Li Cha feels a little hot, hot and dry!

He reached out and grabbed an empty wine glass on the table, regardless of what was written on the outer label of the bottle next to him, poured half of the glass, threw two ice cubes in it and drank it all in one gulp...


A coolness flowed down the throat, and when it entered the stomach: "fu--k!!!"

Li Cha's eyes widened instantly as if he drank gasoline! ! [

At this moment, he was reaching out to take out the wine bottle on the table, and looked at the label on the label under the dim light-vodka!

"Li Cha..."

An extremely small voice appeared, which made Li Cha's eyes widen instantly. Someone here actually knows him. If this person has the same big mouth as himself, then this matter will be completely troublesome.

When he turned his head, Li Cha was relieved, because of this, it was impossible to tell the matter.

"Sheryl." Li Cha replied normally, and then asked: "You can recognize me even if I wear a mask."

Cheryl replied: "Just now when you swear when you were drinking, I recognized your voice."

Li Cha noticed that there was something wrong with Cheryl. The moment she was wearing a butterfly mask, she seemed to start to get hairy when she got close to him. A woman actually reached out and poked into her fur cloak!

"What are you doing..." Li Cha was not used to being turned back.

Cheryl didn't seem to hear it at all, but moved closer to Li Cha without saying anything, and began to slowly sway to the music, rubbing against her body according to the rhythm...

Li Cha reached out and directly "touched" the ice bucket, grabbed a handful and threw the ice cubes into Cheryl's cloak.


Cheryl screamed.But he started to become a little sober: "Li Cha, I feel very hot. Just now... I drank a glass of wine that a man brought me..."

I drank a glass of wine... Could it be that there is something in the wine?

Shouldn't it be!

In this place, it is only in order to get the resources in the hands of the other party that I start talking non-stop with people I don’t know...

"Has anyone ever asked you too much?" Richard suspected that Cheryl had rejected someone.

Cheryl leaned over again as if she couldn't hear anything, and took advantage of the moment when Li Cha didn't notice, she stretched out her hand to poke inside his cloak. At the same moment, Li Cha felt that his important position suddenly tightened, an unprecedented excitement Immediately rushed to mind.Immediately afterwards, Cheryl squeezed into Li Cha's cloak wrapped around his naked body like a little sheep, which was full of charm.

Abu came over with a smile on his face at this moment and said: "Mr. Richard, if you need it, there is still an empty room next to it..."

"Abu!" Li Cha yelled loudly in the noisy noise, and then grabbed Abu's cloak and said: "Why is Cheryl being drugged?" [

"Didn't you say that everything that happened here was voluntary!"

Abu was stunned for a moment, and mercilessly grabbed Cheryl's hair and pulled it from Richard's chest. After removing the mask and peeling off Cheryl's eyes, he saw bloodshot eyes!At that moment, Abubi was shocked!


His shock was real.In other words, Abu never thought that such a thing would happen in his manor!

"I'm very sorry...Mr. Li Cha, I will deal with the matter if it is convenient for you to take Miss Cheryl away, but I hope you can help me apologize to Miss Cheryl. Of course. What happened today, I hope you will treat it as if it never happened." Abu looked at Li Cha sincerely.

Li Cha nodded and said, "Yes, but I still want to take Angelina away."

"it is good."

Li Cha turned around and was sent back to the long corridor. He put Cheryl in his clothes with great difficulty and tidied himself up before he hugged Cheryl, who was limp, into the elevator.

Abu was very thoughtful.The lift had just opened, and Angelina's car was already waiting at the gate of the villa.At the moment Angelina is sitting in the car.

After Li Cha stuffed Cheryl into the car, he got in too. When the driver slowly drove the car out, Li Cha asked, "Is he safe?"

Angelina nodded: "What happened"

"Don't ask questions, just tell me if you've ever had anything to drink"

At this moment, Li Cha turned his head quickly, and sure enough, he saw luxury cars driving out of the villa.

Abu is clearing the field, which means that Abu really didn't do this!

"Or has anyone made excessive demands on you, and then gave you some drinks, cakes, etc."

Angelina recalled and said: "How do you know that there is a Russian who wants to... but I refused, I just... drank a glass of red wine with him."


Li Cha immediately took out the phone and said: "Diarra, I need to borrow your house... Don't ask why, you leave the key under the doormat of your house, and then stay in a hotel tonight."

After hanging up the phone, he saw Angelina's flushed face, her dull eyes seemed to eat her...

"Hey Julie, don't think about anything, don't think about anything... oh!"

The devil knows when Cheryl lay on Li Cha's lap, and those little hands smoothly unzipped Li Cha's pants, and then, Li Cha felt a wave of moisture surrounding...

