my name is ferguson

Chapter 484 Two Glittering Words


In the sixth round of the spn Premier League, the high-profile English derby finally broke out. Burleigh went to Stamford Bridge to fight against Chelsea. Manchester United played Liverpool for the first time this season. Arsenal and Tottenham created a north London derby. A level of Everton, this weekend's exciting games kept all the England fans at home, they stared at Sky Sports, playing one game after another, Sky Sports' ratings time and time again Improvement... When Burleigh came to Stamford Bridge wearing a red away jersey at [-]:[-] p.m. to prepare for a life-and-death matchup with Chelsea, who had changed coach Scolari, the ratings of Sky Sports reached their peak in an instant.

The explosive growth of ratings did not surprise Sky Sports, they are used to it, as long as there is a Burleigh game, it will almost always be like this, Richard off the pitch, Ronaldinho on the pitch, one of the hottest players in today's football If the combination of these two people can not attract the ratings, then Sky Sports will not be close for a few days.The ratings of this game have been overwhelming since half an hour ago, and the audience seems unwilling to give up any analysis from the commentators, especially when Martin invited the famous football star Robson to come as a guest commentator before this round of the league , Fans pay more attention to the pre-match analysis results, which is very helpful for them to place bets.

"Mr. Robson, I would like to ask, do you think there is a gap between Burleigh and Chelsea in terms of player comparison?" Martin asked in a modest manner.

Robson smiled very gentlemanly and said: "In fact, Burleigh and Chelsea are two very interesting teams. In the second year after Abramovich bought Chelsea, Richard became Burleigh's head coach and "chairman". The defeat was still replayed on TV; Immediately afterwards, Mourinho became the head coach of Chelsea, Richard successfully led the team to upgrade to League One, Mourinho became the Premier League champion of the year and won the English League Cup; after that, Mourinho achieved his prestige with England's two consecutive championships, and Richard led Burleigh to the British Championship! Just when Mourinho was about to complete the three consecutive championships, because of the conflict with Abramovich He was sacked, Richard became the semi-finals of the Premier League in his first season in the Premier League, and Manchester United took the Champions League. Burleigh won the FA Cup and the Champions League.”

"Judging from the initial results of these two teams, Chelsea is very much like the leader who has always been in the lead. Burleigh is chasing after Chelsea. No matter how hard they chase, they can't catch up, because they are far behind. Level, Chelsea had already stood on the top of the fifth floor, while Burleigh was still slowly climbing the stairs on the fourth floor. But when Burleigh appeared on the top of the building, the situation was different. After Mourinho left Chelsea We only won one League Cup, which is not a bit worse than the FA Cup and the UEFA Champions League trophy. If you compare it in terms of honor, Chelsea lost completely last season.”[

Robson's analysis is very thorough. Every honor has its own importance in the hearts of fans in England.The FA Cup used to be the best trophy in the world, followed by the Premier League champions. Now the mentality of England fans has changed. The first is the Champions League, and then the FA Cup.Followed by the Premier League champions, the League Cup is not ranked at all.From the point of view of honor.Burleigh did beat Chelsea last season.

"But from the perspective of player comparison, this is not the case at all. You said Burleigh has the Dutch spiritual striker Van Persie, and Scolari has the barbaric representative Drogba; you said Burleigh has Ribery and Messi, Chelsea also have Malouda and Joe Cole; you said that Burleigh has Diarra and Yaya Toure, Chelsea also has Essien and Mikel; even Burleigh has Ronaldo Ronaldinho, Chelsea can also bring out Lampard. These players may have a gap in fame now, but they are partly equal in strength. The only difference lies in the relationship between Ronaldinho and Lampard In contrast, perhaps, Ronaldinho is stronger."

Robson was very cautious in every word he said, and tried not to leave opportunities for TV audiences to criticize him, because England fans are the same as Chinese netizens, once they want to criticize someone, it is basically reasonable.

"Leave the players aside, we're talking about the head coach. Scolari must be a world-class coach. Richard just won the European Champions Cup. In terms of fame, he must be world-class. But in terms of strength, I'm afraid he hasn't shown enough to overwhelm Sri Lanka. Scolari's results, at least he does not have the support of the Premier League champions, but Scolari has the World Cup, and he has already won the World Cup, so let me compare the gap between the two teams in terms of personnel allocation, I can only say yes Between equals, if you ask me who will win this derby, the only thing I can say is that it depends on the performance of both players."

After listening to this, Martin muttered in his heart: "Old fox, you will never offend anyone in your life!"

