my name is ferguson

Chapter 148 The waist is not hard enough

() This is the tactic that Li Cha will finally create in two years!

Two years, Li Cha spent two full years in order to realize this tactic. He initially wanted to create a tactic that is full of agility and can cause powerful lethality at any point. He thought of 442, more precisely, he thought of The is 424!

However, it is too dangerous to use 424 rashly. Let the team use 424 tactics rashly. Maybe Li Cha will be completely buried if he can't even beat the British C last year.

what to do?The opponent's players are not dead, and a counterattack can make 424 riddled with holes.

In order for the team to develop defensive capabilities while ensuring performance, Li Cha decisively let the team play defensive counterattacks, let the team get used to defense first, and build their own defensive system. This is his first step.

Otherwise, how could Burleigh achieve good results relying on defensive counterattacks, and even won an England Cup championship?

When Li Cha saw that his foreshadowing worked, he began to train the team in the new season to skillfully counterattack with the ground ball. Although he didn't think of the "spring tactics" at the time, he had to let the team get used to passing the ball, getting used to the passing speed, any kind of attack It is impossible for the formation not to rely on the pass, which is why Burleigh changed the defensive counterattack of the long pass with a big foot to a quick counterattack with the ground ball.So Burleigh achieved good results on all four fronts in the first half of the season. Unfortunately, the team's personnel allocation was unreasonable at that time, and the gap between the main force and the substitute was too large, which caused some crises. This was Richard's first two steps.

The winter transfer to Burleigh dumped a large number of unqualified players. In fact, even without Moji's help, he would have sold those people. Even if there are enough backup candidates, Richard cannot let every ideal candidate come to England to play for Burleigh.

In the second half of the season, Richard made the team get used to attacking, using Chelsea as a defensive team as an excuse, forcing Burleigh to practice siege and passing, let them get used to passing the ball within five meters, get used to finding teammates, Only then will there be the previous court division training, which is his third step.

To this day, Burleigh is used to passing the ball. Although they still can't play the exquisite passing and receiving coordination like the later Barcelona, ​​they at least have the basis of tactics in Li Cha's mind.

What Li Cha wants to use is not Barcelona's tt tactics, nor Chelsea's muscular midfielder's defensive counterattack, this is a set of tactics specially created for Burleigh!

This tactic chooses to press out when facing a defensive-oriented team, find someone on the front line to control the rhythm, lure the opponent into being fooled, and then make a sudden attack; when encountering an offensive-oriented tactic, choose to lure The enemy goes deep, let the opponent put a lot of troops into their own half, and then send the ball out through a fast pass...

I am afraid that the old scholars who saw this set of tactics might not be able to figure out what this set of tactics is like, but when Li Cha used the stapler, he quickly got along with the spring tactics. Maybe this is a coincidence, maybe all of this All to wait for the stapler that Li Cha rarely uses!

Therefore, after Li Cha was able to be reborn as the master of Burleigh, he used the tactical theory of high agility as a player to annoy Burleigh head coach Andy. Create a passing environment, use regional divisions to develop the habit of familiarizing teammates' running positions for Burleigh, all of this is to follow the changes of the rhythm controller and constantly change the style of play, so that the opponent cannot adapt.This kind of Burleigh is the most powerful, and this kind of Burleigh can compete with the giants in the future. Even if someone studies Burleigh's "spring tactics" in the future, Burleigh can still win the game by changing the tempo controller , because Burleigh's four frontcourt players are all rhythm controllers!


"Boss!" When Muric stood up shyly from the reporter, he saw Li Cha's face with a strange smile: "I'm just too excited, I'm definitely not..."

Li Cha didn't wait for him to finish, he hugged him and said: "You are amazing, Muric, I don't care what you are, anyway, you are amazing!!!"

All Burleigh players rushed over. They surrounded Li Cha and Muric, and they roared to convey their joy after their teammates scored. They stretched out their hands and led the players to applaud, treating this place as Jig Lane .

"God! I see the hope of the rise of England!!" Andy Gray continued: "Ashley Young, this young man who shined in the League One and the UEFA Cup at the same time has also left a brilliance in the League Cup He was able to pass the ball under the double-teaming of Rio Ferdinand and Gary Neville; Baines, the England left-back, calmly sent the ball into Manchester United when they faced Manchester United In the penalty area, the two England players completed an exquisite tactical coordination, which made me more excited than seeing Richard's new tactics."

"How did Richard discover such a bright pearl from England's players? It seems that the head coaches of other teams have to find a magnifying glass. Who said that England has no talented players? Who said that England's talented players are only Wayne Rooney and Joe Cole? I'm pretty sure Ashley will reach the exact same heights in Richard's hands! I can even guarantee Richard's Burleigh will be in the Premier League by the end of next season !" Sir Robson continued to praise Richard with great excitement, because he made the old knight with decades of experience see new things.

Ferguson was not very happy, he didn't care who scored the damn goal, as long as he saw the football rolling into his net, he had a crazy urge to curse: " Alan! Who allowed them to invade our hinterland so easily? Did they threaten you with your ass!! Liam, who told you that you need to be man-to-man? Did they start from the right? Offensive, why don't you participate in the defense! Leo, Pique, you two look like a man? Even if a baby in England sees someone walking past him with the ball, he will stretch his legs, you don't even stretch your legs dare!"

The assistant coach walked to Ferguson's side and said, "Boss, our lower back is not strong enough..."

"I don't need you to tell me!" After Ferguson roared, he looked back at Kean...

