my name is ferguson

Chapter 550 Wenger Who Completely Lost Confidence

Li Cha was very satisfied. He felt unbelievable about the attitude of Burleigh players on the court. He knew what Burleigh was like in the past. When facing a strong team, Li Cha had to think of every way in the locker room. Advocate the team's battle, and use all means to motivate every player so that they have the arrogance of the inferior to challenge the superior. Only in this way, Li Cha feels that the momentum of breaking the boat can come out.

However, when Burleigh's status became higher and higher, Li Cha suddenly discovered that the giants were not completely like this. For example, Manchester United seldom faced Newcastle, Tottenham and other teams with a tyrannical spirit. Playing out of anger, they worked very hard on the field, kept circulating in the running system, and suddenly a reverse offside could kill the opponent's goalkeeper and score a goal.In fact, on the court, the real giants seldom yell something and then kill someone explosively, at least the giants Li Cha saw on the court are not like this.

In the future, Guardiola, who led the rise of the dream team, Klopp, who led Dortmund to rise, and Heynckes, who made Bayern stand on the top of Europe, these famous coaches did not regard the game as a war, but also demanded themselves The players must win. On the contrary, when the external pressure is great, the only thing they will do is to reduce the pressure of the players. After having a group of talented players like the giants, the real battle is actually how to help them on the court. They should play more or even play for a long time, instead of letting them burst out their final potential under pressure on the field.

Franck Ribery naturally took the ball forward, and when facing Eboue very lightly, he sent a through kick. Just when Cavani succeeded in countering offside, he rushed to the position where the left forward should be. His kick hit Kolo Toure.At that moment, Li Cha stood on the sidelines and began to applaud.Burleigh's offensive line is clear and the response is very good. Even if the desired result is not achieved this time, is it difficult to obtain the desired result on a trajectory that is completely stress-free?

at this point.Li Cha thinks clearly, he can calculate clearly which is more important.

In fact, this is the same as many parents educate their children. You can't play games, you have to learn. Only by learning more than others can you not lose at the starting line. May I ask, once the children were about to do something, what was the result of this desperate obstruction?Large numbers of children run away from home.Hidden in a certain network in the city, in the network in the city, almost every network administrator can see the parents looking for their children during their work hours, but what happened?They came to look for it the next day, but the child was still not found.

Li Cha is like a very strong parent. He uses his own strength to stimulate the potential of all players time and time again when the players are not yet famous, making them produce and fight passionately.But once you encounter a strong enemy, it doesn't work anymore when you are excited.When the moment when Burleigh was defeated, what happened to what Richard did?It became a slap in the face.It proved that what I said before was just a fluke.If this happens a few more times, the trust of the players will be lost, and the relationship with the players will eventually be broken. Isn't there any reason for the breakdown of the relationship between Ferguson and many disciples?impossible!Could it be that Ronaldo, who has clashed with Ruud van Nistelrooy many times, can really squeeze away the top scorer in the team?Don't forget that Ronaldo was definitely not as important as Van Nistelrooy at that time!In fact, in the end, players become famous like children grow up, they have their own thinking.Under high pressure, it is bound to rebound.

From this moment on, perhaps Li Cha's parental high-pressure management policy really won't work, unless Li Cha is looking for a group of rookies who have no honor to retrain, of course, this is even more impossible.

so.The changes in the whole society are forcing Li Cha to change. He wants to train players to have a relaxed attitude when facing the enemy, instead of fighting like crazy for the finals and winning streak. This kind of hard work, as long as you lose once, you will be defeated. There was a rift in the previous trust between the representative players and Li Cha.

corner kick.

Ronaldinho looked at the running position in the penalty area when he stood at the corner kick point. Cavani and Messi stood in the center of the goal line of the small penalty area like a high point, and the other was in the middle of the penalty area. There was a back and forth between Alva and Woodgate, the two of whom were obviously in pawns, and the other was ready to fill in the gaps.Kolo Touré stands in front of Cavani, Gallas keeps chasing Messi, while Gilberto Silva and Flamini try to stick as close as possible to Burleigh's two central defenders ...


Ronaldinho's corner kick was taken, and the entire penalty area was in chaos in an instant. At this moment, Woodgate rushed from the position of the back post to the front of the front post without hesitation.Flamini had no choice but to follow Woodgate, but he was left behind by Woodgate. At this time, Gilberto Silva next to Thiago Silva stopped Woodgate in an instant You don't need to know that Woodgate's active running must be a pre-determined corner kick strategy. Woodgate outflanked from the back to the front, and then suddenly hit the goal with a header.


At the moment when the position grabbing in front of the goal attracted everyone's attention, due to Flamini's movement, the position at the back of the entire Arsenal penalty area became extremely empty. At this moment, Messi and Garcia who were chasing after him At the same time, Lars felt that the corner kick happened to pass over Cavani's head at this time, and it almost fell against Cavani's scalp.At such a tense moment, Messi immediately fell to the ground and shoveled at the landing point of the football. Of course, Gallas also made the same action.


