my name is ferguson

Chapter 269 Sentencing

() Burleigh City Court, this is the first time for Li Cha to dress so solemnly, for the first time to appear in court, and for the first time to face the judge, jury, and various reporters who came to interview during the public trial... In the court, Li Cha The lawyer hired by the police has already prepared everything for this lawsuit, and the Burleigh Club has also prepared sufficient evidence for this, such as Richard's clean criminal record, such as the 1236-page development plan of the Burleigh Club, such as fans and players. Composed of character testimonials... When all the testimonials are in court, Richard knows that he will not go to prison. His own evidence has proved that he is a person who has made great contributions to Burleigh. Let the court give a lighter sentence, those plans might as well be shelved collectively!

When the lawyer hired by Li Cha finished his statement and sat down, he whispered in Li Cha's ear: "The fans said...they will give you a surprise."

So, Li Cha's last certificate went to court... At that moment, Li Cha's eyes were completely wide open, he couldn't believe what he saw.

It was a well-known old man in England. When the old man in his seventies slowly walked out of the court in a suit, everyone stood up to show their respect for this old man. He was Alex - Ferguson.

The old lord stood on the court seat, looked at Li Cha with a smile on his face and said, "Mr. Judge, I swear by my faith that what I said below is true, Amen."

"Mr. Judge, what I have to say is that I am not the last one to be admitted. I am the defendant's father. Since the witness has not been present yet, I hope Mr. Judge can give the witness a little more time... I think Let me tell you a story, a story told to me recently. The story happened in the far east. A college student who came out of the country got lost in the big city. When he just entered the university, he was overwhelmed by the lights and feasts of this big city. , 45% of the living expenses for one semester were spent in places that shouldn’t be spent. If I were his father, I would definitely beat him severely. After the money is spent, he can only make up a lie to make everyone in the family Yao's father, who was facing the loess and his back was facing Yao, gave him money... His father came, didn't say anything, didn't even blame his child for spending so much money, just calmly sent the money, and then left .”

"That night, this college student climbed over the wall and went out to fool around, but after climbing over the wall, he screamed like a ghost and ran back!"

"After returning to the dormitory, he hid on the bed alone, trembling and staring blankly, and he even frightened the others."

"Since that day, this college student has completely reformed himself. He will not do anything but study every day. When he graduated with honors, he did not tell anyone about his What did you see?"

"Everyone, I don't think this college student will tell until he dies that his father squatted in a shelter outside the school wall and snored alone in order to save the cost of accommodation for the next night!!"

Everyone in the entire court was shocked!

The old man continued: "Whether a person in this world can correct his mistakes does not depend on whether he can discover his mistakes, but whether he can encounter a trigger point that makes him correct... Li Cha now has a trigger point, He vowed to reform himself. In fact, the most important thing about this matter is not anyone, anything. It is a person who knows his mistakes and swears to correct his mistakes. It is a pity that I am Richard's father, otherwise I would like to vouch for his future. , I believe that his future will definitely keep himself away from any filth..."

"Gentlemen, thank you for listening to my old man for so long. I also know that if I was not Alex Ferguson, the court would have kicked me out a long time ago. Thank you... He is here, our witness enter."

When Jorge appeared in a solemn suit, Li Cha was stunned again. Shouldn't he go back to Spain?

After Jorge walked into the courtroom, he stood at the seat where Mr. Ferguson had stood. After he bowed to the judge and jury, he made the same oath as Mr. Ferguson.

"I want to say that if Sir Alex Ferguson hadn't come to see me yesterday, I would not have been able to appear in today's testimony. It was Sir Ferguson who made me give up my identity as a prosecution attorney and become a defense attorney. Of course there is no monetary interest here, what is there is just the pleading and sincerity of an elderly father."

"I want to prove to Mr. Richard Ferguson that his concern for the players is real. Whether I was locked up in the police station or before I was about to leave England, Mr. Richard looked at me with affection. Leo Messi, that is, my son. This is not enough for me to forgive him, even if Mr. Li Cha came to apologize after I left the police station, and personally sent the letter of termination and compensation. I forgive him. I still don't think that someone can frame his father in order to keep a child's heart. If it is revealed one day, should this child grit his teeth with gratitude or hate? This kind of psychological burden It might ruin all his future!"

"But Mr. Ferguson found me last night. As a father, I was very touched. I am also a father. When I faced Sir Alex Ferguson, I thought about it. What to do. I figured it out, I would be as angry as Mr. Ferguson, and then support him to correct his mistakes, no matter what the cost. This world is perfect, Mr. Richard is like this, I am like this, I think So do you guys."

"It is not only Sir Alex Ferguson who prompted me to change my identity to testify for Mr. Richard, but also all Burleigh fans. The apartment that Burleigh rented for us these days has been filled with gifts from Burleigh fans. They used the most Sincere heart to keep Messi... I found that the broken fence and wall of our house was repaired silently; even the neighbors would enter my yard without warning when they were mowing the lawn... Everyday When I walk out of the room in the morning, there will always be a Burleigh fan who pretends to pass by my door, greets me, asks a few words, "Can you forgive Richard, can you let Leo stay?", and then return on the same road …Gentlemen, I am moved by the fact that Burleigh fans are willing to beg another person’s forgiveness for doing so much for Richard.”

