my name is ferguson

Chapter 110 Applause from the KOP Stand

( ) Burleigh! ! !

win! ! ! ! !

The huge shout was drowned out again, but this voice finally succeeded in Anfield.

This is Li Cha, and this is Li Cha's philosophy of life. He would rather fight to the end and fail in the end than run away timidly.

The Burleigh players who had struggled on the pitch for 70 minutes could finally hear the shouts of their fans at Anfield. Their scalps were numb from the stimulation. Who would have thought that this would happen?As long as you are still a player, who is not moved by this scene? ?

Diarra was already out of breath, but when he turned his head and saw the sweaty boss who was still shaking his temperament, his eyes were firm again!

strength?Shit strength!

If strength can decide a game, there will be no miracle of Wimbledon defeating Liverpool; if strength can control everything, there will be no miracle of Kaiserslautern, Greek mythology or Danish fairy tale.

The battle on the court is getting more and more fierce. Thiago Silva and Vermaelen have already staged eye-catching tricks in the penalty area... Even Nasri got a goal when he returned to his own half to defend. Yellow card.

"It's Fellaini again! I didn't expect Li Cha to find the treasure of Fellaini after he found the uncut jade of Thiago Silva. I really admire Li Cha's eyes. More than half of the team was poached by him, and every player on the field can bring us surprises! It was Alonso's pass just now, and Alonso wanted to give the ball to Fellaini when he faced Fellaini Riise, at this moment Fellaini showed his stunt beyond intercepting the high-altitude ball, a ground ball interception stunt. Is Burleigh going to counterattack? Fellaini has just controlled the ball and is going to face Alonso The siege with Gerrard, this is Richard's tactic against Liverpool in the first half, and now Benitez returns the original...Fellaini gave the ball to Diarra, Diarra passed to Van Persie, Van Persie On the other hand, he and Mata cooperate..."

Van Persie wanted to play a two-for-one with Mata to get rid of Hyypia, but Mata did not pass the ball. After getting the ball, he rushed towards Liverpool's penalty area. At this moment, Hyypia is following in the footsteps of Van Persie to complete Bennett Finnan naturally wanted to catch up to Mata because of his man-to-man tactics. At this moment, Muric appeared in the deadly gap.

"Pass the ball!!!"

Martin began to worry about Burleigh. If the ball is passed, Muric will definitely be able to complete the single-handedly again!

Just when Mata was about to pass the ball, Carragher suddenly stuck behind Muric, making this opportunity disappear in an instant.

Mata, who was unable to pass the ball, could only continue to dribble forward, but Nasri was able to respond in place, but Traore was also following him!What's more, Gerrard is about to run back to the hinterland of the penalty area. At that time, Liverpool's defense will be like a patched anti-virus software. As long as the program is not closed and the blockbuster is downloaded, there is basically no possibility of being penetrated.

"Mata, you can't keep dribbling, we already know your dribbling skills, now what Burleigh needs at this critical moment is to score goals!"

What Martin said was exactly what Mata thought. Since he joined Burleigh, he has been told that the purpose of dribbling is not to show skills, but to create opportunities and tear open shots behind the opponent's line of defense, but now there are two opportunities None exist, Mata can only choose xing's pass.

return?Impossible, this opportunity will completely disappear after the pass back, and then Liverpool's double defensive midfielder is in place, and Burleigh will have to wait for the opportunity again.

do not care!

Mata left the ball at Nasri's feet when he was about to rush past Nasri, and then ran towards the penalty area... He didn't know if Nasri could understand his intentions, anyway, he already Made it obvious.

When Hyypia saw that Mata did not continue to control the ball and Nasri was stuck on the edge of the penalty area by Traore, there was only one thought in his mind, that is to get the ball out quickly and buy time for Liverpool to attack!

Hyypia, who gave up Mata and rushed towards Nasri, couldn't believe that Burleigh could play such an exquisite coordination, but this scene happened inconceivably.

When Nasri saw the ball stop at his feet, he made a movement completely by instinct. Perhaps this is the tacit understanding among technical players... Nasri stepped on the ball and kicked back hard, just running to the offside line Mata nearby saw the football rolling over in the double-teaming of the two. Unexpectedly, Nasri, who had never played a small-scale cooperation, understood his intention!

