my name is ferguson

Chapter 567 Belongs to the Head Coach's Self-Confidence

Keane sat on Richard's favorite position on the Burleigh coach bench. Richard always liked to sit on the farthest position, which was very similar to his extreme personality, but when Keane sat in this position, he Suddenly, I felt a sense of tension spontaneously!

He was afraid that Diarra's long pass would be lost, and he became nervous when he saw Van Persie running. He even yelled frantically in his heart when De Jong was defending, "Damn, don't let Robben pass, this guy is very good Destructive power! '.Facts have proved that the position of Burleigh's head coach is very difficult to sit, and it can even be said to be on pins and needles.

Not only did Keane's attitude change, but even Boas began to feel anxious about the ever-changing situation on the court. He was like a drug addict, and his eyes didn't know where to look. When Burleigh attacked, he wanted to go. Observing other people's running positions to get a relatively perfect data, but ignoring the statistics of offensive failures. When Burleigh is defending, he wants to see how many attack lines the opponent can divide into.So the two eyes were not enough, and there were more and more things in the notebook, and finally Boas' hands began to tremble!

damn it!

Keane was a little restless. He made the most correct choice after Li Cha left, but after Burleigh was scored a goal, he was frantically suppressed in halftime... If Li Cha was here, Keane would definitely He won't be worried, because he knows that as long as Li Cha observes the key points, as long as he stands up and yells, his team will be able to fight back frantically and make a final decision.And when I was sitting here, the entire coach and players began to wonder where it would be more comfortable to put their hands. Keane even wanted to change his name to 'tranquilizer'!

"Uh... After the boss left, Real Madrid's players played a total of five offenses. Among the five offenses, two shots were shot and one was within the range of the goal frame. The main attack direction was the two sides. When Raul was blocked , Real Madrid's central attack has become particularly difficult. In the wing attack, Robinho dribbled twice. Success once, Robben dribbled twice and Raul never succeeded. We are safe now. But These five attacks showed the same characteristic of Real Madrid, that is, more and more people will press the half-court when attacking. The first time. Baptista pressed up, followed by Marcelo, and finally It's Guti, and now even Ramos is pressing up, if we don't think about it, the pressure will directly crush the lads, and there are three people in our frontcourt who don't return to defense."

Boas introduced Real Madrid's offense in detail, making it look like a gamble on the court. Schuster bet for the first time and you followed.You called the second bet, Schuster went 'all-in' in a pinch, and you were down to the last stack on the board.

39 minutes, 39 minutes into the first half, Keane faced the most important choice!

What should I do?

Keane felt a sense of oppression that was about to suffocate, and he also knew that as long as he intercepted the ball, he could launch a beautiful counterattack. Messi had already crossed the half-court several times in a row in the anti-offside position, but those players in Real Madrid were so invincible. Can you lose the ball so easily?Raul, Robinho, Robben, Guti, Baptista, Ruud, Marcelo, Ramos.Each of these guys has extraordinary skills, even if they can't make it through, they can't lose the ball so easily.It's too hard to fight back against almost male sconces.

How did Li Cha fully utilize the tactics?

Keane couldn't understand at all why Li Cha's players on the sidelines seemed to be always performing supernormally and played the best part of the set tactics, but as soon as he left Burleigh, the players seemed to have a significant drop in status.

After forming a chain defense in the midfield, Guti's threat has become smaller, but Baptista, who often advances, has become the most important threat point. Baptista was born as a midfielder.He is famous for his beast waist. His strong body possesses an incomparably brave impact. He can even compete with Diarra, even with Yaya Toure, and occasionally have a slight upper hand.As long as Baptista gets the ball and plugs into Marcelo, he will definitely advance and assist.In this way, Burleigh's defensive area will be completely opened up. It must be known that once the defensive area of ​​​​the defender is opened on the court, the subsequent result must be full of loopholes, and various gaps appear frequently. Therefore, in modern football The tactical center forward often appears in a position that does not belong to him and leads the defensive player out of position.

