my name is ferguson

Chapter 365 Training the Butcher

In order to protect De Jong, taking advantage of the gap between the Liverpool players and Burleigh players, Baines sent De Jong to the coaching area. He believed that the safest place was to send De Jong behind Richard!


Li Cha blocked De Jong behind him, like a hen protecting a chick under its wings, even if this chick just pecked through the sky!

He figured it out a little bit, it wasn't the nervousness of the Champions League semi-finals that caused De Jong to strike so hard, but Li Cha himself!

Don't say anything else, just say that when any new players join, they always have to chat with old players, right?He has to fit in with the team, doesn't he?What did the old players talk to him about?No need to ask, it must be Li Cha!How Richard kicked Padu, how he punched Vieira, how he pulled Diarra to the side of the bus to face the thief, and how he was rational and calm in front of Zixin.Slowly, when everyone is talking about Li Cha, newcomers will think that Li Cha is very cool, plus Li Cha's pre-war mobilization is very coquettish, Burleigh is a rough team, These have given new players a wrong idea, that is, don't be afraid of fouls, don't care how hard you are, as long as you stop the opponent's attack, you are good! [

It can even be said that the small tricks used by Li Cha directly led to the occurrence of this incident. Li Cha played tricks at the press conference as always, broadcasting all the voices at the press conference live to the entire locker room, and the number of times De Jong started this season In a few cases, the breath that has been holding back will definitely be vented on the court!

But now Richard can't correct De Jong, he must let De Jong continue to be fierce on the court, otherwise the blow to De Jong will be immeasurable, if even the head coach does not support him, then the players will immediately feel lonely , Richard absolutely does not allow this to happen.


Fourth official.When the line referees all rushed into the field, the riot was finally stopped with everyone's efforts. The next second, the referee appeared in front of the dispersed players of the two teams.

"Gerrard!" The referee made a 'come' gesture at Gerrard, and then Gerrard walked towards the referee.The referee took out the yellow card without hesitation!

Liverpool exploded on the spot, and the old kop fans even threw the drink bottle directly on the pitch!

It may be that the scene was too chaotic, the referee also became mentally disabled, and only when the Liverpool players surrounded him did he raise a yellow card to Vermaelen.

The Liverpool players, who had been appeased a little, finally relaxed a little, because they knew that this time the matter was not over, and what the referee did now was to play [-] rebounds each.

beep! !

The referee's whistle sounded again.Immediately afterwards, Merdesacker and Hyypia were called over at the same time, and the referee raised yellow cards at both of them!

Alves has been hiding behind the crowd, he has already received a yellow card, and he has been at the forefront in the conflict just now, if the referee gives him a yellow card at this time, he will have two yellow cards and one red end.

In the blink of an eye, four yellow cards were sent out by the referee.The players on both sides are finally being honest, and the result of the quarrel may be that the main central defender and the captain are sent off together, so what a fart!

The referee stared at the four people in front of him. After giving four yellow cards, he still felt a little unsafe, and began to warn directly: "This is a stadium, and I will never allow any stadium violence to happen here. Did you all hear clearly? ?

"But..." As soon as Gerald spoke, the referee stared back at Gerald's next words with his eyes, which made Gerrard very depressed, but he didn't dare to continue to argue with the referee.

"Listen, I saw the ball very clearly just now. De Jong did touch the ball first and tackled Finnan. The result is not you, understand?" The referee continued: "You must calm down. Otherwise, each of you will be given a red card!"

Hearing this, Gerrard glared at De Jong, those eyes seemed to be breathing fire!

De Jong, who was blocked by Li Cha, shrank his head a little. Obviously, he was frightened by what he did and the scene on the court.But standing behind Li Cha, he could feel a sense of security, because standing in front of him was a man with a very strong aura!