"Exquisite cooperation! Ashley has never brought such exquisite cooperation to Burleigh when he was on the court! First, Mata led Nasri to run wildly at the front of the penalty area, and then Mata deliberately left the ball in Nasri The person under his feet ran towards the penalty area. When Hyypia's eyes were attracted by the football under Nasri's feet, Nasri passed a very beautiful pass with a very unreasonable posture!"

There is no obstacle in rushing past Mata beside Traore, and there is only Dudek standing in front of him to block the angle!

"Shoot the door!"

Mata swung his thigh at the front of the penalty area and slammed towards the ball. This time, he didn't have any strength left. After finishing the shot, he lost his balance and fell down.

"goooooooooooooooooooooooooooallll!!!!" Martin yelled hard, and he even shouted out the unique long tune of South American commentators: "Mata scored. Mata scored the most important goal in the crucial game and at the critical moment Crucial goal!!"

"This player is too smart. He first played a wonderful match with Nasri, who is actually the core of the frontcourt combination, and then faced Dudek's block and had no angle at all. With a slam, the ball flew between Dudek's legs, and pierced through the double door with one kick!!"

Mata didn't know where his strength came from. After falling, he rolled and stood up from the ground when he saw the goal. As soon as he stood firm, he rushed to the Burleigh fans area where Richard was.

Kewell was the first to shout out: "Mata!!!"

Li Cha then continued the next sentence: "hero!!!"



Li Cha handed over the banner in his hand to Kewell, came back in the fan zone, and hugged Mata tightly.

"Mata, you killed the most powerful team in the world!!!"

Mata was hugged tightly by Richard, but they didn't hug for a long time. The other teammates who rushed over unceremoniously threw the two of them down. Even Schmeichel rushed up and crushed the Arhats. the topmost layer of the .

This time, the kop stand did not boo, this time, the kop stand did not throw any debris, and this time, the kop stand, which had reported racial discrimination in the future, generously gave Richard and all Burleigh people Time to celebrate.


The fans in the first kop stand came out, he clapped slowly to form a rhythm, then the second, the third fans in the kop stand started to applaud, and then the applause was scattered in the kop stand one after another .

They respect all worthy opponents!

Manchester United fans applauded Ronaldinho, who scored three goals in a row, and also applauded Kaka; Real Madrid fans applauded Ronaldinho, who stunned Ramos... But who has heard of Liverpool fans applauding the visiting team?

Because no one has ever dared to challenge the kop stand in an away game!

Li Cha came, he brought Burleigh, and Burleigh played the best game of the season.

So Liverpool fans applauded Burleigh, this is not to prove that Liverpool fans are stingy, on the contrary, it shows that Liverpool fans are proud, they have their own pride.

The Burleigh fans have gone crazy, and many people who came to Liverpool today even broke their throats.

The celebration was crazy, even Allen Sr. took a knee to celebrate this extraordinary goal.

When the applause of the Liverpool fans fell, Li Cha finally crawled out from the crowd. He didn't blame anyone for suffocating him. He just took a few breaths and said, "Change, change... Alby Auer replaces Van Persie, Redondo replaces Mata, guys, fight them! Burleigh!!!”

This time, the Burleigh players and the players behind them shouted like a rainbow: "Win!!!"


In the 75th minute, Alonso sent a threatening through ball from outside the penalty area. In order to stop the ball, Vermaelen directly let himself fly out of the penalty area, and then poked the ball out with a sliding tackle bottom line.At the same time, Vermaelen, who has been the main force in many games, suffered from cramps...

In the 82nd minute, when Liverpool were unable to attack wildly, the kop stand rang the war song again. In the singing, Barosche seemed to have helped him. He knocked down Thiago Silva and Vermaelen one after another and then kicked the goal. Unfortunately, the foul came first. Although the goal was beautiful.

At 90 minutes, the 3-minute stoppage time sign was raised by the fourth official. Liverpool had already formed a 406 formation. Football was frequently passed in Burleigh's half, but there was still no gap in the penalty area.

In the 94th minute, when the whistle sounded for the end of the game, most of the Burleigh players fell on the field, gasping for breath, enjoying the hard-won victory.

At this moment, Li Cha was walking towards the KOP stand alone. He looked at the Liverpool fans who never left...

thumbs up!

Li Cha gave a thumbs up to the kop fans.

Richard said at the post-match press conference: "Actually, I didn't intend to win. I just told my players not to be afraid of failure, because they fought before."

ps: There is still one chapter left! ! ! ! !Is there a recommendation ticket? ! !

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