my name is ferguson

Chapter 122 Determining the winter transfer target

() Burleigh is in the newspaper again, this time not because of the star transfer, not because of Richard's big mouth, and not because of the changes Moji and others brought to Burleigh, but because of Gilauto's deliberate manipulation Under the circumstances, Burleigh hit the headlines of The Times with the half-time champion of League One this season.

"The Brilliant Record of the League One Half Championship"! ! !

This is the headline on the front page of The Times, and Burleigh's results are worthy of such a headline, and the Times devotes a whole page to analyze Burleigh's record... Of course, in order to let Burleigh occupy The entire a1 page of The Times still cost a lot of money, but the money was well worth it.

With a winning streak of 17 league rounds and an unbeaten run of 20 rounds, Burleigh, who has accumulated 24 points in 62 rounds, broke all records after the renaming of League One!

Muric leads the list of shooters; Mata leads the list of assists; Redondo has 7 best single games; Diarra leads the list of steals; Ashley leads the list of dribbles; Nasri ranks first in the statistics of threatening balls Schmeichel has conceded the fewest goals in League One... Among the best half-time players counted by The Times, Burleigh's main players are all on the list!

The chain reaction caused by the headlines on the front page of The Times and the near-perfect results made Burleigh once again the topic of England. This time, the word Burleigh finally broke away from Richard's big mouth and appeared alone in the major news media. What's more, there are the results of the League Cup, FA Cup, and UEFA Cup in the knockout rounds as a backdrop!

After hearing the news, Sir Alex finally accepted the BBC interview with a smile on his face. The praise throughout the article praised everyone in Burleigh, from the players to the staff, and even Moggi who just became the vice chairman and CEO of Burleigh. He and Gilauto didn't let go... It's a pity that the old gentleman never mentioned the word Li Cha.

Deliberately avoiding?

Li Cha laughed when he saw this report on TV, how could the old man deliberately avoid it?He was so happy that he didn't know how to express it, and there was also a hint of not wanting to make himself proud.

At this moment, Li Cha didn't have time to care so much, he was too busy.A large number of Italians joined Burleigh Club in the next few days. The finance department was established in almost three days. The personnel department, the new promotion department, the reorganized transfer department and other departments that should exist in the club All appearing rapidly.Moji's high efficiency made Li Cha dumbfounded. This old man in his [-]s actually went to Italy and made Burleigh like a sparrow complete.He even discussed the plan of the Burleigh Club Museum with Richard on the phone, and he thought that this matter should be put into the planning schedule immediately.

Not only Burleigh's administrative department was quickly filled, but even scouts and coaches were gradually in place!

Moggi failed to lure Massimo Neri, the fitness coach of Capello's era, but he dug Italian Gian Bisciotti.

Although Gian Bisciotti is not as famous as Ivan Carminati, the future chief physical coach of Inter Milan and the chief physical coach of Jinyuan Manchester City, his ability is beyond doubt, otherwise it is impossible to become the international coach of Mancini. Milan's fitness coach, Mancini at the time had Ivan Carminati who had been a fitness coach for the England national team!

Naturally, the current Gian Bisciotti is still free, not only has he not joined Inter Milan, but he is also worried about his work... Gian Bisciotti at the end of 2004 is not the one who wants to be exempted from fm2012 He signed him. At this time, he was still unable to straighten up in the Italian football circle relying on seniority. It was Moggi who gave him the opportunity to come to England...

Not only is the physical coach in place, but the technical coach Massimo (not Massimo Neri), Ruben Sosa (retired in the 03-04 season) who is very familiar with Chinese fans, and the recently retired goalkeeper coach Chilavert have appeared one after another On the training ground at Burleigh.

The most important thing is that Moggi didn't know what kind of relationship he had used to get Overmars, a superstar who once shined in English football, into the coaching staff!

Three of the top ten superstars who retired in mid-2004 joined Burleigh as coaches, and their salaries directly broke Burleigh's salary balance.

After Moggi returned from Italy, he explained to Richard that since Burleigh is not a club that aims to stay in League One, then the salary framework of League One cannot be used.That's right, the salaries of these coaches are indeed very high, and the least one has a weekly salary of 2000 pounds!But they are capable, and they can pass on their experience on the field to young players. This is the only way for these young players to receive top-level training.

