The whole of England and even the whole world are watching this duel. The cameras of all the media are almost simultaneously aimed at Messi who is about to charge Maicon. They want to see who is the winner in the bet of 5000 million against [-] million .

Messi took the ball and rushed towards Maicon. Only he knew exactly how much pressure Maicon was under at the moment. With a worth of 6000 million and a bet of 5000 million, he absolutely did not dare to relax for a moment. How could the most expensive player on the defensive line be inferior to Maicon, who lowered his body and looked down at Messi's waist? He would never allow this little player to pass by his side.

Messi has the same idea. The difference in football philosophy between Brazil and Argentina has caused a strong sense of confrontation between players when they are in charge of their own affairs. This makes this game not only a Manchester derby, but also a derby between Brazilian players and Argentine players. !

Leo Messi does not allow himself to lose, even if only to defeat the Brazilian flag behind Maicon!

Xiaoshabu appeared on the green field, and all the fans stopped breathing. They poked their necks and looked on the field, just to see Messi's movements clearly. [

Messi is still using a simple and fast way of passing people, but the moment he is close to Maicon...

"Ye!!!!!!" The old Kewell was the first to hear the roar of victory, and the shocking voice caused a huge wave in the entire stadium: "Messi won!! Messi from Maicon's side It's over!!!"

"When Messi approached Maicon, he knocked the ball with his right foot to his left foot. This is a very normal action. But Maicon wanted to "force" Messi into the dead corner of the corner flag as soon as possible. He blocked Mayon with his body sideways. West enters the penalty area. And following Messi's running speed, Maicon understands that as long as he "forces" Messi to the corner flag, he can completely rely on his body to push him out of the boundary! In this way, Manchester City's left side It's safe, and I won the first round of victory. It stands to reason that Maicon's physical strength can easily force Messi to walk aside, but little Leo is too dexterous. When Kong "forced" over, he stabbed the bottom of the football with his left foot, and then he made an emergency stop to get out of the way. Maicon followed the inertia and rushed to the bottom line, and when he slowed down, he had rushed out of the full distance. Two big strides, and the football just stopped on the penalty area line! This is a different kind of stop, the clumsy Maicon was cheated, Manchester City, old Kewell wants to tell you that Maicon's worth has quickly risen to two Ten million. Because you lost!"

"Messi, Messi didn't pass the ball right away, stepped on the penalty area line and dribbled while watching his teammates' running positions...Messi kicked, he raised his foot and rubbed the ball towards the back post...There was a lot of space in the penalty area Crowded, Franck Ribery was stuck outside the small penalty area and couldn't get in. Cannavaro was holding on to Franck Ribery. Dunn almost rolled out of bed with Van Persie in his arms. Is there no one competing for the top...Alvi S!!!!!!”


"Alves broke the deadlock. After three 10 minutes of dullness, Messi beat Maicon's assist to help Alves head the goal! Alves' goal against the back post completely stunned Weaver ,Weaver didn't even make a save. Just a symbolic raise of his hand in surrender..."

Old Kewell was worse than Richard, and Weaver was not surrendering.It was a subconscious reaction, the reaction after knowing that the goal could not be rescued, every goalkeeper would have this reaction, but in the mouth of old Kewell, it turned into surrender!

After seeing the goal, Ancelotti swung his hand vigorously in the air, then turned around and walked towards the coaching area. He didn't want to watch Alves celebrate. The defender would go into the penalty area and score with a header.

Li Cha shouted excitedly from the sidelines: "Beautiful, beautiful goal!!!"

Afterwards, Li Cha stretched out two thumbs without hesitation. These two thumbs appeared on the field against the sun at 4:00 pm. Messi and Alves saw the thumbs extended by the head coach at the same time. This time, the excitement of scoring covered up the gap between them. It was Richard's tactics that helped them score the first goal. They raised their thumbs at the coach's bench in return...

"Oh!!! Messi and Alves are reconciled with Richard? They both gave Richard a thumbs up!!!" Old Kewell liked watching harmonious scenes, especially this kind The scene of the generals teaming up to defeat the enemy makes people feel very warm.

The fans thanked the hero who scored the goal and Messi who defeated Maicon with the loudest cheers!

"Messi, Daniel!"

"Messi! Daniel!"

"Messi, Daniel!"

"Messi! Daniel!"

Leo Messi and Alves put their arms around each other's shoulders and walked towards the fan area. At the same time, they collectively gave Messi the thumbs they had just given to Richard!

"Ye!!!!" The fans cheered again, and Messi felt that the loud shouts from all directions were even louder than what he had heard at Camp Nou.

