my name is ferguson

Chapter 491 Men should learn to take responsibility

Everyone in the room complained at the same time: "That's not the point!"

Li Cha turned his angry face to the crowd and said in a low voice, "I didn't praise him!"

For the moment, the room was quiet.

Li Cha has never been a father in two lifetimes, and he never knew how to take care of his children. Besides, he is surrounded by men who are obsessed with football. Punishment, and only punishment.He didn't know how to educate Balotelli other than that, how to correct his twisted thinking.When today's incident came up, Li Cha was a little worried. He was only 17 years old and wanted to manipulate other people's fate. What will this child become when he grows up?If he really became a superstar, who would be fined if he disobeyed his wishes?One day, I will feel at ease as a chairman and hand over the position of Burleigh head coach to others. At that time, who can control Balotelli?If Balotelli develops well and gains a certain foundation among the fans, then Keane may not be able to hold him down!

Every coach will feel excited about a Balotelli who shines on the court, but a Balotelli who is facing a single-handed thinking about life, dares to take off his clothes to celebrate with two yellow cards on his back in a key game, and voluntarily applies for a one-match suspension Li is a headache for every coach.How Balotelli should develop can be said to be in the mind of Richard. The key is whether Balotelli can break his thoughts during his rebellious period, just like Balotelli broke Tony.

"Principal, since this is the case, I will ask Balotelli to apologize to Fiona first. After all, Balotelli harassed Fiona first, and it was his fault. Then, can you invite Fiona out?" , this is a matter between our two families, can we discuss it and resolve it?"

After listening to Li Cha's words.He smiled arrogantly and contemptuously: "Mr. Li Cha, this is not as simple as football. There are only three endings: losing, drawing, and winning. This incident is bizarre... I can't believe it."

"Fiona was a problem student at Burleigh High School. She was very rebellious and had serious lesbian tendencies. We also discussed this with her parents, but Balotelli actually gave this woman with serious lesbian tendencies to... Lee Mr Cha, Fiona is pregnant."

Li Cha couldn't laugh or cry!

Balotelli said proudly behind Li Cha: "Is this a good thing for me?"

As soon as the voice fell, the five people in the room shouted together: "Shut up!"

Balotelli shrank his neck and stood quietly in the corner with his head lowered, as if he had been wronged.

He thought he did nothing wrong, he was interested in Fiona, and because Fiona was not interested in men, he couldn't express his interest.So he straightened Fiona, even though Tony was sacrificed in it, but he was satisfied... He didn't understand where he was wrong, whether he had murdered and set fire.

Li Cha lowered his voice and said, "Then how does the school plan to solve it?"

"Mr. Li Cha, this is the purpose of calling you here today. I know you are very busy, so let's make a long story short."

"Mr. Richard, Burleigh High School is also a school with a long history. We can allow children to have their own choices, but we don't allow someone to manipulate other people's ideas. Now. Tony and Fiona's parents are very angry , They think that Balotelli has seriously disturbed their lives, and they are unwilling to study in the same school as Balotelli and their children, do you understand?" The principal didn't say much, after all, this It's West, and Balotelli isn't forcing anyone against his will.It's just that two accidents...traffic...traffic...accidents were caused by improper guidance.

Li Cha listened quietly, when the principal said this, he suddenly interjected: "You mean to expel Balotelli?"

"No, Mr. Richard, we feel that the expulsion of Balotelli is a harm to the three children. We hope that Balotelli will withdraw from school by himself. The school will announce that the incident of Balotelli's withdrawal is due to physical reasons. And you , need to pay a fee for Balotelli, after all, Fiona needs an abortion, needs nutritional supplements...and Tony, also needs mental treatment."

He glanced back at Balotelli and said, "Principal, can you continue to let Balotelli study in this school? Even if you give him a probation?"

"'s unlikely. Although Balotelli didn't stay in Burleigh High School for too long, he has become a famous figure in the school. The main striker of the Burleigh High School football team had such a big incident. We cannot explain this to the parents of other children. Mr. Richard, please forgive me, even if my son or daughter is studying in Burleigh High School, I will immediately handle the transfer procedures for them. Who knows if Balotelli will Reach out to them?"

How to do?

It's not like Richard is incapable of transferring Balotelli to another school, but doesn't that mean helping Balotelli escape responsibility indirectly?Who dares to imagine what will become of Balotelli who knows that his guardian will help him escape responsibility?

Turning around, Richard looked at Balotelli and said, "Mario, I have been looking forward to the moment when you grow up, because I look forward to watching you become a man who can take responsibility for his actions , Balotelli like that is great. To become such a man, the first thing you have to do is to see who you are! You are just Mario Balotelli, a man with no strength, no background, no talent 17-year-old boy, that's all!"