After the referee persuaded the players of the two teams to leave, Li Cha took advantage of the remaining time to look at De Jong, and opened his mouth to say something that even Keane couldn't imagine: "Don't-he-mother-show up in such a useless appearance In front of my eyes!" Li Cha grabbed De Jong's collar and said, "De Jong, I must tell you that what you did just now was wrong!" Li Cha took a look and was sure that only his own people were around before he whispered Said: "The ball just now must be a foul, and you can even be given a red card! Even if you are suspended for 8 months, I think it is normal!"

"But! As a man, you shouldn't put on that look. I'll give you two choices now, either, apologize to the world like Cantona did, or make this fierceness your style, on Whether it is Keane or Gattuso, take this as your goal in this life to develop on the court, be stubborn to the end, and refuse to admit your mistakes! At that time, you can have your leg broken on the court, but you must not complain, The only thing we can do is wait for the injury to recover when we meet the enemy!" Li Cha could only say this, otherwise don't expect De Jong to show any defensive ability. [

"Listen well, I only allow you to hide behind my back once. After this time, you have to bear the burden of the wind and rain, because this is your own choice! Now, tell me your answer, butcher or admit your mistake?"

De Jong looked at Li Cha, he could imagine the importance of this choice.At that moment, De Jong was no longer timid, but straightened up, raised his head, and said with firm eyes: "Butcher!"

Li Cha nodded, and before he could say anything, the referee rushed over: "Nidell De Jong, you must pay attention to your scale, if I find you..."

"I understand." De Jong didn't wait for the referee to finish speaking, he walked out from behind Li Cha, and stepped into the court quietly by himself.

What greeted him was the hateful eyes of the Liverpool players, those burning eyes full of blood.

De Jong is no longer hesitant at this moment, this is his way, hated by outsiders like Gattuso and Keane, but it is an indispensable way for the team.

Li Cha clenched his fists and muttered in a low voice: "Don't give a red card. Don't give a red card!"

The referee ran back to the field, caught up to De Jong and raised a yellow card to him, but De Jong ran back to his position as if he didn't see it. At this moment, Burleigh's defense line except for Yaya Toure and Baines outside.Collectively yellow.When the Liverpool players were about to rush over again, they were pulled back by Gerrard, no matter what the game had to continue!

Benitez yelled at the fourth official who had just walked back: "Why is it a yellow card? Based on the actions just now, it would not be too much for De Jong to be shot on the spot!"

The fourth official looked at Benitez quietly and said, "The referee is not a judge, Mr. Benitez."

Benitez's eyes were bloodshot and he said threateningly, "Are you sure you said that?"

"Of course." The fourth official replied calmly.

"Choose off the legs of those dogs!" Benitez shouted angrily into the stadium.


The referee let the game go on.Liverpool's first Brazilian, Aurelio, came off the bench, and Gerrard and Aurelio stood at the free kick spot at the same time.


After another whistle, Gerrard ran fast and kicked the ball hard...


De Jong, who was standing on the wall, was knocked down directly, and the football didn't go to the goal at all. Gerrard just kicked De Jong for a reasonable and legal way.This is Liverpool's revenge.

De Jong was hit on the chest by this violent volley, and he fell down like inertia, feeling the tightness in his chest while thinking about Li Cha's words: "Either apologize, or become a tribute to Kean, Gattuso People like that!"

"I want to be Keane, I can't say anything, I'm a tough guy on the court, Burleigh, I need a butcher besides Diarra!!"

Vermaelen came over.He asked with concern: "Are you okay?" [

De Jong, who had finally recovered his breath, slowly sat up from the ground, staring at his eyes and said: "It's okay!"

"Be careful, these guys may plan to retaliate against you, take the ball for nothing." This is Vermaelen's advice to De Jong.

De Jong nodded, and got up as if nothing happened, the pain in his chest did not make him show the slightest change.

If he doesn't say it, who knows he's in pain?

De Jong stood in the midfield as hard as a rock. When Adler kicked the ball out of the baseline and Sissoko stole the ball into Burleigh's half, the tough guy rushed over like a whirlwind.Started another press for the Liverpool people!

De Jong, who stood one after another with Sissoko, didn't care how fierce the opponent's eyes were, and completely ignored anyone's foot stretching and directly intercepted the ball.

