The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 5 Brother, why are you crazy!

Chapter 5 Brother, why are you crazy!

Jin Yong's novels are very popular now, and there is almost everyone who doesn't like to read them, from celebrities to peddlers.

With the popularity of TV dramas adapted from Jin Yong's novels such as "The Sword of Blood", "Swordsman", "Yi Tian Sword and Dragon Saber" in the past few years, the lingering charm of this martial arts style has not disappeared, but it has set off another wave.

According to gossip, Mr. Jin Yong's "Tian Long Ba Bu" will also be adapted into a TV series in the past two years.

But no matter how popular Jin Yong's novel was, Huo Yunting never read a few pages.

It's not that he doesn't want to read it, but that he is allergic to "stories".

In addition, he doesn't participate in other people's nonsense and bragging on weekdays, and he has very few friends.It's full of calculations, maybe except for little sister Mo, there is only Xiaopang next to him.

Forget it, read a book, the most important thing is to study your own condition.

Flip through it casually, and the sections are neat and tidy.The tiny print came into my eyes.

...Seeing that the sky is getting dark, there are still more than sixty miles away from the Dragon Temple, and I need to find a place to rest.

Suddenly, a child's voice was heard in the woods calling: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I have worshiped you, why don't you give me candy?"

When everyone heard this, they were all surprised: "How can someone recognize His Majesty?"

When I went to the woods to see, I only heard someone in the forest say: "You have to say: 'May my emperor live long, long live, long live!' before you can eat sugar."

This voice is very familiar, it is Murong Fu...

This paragraph is exactly the part where Murong Fu Tufen went crazy.

Even though Huo Yunting didn't know the reason, he could roughly guess that Murong Fu was crazy because he wanted to restore the country.

I don't know if it's because Mr. Jin Yong's writing style is too tough, or because his illness is getting worse, Huo Yunting feels someone whispering in his ear at this moment, and the bed he is sitting on has become a dirt grave.

"Tsk tsk, poor man, poor man, go to sleep."

Aware of the hallucinations, Huo Yunting took the enamel cup and poured out the charcoal stove, pulled down the light cord, went to bed and wrapped himself in a quilt.

Closing his eyes, with the fading whispers in his ears, he is going to see Duke Zhou too...

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, we have already worshiped you, why don't you give us candy?"

Zhou Gong didn't see him, because he was cut off by a group of children in the middle of the road.

When he came back to his senses, he was sitting on the earthen tomb in coarse clothes, a group of children with long hair were bowing to him, and a woman in light green clothes was looking at him sadly not far away.

In an instant, the great cause of rejuvenating the country has become an empty dream, and the cousin's soft words and tenderness are long gone, and all kinds of thoughts come to my heart.

His face changed, confused, shocked, panicked, sad and angry, and finally changed into a complacent look.

"No, no, no, you have to say long live my emperor, long live long live, and only then can you eat sweets."

"Long live my emperor!"

"Give me sugar, I want cake!"

"Long live the emperor, long live the emperor."

Murong Fu grinned and laughed, the woman in green shirt took out various pastries from the basket and distributed them to the children.

"Eat slowly, don't rush, you have a share. Wait until tomorrow, come to play again, cakes, woo, there are more." Just as he was talking, a tear fell and wet the cakes.

"Why is my concubine crying? Come into my arms."

There was a smile on Abi's haggard face, and she walked slowly, gently holding his face with both hands.

"Your Majesty, my concubines are fine."

But at this moment, Murong Fu ignored her and muttered to himself endlessly facing the south...


He opened his eyes suddenly, his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

There were no windows in the basement, so it was opaque, and the surrounding area was dark.But Huo Yunting's biological clock was telling him that it was 5 o'clock in the morning.

It was a rule set by his father to practice boxing at Maoshi.Since he was 8 years old, he has never stayed in bed again, because his father's bamboo stick beats people really hard.

Hearing the slight and rhythmic snoring not far away, Huo Yunting knew that he was still in the basement.

Taking a deep breath, he leaned against the wall and recalled last night's dream.Today he can be regarded as having learned what it means to have a big dream come to nothing.

He actually played the role of a madman in his dream, he has never encountered a madman in his life.However, I have seen a few schizophrenia in the mental hospital over there in Cangzhou.

Realizing that there seemed to be nothing wrong with his spirit, he went out to practice boxing as usual.

Bearing the mountain pose, splitting the body and wrapping up the moon, stepping up through the ears, piercing the ears and bending the body...

At this time, it was still dark, so he couldn't see his figure and movements clearly, but he could hear the blowing wind of fists.

This boxing is also called Huo's practice hand boxing.It integrates various martial arts such as Taiji, Changquan, Tanquan, etc. in one furnace.Pay attention to the simultaneous use of hands and feet, strict and flexible, and pay attention to strength.

It's just that Huo Yunting always felt that his father saved a hand, and taught him this hand of martial arts, which was more or less mixed with martial arts.


But it is barely enough to deal with the current society where almost no one practices martial arts.

Feeling a little sweat on his body, Huo Yunting went back to the basement and lit the charcoal stove again.After roasting for a while, at around 6 o'clock, the sky was bright.

Then I trotted all the way to the entrance of the community, and after a short while, a morning stall truck drove slowly from a distance.

"Ma'am, two or three servings of soy milk and three fried dough sticks."

"Okay. Why do you want an extra copy today?"

The aunt wrapped in a jujube red scarf got out of the car, and she was familiar with the way of serving soy milk and deep-fried fried dough sticks.

This tall and burly young man is here almost every day, and most of the first business at the stall is for this young man.

"Haha, I have a big appetite again."

"Or pack them separately?"

"Pack them separately."

After chatting for a while, three servings of soybean milk and fried dough sticks were packed and stuffed into Huo Yunting's hands.The aunt also drove her stall again and walked towards the city.

After returning to the 3rd building and 4th door, I did not go to the basement first, but went up to the 5th floor step by step and three steps.

A serving of deep-fried dough sticks and soy milk was placed on the foam pad behind door 501 before returning to the basement.

The snoring is still there.

Pulling the light cord, he took out the aluminum box from the bottom of the bed. The chopsticks pierced the plastic bag containing the soy milk, and streams of steaming fresh white liquid flowed into the aluminum box.

I sucked and ate and drank enough, washed the aluminum box, and the snoring was still there.

He didn't plan to go to Beijing Film Studio so early today, mainly because he wanted to see if he could learn acting skills in reality.

How did it feel?

Huo Yunting was thinking about it cross-legged on the bed, and after a while the feeling was in place.

"Hey, I'm the emperor of Dayan, I'm enthroned today and I want to enshrine all the officials!"

He muttered to himself, and made some weird laughs from time to time.

The snoring disappeared.

The sleepy Yue Longgang was woken up, and when he tilted his head, he saw the crazy figure in the opposite shop and the strange words he couldn't understand.

What are the words like "you can only eat sweets if you shout long live", "I want to canonize you as a queen".

Then there was a jerk and no sleepiness at all.

"Brother Yun! Brother Yun!"

Yue Longgang held Huo Yunting's hands in a panic.Facing those broken and confused eyes, the tip of his nose was sour, and a sense of sadness welled up in his heart.

"I'm a dick! Why are you so crazy!!"

 New book for support
(End of this chapter)

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