How to handle this situation?When the three defensive midfielders are obviously not enough, how to resist Real Madrid's always powerful offense?

Guti rushed up while Keane was thinking, without hesitation.The Golden Wolf, who took the ball forward, passed the ball to the hinterland of the midfield when facing De Jong. Baptista did not stop the ball to meet the ball and was about to send a through pass. At this moment, Yaya Toure could not care about the defense The situation is getting worse, he can't take a look back to see if there is any loophole in the defense line, so Yaya Toure shoveled over, at this moment, Baptista suddenly smashed the ball, Yaya Ya Toure couldn't reach his feet and rubbed Baptista's shin guard slightly.


Baptista fell straight forward, then rolled all over the ground holding his right leg and calf.


The referee blew the whistle, and then Yaya Toure was given a yellow card because of Real Madrid's home court advantage when Yaya Toure got up.

Yaya Toure didn't have an attack, and turned around silently.

Boas said next to Keane at the moment: "Baptista, who played as a center forward, made his debut in Seville. He moved from Sao Paulo to Seville in the 03-04 season. He scored 30 goals in 20 games that season. In the following 04-05 season, he scored 33 goals in 18 games. He is a very efficient shooter. After joining Real Madrid, he was briefly loaned to Arsenal, but he appeared in the front midfielder more often in Real Madrid. He He is an all-rounder on the court, with enough body hardness and good passing awareness. He belongs to the all-round player who can attack on the front line, take the ball on the front midfielder, and let go in the midfield.”

Keane didn't speak, and still looked at Guti who was about to take a free kick. This time the free kick was still far away, so passing the ball became the whole purpose of the free kick.


At this moment, Keane suddenly stood up, walked to the edge of the court and shouted loudly: "Everyone returns to defense! The game is over in less than 5 minutes!!!"

The players were in high spirits after hearing this, and it took only 5 minutes. After these 5 minutes, the first half was over.Maybe the owner will find a way to show up in the locker room.

With this idea, Van Persie and Ronaldinho started to run back. When Messi was about to turn around, Keane shouted at Messi: "Leo, you wait for the counterattack."

Keane has always wanted to achieve a relatively good result when he was in charge of Burleigh. At least after Richard came back, he felt that he had fulfilled his mission.What's more, Keane has always been working hard with the goal of being the head coach. How could he lose the chain in such a critical test?After Keane calmed down in the confusion caused by Li Cha's sudden departure, he wanted to understand one thing. It was not that he was not capable enough, but that he had too little time to prepare. In this game, I have to exercise the power of the head coach.

Having figured this out, Keane's goal now has become to give himself more time to prepare. The halftime break happens to be a miracle, because he knows it very well.It is impossible for Li Cha to appear in the locker room during the intermission. This is not to catch up on the past.

Therefore, Keane had to borrow the power of the past to use Li Cha's tiger skin as a banner, because the word "Li Cha" derived from the break can act as a tranquilizer, even if it was a lie, he would still lie. go down.


Guti delivered a set piece and the football slid across the crowd.It began to land quickly, and at this moment the explosive power of the king of Ruud's small restricted area was reflected.He was the first to flash out from the crowd and rushed out towards the football landing point.

Seeing this scene, Adler immediately took two steps, and then jumped up. He had to catch the football before Ruud van Nistelrooy...


Van Nistelrooy and Adler, who were fighting for the ball, collided together. Adler hit Van Nistelrooy almost at the same second as he received the ball. At that moment, Van Nistelrooy fell on his back in the penalty area.

If you don't watch slow motion.It was difficult to tell whether there was a foul or who committed the foul, but the referee blew the whistle with his naked eyes!


Real Madrid fans began to cheer, at home, they have identified the ball as a penalty.They have home field advantage.