Sissoko was stunned. He felt that De Jong in front of him was a lunatic. This kick did not mean to stop the ball at all, just a look of "can't touch the ball."Just step on your feet' momentum.

Taking advantage of the moment when Sissoko was stunned, De Jong quickly poked the ball away, then turned around and poked the ball to Yaya Toure!

Toure dribbled the ball in quickly, and he was not afraid of Gerrard coming over to fight his body. Even Gerrard's small movements because of his anger could not interfere with the strong Yaya Toure.The moment the midfield monster brought the ball to Liverpool's half, it was quickly passed to Quaresma. Quaresma didn't dare to delay, and sent the ball to Van Persie at the front of the penalty area with lightning speed.

Hyypia stopped in front of Van Persie in an instant, but he didn't expect Van Persie to go to the left and shoot a long shot directly outside the penalty area.

Reina reacted very quickly and threw himself to the right, hitting the ball out of the baseline with a single punch the moment he vacated.

The Burleigh players immediately overwhelmed halftime, and when Merdesacker appeared in the Liverpool penalty area again, Quaresma took the ball out with a kick.

Hyypia's air defense ability is too strong, he even squeezed Merdesacker to push the ball out of the penalty area.

De Jong took the ball in the midfield, and Torres rushed over just as he was advancing towards Liverpool's backcourt. Torres directly knocked De Jong down with a fierce collision...


The referee's whistle sounded, but he didn't play a card to Torres, but warned: "I declare again, this is also the last time, you must pay attention to your scale, do you understand!"

Torres walked back to the half with an expression on his face. At this moment, he won the applause of all Liverpool fans.

Li Cha looked at De Jong who silently retreated to the center line and stood in front of the defender, and felt that De Jong was a bit lonely at the moment.

"Nider! Maybe you are not the best, but I believe you can be the most ruthless! But before that, you have to learn to bear! If you are a writer, you have to bear the abuse from readers; if you are a Worker. You have to bear the humiliation from the leader; if you are a man, you have to bear the incomprehension and unscrupulousness from your family; Others don't accept it, because it's your choice!"

Li Cha roared loudly.Everything that De Jong is going through, he has been through, they feel the same, so he can understand De Jong.

This is the case with De Jong in history. He completed the 'broken leg hat-trick' at a young age.Some Dutch blacks even laughed at the Dutch team and said, "De Jong is bright, no matter how you hide, you will have a broken leg; Van Bommel is dirty, whether you are violated depends on his mood." 'Some even joked that De Jong and Pepe are the 'psychotic twin stars' of Serie A and La Liga.De Jong is actually such a player. You can see that De Jong's defense will never have the feeling of anticipating the enemy, let alone the elegance of stealing the ball. The reason why he can stabilize the position of the main midfielder of the Dutch national team is because He is ruthless!

on the pitch.Ruthless means deterrence. Keane is ruthless enough, so he can deter all Manchester United opponents; Gattuso is ruthless enough. Existence), this is the doomed survival rule of their type of midfielder.

Of course, such players will also be punished.For example, the opponent's unscrupulous violations, such as the referee's focus on guarding, etc., the frequent injuries and red cards of Keane and Gattuso have proved this point.

De Jong understood Li Cha's words, and when he stood alone in the midfield, he had the aura of being a man in charge!

Don't look at Torres daring to run into De Jong when he was holding the ball, but when Burleigh took a free kick and was intercepted by Gerrard and gave the ball to Torres again, when Torres faced De Jong, Torres quickly chose In order to give the ball to Dirk Dirk!

He didn't dare to face De Jong head-on anymore, he was afraid that he would be hated for his confrontation with De Jong just now, what if this lunatic sent himself off the field with a red card and a subsequent suspension?At that time, during the suspension period, people will comfortably go out to clubs, girls and wives.Lying on the hospital bed and humming?

This is the importance of having a butcher. Richard followed De Jong's development line and completely fabricated him into a court killer.

beep! ! !