There was a chanting from Martin at Wembley Stadium, and Messi was too fast, tackled the ball almost at the same moment it hit the ground, and the ball rebounded after hitting the back post and into the net.

"Burleigh played so easy in this game, so easy that I felt the goal was going to come before this set-piece. Ronaldinho has been paying attention to Messi who is running around, in the penalty area. , Messi is the person who gets the least attention, because he is in the position where there are many high points, and Messi has been submerged in the vast sea of ​​height. Therefore, Ronaldinho calculated the position and sent the ball out The purpose is to let Messi, who is the least noticed, play the greatest effect. Messi really lived up to expectations and scored the ball under the influence of Woodgate. It can be said that all Burleigh players in the goal penalty area To their credit, they have the full attention of Arsenal."

At the moment, Li Cha gave a thumbs up to everyone who participated in Burleigh's attack on the sidelines of the court. This is what he wanted.An easy attack, an easy pass, and finally, an easy goal.

Does the description of this scene remind you of anything?That's right, Barcelona at its peak!

There are very few long-range heavy artillery bombardments, and they pay more attention to the success rate of shots. They would rather waste opportunities because they play too easily and pass too many balls than shoot easily, and finally score at the moment of shooting.It can always make people feel that a through pass and an anti-offside will solve the battle, and it is not a dragon after how many people Messi has connected.

Richard didn't copy Barcelona's tactics, but he copied Barcelona's attitude. When Guardiola was still integrating with Barcelona in La Liga, Burleigh already had this attitude.

In history, after Manchester United won the Champions League this year.Then came the era of Barcelona. Guardiola did not give up any championships in his first season in charge of Barcelona.Directly dominated La Liga, that is to say, Burleigh cultivated this attitude two full seasons earlier than Barcelona.

It has to be said that Li Cha, who is a member of the Celestial Dynasty, has used a tactical psychology on the football field that most coaches will never understand, that is, to let go at the micro level and grasp at the macro level.

Ever since Burleigh entered the schedule close.When the players started to run out of energy again, Li Cha thought of this solution.In fact, this plan was invented by Guan Zhong, when the world was barren and the economy was weak.However, Duke Huan of Qi was in urgent need of taxes, and the court had no money.So Guan Zhong welcomed the businessmen from all over the world to develop the economy. Among them, Guan Zhong proposed a plan for taxation, that is, Yanshanhai.In other words, the nationalization of salt and iron at that time was not a poll tax for every household.Guan Zhong’s advice to Duke Huan of Qi is “to make people not angry”, that is to say, you can’t make people angry when you levy taxes, and you can’t anger the people because of money. , That was a necessity for every household in the world at that time. When the price of this kind of necessity increased by one copper plate, it seemed not salty, but in fact, the tax would be a whole lot more.

Li Cha also used this method. Since coaching Burleigh, Li Cha has gone from grasping defense, to grasping offense, to catching passes and catching the ball. He has caught everything that should be caught. When he was excellent, the offense was too strong, and the pass and catch were meticulously coordinated, Li Cha let go. He stopped grasping the microscopic behavior in tactics and focused on the macroscopic attitude.Make people not angry!

At this time, if Li Cha is still obsessed with small cooperation again and again, he will look down on his own players. When a child writes a word wrong due to sloppy carelessness, what should be grasped is the attitude, not how to write the word Wrong, it's not that he can't write.

Westerners also have this concept of taxation. The goose that plucks the most feathers listens to the goose that calls the least, which means the same thing.

Li Cha started to change tactics, but the team discipline did not relax at all. Today, unexpected results were achieved!

It was the same with Guan Zhong back then. Small businesses and peddlers were released to stimulate the economy, but Yanshanhai did not relax at all. This is the bottom line. Once a mineral is discovered, troops will be sent to guard it immediately. If the mineral is discovered to be exploited, sorry, which leg to talk about first If you step in, you will cut whichever you step, and you will never be soft-hearted.

Messi ran excitedly on the field, and Li Cha kept raising his thumbs up at him, which made Messi very excited. He thought that his position in Li Cha's mind had not changed, but had become more important.


Because Li Cha no longer asked him what he had to do, who he had to cooperate with, and made him more free.

In fact, Li Cha manages everyone like this, but in Messi's heart, this is special treatment.

It's like at the end of the year, the company leaders talk one by one, and when it comes to you, they will praise you and say, "There is a future, as long as there is a management position, it must be yours!" ', in fact he said that to everyone!

The same is true for Ronaldinho, his role in the front midfielder was relaxed by Richard to the maximum, which completely inspired the players to want to repay Richard's trust.

Messi rushed to Li Cha's side very naturally for the first time, hugged Li Cha tightly in his arms for the first time, and then Ronaldinho, Ribery, Cavani and other frontcourt players all rushed Coming over, Burleigh players and Richard hugged into a big group in the coaching area.