Li Cha glanced at the driver of the car and said, "I hope you know who I am."

"Of course, Mr. Richard." [

"I also hope that you can understand that sometimes reporting certain news to the media is worse than keeping it secret!"

"Of course, Mr. Richard."

"Well, I'll give you an address. Come to me in Stanton Park tomorrow morning, and you will get your revenge."

"Okay, Mr. Richard."

The car drove all the way to Burleigh, now Li Cha can't send these two women to the hotel at all, in that place full of cameras, maybe he will be called to the police saying that he has not waited to send these two people into the room" "Mi"-"Tranny"', don't say that Abu's secret will not be kept.Even he himself has to be in a position where he can't tell why.If the two women in the car are pretending to say something that never happened in order to keep their man from leaving, they will be in big trouble!

Li Cha snatched his baby back from the wolf-like Cheryl, packed up his pants and helped her up.At this moment, Li Cha didn't have any intention of enjoying the good fortune, his mind was full of the aftermath of this incident and the worst ending that was about to happen or might happen.Li Cha has to admit that he is not a good person, he thinks of everything with a villainous heart, he even thought of... Oh my god, what was he thinking just now

Li Cha suddenly found that Cheryl's sexual image appeared in his mind, it was as rubbing and soft as warm and fragrant nephrite...


Li Cha gave himself a mouth, and silently said in his heart: "Amitabha, calm down! Amitabha, calm down!"

It's not that he doesn't want to enjoy it, but he can't be in this car.


Li Cha didn't know how long it took him to finally wait for the moment when the car braked, touch!He immediately opened the car door and got out first, then put Cheryl on his shoulders, and sent him to Diarra's apartment first.

Nowadays, few Burleigh players still live in dormitories. Except for members of the youth team, most of them have their own apartments.The reason Richard wanted to borrow Diarra's apartment was because Diarra's apartment was on the outskirts of Burleigh.It takes three streets to see a house, and it takes 10 minutes to drive to the supermarket. This location has the advantage of housing two famous beauties.And after Diarra left, even if paparazzi who squatted in search of news would follow Diarra and leave, Diarra's home would become the safest place in England.

Throwing Cheryl on the sofa, Li Cha turned into the kitchen anxiously.He rushed out from the kitchen door.He didn't care if he went the wrong way at all, and after returning to the main entrance from the left side of the apartment, he carried Angelina out of the car again: "Mr. driver, you can rest now, come back tomorrow when you hear Ms. Julie's call Pick her up."

"Of course. Mr. Richard."

The fat driver seemed to be particularly talkative, and Li Cha hurriedly carried Angelina Jolie into the room.I found a problem, I accidentally put my hand in the wrong place, and "touched" along the fork of Angelina's skirt to a place that shouldn't be "touched"...


Calm down, you have to be calm, I'm afraid Abu will call himself the first time when he's done with the matter, no matter what, he has to persist until he finishes answering the call... Mother Xipi!

While trying to persuade himself, Li Cha discovered that the hand carrying Angelina had penetrated into the barren land!


After throwing Angelina on the sofa as well, Li Cha searched three times before finding where the bathroom was. He rushed in and filled the sink with cold water, and poked his head directly into it.

Li Cha pulled his head out in less than two seconds, and he couldn't feel the temperature of the water.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed to the living room to open the refrigerator, and took out all the ice cubes in the entire ice bucket. When he looked back, he seemed to find that Angelina and Cheryl had changed positions under the circumstance of being fiddled with... I can't care too much , calm down first.

He didn't want the whole room to be filled with babbling voices when he answered the phone, and he didn't need to say anything, and Abu would understand something.


After all the ice cubes in the ice bucket were poured into the sink, Li Cha poked his head in again. Now he finally knows what it feels like when a drink is put in the refrigerator and is frozen.


At this moment, the phone rang like a savior, Li Cha pulled off the towel and wiped his head indiscriminately: "Hello."

"Mr. Li Cha, the cause of the problem has been found, please pay attention to the news in Russia. I also apologize to the two ladies for me..."

When Abu mentioned the two ladies, Li Cha walked out of the bathroom and glanced at the 'two ladies' in the living room, and then, snap!

The phone fell to the ground freely, and the battery and the body instantly fell into two halves.

On the sofa in the living room, two women fiercely tore each other's clothes while kissing wildly. Angelina's silk evening dress was almost torn to pieces by Cheryl, only the breast stickers were missing.

Jolie is pulling Cheryl's stockings in her tattered tuxedo...

The Buddha can bear the poverty and can't bear it! ! !

Li Cha almost turned into a vicious cheetah, and quickly joined the battle group. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass,.

ps: boo... boo... boo...

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