The final whistle blew after a tumultuous first-half, when Kevin Drivet was forced by Baynes to take the ball out of bounds, and it was a game that was sure to be the talk of the town in England.

Outside the locker room, Li Cha left De Jong at the door.

"Are you cool?" Li Cha asked with an expression on his face: "When the opponent is too scared to even take the ball in front of you. Didn't you feel a little bit of surprise and excitement in the fear of breaking someone's ankle? "

De Jong was stunned, he did feel this way at the last moment of the first half!

"That's what a butcher feels like...but you have to understand that the 'butcher' is the 'player' behind the butcher, have you ever seen Keane stay on the pitch after a vicious tackle on someone's leg? ?This time is your luck, what about the next time? Is Burleigh ready to deal with 10 vs 11 as soon as he puts you on the field? Do you know why I support you on the sidelines of the green field? Why do you learn to bear it? Because You can't spend your whole life on the court relying on tackling other people's legs, your legs are not made of iron after all!"

Butcher's path can be said to be the most difficult path among players. If he is not well trained, the player's heart will be distorted. From then on, when he sees anyone holding the ball, the first thing he thinks of is the opponent's ankle!

"Don't look at me with such puzzled eyes, I'm just telling you what a butcher player is. This kind of player is just relying on the deterrence of his reputation to increase his defensive aura, but they are on the court. Most of the time, I still rely on my own defensive skills! You can say that Gattuso tackles fiercely, but you can never say that Gattuso always thinks about letting the team doctor lift the opponent off the field every time. This is the butcher-type player and butcher. the difference!"

"De Jong, what were you doing when you snatched Sissoko for the last time? You're going to step on his feet, don't think I didn't see it! And you-he-fuck-did it on purpose again!" Richard gasped After taking a breath, he said: "Remember, butchers are not idiots on the court. They are likely to do anything unexpected in a flash of their brains. However, most of the time they are defending methodically. They may shovel someone from the back for a single blow. I was sent off, but it saved the team, and most of this behavior happened at the end of the game, not the beginning. Needle, you need to learn to analyze the situation on the court and learn to understand what is going on. The situation requires your fierceness, and in any situation you only need to defend normally."

"Boss..." De Jong said with his head down: "Boss, no one has ever told me so much. Ajax's coaches have always told me 'You can only survive on the court if you are fierce.' So, I learned that the more I compete in competitions, the more vicious I will be..."

Li Cha continued: "Hey, hey, hey! De Jong looked at me, looked into my eyes. Viciousness and immorality are two concepts. Viciousness is style, and immorality is character. They cannot be confused. Saying that you send people off is called viciousness, and viciousness is simply to make people afraid of you and lead to fear in front of you. You have achieved this effect, and even Torres dare not break through from your front. From now on, use what you have learned Defensive skills for me to defend, clean, can you do it?"

De Jong nodded.

"That's right, remember, no one in Burleigh blames you for anything." Li Cha now wants to beat Ajax's defensive coach to death, and he finds that De Jong is a very simple person. Can affect him to the point!

Immediately afterwards, both Li Cha and De Jong walked into the locker room. After comforting De Jong, Li Cha said: "Guys, you did a great job in the first half! In the second half, I ask you to be more decisive in attacking, Yaya - Toure, I allow you to step up and assist in the next game, you don't have to worry about the defense, De Jong can handle it."

After setting up the tactics, Li Cha walked out of the locker room. Beckenbauer might be before the game... Otherwise, even if there were eight De Jong, they would have been sent off for that collective foul, right? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

ps: There were too many monthly tickets yesterday, and most of them were wiped out. It seems that there are more than 30 chapters, so I will not fill in the name. In short, thank you all.

And brothers who threw evaluation votes, De also thank you.

In addition, I would like to thank Frenzied Angel for the tip, brother Lu Cheng for the 588, thank you for the tip of Walking in the Dust, thank Xiao Yuyu for the tip, and brother You Hui for the 588, thank you all!

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