my name is ferguson

Chapter 271 Super Bet!

() The first round of the Premier League kicked off on time in August. In order to increase the ratings, the Premier League arranged for the top four to collide in the first round of the Premier League!

Emirates Stadium, Manchester United away to Arsenal; Anfield, Liverpool against Chelsea.

These two heavyweight games made their debut in the first round of the Premier League for the first time, which also represents the FA's determination to compete for the ratings of the Premier League. This catches the eye.

However, these two games have never been publicized by the media. It is the Manchester Derby that occupies the entire English media page!

"Sink or Rise!" "

"Li Cha's first battle after self-salvation! "

All the media actually regarded Burleigh's first game of the new season as the highlight, which directly filled the entire Old Trafford stadium with Manchester fans!

Old Trafford was overcrowded an hour before the game kicked off. Burleigh fans divided into red and white groups occupied most of the stands, and fans wearing Manchester City jerseys only occupied a small part of the stands. It looks extremely unbalanced.

The media used the clues of Maicon’s transfer to prove that this game was a feud. For example, the Sun reported in a large part the process when Richard wanted to buy Maicon and was intercepted by Manchester City. This made countless Burleigh fans very angry. As for shouting loudly on the pitch: "Kill Manchester City!!!"

"Let them pretend they have oil and go back to Arabia!!!"

Manchester City fans finally got a taste of what it's like to be rich, chanting 'We're rich. ' slogan retorted.

"The poor ghost who climbed up step by step! Go back to your third league!!!"

"You trash who have never been promoted to the top, even if you win the UEFA Cup, you are not nobles!!!"

The game has not yet started, and the atmosphere at Old Trafford is already comparable to the Manchester Red and Blue Derby between Manchester United and Manchester City, and even faintly has the momentum to surpass the Red and Blue Derby.If this progress continues, I am afraid that Manchester's White and Blue Derby will become one of the most watched games.

Before the start of the game, the media began to thoroughly analyze the worry situation of the two teams.The Times even analyzed from the head coach to the players one by one, even the tactics used and substitution habits of Richard and Ancelotti were not let go.

The Times predicted that the result of this game would end in a 1:1 draw, while the Sun predicted that Manchester City would win this game 1:0. Both media released their guesses after precise analysis. On the newspaper headlines.

No one in England underestimates Burleigh anymore, but it has become one of the habits of the Premier League after the new coach always wins the first game. This is why some people are optimistic about Ancelotti s reason.What's more, Manchester City also bought Vieira, who is Richard's archenemy!


At the press conference at Old Trafford, Li Cha had already sat there with Ancelotti. Unlike the past, Ancelotti also brought the Manchester City transfer department to the press conference. Director, Raiola.

Li Cha sat there very calmly, as if the hatred between himself and Raiola had disappeared without a trace, and Raiola would look over here from time to time.

All the media did not speak in advance today, they all know Richard's habits.Before the press conference was announced by Miss Charlotte, there would be no good fruit for anyone to speak first. They didn't want to lose the opportunity to record the press conference because they said a few words in advance.

"Everyone, Burleigh's first Premier League press conference has officially started, and now everyone can officially ask questions." Charlotte didn't say much because he knew that there were too many people waiting to speak.

The BBC reporter seized the opportunity and stood up first to ask: "Mr. Richard, may I ask if this game will bring some difficulties to Burleigh. After all, your negative news may affect the mood of the fans."

Li Cha shrugged and said with a smile: "Probably not. I have always been a person with negative news. When one day you saw a picture of me helping an old lady cross the road in a BBC newspaper, then this report The news must be 'Li Cha pretended to do good deeds in order to gain attention'."

The bbc reporter didn't understand at first, but then he realized from the laughter of many reporters around him that Li Cha was scolding the bbc for making fake news!

Li Cha didn't care what the BBC reporter understood, he was used to it.

"Mr. Ancelotti. Manchester City has signed a lot of signings this season. How confident are you in beating Burleigh in this game?"

Ancelotti habitually glanced at the side and said: "We are very confident. After all, Burleigh is a newly promoted team. They still need the experience of working hard in the top league. The miracle of Kaiserslautern represents a short-lived glory. .I don’t think Burleigh has such strength.” He didn’t argue about signings. Sometimes things that shouldn’t be said will affect the authority of a head coach once they are exposed. For example, he didn’t Signing rights like any other coach.

This topic is not hot enough... The bbc reporter was completely dissatisfied with the answer to his question. At this time, he saw Raiola on the side.

Raiola's appearance was very accidental. He never thought of coming to the pre-match press conference. He just planned to accompany Mansour to watch Manchester City's first game. However, Mansour proposed to him Question: "Are you sure Ancelotti can win the war of words in the press conference? What I need is to overwhelm Burleigh!"