"You are not a wealthy playboy, and you are not the illegitimate son of Richard Ferguson!"

Li Cha's words were harsh enough, and almost every sentence poked at Balotelli's sore spots. He was originally an abandoned child.

"Yes, your life is incomplete. You were abandoned by some irresponsible people, but you can't take your pranks on others because of your childhood. Balotelli, this matter Now it's up to you to decide. You can choose to pray to the principal and the other two parents for forgiveness. In this way, I will help you pay the money that should have come back to you, and I will apologize to everyone as your guardian; you can also Choose to apply for expulsion because you have caused harm to others. Even if Tony and Fiona don’t hate you, their parents are already thinking about killing you. No matter what you choose, Balotelli, I hope you Responsibility is the premise. We all make mistakes, but not everyone can choose responsible remedies and sincere apologies after making mistakes."

Richard threw this problem to Balotelli. It is time to remove the umbrella over Balotelli's head. Some players need Richard to help them grow, while some players need him to stand alone. Get out and feel the cruelty of the outside world.Only in this way can the childlike heart grow up.In the Celestial Dynasty, there is a saying that one monkey is tied to the other, and each apprentice has one discipline method. Li Cha has now chosen the best discipline method.

Balotelli looked at Fiona from Li Cha's side. There was no hatred in the eyes of the white girl who was pregnant with her child, and even Tony felt ashamed.On the contrary, Tony and Fiona's parents looked at themselves angrily.As Li Cha said, they have the heart to kill themselves.

Balotelli walked out of Richard's figure and stood in the center of the principal's office, like a general surrounded by people, his face sinking like water.

"Fiona, I really love you, not once, but now. If you choose to be with me, I am willing to bear everything with you. In England, you can get married at the age of 18. At the age of 16 One year old can also apply for marriage with the consent of parents. I am willing to give everything for you. Maybe, maybe one day I will change, maybe I will be moved when I see other women, but I will tell myself at that moment, once There is a woman who gave up everything for me at the age of 17. Of course. If you want to kill this child, I will choose to sincerely apologize to you. It is me who disturbed your life. It is my love for you that makes you Became the one in Burleigh High School who was pointed at. I will borrow money from Mr. Richard to help you abort the child, and then I will take care of you until you recover, even if I have to learn how to take care of you from now on one person."

After saying this, Balotelli did not wait for Fiona's answer, turned to Tony and said, "I'm sorry for sacrificing you for my love, I apologize to you, and I will help you get the best of Burleigh." Psychiatrist, help you correct it, I hope you can forgive me."

"Father Tony, I'm sorry for causing trouble to your family. Whether you sue me or forgive me, I owe you an apology."

"Fiona's mother, I am a person who has been abandoned once. I have used various methods to attract the attention of the world. In fact, it is just because I don't want to be abandoned again. I have no malicious intentions, even if I I have done nasty things because of this, I hope you can forgive me, and I am willing to use all of myself to make up for it."

In the end, Balotelli looked at the principal and said, "Principal, I'm not a good person, but I'm definitely not bad. I believe that my future is worthy of everyone's expectations...I apply to drop out of school!"

Li Cha stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around Balotelli's shoulders. It was the first time he saw Balotelli lower his head so sincerely. At that moment, he finally waited for Balotelli to grow up.Maybe this child couldn't fully grow up because of this incident, but he finally had a good start.

"Principal, Tony's father, and Fiona's mother, I apologize to the two as Balotelli's guardian. No matter what conditions they put forward, I will fully bear it, but I hope this matter can be maximized." Little, don't continue to hurt Mario while Fiona and Tony are being hurt." Li Cha looked arrogantly alone and said, "Balotelli chose to apply for withdrawal. As a guardian, I will sign the application , but I have some opinions on you. Because you chose to give up Balotelli, one day you will know how good Balotelli is, and one day you will feel the taste of being abandoned. Maybe at that time, Your judgment reminds you that you once gave up a very annoying child in this way. Of course, you have countless reasons, such as for the reputation of the school, for Fiona and Tony, but this matter must be There are other solutions, cutting the mess with a quick knife is clean and neat, but is it really a trial for three children who are only 17 years old?"

"Principal, maybe what you gave up is the World Footballer ten years later, and you may regret it by then?"

After saying this, Li Cha walked out of the principal's office with Balotelli in his arms. When he reached the door, he turned around and said, "Oh, by the way, tomorrow, I will have people from the club contact you. How should I compensate you? How to solve it will be handled properly, now. I am going to comfort my future champion."

Walking out of the principal's office, Richard and Balotelli didn't say a word, but something Balotelli said touched him.

