my name is ferguson

Chapter 517 Don't underestimate the old fox!

At this moment, everyone must be thankful that they can live in a country ruled by law in long-term peace and stability, and don’t criticize something for a few trivial things. If the things you encounter are worthy of criticism, then Mogadishu, Colombia, Brazil Who should the residents who are chaotic in the eyes of law and order in China, Argentina, etc. criticize?God?

In Brazil, someone was robbed seven times a week, and finally even the person was robbed; a woman in Dubai was raped, but the court sentenced her to marriage because she was married and there were no three respected local people to prove that she was raped After sex-behavior, he was imprisoned for half a year; in Mogadishu, there were gunshots every moment; in a chaotic place, a woman was taken away as a sex-slave and endured whipping...

Thinking of all this, Li Cha suddenly felt that he was too lucky. In comparison, the Celestial Dynasty is simply indescribable, England is simply heaven, and the plots and tricks he encountered are like family wine.

Looking at the desperation in Falcao's eyes, Li Cha thought that perhaps he hadn't suppressed him for too long. The recent rounds of the league have been too good. The whole world is rushing to report that Burleigh has a South American player after Cavani. Name, maybe he is still very safe now, if he hadn't helped him immigrate to obtain English nationality, he would not have been threatened by Escobar at all.

Li Cha looked at Falcao sharply, and just watched for a long time. Suddenly, his eyes slanted slightly to the upper right corner, and an uncontrollable evil intention burst out of his body, and he said like a demon about to show off: "I'm sorry, I can't help you with this..."

Falcao almost collapsed, looking at Li Cha with dull eyes, who would have thought that he, who created a huge transfer fee of 2013 million in 6000 in history, would have such an expression.

Afterwards, Richard chuckled and said: "In South America, I have many football schools. Colombia's Mullenstin Football School is even more important. Before I withdraw all the staff from Colombia, I can't help you. You have to give me At least three days."


Falcao let out a long breath as if he had unloaded a heavy burden: "Boss..."

"Don't say it, it is my duty to let my players play football wholeheartedly. Tell your family. No matter how much real estate you have in Colombia, give it up. I will talk to Mascadi from Argentina. After three days, he will do it for you. Your family members arrange a special plane to pick up your family members. If you want to pick them up in such a short period of time, legal means are definitely not allowed. If your family members do not have passports, it will be very troublesome to apply for visas. So , I will ask Muscardi to help them smuggle into Argentina first, and then let the lawyer help your family members after making sure they are safe. When the passports are obtained, these people will all be taken to England. The exact time is hard to say, but, in In the meantime, you need to calm down. Don't say anything to the media, especially about Colombia. Understand?"

Falcao nodded firmly. For him, the most worrying thing is still his family.

Falcao, who is in England, doesn't quite believe that Pablo has the ability to set off a bloody storm in England. As long as his family can get to England safely, then the dark clouds will clear one day.

Speaking of which.Li Cha glanced at Falcao, and then asked, "Do you have the habit of recording when talking on the phone with others?"

Falcao shook his head slightly. He didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence. Li Cha smiled and said as if bathing in the spring breeze: "Start today. You have to tell someone that you have this habit."

Immediately after, Li Cha picked up the phone, dialed a number and said: "Hey, Muscardi, I, Li Cha... yeah, I haven't contacted you for a long time, because I know that our friendship will not fade with time." Going by... well, my player has a problem, Pablo Escobar's problem... I know, I understand, I don't want anything to do with this guy, let alone you, but He messed with my people, I don't need you to do much, I don't even need you to fight Pablo, I want you to go to Columbia to get the family of one of my players out, get another lawyer, put the They operate to come to England. Simple, right?"

"Don't worry, money is not a problem. Okay, just do what you said. In addition, I want you to find a Columbia space card, which is the kind that does not require an ID card. Then, call a phone number and say 'You are a person who doesn't belong to your own country, be careful'... yes, of course in a threatening tone... yes, you can find anyone to say this sentence... then? No more, then you and this thing It has nothing to do with it, we have never been in touch today. Goodbye, I will thank you for your efforts with practical actions, rest assured."

After hanging up the phone, Li Cha sent Falcao's phone number to the Argentine transfer market king, and within half a minute, Falcao's phone rang.


Before Falcao answered the phone, Li Cha reminded.

Then, a ferocious, hoarse voice full of terrorism appeared, and he spoke the original words provided by Richard in Spanish with a Colombian accent. Muscadi was more thoughtful than Richard.

Li Cha didn't go into the details of why Muscadi could find a Spanish-speaking person so quickly, but considering that Muscadi has business dealings with many European countries, it is still very helpful to have a few foreign language experts in his company. necessary.