Of course he didn’t dare to say it clearly, except for fans and netizens, who in this circle would dare to call old Robson a living fossil of English football older than Ferguson: “Mr. Robson has done for everyone It is a wonderful analysis. As for how to judge, you can decide for yourself. I would like to advise friends who like gambling here, just play a little bit. After all, the environment in Europe is not very good now. In addition to the thriving city, it is also in the vortex of financial crisis. Everyone, I once had the experience of being locked out by my wife for a whole night after losing a whole month's salary in gambling. Only the wild dogs on the road will know, hahahaha."

"Now, we will send a live copy to the press conference site. The press conference hall at Stamford Bridge must have prepared everything. Dear viewers, please watch the wonderful press conference."

All of Li Cha's new press conferences are very attractive, especially Li Cha's destructive remarks. Do not hesitate.In England, except for Richard's slight restraint when facing Ferguson, any other head coach has suffered a big loss in Richard's hands. This is not just lip service, even Ancelotti lost his job because of it.

The scene of the press conference.Li Cha and Scolari sat together on the "chairman" stage at the press conference, and many reporters in the audience carried long guns and short cannons and frequently pointed at the two coaches and fanned the flashlights.Chelsea's press officer hadn't finished his opening speech, and the reporters in the audience were in a mess. Anyway, this is not Burleigh's home court, and no one cares about the rules.

"Mr. Scolari, may I ask how you feel when facing Mr. Richard, who is known as the miraculous head coach, do you have the confidence to win?"

Scolari glanced at the reporter and said: "Confidence is very important. Leading the current Chelsea, I have the confidence to win any team. But don't forget, this season Chelsea just bought Just one Malouda. And Burleigh invested a full 7500 million. They buried the once world footballer and now the best player in the world, Ronaldinho. Fortunately, I was in the 2002 World Cup Ronaldinho has been coached, he is the kind of player who can create a goal if there is any chance, so our focus in this game is to completely limit Ronaldinho, if we can limit Ronaldinho Dinho, then I will be more confident."

Li Cha smiled at the side and said nothing. On the surface, the core of Burleigh is indeed Ronaldinho, but both wings of Burleigh are important figures who have become the core of the rich in history!

To limit Ronaldinho is to limit Burleigh, are you kidding?

Out of respect for Scolari, Richard did not retort.After all, this old coach once made Ronaldo play at his peak, especially in the World Cup when the aliens faced Turkey. He was double-teamed by four defensive players. Although he was close, the pressure was very strong.At such a moment, Ronaldo can choose to score with a poke, except for his own talent.Scolari's correct guidance must have contributed.

With Scolari's correct guidance and the honor of the World Cup, Ronaldo has already stood at the same height as Zidane, but in the hearts of fans, Ronaldo has always been worse than Zidane. The reason is, It is because Ronaldo has not won the club's highest honor, the European Champions Cup.

Whether it is Ronaldo or Zidane, it is a blessing to be able to cultivate one, not to mention that Scolari dared to let the fledgling Ronaldinho play the leading role in a competition like the World Cup, which is even more surprising.The Ronaldinho back then is completely incomparable to the present, there is no hidden pass, and there is no perfect position. In Ligue [-], Ronaldinho relies more on his elf-like extraordinary skills and is well known by Ligue [-] fans. Under such circumstances, the Brazilian media's positioning of Ronaldinho is at most another Denilson in Brazil. Of course, Ronaldinho later embarked on a completely different path from Denilson and became a world superstar.

This kind of Scolari is worthy of respect. Even if he coached Portugal, which lost its golden generation, his results were not ugly. Therefore, he is fully qualified to say the above remarks, because Abramovich has invested in weight loss this season and Mourinho's generosity is completely unequal.

Abramovich is indeed very strange. The head coach he hired may be able to form a team, but the head coach he is willing to spend the most money must be Mourinho. In terms of transfer investment or club investment, Mourinho The Chelsea of ​​Rinho's timing is completely different from the Chelsea of ​​other coaches. When Mourinho was in office, it was normal for Abramovich to invest 7000 million or 8000 million. Yes to Scolari.

In history, Scolari only bought right-back Bosingwa in Chelsea. Malouda was not his main force to bring in, so Scolari, who coached Chelsea, had a classic saying to counter all those who said he was not good. The media, that is: "Mourinho won two Premier League titles for Chelsea with 800 million yuan, why do you ask me to exchange Chelsea for a Premier League trophy with only [-] million yuan"[

Thinking about it, it is true. After Bosingwa moved to Chelsea for 800 million, Abramovich tightened his purse strings. Scolari could only stare blankly at the lack of money. At that time, Scolari was indeed not familiar with Chelsea. It is completely impossible for him to play good results at the fastest speed.Lippi went to Evergrande and had to go through many 20-30 minute substitutions in the first half to understand the team. Why did he ask Scolari so much?

Having said that, the reporters are no longer shooting at Scolari, they feel that Scolari is pitiful.

