my name is ferguson

Chapter 206 A one-man show at the post-match press conference

() This game is finally over. After 75 minutes, Roma's attack became weaker and weaker, but the defense line with De Rossi, Aquilani, Panucci, Bovo, Mex, and Chivu was all beaten. Raise your spirits.This made it extremely difficult for Burleigh to change from a defensive counterattack to an offensive formation to score a bigger score, and he had to be on guard against Rome's counterattack from time to time. Li Cha completely let Burleigh carry out the defense to the end, turning the last 15 minutes of the game into a game. Became garbage time.

As a result, the following game was completely meaningless. When the referee blew the whistle to end the game, the Roma home fans were not complaining, but were finally able to relax: "Hey..."


No one can stand Burleigh's way of playing when he is cold and cold. Li Cha's quarreling, spitting on the opponent's face, making jokes and directly buttoning the eyeballs are very unpopular in Italy. Roma fans can't wait for this guy to double-match. Don’t attend the press conference afterward, even if they do, they will definitely not watch the broadcast.

Will Li Cha not attend the post-match press conference?impossible!

After praising the future international players in the locker room, Li Cha showed up at the post-match press conference at the Olympic Stadium...but the real main player, Spalletti, did not appear.

Not only did the head coach of Roma not show up, but even the Italian reporters sat at the press conference as if they had discussed it, and no one asked questions.

You Li Cha are awesome, you Li Cha’s team is awesome, you directly played a 0:3 at the Olympic Stadium, which made Italy lose face; you are so talkative, you scolded the reporters at the pre-match press conference, and even cheated It's a bet that Yin will let you watch his crotch on the TV show... Even if you are awesome, you are amazing, can't you force him to talk?Now all the Italian media unite to pretend to be dumb, embarrassing you to death!

Li Cha sat there for a full 3 minutes. The Roman press officer didn't say the opening remarks, and the reporters didn't ask questions. It was as if they had agreed to turn the entire press conference site into a morgue. It was as quiet as if any sound could scare you to death. .

play this set?

Li Cha laughed, what scene has he never seen?Li Cha, who has not yet reached the top league and has not won the European championship, is already famous. How can such an entry be trapped by the embarrassing press conference?

He walked out of the head coach's seat, took off the microphone, and walked slowly to the reporter who had bet with him before.

"Sorry gentlemen, I am not here to be interviewed by you at the post-match press conference, but to interview you!"

Li Cha's actions attracted the attention of countless cameras and photographic equipment. After all, he is a news item, and the newspapers with his name will be out of stock. Can't Italian journalists ignore the sales of newspapers just to get angry?If you don't make a sound, you don't make a sound, and the boycott belongs to the boycott, but the necessary records are still to be made.

"Mr. reporter who bet with me before the game, are you thinking about yourself now? You can acquiesce." After asking this sentence, Li Cha sent the microphone over, and after waiting for three seconds, He didn't wait for the reporter's answer, he took the microphone back and said, "Gentlemen, he acquiesced."

All the reporters who can understand English are recording with suffocated laughter. They only now understand why Li Cha can become a news item.

"May I ask the reporter who made a bet with me, will you fulfill your promise for the dignity of Italy? If you can't fulfill your promise, if you want to prove that all Italians are unbelievers, please acquiesce..."

Li Cha handed over the microphone again. This time, the reporter's eyes widened. This involves the dignity of Italy. He would say something even if he didn't want to save his own face... But at this moment, Li Cha quickly took the microphone away. Go: "I'm sorry, he acquiesced again!"

Pfft... Martin, who followed from the scene, just entered the press conference and heard something that made him laugh. This is not the first time Martin has participated in Richard's press conference, but he has not made a sound in previous press conferences. That's all, this time, for England's glory, he couldn't let Li Cha embarrass himself into a one-man show.

Martin asked loudly without using a microphone: "Mr. Richard, I am a reporter from Sky Sports, can I ask a few questions?"

"Of course, Mr. Martin."

Li Cha naturally knew Martin, and knew that Martin's appearance was to save him, because this was an open and secret battle between the media of the two countries.

Since Richard exposed the Juventus incident, the media of the two countries have been choking each other. Martin will never give up the opportunity to ridicule the Italian media. This is not for the sake of face, but for the entire English media.

"Mr. Richard, what do you think of the Italian media's attitude of looking down on England's secondary teams? Especially when a certain reporter asked a question that should not be asked, and then he was going to be on the Italian TV with extremely high ratings. The entertainment show looked at the crotch until the end of the show..." Martin walked to Li Cha's side and glanced sideways at a reporter whose face was getting paler: "Will this affect Burleigh's mood after the victory?"

Veteran football commentator Martin made a 180° turn on his question, first asked about Italy's attitude and Li Cha's thoughts, and then began to ridicule, Li Cha entered the press conference and pretended for at least 3 minutes However, Martin appeared on the stage with the mask of a villain!

