my name is ferguson

Chapter 245 Burleigh is the black shop

() In the office in Stanton Park, Richard looked at Ferguson and Mourinho. The happy enemies in England were simply incompatible. Since entering the office, the two sides have not even looked at each other, as if they were feuds in the previous life.

Aren't you silent?

Li Cha did not speak at all, and took out a cigarette and lit it quietly.

The room was surprisingly quiet, and Mourinho was also silent. Ferguson, who was so hot-tempered, finally couldn't hold back.

"What charades are you playing?" Ferguson took the lead and said, "Richard, you rejected my offer to buy Diarra and Fellaini last time. This time, I'm here to buy Di Natale and Nasri. You also know that Ruud van Nistelrooy went to Real Madrid, Manchester United needs a striker who can keep the scoring rate, I have taken a fancy to Di Natale, I plan to pay 2500 million, this is definitely a price that no player in the British Championship has ever experienced."

"2500 million? Mr. Ferguson, even if you are Richard's father, don't you think the money is too little?" Mourinho said to Richard: "Richard, Crespo left, Drogba can't afford the whole season, Chelsea can't just rely on Drogba and Sheva for the whole season. We need a striker, a striker with a strong ability to grab points, Robben and Joe Cole will not stop for him Create opportunities, and he will become the Premier League's king of shooters!" Mourinho stretched out three fingers and said: "3000 million, I'm talking about pounds!"

Mourinho looked at Ferguson proudly. The advantage he has over Ferguson is that he can meet Richard's requirements in terms of funds. Everyone knows that Burleigh is a black shop, and a Fellaini can sell for 1800 million. How much does the club sell the World Cup Golden Boots now?

"Shit!" Ferguson gave Mourinho a hard look and said, "3000 million, Manchester United offered the same price, Richard, you'd better remember who saved Burleigh with a check of 100 million in the most difficult period. about you!"

Mourinho said along the words: "That's right, by the way, let's recall that guy Jason, who helped you complete the happiest counterattack in your life."

Mourinho and Ferguson are on the bar. Neither of these two has ever trained any European Footballer of the Year. Di Natale is the best candidate for the European Footballer of the Year. If at this time Joining a competitive club will greatly improve his status in the hearts of national coaches.Ronaldinho of Barcelona was awarded the European Footballer of the Year last year. Di Natale's performance in the UEFA Cup and World Cup this year will add a lot of points to him. Even if Mr. Football doesn't belong to him this year, he will surely belong to the next one.Think about how fulfilling it is to develop a European Footballer of the Year!

"Charlotte! Please go to the transfer department and ask, when did we list Di Natale? Did the transfer department make a mistake and put Di Natale on the transfer market? How could two sublime head coaches be in my office at the same time!"

Charlotte was laughing while clutching her stomach at the door, so she wouldn't ask anyone. She knew Li Cha too well, and I'm afraid he might have a hemorrhage today.


The phone rang at this moment, and Charlotte held back a smile and picked it up: "Hello, Chairman Burleigh's office, who are you looking for?"

"Miss Charlotte, I'm Otto the doorman. There is a man who claims to be the chairman of Barcelona, ​​Laporta, and a man who claims to be the general manager of AC Milan, Galliani, wants to meet the chairman..."

At this moment Charlotte got up immediately, knocked on the door and walked into Richard's office and said, "Mr. Chairman, Laporta and Galliani are here."


Li Cha glanced at Mourinho and Ferguson and said, "Did you discuss it? Is this a bidding event?"

...Five minutes later, Richard's office was completely bustling. Ferguson, Mourinho, Laporta, and Galliani sat across from Richard as if they were participating in a tender, and they were all for Di Natale come.

"Mr. Richard, you know that Sheva has already signed with Chelsea, so AC Milan can meet your certain requirements in terms of transfer fees. We hope to get Italian striker Di Natale. For this reason, we are willing to pay 2800 million euros. This may It is a record in the transfer history of AC Milan, he will be worth as much as Rui Costa."

Laporta didn't open his mouth. Among the four people, he spoke with the weakest confidence. They had already bought Thuram, Zambrotta, Gudjohnsen and welcomed Saviola's return. Before coming, Laporta plans to pay the transfer fee of 2000 million euros for the Italian striker or pay it in 48 months. Looking at the situation now, I'm afraid he doesn't need to open his mouth at all. Mourinho and Ferguson are two buyers who are not afraid of spending money at all.

"Uh...Mr. Galliani, I have a good friendship with AC Milan. If you come privately, maybe I can waive part of your price, but..."

Before Li Cha finished speaking, Mourinho said very firmly: "However, our price has reached 3000 pounds, and Chelsea is planning to raise the offer to 3500 million pounds!"

Galliani immediately fell silent. Back then they bought Rui Costa for only 2800 million yuan. Could it be that Di Natale is worth more than Rui Costa?To be honest, if it weren’t for the old Bei’s official entanglement and the Italian campaign season, he would not be willing to come to England to buy a striker. If it wasn’t for Di Natale who has Italian nationality and won the World Cup for Italy, the old Bei would not let him attack Di Natale: "Okay, AC Milan also offered 3000 million pounds!" Galliani almost gritted his teeth and said the offer, and Jiabald, who was the best at bargaining, was forced to call out the reserve price : "But this is the last offer from AC Milan."

Ferguson said with a smile: "Mr. Galliani, you are out." Then he continued: "Richard, 3500 million pounds, this is the last offer from Manchester United."

Richard didn't speak, and waited quietly. After he glanced at Laporta, he looked at Mourinho again.

