my name is ferguson

Chapter 462 Come!

bump!In the chaos, no one could see who made the first move. In short, the moment Evra wanted to take Ferdinand away, he was punched to the ground in the chaos. , All martial arts were immediately staged on the entire green field!

Rooney, who learned boxing, was the first to join the battle group. After Evra was knocked down, he punched Vermaelen directly on the cheek in turns. Before he could react, he was beaten and staggered to the side, and finally sat down on the court... Yaya Toure immediately became angry when he saw Vermaelen being beaten, raised his leg, aimed at Rooney and kicked In the past, he kicked Rooney's left arm with his spiked kick. If the foot that can blast the world wave starts to kick people, the power is absolutely extraordinary. Rooney was thrown sideways by this kick. When he fell, the court was already in a mess.

Van Persie fell Evra, who had just gotten up, to the ground; Vidic clamped Messi's head with his arms, and Messi couldn't move like a puppet; Alves and Carrick wrestled together and kept rolling on the lawn ... The scene was extremely chaotic! ! !

As soon as the players fought, the die-hard Burleigh fans couldn't stay in the stands anymore. Some drunken militants began to frequently attack the defense line jointly arranged by the Scottish police and the Manchester City Police. Immediately after that, a gap appeared in the stands of the stadium, and a small group of fans rushed towards the gathering area of ​​Manchester United fans with bottles in their hands. After a loud bang of 'pop', the favorite Manchester United fans who had been scolding in the Manchester United camp stopped shouting.A sense of dizziness forced him to shut up!

"Hahaha, damn it. Are you finally willing to shut up? I smell worse than my ass!" [

"Brothers! Fuck them!!!!"

The Burleigh fans rushed over, and this group of guys who had been drunk for a long time jumped to the Manchester United fans' camp through the human defense line set up by the police. It was a hearty rush! ! !

When Ferguson saw this scene, he was completely stunned. It wasn't that he lost his concentration, but that this conflict was likely to cause a fatal blow to Manchester United. A general tragedy at Leigh Stadium, then.Everything that Ferguson has worked so hard to build at Manchester United will immediately collapse. His glory and pride will disappear with this tragedy, and what will be left behind will only be a lifetime of infamy, because the initiator of this tragedy is Manchester United. Greaves!

The old man stretched out his hand to cover his chest with difficulty.He felt a little out of breath, and the tingling pain in his chest made him feel his whole chest tighten: "Ha...ha..." The old man took a big breath, wanting to get out of this world. When I was drawing some more oxygen, my eyes suddenly went dark, and the Yang side wanted to fall backwards!


A roar from the Manchester United coaching staff attracted Li Cha's attention. Li Cha ignored the violence on the pitch and in the stands, and rushed to the Manchester United coaching area first.Everyone in Manchester United's coaching staff knows about the relationship between Richard and Ferguson, so naturally no one will stop him, even if the players on both sides fight to the death, the relationship between Richard and Ferguson cannot be changed.

"Heart attack!" Li Cha rushed into Manchester United's coaching area and checked it carefully, and immediately concluded this conclusion, and then said to Manchester United's team doctor: "What the fuck are you doing in a daze! Hurry to the hospital! "

Manchester United's assistant coach rushed over at this moment and said: "There is no Sir Alex present. How can this riot be stopped?"

Li Cha glared at the protagonist of Manchester United and said: "Can he stop the chaos at Old Trafford in this way? You are talking nonsense. The iconic "man" of Manchester United is about to die on the pitch, don't you think?" Attend his funeral tomorrow!"

Manchester United's assistant coach was taken aback.It is impossible to imagine Manchester United without Ferguson. Afterwards, Manchester United's team doctor quickly carried Sir Alex on a stretcher and carried him out along the player tunnel.

Li Cha looked at the more "chaotic" stadium, he suddenly remembered the fan "riot" that he and Gaza faced fairly when he just came to this world, the bloody scene is still vivid in his memory , he must never let this happen again, that kind of disaster must never happen again, never!

At that moment, Richard single-handedly walked towards the area where the riots were strongest, the North Stand of Old Trafford, that is, the location that will be named the Alex Ferguson Stand in the future, where the riots were serious. In the area, Burleigh fans are having fierce conflicts with Manchester United fans. People continue to roll off the stands, and the police are caught in the middle.

Li Cha couldn't control that much anymore, he ran across the entire stadium while wearing leather shoes, crossed the billboard directly, and rushed directly to the stands.


In Li Cha's heart, his own danger is far less important than stopping this riot, because he cannot personally destroy Ferguson's painstaking efforts over the years.


Li Cha roared like a tiger, but amidst the scolding of all the people, Li Cha's voice didn't have any effect at all, and he didn't hold a microphone!

At the critical moment, Li Cha turned his heart and stepped on the steps of Old Trafford to rush upward step by step. When he rushed to the area where the fans had the most conflict, he instantly stretched out his hand...