Afterwards, Richard said to Falcao, "Now, go to the Burleigh Police Station and report the case immediately. Remember, you are a citizen of England. When you are threatened, you should trust the police."

Falcao didn't quite understand: "Boss, Pablo is in a Colombian prison. He is protected by Colombian imprisonment. What's the use of reporting the case?"

"Uh..." Richard said: "It's useless to you, and we can't go to Pablo to fight desperately, but it is very useful to me, and once I make sure your family is safe , your family is on the plane to England, you are going to hold a press conference with me immediately, and then you will know what it is."

Muscadi's speed was very fast. Three days later, Li Cha got the news that Falcao's family members had all arrived in Argentina safely. In seven days, at most seven days later, he would be able to send these people to England legally. s plane.

Sure enough, the morning after a week.Li Cha received the news that Falcao's family sneaked back to Colombia and entered the Colombian airport directly. However, some disturbances were caused during the process of entering the airport. A man tried to shoot at Falcao's family with a pistol. The professional security personnel around Falcao's family found out quickly.The unprofessional killer was subdued quickly, and a tragedy had already been caused by this time.

Just as Falcao’s family was flying to England, Richard and Falcao appeared at Burleigh’s press conference. Today, they were supposed to face Besiktas at home, but the press conference was held earlier up.

At the press conference, Falcao lowered his head, as if humiliated.And Li Cha was impassioned!

"Gentlemen, I would like to announce the very unfortunate news that England player Falcao, who is about to represent the England Olympic team in Asia for the Beijing Olympics, received a call from a man named Pablo Escobar. They openly threatened Falcao's personal safety!"

Li Cha glanced at the reporters in the audience and continued: "This is a society ruled by law. Falcao is a British with a British ID. Why should the British be threatened by Colombian drug lords!" Li Cha supported the table and slowly He stood up, looked at everyone and said, "As an Englishman, I don't agree! Why should a player protected by British law play in a frightened environment? He is like this. He can still show his strength in recent league matches." Is it at a high level? England, which has always lacked strikers, after Owen and Rooney. Can you find a player who can stand on the front line? Is Falcao going to be ruined like this!!!”

"Yes, before Falcao didn't choose to immigrate, he was a Colombian player, but it's different now!"

"Mr. Beckenbauer, supremely, can you hear me? Are you willing to stand up for a player who played for Burleigh? Are you willing to stand up as I do to denounce the Colombian conquest, the one that allowed the establishment of a drug lord's prison?" Lighted stadium. A chaotic society like a swimming pool?"

"Aside from UEFA, the FA, the police, the Foreign Office, who can tell me. Where else can I go to complain about Falcao's grievances? Who can tell me, how else can I protect my players! People People say I protect the calf, but now I can't, I can't take a gun to confront the drug lords, I-he-mother-is a head coach, the chairman of Burleigh, not a heroic and invincible soldier! "

Li Cha squeezed his eyes hard. He found that his acting skills had regressed, and there were no tears in his eyes, so he said more affectionately: "Everyone, please publish my words in newspapers and magazines without modification as much as possible. We must call for All human beings should increase their awareness of protecting their players, especially Burleigh players who do not cause disasters... Don't say I am shameless, I really don't want this face today!"

"Mr. Blatter of FIFA, you should be the highest spokesperson in the football world? Should you communicate with Mr. Beckenbauer and do something for the players? May I ask who knows the playing environment of Brazilian players? Who Know the growing environment of Colombian players? Compare their environment with Germany, no, compare it with Belgium and Sweden, and see who lives in heaven and who lives in hell!"

"Mr. Beckenbauer, I hope that my press conference can be responded to this time. I hope that you can use the power in your hands to communicate with Colombia. I hope that my players can play in a stable environment, not every day. You have to worry about the well-being of your relatives in Colombia, even if you play for Germany with such thoughts, you can’t help the Federal Republic of Germany win the World Cup!"

Li Cha squeezed his eyes again, but he found that he still hadn't shed tears, so he continued on this topic: "I didn't cry when I said this, it's not that I don't feel sorry for Falcao or Mullenstin I'm a young Colombian player at school, but my strength is limited. I'd rather pour my tears down when a well-trained player scores a goal than flow at this moment. It's not worth it. Players should show their skills on the court , They should not decide life and death through violence like gladiators, that's all I have to say."

Falcao suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Cha with tears all over his face: "Boss..."

Li Cha hugged Falcao while turning his head, and said with infinite warmth: "My child, I will do my best to protect your family..."

Swish, swish, swish...

The flashing lights in the press conference hall flashed without interruption.

This time, all the English media caused an uproar in the second day's report. Li Cha's words were published without changing a word. In an instant, the whole of Europe was in chaos!