"Hehe..." Li Cha couldn't help but laugh. He realized that if he and Martin hosted an entertainment show, it would definitely become popular in England: "Actually... I have always had one idea..." Speaking of this, Li Cha I'm a little embarrassed: "I don't think it's necessary to bite you back after being bitten by a dog..."

fuck! !

Martin wanted to scold, if the English media heard this sentence, I'm afraid they would be able to eat Richard!

Who doesn't know that Li Cha is always the winner of dog bite dog?Not only did he bite back, but he also brought back the rabies, directly driving the other party crazy!Now you're acting like a gentleman in foreign press conferences, forgetting that just 3 minutes ago you were taunting the Italian media?How shameless is it to have such a thing happen?

If he hadn't shared the same hatred with Li Cha now, if he hadn't liked Burleigh and Li Cha's stinky and shameless characters...he would have scolded him, he would have.

"Mr. Richard, you haven't answered the second question yet." Martin reminded.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot."

The Italian media went crazy, and Li Cha was apologizing!

Who has heard Li Cha apologize?

He is willing to piss off all the Italian media... But, this group of media can't leave because of the second day's report, even if they want to attack Richard, they have to find a point of attack?So we must be patient and finish this press conference.

"Martin, as for your mood... I think you can give me an exclusive interview. I'm not talking about the present, but when the Italian media will hand down a certain classic..." Li Cha glanced at the embarrassed reporter again and said: "After the pose, I will spend an entire interview to tell all England players how it feels to win the game against the Italian team and win the bet. In a moment, Martin, we will make an appointment in a moment, I think it's a good idea."

Interview?Martin didn't expect that he would get such a benefit after indirectly helping Li Cha. Not to mention doing an exclusive interview, even commenting a game with Li Cha would attract countless people!

Martin asked harder: "Mr. Richard..."

This is a one-man show, a one-man show that was doomed from the beginning.

The Italian media planned to use collective silence to force out Li Cha's embarrassment, but unfortunately, they failed. On the contrary, the most embarrassing person in the post-match press conference was the Italian reporter who bet with Li Cha.

The next day, all the newspapers in Italy were attacking Richard, and various headlines appeared one after another.

"People who look down on Italian football and the media the most! "

"The scum in the head coach's coat!" ! "

"The guy who should be shot!" ! ! "

These are the headlines of Italian newspapers. Without exception, these newspapers are all out of stock in Italy. Almost every Italian wants to buy a newspaper and then throw it on the ground and step on it hard to spit... But They forgot that they bought those newspapers with money, and they even forgot that Richard was in England. Their hatred would only make them lose their concentration when driving, and make them full of anger when they were working, and they would suffer in the end. The only ones are themselves.

Where is Li Cha?

He still lives his happy and comfortable life in faraway England.

The interview is gone, because a certain journalist in Italy chose to resign and disappear into the sea that day.He is just a small reporter, not someone famous, and he is not willing to lose face to the whole world for a job.

The English media lashed out at Italy by taking advantage of the topic, naming all of Italy as treacherous, and the verbal criticism between the media of the two countries reappeared. This time, all the English newspapers were saying good things about Richard, not even the Sun. The exception, because all of this has a major premise that only Kwaricha can scold Italy.

Richard became a national hero and the man who saved England's football. He even led the sub-team to defeat the top Italian team! !

But Li Cha was frowning in the office at this moment. The returning Gulauto found the most famous construction company in England to make a plan to expand the stadium, pushing the stands around Guge Lane to the cost of rebuilding and rebuilding. A stadium is almost the same!When it comes to critical issues, there is a big difference between rebuilding gradually and rebuilding together.

The more critical question is, where will the money come from?

According to the plan made by the joint construction company of Gulauto and Mogu, it will cost 8300 million yuan to completely rebuild one stand!

Stands on all sides... plus the decorations outside the stadium, a total of 3000 and [-] million banknotes! !

Li Cha looked at the budget and said to Gulauto with a sad face, "I'll steal money for you?" Gulauto shrugged and said, "Mr. The first step into a wealthy club, if Burleigh doesn’t even have a stadium with a capacity of 65000 that can be expanded to 80000, and plays in Guge Lane, which can only accommodate more than 10000, can such a team... be considered a wealthy team? "Li Cha scratched his head and said, "When is this plan going to be implemented? Where will our team go to play when it is implemented? It is unrealistic to talk about the stadium before everything is ready. Give me some time, I..." Li Cha This time Jing Ran didn't give a confident answer, this was his first time, and he swore that this must be the last time! !

"I'll give you time!" Why doesn't Gulauto know the difficulty of this plan?It took a year and a half to tear down and rebuild the entire stadium... At this moment, Li Cha's eyes suddenly lit up: "Dear Gulauto, you reminded me of time!! This is the most beautiful word in the world, We have money!"

2006 World Cup betting?Are you kidding me, isn't the lesson from last time not enough?Li Cha is definitely not going to gamble this time!

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