The fan holding a wine bottle that had smashed the bottom and completely exposed the sharp part was about to stab the bottle into the eyes of the Manchester United fans with a murderous face. At that moment, he was already drinking Under the urging of the effect, the consciousness began to blur. The only thought in my mind was to shut up all the guys in the red jerseys. In order to accomplish this goal, I even sent them to see God!However, at the moment of his deadly attack, he found that his technique had moved forward, because a force completely stopped his forward movement, and when he turned his head, the Burleigh fans who were about to yell at him took a look. The person who stopped him was Li Cha, who immediately changed the cursing into a very bad tone of inquiry: "What are you doing! I want to beat up these damned Manchester United people!!" [

"Rocky!!!" Li Cha accurately called out the name of the fan, because this fan had made great contributions to Burleigh.Not only did he work for the Burleigh construction site for free, he was even a member of the glory stands of Burleigh’s new stadium: “Do you know what will happen to you if you do this? There is a person standing opposite. A living person, as long as you move Hand, after killing this guy, it is equivalent to destroying two families with his own hands!!! "

Lodge said in a hazy state: "some-people-beleve-footbll-s--mtter-of-lfe-n-eth,-m-very-spponte-wth-tht-tttue-n-ssure-you -ts-muh, muh-more-mportnt-thn-tht."

This is the original sentence of the famous Shankly's classic saying "Football is about life and death, but higher than life and death". However, Li Cha's hearing was harsher, this sentence is really true, if someone is so sure of the correctness of this sentence.Li Cha really wanted to grab that person's hair and send them to the graves of those who died in the "fan riot" to see if they could still shout out this classic line!



Li Cha grabbed the wine bottle and kicked Rocky off the stands. Rocky was in the penultimate quarter of the stands. When he rolled down, he immediately lay down on the ground and started to vomit. Obviously, he drank Too much, too much wine.

"Stop for me!"

Snapped! ! !

Li Cha slammed the half of the wine bottle in his hand to the ground.Immediately afterwards, he rushed upwards crazily by himself. In his eyes, there were no fans wearing Manchester United or Burleigh jerseys. Anyone who wanted to continue to fight had to pass him first!

He is like a fierce tiger, as long as he sees the crowd being torn together, he will immediately rush up, grab one of them regardless of right or wrong, and punch down hard.Then kick the other down with one foot.Burleigh fans will instinctively stop all actions after seeing Li Cha, because Li Cha's position in their hearts will always be unshakable, but the Manchester United fans are different, the opposing head coach rushed up to beat someone For a while, countless Manchester United fans began to control the scene...

Li Cha conveniently took out of the pocket of a Scotland Yard police officer.Grabbed a real pistol, then opened the safety and pulled the trigger repeatedly at the feet of the surging Manchester United fans!

bump!bump!bump! ! ! !

The sound of the pistol firing woke up all the drunk fans.At that moment, Li Cha looked around at everyone with a pistol that was still emitting green smoke, and shouted: "Come on! Everyone come and see if I dare to shoot!!!"

The Manchester United fans standing in the front row leaned back hard under the crowd at the back. They wanted to show the message that walking forward was not their own will.Who doesn't know that Li Cha is a lunatic? Who doesn't know that he dares to fight football hooligans in a bar? If this lunatic is angered, maybe he really dares to hit you all!

"Do you think it's as simple as a fight? Do you think you can vent your anger on the players on the field? How many of you have experienced real fan riots!! Ah !!!!!!”

Li Cha took the lead to grab a Burleigh fan, grabbed his shirt with one hand and said, "You were so fierce just now, I felt you knocked down two Manchester United fans...but now you-he- Damn, look back!!! Look at those fathers who brought their children to watch the game, look at those girls who like football, tell me, once you cause riots, can they be in your Standing in the crowd? If they fall to the ground, what kind of scene will they face? How many lives will be taken away by the stampede of nearly 10 people? The child behind you is only ten years old at most, and your son is ten years old. You-he-mother doesn’t deserve a son!!!”

Li Cha kicked the Burleigh fans to sit on the spot, and then grabbed a young man wearing a Manchester United jersey but smelling of alcohol from the Manchester United fans camp. This young man was seventeen at most He was eight years old, but his forehead was covered with blood, and he was in this state just now to attack Burleigh's camp.

"You can fight well, so why don't you join the army? Why don't you become a boxer and bring back a few gold belts for England from the United States. Is it interesting to beat the fans here? You know, these fans are probably Gary has a child like you, and may even be the pillar of the family!" Li Cha held his head and pushed him to the ground, the youth fans wanted to struggle, but Li Cha directly hit him with the butt of his gun. On his forehead: "Look, look at what is in front of you!"

A filial son about seven or eight years old was lying on the ground, looking at him pitifully with a face full of dirt, but the small space around the child and the crowded flow of people couldn't make him stand up.

"You tell me, tell me now, what the hell will he do if there is a riot? Will he be trampled to death by your dirty feet? He may be the greatest scientist in the world, or he may be the prime minister of England, what do you want? kill the future leader of your own country?"

After Li Cha threw the two people down, he immediately raised his pistol and shouted angrily: "Who wants to beat me? If you don't kill all of you scum one by one, I won't call Li Ferguson! Come on!!!!!!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, mobile phone users, please go to read

ps: I went, only to find that the order of the chapters was written wrong again, depressed, how dare I make any low-level mistakes [

I'm an idiot! ! !

Again, I would like to sincerely apologize to everyone. I have already made a mistake, so I can only continue to make mistakes. I'm sorry, everyone, I'm sorry.

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