called the marriage of the last century"

"The Man Behind the Entertainment Circle"

After about half a month, he once again topped the list of hot searches.I don’t know how many people who buy traffic today will cry.

Although the wedding was relatively simple, the guests who came to celebrate were not ordinary people.

That's really a first-line star is not as good as a dog, and the top celebrities walk around everywhere.

Apart from the stars in the entertainment industry, there are also many bosses.For example, Han Sanye, Wang Zhongjun brothers, Huang Baiming, or Boss Yang who was called by Jiang Wen...

As far as the gold content of his wedding is concerned, it is almost comparable to the previous Asian film festival.

To be honest, without the news from these media reporters, Huo Yunting really didn't realize how serious his wedding was.Looking at it now is indeed a breath of fresh air.

If a bomb is dropped at his wedding, then Huayu will be set back 50 years.

Huo Yunting couldn't bear to look at these news, so he almost described himself as the person behind the scenes in the entertainment industry.

But netizens just like this one the most, who doesn't like conspiracy theories.With such an open mind, Huo Yunting can apply to anything.

Even the previous car accident between him and Lao Hu was said to have been done on purpose by him.Because he was afraid that Hu Ge would affect his development in the future.

It's fine if the netizens talk about it one or two times. If the fucking unscrupulous self-media posts such nonsense, then he can't just sit idly by.

He called Zhang Debang with a dark face. It was time for the legal department in Xiting, which had not been put to great use for a long time, to take action.

After the phone call with Zhang Debang, Huo Yunting began to call back the more important friends among the guests who visited yesterday to thank him one by one.

Everyone is the owner of hundreds of thousands and tens of millions every minute, and it is really a face to be willing to spare a day to attend his wedding.

The phone call was a bit long, until eight or nine o'clock in the evening, Huo Yunting, who was thirsty, finally finished the last call.

After taking him to pour water, Liu Yifei finally walked out of the bedroom.

The steps are big.

"Brother Yun, look, you've recovered."

"So fast?"

"It's on the medicine."

"Can it be used now?"

"It's all right—huh?"

Before she could speak again, Huo Yunting walked towards the bedroom with the princess in his arms.

"Don't—too much, you're not afraid that your body will be overwhelmed."

Huo Yunting smiled slightly, "Can you handle nearly 30 years of skill?"

ps: I'm not very good at writing, so I hope you can take care of it

(End of this chapter)

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