my name is ferguson

Chapter 249 The first step to subdue Messi

() In Burleigh's single-family apartment specially prepared for players, Quaresma holds a tequila bottle in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He doesn't smoke, but just likes to watch the process of burning cigarettes, especially during his playing career. When it went well.Quaresma once had such a thousand years in Barcelona when he was frozen, and then returned to Portugal to play the second spring and then joined Chelsea. In the end, he failed again. Could it be that he is only suitable for the slow-paced league in Portugal?Could it be that I can only comfort myself by relying on the curve of the smoke that floats out after burning?

No!I am a young talent, and since I was a child, I have been a young talent that the whole of Europe pays attention to!I have a big picture, speed, penetrating ability, and shooting ability. Is there anything more comprehensive than a winger like myself?No!

If you call Mendes, you must leave Burleigh. Let alone regain your form in this discriminatory club, you may be tortured to death by that devilish coach during training.

Quaresma looked for the phone on the sofa in the living room in a daze, finally took out the phone from the gap in the sofa cushion, and dialed Mendez's number.

"'s turned off."

Quaresma was stunned by the notification on the other party's phone. Mendes is always on the phone 24 hours a day. Even if he calls him at two o'clock in the morning, he will listen to the players' demands. What happened today?

Ding dong.

The doorbell rang, and Quaresma looked at the door and said: "None of you are going to persuade me to go back to Stanton for training. I will not play under a coach who discriminates against me, ever!"

Creaking... When Quaresma opened the door, he found that the person standing at the door was not anyone from the Burleigh Club, but Mendez who he was going to call just now!

"You came at the right time, Hochl, I hope you can help me to return home, I don't want to stay in England, not for a day, I don't want to stay in Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal, Manchester United, Manchester City, Burleigh, any of England I will never go back to England to play for the club!"

Quaresma walked into the room, beckoned Mendez to come in and whined, as if he had been subjected to unbearable racism in England.

When Mendes walked into the room, he closed the door and said with a sneer: "Cigarettes, fine wine, French toast... Ricardo, you can enjoy it very much." Then he said coldly: "But why are you here? You can’t find the feeling of enjoying football on the pitch? Do you know that these things in front of you can quickly destroy your body and make you never step on the pitch again? Don’t tell me you don’t smoke, second-hand smoke is harmful The harm of entering is no less than that of direct smoking! Ricardo, tell me the truth, do you want to retire early, don't you!"

"You are only 23 years old, you have the golden age but you do this kind of thing, do you think you can return to Portugal now? Burleigh signed you for 1500 million, even if you are sold at a fair price, you will never join the club If you want, who would buy a fake Quaresma for 1500 million? What they want is a golden boy who can shine in the future, a player like Ronaldo at Old Trafford!"

Mendes sighed and said: "Ricardo, I have to take part of the responsibility for your sinking, because you rely too much on my strong communication skills, you always think that no matter at any time, Jorge? Des will help you find your next home, so you have never worked hard in the unexpected field in Portugal, and your talent has been consumed by alcohol, nicotine, and excessive calories!!!”

"Riccardo, we are finished. From now on, I will leave you, and I will no longer be your manager."

Quaresma has a feeling of being abandoned by the whole world. He went to Barcelona was operated by Mendes, and his return to Portugal was also operated by Mendes... Even in the future that did not happen, Inter Milan bought Quarre Smart is still run by Mendes!

Howell?Mendes' communication skills and wrists are too strong. He can always persuade the group of big men who control the club to let them keep Quaresma, and Ricardo?Quaresma always shines when he returns to Portugal.Because he knew in his heart that Portugal was the last stop of his sports career. If he could not gain a foothold in the motherland, then he could only choose to retire!

There are many talented people in this world who are ruined by slack, and those who work hard even if they are not talented enough, can still gain a foothold in wealthy families. Can't Park Ji-sung explain the problem?

Compared with Park Ji-sung, Quaresma is obviously better than him. If he is more talented than him, Quaresma can throw Park Ji-sung so hard that he can't even see the taillights!

However, Park Ji-sung was able to get nearly 20 games per season at Old Trafford. Even in the just-concluded 05-06 season, Park Ji-sung played 33 times in the league. This data can be compared with Rooney!

What about Quaresma?He played a total of 4 times in the hands of Mourinho, including 2 substitutes, a start during the transfer honeymoon period, and a start after Robben was injured. Since then, he has not even been able to sit on the bench.

Mendes didn't use Park Ji-sung as an example, even he thinks comparing Park Ji-sung with Quaresma is an insult to Quaresma...but this insult is so obvious that you can't even look at it .

"Ricciardo, you can't go back. You can't be a young star with grape eyes forever, and the fans and the manager can't tolerate you forever. You gave up your last chance at Burleigh, you I came to Burleigh in order to go back to the shining era, but I ruined everything myself. Ricardo, you still want me to help you return to Portugal instead of defeating the whole of England. If you continue like this, you will even Mixed into the secondary league, and then disappeared from everyone's sight!"

"I can't keep the waste of the secondary league in my hands. You are not even as good as Cardoso who transferred to AC Milan in Porto. He also knows to practice for half an hour every day, but you escape from the training ground!"

