my name is ferguson

Chapter 261 Dashi Chapter Flying All over the Sky

() Manchester, Manchester City's transfer department is running crazily. In order to meet Ancelotti's request, Raiola will start with every player who may transfer to the city stadium, as long as he can win at the beginning of the new season In the Blue and White Derby, as long as Li Cha is defeated, it will make Mansour happier than winning the Premier League championship.

"Mr. Jose? I heard that your club's Duff is for sale. We are very interested in Duff... No, no, no, how can we contact the player privately? We know that Newcastle has made an offer of 500 million pounds Yes, we are willing to pay 550 million, as long as you are willing to let Duff out."

"Okay, Mr. Jose, you have considered giving us a reply, no, we decided to offer 600 million, yes, it is 600 million."

The left winger Raiola chose for Carlo Ancelotti was Chelsea's Duff. This kind of winger who has already proved himself in the Premier League can just make up for the vacancy left by Wright-Phillips.

"Mr. Jose, I also want to ask if Wayne Bridge is for sale? Your club's left back has been occupied by Ashley Cole. Bridge is now a high-paid player who can't play. If Chelsea Willing to let Bridge go, then it will be a great joy. Rest assured, we can meet Wayne's demands in terms of salary, and he will not continue to ask for salary subsidies after leaving Chelsea."

"900 million? No problem!"

Raiola gritted his teeth and agreed to Mourinho's request. Bridge is definitely not worth 900 million. Since his main position was taken away by Ashley Cole, he has not appeared on the field for a long time up.The reason why Raiola made up his mind to buy Bridge is his international status. Even if Wayne can only play as a substitute in the England team, his arrival can also allow Manchester City to add an England international, which is of great importance to the entire England. The localization of the call is very beneficial. The ghost knows what special plan the English Football Association will implement when it goes crazy that day. At that time, my team is not prepared at all, and I am afraid that it will be killed by Richard who called for localization.

Duff probably has no problem, Bridge has basically settled the deal, and the only one who has difficulties is probably Adriano, but with the huge financial support of Mansour, everything will be easily solved?

"Hello? Mr. Moratti, I'm Mino, I want to ask about Adriano's situation, Manchester City Club wants to buy Adriano, do you have any idea of ​​selling?"

"Think about it? Of course, such an important issue needs to be considered... No, how is it possible, how can I let him put water on the court when I can't buy Ibrahimovic? Mr. Moratti, Ibrahimovic will only Working harder and harder at Inter Milan, that's all."

Raiola breathed a sigh of relief after making these two calls. He can finally meet Ancelotti's request. As for the so-called considerations of Mourinho and Moratti, they are just excuses. , is selected in order to find suitable alternatives.

... Li Cha on the training field was urging the team to speed up the pace of running-in. At this moment, he found that the newly bought team looked like a team, while the original team in Burleigh looked like another team.

After some unpleasant incidents, Quaresma began to improve significantly, and he was able to return to the position of full-back or even an offensive full-back; Messi continued to rely on his own efforts to move flexibly; Sneijder used Take a look at the overall vision and tear the defense line with the pass; Berbatov has scored twice in the team competition! !

What about the original Burleigh team?

Nasri was desperately looking for an opportunity, but he was always timid under Alves' rough fight. Mata was forced by Yaya Toure to retreat all the way from the opponent's hinterland to the middle circle before he dared to pass back. Phil- Jagelka is simply a funnel, and Sneijder is almost invincible around him.

What happened to your own team?

Take the Burleigh that fought Manchester United in the League Cup?

You've only won a few championships, and you're starting to slack off?After that, there is no need to play the game!

"Stop it all for me!!"

"Ashley, what are you doing? Who told you that the team game is not a competition? Who told you that the team game is not serious!!"

"Phil Jagelka, what's wrong with Sneijder? He's made of glass? Why don't you foul to stop the offense when he's clearly got you!"

"See if you are worthy of wearing the Burleigh jersey on your body, and see if you still play football! Children in kindergarten can beat you!!!"

Li Cha yelled at the court frantically. He was like watching his child get back a C answer sheet despite his ability to take an A test. Who wouldn't be angry at such a result?

He didn't believe how big the gap between Nasri and Alves he had trained by himself was. Even if there was a gap, the gap couldn't be so big that Nasri would be so temperless that he couldn't even make a breakthrough. degree.

How come they can't play football all of a sudden?Why can't they understand what they mean?Why did they forget the tacit cooperation they once had?

Li Cha couldn't understand it, and he couldn't figure it out either.

Phil Jagelka can be said to be a problem of his own strength. It is understandable that he cannot prevent Sneijder. What about Nasri?Why did the beagle that I carefully trained suddenly lose all sense of smell and become a sharpie or some other messy string!


At this time, Li Cha's phone rang, and he took it out with a rage and asked, "Who picked this damn call at this time!"

"I never knew that making a phone call could be life-threatening... Richard, this is Jose, I think you should sell some of your players to me this time, you have rejected me many times."

"You're all eyeing Burleigh, right? If you don't contact so many clubs around the world, why do you want to buy me!"

Mourinho seems to be very willing to hear Richard's angry voice, and he seems to be very happy to anger Richard once, saying: "I plan to sell Duff, Manchester City and Newcastle have both offered, you know I have always wanted to introduce Wing, but the bought Quaresma failed, and Wright-Phillips did not perform particularly well...I have taken a fancy to Ashley Young. I still remember his performance in the League Cup, How about it? Give it to me?"

Manchester City want to buy Duff?

Li Cha kept an eye out, opened his mouth and asked, "Who are you going to sell Duff to?"

"Of course it is Manchester City. Their offer is a full 100 million higher than Newcastle."

Li Cha asked again: "How much is that?"