So Raiola sat next to Ancelotti. At the beginning of the press conference, before the war of words broke out, he never interrupted, but he did not expect that the BBC reporter would announce the news will lead to a fiery start.

"Mr. Raiola, I heard that Manchester City bought Maicon at a sky-high price of 6000 million. Excuse me, is this true?".

Now there is no need to deny Maicon's problem, but Raiola has always hated Richard, if it weren't for him, Maicon would not have been raised to a very insulting price!

"It's true, Maicon will prove with his own strength that he is absolutely worth the price, and in today's scarcity of right backs who can attack and defend well, a player who is at his peak and can stay at his peak for a long time is no longer available. It is measured by money. I think Maicon is priceless. If I have to set a price for Maicon, I will write the highest price that has never appeared in the player's worth, [-] million!"

Raiola can only brag, he can't let people seize this weakness to attack after Richard raised the price, even if Maicon is not worth 6000 million now.It has to be said to be [-] million.

Richard looked at Raiola and showed a sneer. He was amused by Raiola. In the future, there will indeed be players worth close to 42 million, and even become the world's most valuable player. The results of the ball are there, and Manchester United does not want to sell people at all, so Real Madrid has no choice but to spend a huge amount of money... Maicon is not without talent, but he can only complain that he is a defensive player.So far, the highest value of a defense player is 3000 million. His value was raised to 6000 million by Richard and he has become the world's number one in the defense line. If he still wants to increase his value to [-] million, it is basically a dream!After one season, if Maicon's value can not shrink by more than half, it shows that he is very capable and has played a perfect self in his debut season in the Premier League.

How could Li Cha not laugh in this situation?

"Mr. Richard, do you disagree with Raiola's point of view?" The BBC reporter quickly seized the opportunity to ask questions and asked again.

"I agree, but please don't wake me up..."


There was another roar of laughter in the press conference hall, Li Cha was too hurt.In other words, he would only agree to Maicon's worth of [-] million when he was dreaming. To say this is to directly mock Raiola as a big-talking idiot.

"That's better than someone who can't afford to buy the players they want."

Li Cha's words made the entire press conference burst into laughter.Raiola's words made the press conference scene immediately quiet down!

Come, come, come!

The bbc reporter sat down quickly after successfully completing the task. He knew that the hottest press conference was about to begin, and everything had to be recorded.This will be the hottest topic tomorrow.

"Mr. Raiola, there is a transfer strategy, and it is wise to abandon the current choice when there are better options. In fact, I would like to ask you, who is the manager of Manchester City? This is only the manager. A pre-match press conference that can only be attended by coaches? What capacity does Raiola participate in? Player agent? Manchester City transfer director? Or Manchester City chairman Mansour's nai?"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……

The reporter couldn't help it anymore, Li Cha's speech has become more and more degraded since he reformed himself.

After the laughter stopped.Richard did not let Raiola fight back, and continued: "Mr. Raiola, the head coach in England has the right to transfer, and Mr. Ancelotti has no transfer right in Italy. How can you bear it?" Still depriving Mr. Ancelotti of his power after he came to England? I heard that when your club buys players, Mr. Ancelotti can only propose the position he needs, and he is not even qualified to designate the club to trade, let alone mention I personally made the transfer."

Richard glanced at Ancelotti and said, "Mr. Ancelotti, I really sympathize with you. In Italy, it was pitiful enough for you to be oppressed by Galliani. You have to carry another Italian when you finally come to England." Squeeze... hey..."

"Just like Mr. Ancelotti once said when Inter Milan rented Crespo, 'Inter Milan will only pick up bargains, and AC Milan will sign Ibrahimovic'. I don't need to tell the story behind it?"

"Mr. Raiola, I will show you how your Maicon is vulnerable to Messi. For this reason, I will say that Messi is placed on the left winger!"

Raiola was forced to stand up and said, "Do you dare to bet, Mr. Richard?"

"Where's the bet?" Li Cha turned around and looked at Raiola and asked.

"If Maicon wins, you will offer [-] million to buy Maicon before the end of the transfer period..."

"So what if you lose?" Li Cha asked again...

Raiola really can't think of what kind of bet he can make to make him worthy of Richard's [-] million. The other party is a rich man, but he is not!

At this moment, a voice came from outside the door: "If you lose, I will offer 5000 million to buy Burleigh's lowest-valued third goalkeeper, Pulis!"


Li Cha patted the table and said, "Deal!"

The figure of Mansur appeared at the door of the press conference, and he said this sentence!

In fact, Mansour has been outside the door all the time. He wanted to hear how Raiola defeated Richard. Unexpectedly, Raiola let Richard spray him with nothing. Taking Ibrahimovic as an example, he couldn't bear it anymore and immediately stood up.

Thus, the biggest bet in England was born between the two club leaders... (to be continued...)

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