Keane, who is already old, began to disagree with Ferguson a long time ago, and the reason is definitely not because Keane criticized someone after a certain game.

If a person stays in one place for a long time, he will feel that he has qualifications, and once he has qualifications, he wants to be the boss... There can only be one boss in the dressing room of Manchester United, and this boss can only be Ferguson, so he and Kidd Well, there will be contradictions!

Keane is old, but Keane's role on the field is absolutely irreplaceable!

Even Giggs can still gallop in the top league of the Premier League when he is almost 40 years old, why can't Keane?Keane's body is much stronger than Giggs!

The game restarted, and the two sides entered into an active competition.

During this period, the old man looked back at Keane several times. Before turning his head every time, Mr. Jazz saw his midfielder being broken by Nasri or Di Natale.

The old lord can't bear it anymore!

At this moment, Manchester United got the ball. Before Liam could pass the ball away, he was overthrown by Fellaini with a vicious tackle...

The referee's failure to blow the whistle completely angered Mr. Jazz. Ferguson yelled at the referee: "That-he-fuck-foul! Can't you see it, you idiot!!"

Sir Alex Ferguson walked up to the fourth official and complained: "Why wasn't the foul just sentenced? Can my players be thrown onto the lawn at will? They are not men and women lying on the lawn of a university campus and dating!"

Li Cha saw Ferguson's domineering side. He saw the old man growl at England's top referee Webber and then began to complain to the fourth official. He felt that something was wrong. Who doesn't know how much deterrence Ferguson has on referees? ?This stubborn Scottish old man has spent his whole life maintaining his deterrent power of interfering with referees on the court.At this time, as the head coach of Burleigh, he must do something.

"Mr. Fourth Official, that's not a foul. My player touched the ball first!" Li Cha walked to the referee at the same time and argued loudly. Four officials.

As a father, when he sees his son provoking his majesty, the first reaction is definitely anger. Ferguson almost didn't think about it and immediately said: "Why don't you go back to your reporter area, don't you want to continue to be suspended?" Is it?"

Richard said without showing any weakness: "Mr. Fourth Official, when did Mr. Ferguson join the FA? Why can he meddle in my affairs?"

"Shut up, is this your attitude towards your father!"

"Mr. Jazz, I have never seen a father who would prefer his son to extend the suspension period for the victory of his team!!"

"This - he - mother - is a damn game, I will do everything possible to help Manchester United win!"

Li Cha also yelled: "I-he-mother is the same!"

The two angry Mr. Ferguson stood face to face and kept roaring, the fourth official completely turned into a set board, at the moment when they were about to explode...

"Mr. Ferguson!" The fourth official could only shout loudly in order to stop their quarrel, so as to attract their attention.

"What!!!!" Richard and Ferguson turned their heads at the same time, roaring at the fourth official like an old lion leading a grown-up lion.


At this moment, the referee blew the whistle again. At the same time, the referee pointed to the middle circle. Di Natale took off his shirt almost crazily and began to shake and celebrate.

Burleigh scored again, and when the game reached 35 minutes, it was 2:1!


While the two Mr. Ferguson were arguing, Fellaini sent out the broken football, and he gave the ball to Nasri. At this moment, Nasri became the team's metronome in an instant.

Heinze didn't go up blindly. Gary Neville's mistake just now rang the bell for him. He just followed Nasri to prevent him from breaking through, and he definitely didn't let him pass the ball to go forward. Sarnia.

At this moment, Nasri passed the ball back. He knew that there must be a point behind him. After receiving the ball again, Fellaini was unable to insert the ball directly under the interference of Alan Smith, and passed the ball to Dia again. pull.When Diarra saw that Di Natale was ready to move forward, he deliberately stretched back according to the tactics. When Liam Zhong came to interfere with him, he squeezed hard with his strong body. Liam was caught by Diarra. He squeezed away easily, and at this moment he picked the ball out. Di Natale was already stuck in Ferdinand's position at that moment, and he couldn't turn around at all!As long as the ball falls, Ferdinand will definitely push it away, so this opportunity is completely wasted.

Liam failed to complete his interference task, otherwise Diarra could not have sent this pass so comfortably, and he could not even squeeze the opponent out of the possession line when Diarra had the ball.

Diarra and Liam fought hard to create opportunities, how can Di Natale waste so much?

A wonderful scene appeared. Di Natale leaned on Ferdinand and jumped up, and then raised his foot to hit a barb!

This kick was so smooth that Van der Sar couldn't react at all, he could only watch the football hit the net.

"goooooooooooooooooooallllllll!!!!!" Andy Gray yelled again. He has been completely infected by Burleigh's tough style. How many forwards in the Premier League can hit barbs after being stuck in the position by Ferdinand?That's impossible!But Di Natale did it, he hit the ball into the goal with his not tall but very strong body!

After hearing the assistant's description, the old man ignored Richard, walked back and said to Kean in a deep voice, "Roy, warm up! In 5 minutes, replace Liam!!"

From this moment, Liam has already marked the label of parallel imports in the old man's heart. What's the "new Scholes", how could Scholes let the opponent play so wild in his own half?Even if he doesn't have Keane's defensive power, he will never let the opponent pass the ball over the top so easily, which is simply an insult.If Scholes had to prepare for the league, if it weren't for Manchester United's upcoming red derby with Liverpool in the next league, Scholes and Fletcher would appear on the field today, how could it be possible for Burleigh to go wild?

ps: Thanks to Diaoyiren, Jiulong Tengwu, Youyou Brothers for another reward, thank you very much.Eleven chapters are owed today.

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