He looked at Balotelli and thought of a very popular anime "Naruto", Naruto Uzumaki, that is, "Where are you so much", that guy seemed to start playing pranks in order to get the attention of the whole world.In an instant, Li Cha began to fully understand Balotelli's entire mentality, and he even understood why the Balotelli in history did everything so inexplicably.

Because Balotelli is afraid, he is afraid that he who has been abandoned once will be abandoned again. Personally, he is unwilling to bear that kind of feeling, so he will always appear in front of the media and fans in various postures. He hopes that he will not Disappear under the flash, don't get thrown off by the flash.

Richard drove Balotelli to Burleigh for a drink.People here will not swarm up to Li Cha like other Boleites, they will leave Li Cha a private space, of course, when leaving, Li Cha needs to sign some people, take photos with some people, but this Much better than other places.

"Two glasses of beer."

Li Cha ordered two glasses of beer, looked at Balotelli on this non-match day and said, "Today you can be free for the day. Drink, no matter how much you drink, the club will not punish you. Let out the accumulated emotions in your heart." In alcohol, even if you can't walk, I will carry you back."

Balotelli was caught as soon as he grabbed it, and he poured it down. Li Cha said to the bartender when Balotelli hadn't finished drinking: "One more drink!"

Immediately afterwards, Richard looked at Balotelli: "Men are like this. When deciding to take on something, there will be a backlog in my heart, as if something is pressing there, and I feel aggrieved. But who in this world is not like this Live? For the family, for the children. For the ideal, in order to live, in short, every man will endure the backlog of emotions in his heart and carry the weight on his shoulders for the thoughts in his mind. To live, one must be able to carry it , I can bear it. When you get used to it, feel that the burden on your shoulders is no longer heavy, and feel that you are no longer aggrieved, it means that you have succeeded. At that time, you will look back and find that the hardship you once said It's all wealth."

"You'll be thankful for this, Mario." Li Cha drank the beer in Zha's glass in one gulp.


At this moment, Li Cha's phone rang, and when he saw the phone number of FB's head office, Li Cha connected the phone.

"Mr. Chairman, there is a business deal today. A guy who claims to be sent by Florentino wants to buy our advertising space, saying that it is to appease your anger..."

Li Cha smiled slightly and said: "What do you care about him? If there is a business, there is no reason not to do it? The premium is 30%, and I'm talking about a 30% premium from the price before the financial crisis. At this time, if you don't give him a knife, it is a bit We are so sorry for ourselves."

Just after hanging up the phone, the club called again: "Mr. Chairman, I am Roman from the Ministry of Commerce. I have a sponsorship today. I say it is to calm your anger. The other party is a Spanish real estate tycoon. Look... "

"Sell it, why don't you ask? Now the situation is so bad, double the price and sell it!"

"Remember, sign a long-term contract, at least three years!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Cha found the bartender standing next to him with a glass of beer. He didn't know whether it should be given to Balotelli who was drunk. , Give him as much as he wants to drink today."

One cup, two cups, three cups... Balotelli hung up his drink, lying on the table with his arms around the glass, and kept yelling.

Li Cha watched the sky outside getting darker and darker, knowing that it was almost over, he asked the bartender to help Balotelli to the car, and then he turned around to sign autographs and take photos with the Burleigh fans who had been waiting for a long time.


In the early morning, when the sun shines through the window, Balotelli lying on the bed is awakened by the burning thirst in his throat, and he doesn't know where he drank so much beer. The feeling of being completely drained of moisture.When the sleepy Balotelli managed to open his eyes, he saw a glass of clear water on the bedside table in his room. Balotelli, who was already thirsty, grabbed the water glass and drank all the water in the glass. After taking a big breath... he didn't feel the slightest relief!

The room stinks!

He turned his head and saw that he had vomited a mess on the side of the bed, and the piles of disgusting objects were exuding an unpleasant sour smell, which could kill a strong body.

Balotelli quickly jumped off the bed and opened the window to breathe. When the curtains were drawn, the sun shone on the sofa outside the bedroom. The dormitories of the Burleigh Club are all suites, which belong to one bedroom and one living room.


There was a familiar groan from the sofa, followed by a curse: "Damn Balotelli, didn't you-he-damn-did you get dragged into the house?"

Balotelli looked at Li Cha in his room in surprise: "Boss, did you sleep here last night?" At this moment, Balotelli touched his backyard flower in an instant: "You can't be... "

"**-off!" After cursing, Li Cha stretched his waist and said, "I just want you to know that from the moment you joined Burleigh, you will never, never, ever be abandoned... "

Balotelli's eye circles were red, with tears that few outsiders would see.

"Don't be so busy impressing, hurry up and clean up your pigsty-like room. In addition, you are not allowed to be late for the daytime training. Before you are contacted by other schools, you will participate in two training sessions a day in Stanton!" (To be completed continued..)

ps: uh...


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