The arrival of these people made Li Cha feel relaxed. He didn't need to do everything himself, and his training routines also began to change. He handed over the technical training to Overmars, and handed over the set-piece and goal training to Lu. Ben Sousa, handed over the physical training to Gian Bisciotti, and handed over the goalkeeper training to Chilavert, so that he can concentrate more on the transformation of tactics.

The Burleigh players finally saw Moggie's energy. They were so star-studded by the coaching staff that they couldn't even open their eyes. Even Hierro, the Burleigh coaching staff had four former superstars!They are all the direction of Burleigh's young players!

At the same time, Li Cha and Redondo re-signed a player-coach contract and handed over the passing training to the former Bernabéu prince. In an instant, Burleigh's coaching staff became extremely shining.

A wealthy family was not built in a day, but Burleigh has a rich and powerful coaching staff as its background.Burleigh's coaching staff is no longer a wasteland where Richard and old Allen fight alone, they have formed a big family.

At the same time, Moggi brought back a list of loan players and transfers from Italy, which surprised Richard even more!

In Li Cha's office in Stanton Park, Moji and Li Cha, who was looking at the list, were sitting on the sofa, and the room was very quiet.

Li Cha was very excited holding the list in his hand. Everyone on this list will be worth more than [-] million yuan in the future, but now it doesn't cost much at all!

The names of Leonardo Bonucci, David Astori, Antonio Nocerino, and Cristo Domenico almost made Richard's mouth water!

"Moggie, I want all these people, can I take them all to Burleigh?"

"Mr. Chairman, then you might as well let me go back to prison. Lease, my Mr. Chairman, this is the loan list." Moji was amused by Richard's greed. Indeed, these are the future stars of Italy , who wouldn't want to have them?

Li Cha asked unwillingly: "Can't you buy any of them?"

Moggi thought for a while and said: "Maybe Antonio has some hope. He is currently playing in the Italian Serie B **. If we work hard and we have the qualifications for the UEFA Cup, we may be able to win. But I must explain, just There is hope. As for the others, I’m sorry Mr. Chairman. They belong to Juventus and Inter Milan. Even if they can’t play in the giants, do you think they will come to Burleigh? Unless the team logo at the entrance of Giger Lane is changed to Manchester United team crest..."

It's not that Li Cha doesn't understand this, but looking at these future superstars, it's impossible for him not to be envious.

"My vice chairman, we listed seven people during the winter transfer period, and you only gave me a four-man roster..."

"Mr. Chairman, there is one more person who is not on the list, but I can only get them through normal transfer channels, so..."

"In other words, the ones on this transfer list are..."

"Free loan, they can play for us for the second half of the season without spending a penny, and they can even renew the loan. Don't worry, there is no place for them among those giants in a short time."

Moji smiled slyly. It doesn't cost him a penny to use other people's people to play games for him. He likes this kind of business.

Li Cha likes it too!

"What about the rest?"

When Moji heard Li Cha's words, he smiled shrewdly and said: "Phil Jagelka of Sheffield United, this player can not only play a defensive midfielder but is also a good candidate for the central defender position. Sheffield United Currently struggling in the English Championship, there is no hope of upgrading to the Premier League, but we can participate in the UEFA Cup knockout rounds in the second half of the season, as long as they are willing to pay, Jagielka will definitely join Burleigh."

"Mr. Chairman, this is the shortcoming of finding someone after there is a shortage. In the future, we must determine the transfer target a season in advance, so that we can have more time to operate. Now I can only find so many targets suitable for the club. But in the case of these people joining, Burley's promotion is not a problem, it may take some luck to win the League Cup, and the UEFA Cup and FA Cup must be abandoned, which is why I am revising the target for the season."

Li Cha immediately made a decision and said: "Mr. Moggi, please go to Italy and finalize the loan of these players immediately. I will go to Phil Jagelka. Let's split up. In addition, I will continue to think about it. There are no players for us."

"Wait, Mr. Moggi, if you can, please try your best to negotiate with **, I must get Nocerino!"

ps: In the second update, brothers, the Sanjiang ticket reached 120, and Thursday is also the fourth update, but our ranking... Everyone supports the Sanjiang ticket, and there is no virtue to seek success! ! !

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