"Those fans moved me, Sir Alex Ferguson's words moved me yesterday, so I decided to forgive Mr. Richard, and agreed to let Messi continue to complete the contract with Burleigh... Richard, I am willing to forgive you, I am willing to let Messi playing for Burleigh has nothing to do with you and it's unlikely we'll be friends."

"Mr. Judge, I have finished what I have to say."

The audience was silent, even Li Cha didn't expect that this matter would turn around in this way!



Countless fans who came to watch the trial broke out in huge cheers at the gate of the court. They almost regarded this place as a stadium and celebrated loudly!

"Silence, silence!"

"Burleigh fans please be quiet, if you don't keep quiet then I will charge you with contempt of court."

At this moment, the lawyer hired by Li Cha stood up: "Mr. Judge, even the victim in this case has forgiven Mr. Li Cha, and Mr. Li Cha did not cause great harm to the society. I beg the judge and jury to pardon Li Cha." Sir's crime, or a reprieve. Burleigh is still struggling in the Premier League. Mr. Richard still hopes that you can get back a trophy for Burleigh City. Why not give him a chance to redeem himself? Burleigh fans last time The spectacular scene of the city parade for Burleigh winning the League Cup is still in front of my eyes. If Mr. Richard can win the FA Cup this time, I am afraid Burleigh fans will parade again. Mr. Judge, for this reason , I ask you and the jury to give you a lighter punishment."

"Please judge for a lighter punishment!!!"

Thousands of Burleigh fans risked being held in contempt of court by a judge, chanting en masse outside.


The judge picked up a small hammer and slammed it hard, and then said, "The prosecution, please provide evidence."

The police chief stood up and said, "I'm sorry, judge, the prosecution doesn't have any evidence to deal with Mr. Richard seriously. The only evidence is that Mr. York, who was instigated by Mr. Richard, went to the hospital today and cannot testify...but Mr York has confessed to his crimes."

"The court is adjourned now. Please go to the lounge to discuss the jury. At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, I will hold the court again to announce the verdict!" <! "

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the court opened again, and when the judge and jury were ready again, everyone took their places again.

"Jury, is there a result?"

"The judge was big, and the jury unanimously ruled that Mr. Li Cha was guilty of framing, instigating him to commit theft and intimidation."

The whole room exclaimed, according to the jury, this crime seems to be very serious!

"However, Mr. Li Cha did make great contributions to Burleigh City. He pleaded guilty with a good attitude, surrendered himself, and was forgiven by the victim. Therefore, the jury agreed that the punishment of Mr. Li Cha should be dealt with lightly."

The judge nodded under the unacceptable questioning eyes of the crowd and said: "I respect the jury's decision."

"I pronounce the verdict!"


All people stand up at the same time.

"Richard Ferguson was convicted of the crime. On the premise that he pleaded guilty and made great contributions to Burleigh, I announce the sentence as follows. Mr. Richard was sentenced to two years in prison..."

All Burleigh fans are completely dumbfounded, and they can't believe it. Could it be that all these ri's efforts have been in vain?

"Execution postponed for two years!!!" Huh!

There were sighs of relief inside and outside the entire court, as if the verdict completely relieved their hearts hanging in their throats. The suspended sentence means that Li Cha can continue to coach Burleigh. As long as Li Cha can continue to coach, the fans will not Worried about Burleigh's results, this is what the fans need most!

Ferguson hugged Li Cha and said, "Congratulations."

"Actually, the person I should thank is you. Without you, perhaps this judgment would not have happened."

"I want to pay back, for example..."

Richard laughed, he knew Sir Ferguson didn't mean that at all!

At the same time, he looked out of the window, seeing the sunshine that could calmly shine into his heart, and his whole life seemed much more natural.


Some fans yelled outside the court, and when Li Cha turned his head, all the fans yelled loudly: "Revenge!!!"

"Victory over Manchester City!!!"


"Win over Manchester City!!!"

Li Cha pointed to all the fans and said loudly: "I promise you, I will use my first Premier League victory to repay your support for me!!!"

...The next day, all the media in England reported on this public trial, and most of the titles were accusations..."The Most Confused Judgment in History! "

"The old man's private contact with the cardholders is a flagrant violation of the law!" "

"The police chief gave up proof in court, suspected of accepting bribes! "

The next day, Alex Ferguson was fined 5000 pounds by the court for helping Jorge to delay time, and was given a serious warning.

At the same time, the FA announced the lifting of Richard's suspension and imposed a fine of £10 on Mr Richard for his unethical behaviour.

At this time, there are still four days before the Manchester derby between Burleigh and Manchester City!

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