"After Burleigh scored a goal in less than 20 minutes of half-time, the players rushed towards Richard. Sometimes I kept thinking, how could Richard, who is hated by most people in the outside world, So many football stars are so close to me? I really don’t understand, isn’t being hated by others a proof of a flawed character? How can a person with a flawed personality be liked?”

Martin was wrong this time, being disliked by others may not necessarily be a flawed character, if so.Everyone has flaws.It was very difficult for Darwin to get along with his family. He liked to be alone. Einstein did not have friends all over the world. Even artists and writers in history almost all created in a very self-contained environment. Could it be that they all had personality defects?If the answer is yes, then Li Cha's personality is also flawed.

"here you go!"

After Li Cha shouted such a sentence in the crowd, he quickly ordered: "I said that you are many times stronger than them? Remember. Believe in yourself, believe in your teammates, you, you, are the most powerful, only you, You are the kings in this country's league, in the Champions League! Now. Go back to the pitch and tell them. Burleigh will beat the shit out of them!"

Ronaldinho smiled and said to the crowd: "It must be done!"

Then a large number of Burleigh players began to run to the stadium.

Li Cha is no longer arranging specific tactics. He is only responsible for making the players' mentality easier. Sometimes, in some key games, especially when the tactics have been practiced thousands of times, this trick is very useful. .

Under the referee's whistle.The game restarted, and Wenger frowned again on the other side. The wrinkles on his forehead and the white hair on the top of his head made the old coach look sad, and he couldn't figure it out.How come Arsenal will always be in the loser's position after the birth of Richard?

Arsenal is a club famous for its ball possession tactics, but Arsenal's ball possession rate in this game is only 41%, and Burleigh has 59%!

The whole world knows that Gallas is a player who is very good at using various set kicks to score goals. However, Burleigh scored first in the game, and the way to score goals is set kicks.

Wenger couldn't figure it out, he couldn't figure it out, why did Richard want to see through his tactics every time he fought?He has never experienced this feeling when he was teaching with any head coach!When playing against other people, it is usually Arsenal's tactical system and the opponent's tactical system. The two sides rely on the tactical system to force themselves, but when it comes to Burleigh, it seems that their weaknesses are pinched in the opponent's hands every time they play. Same……

Uncomfortable, very uncomfortable for Wenger.

The game passed minute by minute, seeing that the first half of the game had been played for half an hour, but Burleigh played more and more easily, passing the ball, stealing, every tactical intention was very clear.

For example, when Fabregas, the core, wants to transition the ball to the front court, there must be two defensive players in front of Hleb and Rosicky in front of the breakpoint, and Adebayor must be guarded by Diarra. , when Cesc Fabregas wants to pass back, Ronaldinho will snatch the ball away immediately... What is this called?Arsenal have always used net-style pass-and-receive coordination. Their triangular coordination can pass the ball through Chelsea's muscular defense. Why is it not working in front of Burleigh today?

The more Wenger looked at it, the more strange he became. He really couldn't figure out how Burleigh's zone defense became so sharp after it was changed to man-marking... No, this is not man-marking!

Wenger saw it. When Diarra abolished Adebayor, it was tantamount to making the center completely useless. The suppression of Hleb and Rosicky resulted in the abolition of the two sides. Alves and Bynes didn't plug in, in order to turn Burleigh's defense into a net, and completely let this net card cut off all Arsenal's passing points!

Net defense, Li Cha actually changed the net attack to net defense! ! ! ! !

In a flash, Wenger murmured a sentence in his heart: "Genius!" He would never give Li Cha these two words in his life, but he had to admit it!


Wenger turned around and called out the young general in the camp, that is Alexander Song with great running ability.

"You will play in a while, after you play, I want you to completely liberate Flamini and let Flamini become the second receiving point of the passing point, that is to say, another tentacle will be extended after we are interrupted , Do you understand? Tell the whole team, pass the ball with one kick instead, don't think about it, don't be anticipatory when you see the pass, understand?"

Song nodded and said, "Understood, boss."

Wenger pondered: "Warm up!"

He gambled, betting that the fast-paced pass will definitely break Burleigh's net, and one-kick pass is what Arsenal is good at. If there are two teams in the world that are best at passing the ball If the basic attack is launched, one is Barcelona, ​​and the other must be Arsenal.

Wenger doesn't know whether his decision is correct, but he has to do it. Sometimes, when people are looking for change, they just drive out unexpected things without knowing the correctness, such as logarithmic Tables, logarithmic tables were useless at that time, they were calculated one by one by some idle person, isn't it also very useful now? (To be continued..)

ps: Thank you for the monthly pass of Garbage is Garbage Brothers, the monthly pass of Brother Dongfeng Chuimen, and the evaluation ticket of Brother Riji, thank you.

Thanks to the Juventus brothers for the reward, thank you!

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