Mendes said: "I left a termination contract at the Winter Law Firm in Burleigh, and the compensation will be paid into your account after you sign it. From that moment on, you can go wherever you want. , has nothing to do with me. Now, I'm going to see Li Cha, the head coach of Burleigh, and I-he-fuck-should apologize to Li Cha for wiping your ass! What am I you? You Dad?"

Howell?Mendes roared loudly at Quaresma, then slammed the door and walked out of the high-end apartment that Burleigh rented exclusively for Quaresma, and then drove and disappeared through the window of the apartment. Quaresma kept watching from the beginning to the end. look there.

Can't go back by myself?Really can't go back?But Li Cha once hugged himself and said that he would definitely be able to help him return to the peak... Li Cha, maybe only Li Cha can help him, no matter what, he must return to the former Ricardo?Quaresma, instead of cooping up in the apartment and ruining yourself!

Go to Li Cha, go to Li Cha right now, right now!

…In Nottingham Royal Hospital, Richard saw Jorge who came from Spain?Messi, he is the father of little Messi.

When Li Cha saw Jorge, he could imagine what Messi would look like 20 years later. The two of them were so similar, as if they were carved out of the same mold.

"Mr. Jorge, Messi was shoveled by a teammate during training, and his toe bone was slightly fractured. I am afraid he will have to be hospitalized for observation for two weeks, and then he will undergo a full 30-day recovery training before he can return to the court." After speaking, Li Cha handed over the medical certificate.

Jorge in a black suit couldn't understand the English on it after receiving the medical certificate, and he asked without continuing to search for the answer on the medical certificate: "Mr. Richard, as the head coach of Leo, I would like to ask you In a word, is Messi very unsuitable for the English league? Please forgive me, I don't follow the English league, but I have also heard that the style of play here is very rough. They will tackle in order to prevent a pass near the middle circle. The opponent's leg, is this true?"

Li Cha looked up at Jorge, and said with a very annoying attitude: "It's true, not only true, but definitely more exaggerated than what you described."

"A pass in the middle circle can lead to a goal, so the clubs in the entire English league pay attention to the midfield fight, while my club requires the forwards to fight against the opponent's strong defenders from the front line!" Richard said: " Not only that, England players are dirty, they will tease you with insulting words, rush you when you have the ball, step on your foot when you can't steal the ball after rushing towards you, and then go to the host. The coach yelled that it was you who was diving!"

"They elbow you in the face when they are fighting for the top, punch you in the waist when they let go in the penalty area, and even drag your jersey out of shape when they are chasing players!"

"These are all, yes, true!"


Richard looked at Jorge and continued, "Are you going to take Messi back? To Spain? For what reason? Messi is not suitable for England?"

"Mr. Jorge, this is the only question I can't answer your question, I don't know what adaptation is and what is non-adaptation!"

"Owen is the pride of the whole of England, but during his time in Real Madrid, he didn't even come off the bench as many times! Woodgate is the best central defender in England, but he has become a glass player who has been seriously injured in La Liga. Is La Liga more fierce than England's fight?"

"Van der Sar can't even see a future in Juventus, but in England he can join Manchester United. The English league has the most offenses against goalkeepers in the five major leagues. What does this mean? Or that sentence, I don't know What is adaptation and what is not adapting, I only know what is hard work and not hard work." Li Cha glanced at Jorge again and said: "Will Leo agree to just go back to Spain? As a parallel importer? He will This is how to repay Barcelona's kindness to him? From Barcelona's new star to England's parallel importer, and then go back in despair? Will Leo agree to such a thousand?"

Li Cha sighed and said: "Leo is only 19 years old. He has tried his best for his football career. He has entered the toughest league in England for his future...God, a 19-year-old Do you know how Leo feels when a child cannot see his parents immediately when he is injured?"

"How strong can a 19-year-old child be? Why should he face injuries alone? Mr. Jorge, can you bear it?"

"I feel sorry for Messi, because the players cannot avoid injuries, because Messi cannot get family comfort after the injury, because Messi can only lie alone in the hospital bed after the injury and imagine when he can return. The Barcelona of dreams! Outside his door, there is only a coach he doesn’t like to accompany him, and his parents let Leo alone in England with the secure and comfortable job bestowed by Barcelona!”

"Maybe you can stay with Messi until he comes back, so what about later? Do you know how many injuries Messi's weak physique has caused him to suffer on the court? How many times has he been injured in Barcelona, ​​do you know? This medical certificate diagnoses that although Messi has recovered from those injuries, he still has osteoporosis, do you know? When he is injured next time, why don’t you ask me to call you in Spain so that you can catch up? come?"

"No, Mr. Jorge, I can't bear the suffering of my players. I am willing to double the wages that Barcelona give you. I just want you to be by Messi's side when he is injured. A Players can never escape injuries, can they?"

"Mr. Jorge, make a choice. Either come to England for three years and get double salary for the sake of your son, or answer the phone in fear when Leo is injured, thinking that Leo will face the doctor and others alone. The picture of my favorite head coach wailing is heart-wrenching!"

Li Cha must bring Messi's family to England, this is the first step to let Messi return to his heart!

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