"Shit! Jose, you really don't know how to do business at all, no wonder you have such a bad relationship with Abramovich. You almost buy at high prices and sell at low prices."

Mourinho was stunned, and replied: "Duff sold a lot for 600 million. He dedicated all his peak years to Chelsea. Now selling 600 million is very satisfying, not to mention that he can free up money." A lot of cap space..."

"Do you know how much Manchester City paid for Maicon?"

"The Ligue 1000 full-back? I don't know, it should be less than [-] million. What does it matter to me?"

"They spent a full 6000 million! If Jose, if you have a familiarity in Ligue [-], you can inquire about it. This deal has become the laughing stock of the entire football world. If Maicon does not perform well, Manchester City will become The whole of England is ridiculed, if you don’t cheat Manchester City at this time, and use Duff to earn back some of the money you wasted, your boss will only be more disappointed.”

A surprised voice came from the phone: "He is crazy, he bought a full-back for 6000 million!! I thought I was the only one who was taken advantage of...Manchester City..." "They want to buy my Bridge!!" "I If it were you, Duff and Bridge would sell for 3000 million in a package, whether you like it or not. Anyway, there are not many good players who are willing to go to Manchester City. They have no honor, no results, and they have been relegated. No one is willing to go to the lift for promising players. , not to mention that Bridge is still an international footballer. If such a player doesn’t ask for 1500 million, you will lose a lot!” Mourinho said: “How much is Ashley?”

Why did you bring the subject back?

After Li Cha watched Ashley, who had resumed training under the organization of Hierro, lose the ball again, he said with pain, "I'll think about it."

"Okay, I'll wait for your call."

After hanging up the phone, Li Cha looked at the distance and sneered, Raiola, it's really a narrow road!

He knew that Mourinho should really look at Nasri, but Nasri's performance in the World Cup and his relationship with him all represented the words not for sale, so he settled for the second best.Even Mourinho has chosen a replacement for Ashley. If Ashley's acquisition fails, then he will have the power to start with Ligue [-] winger Malouda before the end of the transfer period.


At this moment, Richard's phone rang again, and when he saw that the name displayed on the phone number was Mendez, he immediately pressed the connect button: "Joher, what's the matter?"

"I have some news to tell you. Figo told me that your new opponent Manchester City has asked Inter Milan about Adriano's situation. Maybe Moratti will give up Adriano who is not in good form... If he is not in good form Adelaide has played in the Premier League, I am afraid that Burleigh's new season will be dangerous, he is the kind of player who can decide the direction of the game."

Really generous! ! !

After taking down Maicon, he turned around and went to attack the main striker of the Brazilian national team, but how could Raiola give up the hot Ibrahimovic?

Li Cha got used to not being able to come up with an answer, so he stopped thinking about it: "Hoher, help me tactfully disclose to Moratti that Manchester City bought Maicon for 6000 million, and take me to convey my sincerity to Moratti." Respect, Inter Milan can’t sell all the stars, can’t they?”

"Hahahaha, I will never offend you in my life, Li Cha."

"That's good, it's always more comfortable being my friend than my enemy."

After hanging up the phone, Li Cha looked in the direction of Manchester City and said softly, "You should feel really good now?"

... Raiola called Mourinho again two days later. It wasn't that he wanted to urge Chelsea, but Ancelotti was urging him. Manchester City has only been compared with Wright Jr. since Kim Cladzer left. Satisfied, the rest of the time Manchester City's two sidewalks are just like disabled.Ancelotti, who is used to playing in the Christmas tree lineup in Milan, is not a player who sticks to the rules. After buying Seedorf and confirming the selection of the midfielder, he needs to endure from the side to respond to the center. Assists often leave a wide gap for the opponent, and it is impossible for Ancelotti not to take advantage of this.

"Mr Jose... I'm so sorry..."

"...what? You decided to sell Duff and Bridge?"

"Great Mr. Jose, thank you... what? I want to change the quotations of these two players..."

"...Are you sure you're not joking? Duff and Bridge want 3000 million?"


Raiola quickly hung up the phone, as long as he is not crazy, it is absolutely impossible to buy Duff and Bridge at this price!

Di... Raiola's phone rang, and he answered quickly: "Mr. Moratti, have you considered it?"

"How much? 8000 million? God, I heard that right!!! This is not the price of a player, the entire Naples club is worth 8000 million!"

"Mr. Moratti, that must be a rumor. Who would spend 6000 million to buy a full-back? No, we never have any incidents that destroy the transfer market... What? You called the president of Monaco?"


Mino Raiola hung up the phone again, so what else is there to talk about?

Immediately afterwards, he dialed Ancelotti's phone number: "Mr. Coach, give me a week, and I guarantee that all the money you want will be in place within a week!" This is his promise to Ancelotti, He didn't believe that he couldn't buy cheap ones with his veins! !

... Li Cha was not idle either, he kept making phone calls on the training ground: "Hey, old Karl, do you know that something strange happened in England, someone bought a full-back from Monaco for 6000 million ... Who else, Manchester City, Greater Manchester City!"

"Mr. Muscardi, have you heard the joke in England? The Brazilian defender in Ligue 6000 was sold for [-] million yuan! You'd better inform the Argentine club. If Manchester City buys it, they will be slaughtered." One knife, they are an oil-injected team, they are not short of money!"

"Migresio... what, you know about the 6000 million buy-in, and you were there when it happened? Why can't I remember... But it doesn't matter, if you still feel a little bit guilty about me, please tell me This sentence spreads the truth in Ligue [-] can agree to it..."

Richard spread this big truth to every corner of the mainstream league. In football where the truth is flying everywhere, Raiola, even if you buy a player worth only 5 pounds, the price will increase to 100 million in an instant!

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