"Oh, Richard, I need to make a call. Sometimes I need to discuss with the boss." The 2005-2006 champion is still Chelsea. Even though the relationship between Mourinho and Abramovich has cracked, Abramovich still has no The reason for firing Mourinho will also definitely support Mourinho's acquisition, because he can bring championships.

When Mourinho walked out, Richard already knew that Chelsea would offer a higher offer, so he looked at Laporta and said: "Chairman Laporta, why did you come to my office, say Didn't say anything?"

"Hehe, Mr. Richard, what you are talking about is the transfer of Di Natale. What I need is Nasri. I can wait for you to finish talking." Laporta decided to give up Di Natale because He can't come up with a higher offer than Chelsea.

Ferguson looked at Li Cha at this moment and said: "Stinky boy, do you want to just fight me like this? Don't forget that next season you will also talk to me about renting Old Trafford as the home court. Do you want to I reject you?"

Uh... the old lord is angry, this is the only place he can take for Richard.

"Hey, Richard, you can lease Stamford Bridge, as long as you are not afraid of the distance, the price is negotiable." Mourinho happened to walk back to the office at this time and said: "3800 million, this is the last offer from Chelsea, and at the same time, Chelsea is willing The Stamford Bridge will be provided to the Burleigh Club as the home court for free, and a pre-match friendly match will be arranged for Burleigh for free, and all the ticket revenue for the friendly match will go to Burleigh.”

Ferguson cursed with his mouth crooked: "You're a lunatic, Jose!"

Mourinho looked at Ferguson and said, "Thank you for the compliment!"

Li Cha looked at all the people and said, "Gentlemen, what do you want me to do? I directly reject your offer here, or agree to your offer and at the same time offend the other three clubs in power? I can report to the police that you are forced to buy strong Sell ​​it? Burleigh has never listed Di Natale, is it too much for you to do so?" "Gentlemen, please leave my office one by one now, I will send you out one by one, First of all, Mr Galliani, thank you for your interest, Burleigh will consider your offer, goodbye."

Richard followed Galliani out of the office, closed the door and said at the door of the office: "Mr Galliani, I must say that Di Natale is not suitable for AC Milan, you already have Inzagu , he is better than Di Natale in every aspect except dribbling... I think what AC Milan lacks is a technical striker. You should set your sights on Brazil, such as Porto's Cardoso , if you want to buy him, I am willing to accept an offer of 1500 million, provided that you must pack Muriqi and Cardoso at the same time, I don’t want to have too much trouble with Porto.”

Galliani was stunned for a moment. Originally, they had the idea of ​​bringing Muric and Cardoso to San Siro at the same time, but it has been delayed until now because of the non-European quota and Burleigh's 2000 million offer: "I will think about it."

"Goodbye." After Li Cha said this, he said, "Charlotte, send Mr. Galliani off for me."

Then Richard walked back to the office and said, "Sir Ferguson..."

The old man walked to the door, and Li Cha said as gently as possible: "Are you sure you want Di Natale? Is a striker who is inflated in value and will be fired more and more? Is what Manchester United needs? He runs Rare, the dribbling is not outstanding, the header is not even as good as Ruud van Nistelrooy, you can't stand Ruud van Nistelrooy, can you stand Di Natale? I promise, he can't tolerate your running system, he A born counter-offside striker."

Richard stretched out his hand and said, "If Manchester United really needs a striker, I can introduce one for you. Carlos from Corinthians? Alberto? Tevez, as long as you believe me, Tevez will definitely become the old Tevez." The pride of Rafford, now Tevez is worth less than 1000 million, it is a great time to buy, if you need, I can help you contact Mascardi of Argentina, he can help you complete the transfer. Manchester United The Special Genius Clause doesn't work yet, does it?"

"No." Ferguson replied appraised.

"Okay, I'll help you get in touch."

After sending Ferguson away, Richard called out Mourinho. At the door, he looked at Mourinho and sighed.

"Jose, are you not afraid that Di Natale will become the second Quaresma? How is the Quaresma you won with 3000 million yuan doing now?" Richard reached out and patted Mourinho on the shoulder a few times. He said: "There is no shortage of Di Natale at Stamford Bridge. What you should pay attention to is Anelka. Anelka, who once caused a sensation at Arsenal, as long as he has money, his two vampire-like brothers will definitely take Anelka Erka encouraged to go to Stamford Bridge. In addition, I will help you solve Quaresma's troubles, and you make a price."

Mourinho was stunned, he really needed a striker, but among the players introduced by Richard last time, Quaresma was the biggest failure.He didn't understand why Richard was willing to take back Quaresma, who was doomed to fail in the Premier League, just because they were friends?

"What do you want him for? When I recommended Quaresma, I thought that all the European giants clubs were not willing to make an offer, not to mention that he is not suitable for the Premier League at all!" Mourinho is still persuading him in good faith.

Li Cha said patiently: "Because this will become an excuse for the media to attack you, do you still need me to talk about your relationship with Abramovich? If the media keeps making fuss about Quaresma, your life may be very sad. "

"800 million?" Mourinho gave a friendly price, which is already the lowest price.

Li Cha said, "1500 million."

Mourinho laughed, and he explained: "I said 800 million, not 1800 million, you don't have to bargain with me, Richard."

"It's you who misunderstood. I want you to lose less money. Tomorrow I will ask the transfer department to go to Chelsea to sign the contract, and then I will go to Quaresma to sign the signing agreement. Remember, I said it is suitable for Chelsea. The one who is partnering with Drogba is Anelka, so don't just buy it on your own."

After sending the three people away, Richard walked back to the office and said with a smile, "Mr. Laporta, I've been waiting for a long time. How about we talk about Di Natale now?"

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