Richard is so bad, he immediately pulled Ribery over while his players were still celebrating: "Frank, Maicon is strong, if Messi continues to fight with him, Maicon is likely to be beaten Afterwards, I made a black foot against Messi, so, I will let you switch places with him!" [

Franck Ribery looked at Li Cha questioningly, he was still thinking about the bet between Li Cha and Mansour: "Then the match between Messi and Maicon..."

"We won!"


"What!" Franck Ribery's eyes widened, and he had only played one-on-one once. Even if he won once, there would be no effect of suppressing the audience."

Li Cha said with a smirk: "Frank, the bet between me and Mansour is to let Messi beat Maicon, but I didn't say that Maicon won't be able to lift his head during the whole game... In addition, Messi and Maicon Did we win Maicon’s duel? Did we win the bet? Why didn’t we just give you 5000 million to raise your salary in this situation, but let Messi continue to collide with Maicon? Woolen cloth"

"That's not my style. I will never let my players take risks. In addition, Maicon is not someone who can be bullied. His defensive ability and offensive ability are still very commendable..."

Ribery rolled his eyes and said: "Boss, you mean I'm not as good as Messi"

This was the first time Franck Ribery called Boss Li Cha, and he just yelled it out of his own mouth after hearing his teammates call him often.

"Actually, I mean..." Li Cha pretended to explain...

"I'll prove it to you!!!" Franck Ribery walked back to the court, just in time for the team to finish celebrating, Franck Ribery said to Messi: "The boss asked us to change positions."

Messi immediately asked in puzzlement: "Why!"

"Don't worry about why, you have proved yourself, but now the boss suspects that I can't take down this Brazilian, I want to prove it to him!"

Looking at Ribery's expression full of fighting spirit.Messi nodded.

Li Cha looked at Mai Kong pitifully and said, "Mai Hei, why is your life so hard?"


In the next game, Burleigh kept besieging Manchester City through rhythm changes. After changing the passivity in the first three and 10 minutes, various passing and receiving cooperation began to appear in Burleigh's frontcourt. Played to the extreme.

Sneijder controlled all the corner kicks and free kicks of the team, and acted as the team's brain responsible for dividing and connecting the ball when there was no set kick. Van Persie showed off his little skills in front of the old Cannavaro.Although there was no breakthrough, it was still fun to play; Messi became the key target, Harman directly defended himself, and completely handed over the defensive work in the middle to Vieira and Barton. Thatcher felt instantly with Harman's assistance. With the burden on his shoulders lightened, he felt a sense of resentment towards Messi's breakthrough...

43 minutes in the first half.Before the end of the game, Sneijder once again distributed the ball to the left, and the right was no longer available. Alves couldn't come up. Messi almost got the ball and was released under the complete foul defense of Harman and Thatcher. Down, at this time Sneijder can only transfer the ball out, which will reduce the resistance for Messi.

Ribery finally waited for a chance to prove himself.Maicon didn't treat Ribery as cautiously as he treated Messi, and posted it the moment Ribery received the ball.Franck Ribery felt as if there was a moving wall behind him against him...

You can't lose, you can't let the damn Li Cha look down on you!

Ribery knocked Maicon away with brute force, and when there was only a small gap between the two, Ribery immediately dialed the ball and cut inside.

He is not Messi. If he works hard, he is not even afraid of anyone in the back line.

Maicon quickly followed up. After losing to Messi once, he couldn't lose to this scarred face again. He had to recover face no matter what, otherwise his worth would directly shrink from 6000 million to 1000 million after this game! [


In the VIP seat at Old Trafford, Mansour clenched his fists after watching Messi pass Maicon and create a goal. Raiola on the side also persuaded: "There are 90 minutes in a game. Minutes, Mr. Mansour, please don't get angry because of a mistake, Coach Ancelotti is still very optimistic about Maicon, he said that Maicon will become the world's number one right back."

"But he didn't score..." Mansour gritted his teeth and burst out this sentence.

Raiola can only explain: "In fact, the duty of the full-back is not to score goals..."

"Burleigh's right back went in!"

Raiola chose to keep his mouth shut, and the boss didn't seem to be very reasonable.

"Mino, how much is left of my transfer fee to the club?" Mansour asked after seeing Messi send a beautiful assist.

Raiola said: "There are about 3200 million left."

"I'll give you another 5000 million. I want to see Manchester City have world-class players in every position, and they must have world-class players!"

Raiola doesn't want to talk anymore, will world-class player clubs exchange money easily?

"Raiola, why didn't Messi confront Maicon anymore, why did Li Cha change positions with Messi with a scarred face?"

Mino Raiola immediately stood up, at this moment, Ribery just finished switching positions with Messi!

"Damn Li Cha!!!"

"What does Richard mean?" Mansur was still asking.


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