The conversation turned around, and all the media pointed at Richard and asked: "Mr. Richard, you are facing the giants Chelsea. Are you sure you will win?"

This is called doing nothing!

Scolari explained the gap between the two sides with investment, and now you are still asking Richard the same question.If Li Cha wants to continue to talk about devotion, then he can call it cheap and act like a good boy. Some evil people say it’s okay, but if you say it, it’s called bullying.

Li Cha tapped the table twice with his fingers, and then said very calmly: "Scolari is a world-class coach, Abramovich is my good friend, former Chelsea coach Mourinho is my best friend, what do you think?" Let me say something to belittle Chelsea no. That's impossible! I'll even tell you that the former Chelsea fireman Grant was a commendable manager. But I will say one more thing, that Burleigh was never afraid of any The team. We were not afraid of any big clubs in the lower leagues, Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea!"

"The key point is that I would like to ask the reporter just now, what do you use to distinguish a rich team from an ordinary team? Burleigh also has a century-old history, and even any old club in England has a century-old history; The FA Cup is ours; we also have two League Cups; we even have a Champions League trophy, and a UEFA Super Cup! In addition to the Premier League champions, the Club World Cup, and the Community Shield Cup. We have already won the low-level All the champions who have been promoted to the top league in the league, why do you still not recognize Burleigh as a giant under such circumstances? Come on, I'd love to hear what you'll call Burleigh then!"

The majestic words were spoken forcefully by Li Cha. He really didn't understand the reporter's distinction between rich, strong, underdog, elevator and other teams.Especially the rich and powerful.Burleigh was a dark horse last season, Li Cha recognized it, who made them the newly promoted? But this season, Burleigh was still placed in a weaker position by reporters, Li Cha was a little unhappy, this is not after winning the Champions League of expansion.It's a shrew-like mother who absolutely does not allow anyone to say that her child is worse than others!

After saying this, Li Cha immediately got up.Holding the microphone, he said: "Everyone, I am waiting for your new name for Burleigh after the end of the season. Goodbye!"

After Li Cha dropped the microphone with a 'bang' sound, the entire press conference hall suddenly became "chaotic", and they didn't understand what Li Cha meant.

what new name


Is this Li Cha's announcement of a wealthy family?

Why Burleigh!

Isn't it just a Champions League!He has won the Champions League once, and he dared to announce the declaration of a wealthy family without even the Premier League title. He is crazy again

Why do you say it? Because Li Cha has gotten used to it like crazy!

The reporters wanted to pick out more faults on Burleigh, but at the moment they picked the faults, they found that they no longer had the confidence that they had in previous years.A few years ago, Burleigh had a small population, and even being promoted to the Premier League required fans of the Red Rebels. what?

Burleigh's population exploded by millions almost overnight!

What is the concept of millions of people in England

In addition to London, Liverpool and Manchester, there are several cities in England with millions of people

Speaking of urban construction, Richard has transformed Burleigh into a top city in England almost by himself. Even though Burleigh has no port and is not the capital, the influx of millions of people and the continuous expansion of various buildings have made Burleigh The city is moving closer to the top four rankings of British cities! ! !

At this moment, all the reporters understood one thing, Li Cha did so much not only to make money for himself, but also for that glittering title—rich family! [

Ferguson has worked hard all his life for the bull 13 he boasted about, while Richard has invested enough money to enjoy several lifetimes for these two words.

At this time, who can say that Burleigh is a small city? Who dares to question Richard's declaration of a wealthy family? ! !

Li Cha walked into the locker room and looked at all the players who were laughing. At this moment, he said to all the players with a serious face: "Five years ago, we could be a pile of garbage, because I was also at that time, but five years ago After two years, I will absolutely not allow these two words to be applied to us. Not only will I not allow anyone to say that we are rubbish, I will not even allow anyone to dare to underestimate us. I don’t care what you play for. , and no matter how much you achieve in the future, today, just today, at this very second, I want you to make a promise, I want you to promise me, this season, work hard for the giants!!!”

"I need you to do your best to win every game. I need you to do your best to come up with a perfect season. At this moment when our staffing, club facilities, and fans' emotions are at their peak, bring Our crown, this crown is not a certain English champion, not the European Champions Cup champion, but the two words of all the champions gathered together, the two words of the golden glittering giants!!!" (To be continued. If you like This work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Mobile phone users, please go to read

ps: Thanks to the Juventus brothers for the rewards, thanks to the kvn brothers for the rewards, and thanks to the Xiao Yuyu brothers for the rewards, thank you Debai.

Thanks to the brothers who voted for six monthly tickets today, thank you for your support, thank you Derby.

Zhuanzhuan, Qian Tao, 33135011, brothers, thank you!

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