Real Madrid's Robinho has come forward and said his home in Brazil has suffered multiple burglaries; Diego, who plays in the Bundesliga, has said he has received countless extortion calls.In short, most American players began to tell the media about their difficult years in football career, as well as shocking moments.

It turns out that in the Americas, football stars have become the targets of criminals. They think that football stars are rich people, and it is more cost-effective to kidnap a football star’s family members to extort a ticket or directly grab a ticket than to kidnap a businessman.At least the stars rarely care about it, and once the businessman chooses to call the police, the perpetrator will face the scene of fighting with the police, and no one wants to complicate things.Therefore, in the Americas, especially in South America, crimes targeting football stars in some countries with poor law and order are increasing, and sometimes these criminal organizations even participate in the transfer market to control transfers...

However, after the sympathetic report, the media suddenly reacted.Richard said that Blatter and Beckenbauer should be involved in this matter together. Everyone knows that FIFA and UEFA have been competing in separate courts. Before Blatter was still in Richard and Beckenbauer I found a moment in the incident about Beckenbauer to rant about Beckenbauer, and now Richard wants to link these two enemies together... More importantly, if Beckenbauer really expresses his position on this matter, No matter how you express your position, it is completely thankless.

Beckenbauer rebukes Colombian government for poor supervision of prisons?Are you in charge?Blaming Colombian law and order?People put Pablo in prison, what else do you want?Does Beckenbauer care?Then why are you still the president of UEFA?You can ignore the calls of unknown players and clubs from some less important EU countries. The five major leagues are now the world's number one Premier League.Especially if you don't take the call of Richard, the chairman of the Burleigh Club in the Premier League, seriously, then you have to think about it carefully.

When everyone is smoothing out the relationship.Suddenly, some media raised such a question, is Richard embarrassing Beckenbauer on this issue, is he retaliating for Beckenbauer's embarrassment for Balotelli?With Richard's personality, it is impossible to swallow his anger silently after suffering a loss. Raiola is the best example, and even people have been kicked out of England.If it wasn't for the FA and Li Cha's wearing a pair of trousers all the time, I'm afraid the FA would have to go around this time!Why did he turn a blind eye to Beckenbauer, who was the most frequently seen in the last Balotelli incident?Modified?Don't talk nonsense, after Li Cha apologized to the fans all over the country, he didn't feel stable for a few days. Heathfield and Ancelotti were directly killed by him on the coaching bench at the beginning of last year's season. He changed?Unless the moon is out during the day!

For a while, all kinds of black-bellied remarks emerged one after another.Some media are reporting on the plight of players from South American countries, some are digging into Richard's intentions, and some media have contacted the Colombian Foreign Office as quickly as the British Foreign Office. The two sides have actually started negotiations for Falcao. For a pot of porridge.

At this time, no one paid attention to the match between Burleigh and Besiktas on the night of the press conference. Even if Falcao played well in that game and provided Messi with two assists, no one cared.

Everyone is waiting. They are waiting for the reply from FIFA and UEFA. If the response takes more than a week, the media will immediately spray the two organizations to death with saliva. Anyway, cursing is the media's specialty.

During the frequent waiting, the FA took the lead in speaking. The spokesperson of the FA, Vice-Chairman Weisman, took the lead in the media interview and said: "The FA fully supports Richard's appeal to the whole society. Submitting an application to the Foreign Office and requesting the assistance of the British Foreign Office in handling this matter must not allow anyone, no matter who he is, to try to disrupt the preparations of the England Olympic team for the 2008 Olympic Games!"

After the FA gave this news, all the media focused on UEFA even more. Some people have already expressed their views. No matter how you decide, you will always say it?

After many calls, Beckenbauer finally appeared in front of the camera. This time, Beckenbauer became very old!

He seemed to have stayed up all night at such an advanced age, and he seemed to have no energy at all. Old Moji, who was sitting in front of the TV and watching the speech, said with a smile: "How can this guy be as old as a few days ago?" Gentleman, now let me guess his age, I will say, he is at least 90 years old!"

Yes, Beckenbauer was forced into this position by Richard!

This time, in the eyes of the public, Beckenbauer and Richard broke completely.

"I have to say..." Beckenbauer looked at all the media in front of the camera, at the UEFA press conference. At that moment, he was a little dizzy from the flashlight. All ringing in Beckenbauer's ears...

"I must say..."

"Ugh!" Beckenbauer suddenly covered his chest with his hands, and fell down under the eyes of everyone...Bump!

Li Cha and old Moji stood up in the office of Stanton Park at the same time. They looked at each other and said in unison: "Too-he-mother-cunning!" (To be continued...)

ps: Thank you for the monthly pass of the brother who is not running fast, thank you, brother.

In addition, Wude doesn't know which brother has been praising. You probably ordered all the praises of Wude. Thank you, brother, and I also got a lot of money. It was a waste!

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