Keane, the famous tough guy on the court, stretched out his hands and cursed: "Are you blind, foul when you saw the ball from your crotch!!!"

The fourth official came over immediately, stopped the excited Kean and said, "Please pay attention to your words and deeds, sir."

Keane doesn't have the face of Richard in European football, even though he was once one of the best midfielders in the world.

At this moment, the referee walked to the place of the foul, raised a yellow card at Van Nistelrooy, and gave Burleigh a free kick in the penalty area.


Keane raised his hands and shouted: "The referee is wise!"


Then came the overwhelming boos on the court.

Martin said in the commentary: "This must be the referee's move to balance the emotions of the players on both sides. Ruud van Nistelrooy was indeed suspected of colliding with Adler with the ball just now, and the slow motion shows that Adler did receive the ball a little earlier. En Cai hit it, but the ball cannot be distinguished with the naked eye, and it takes several times to return to the defense in slow motion to see clearly. It is impossible to distinguish it on the electric field. No matter what, the referee's penalty this time is really accurate. The point of the 'microscope'."


Boas let out a long breath, and then Keane made a judgment that he couldn't believe in his life: "Possess the ball! Guys, there are less than 2 minutes left, after the ball is handed over to the frontcourt Play the ball you are most familiar with, and run out of time!"

Adler heard the howling of a wolf and sent the ball away. Baines got the ball and handed it to Ronaldinho. Ronaldinho watched Ramos come back with the ball and lifted it up. A kick lifted the ball into the lap of Ramos, the ball bounced out of bounds, and then De Jong sauntered from the back to the midfield to send the ball out of bounds.

At this moment, with less than 1 minute left, Alves bluffed several times before throwing the football at the feet of Van Persie. Van Persie passed back without thinking, and Dilaya took advantage of the opportunity to drive the ball forward.

Messi, whom everyone has forgotten, stepped on the center line and rushed out in an instant, whoosh! ! !

At that moment, even Keane himself was stunned.

He never thought about fighting back, let alone creating such a good opportunity, what he thought was wasting time, how could...

In an instant he understood.This is not a question he has ever thought about. Diarra's long pass has always been Burleigh's offensive weapon, and possession of the ball has always been a tactic Burleigh is accustomed to. In the Premier League, Burleigh is used to pressing down on the opponent. Is it a giant or a mid-range team.Burleigh is fearless. They are no longer afraid of any giants in the Premier League. They have an absolutely dominant record.In the European arena, the entire coaching staff chose to counterattack in order to curb Real Madrid's attack. Richard agreed without saying a word. This was tantamount to abandoning Burleigh's most familiar rhythm and becoming passive.With Li Cha on the court, even the passive players can withstand the psychological pressure, but without Li Cha.Definitely makes the whole situation worse.

The moment Keane chose to control the ball, what Burleigh subconsciously thought of was the regional ball control practiced in long-term training, and used their accustomed rhythm to fight against Real Madrid, who was pressing hard. At Diarra's feet, and before the Real Madrid players had time to retreat, Diarra, who had gradually emerged with the ability to read the game, naturally seized the opportunity. The counterattack that Richard had been asking for was unexpectedly under the psychological fluctuations of Burleigh players It was typed out by Keane by mistake!

"Hurry up!" Boas saw Messi rushing out and was the first to stand up and yelled such a voice. The thunderous voice completely shocked the entire stadium.

Messi watched the football fall while running at full speed.Even seeing Casillas rushing out of the penalty area, he also knew that Merdesacker and Metzelder behind him must be chasing back with all their might.However, at this moment, he is full of confidence. He has seen Diarra pass the ball many times. After the football falls, he does not bounce forward but bounces on the spot, in order to control the direction of the football. The player hits the ball first, and so on.Whether it is Casillas or Real Madrid's defender, don't even try to catch up with this ball!

With the bold Keane, Messi became even more daring, the second he rushed to the football when it fell.Casillas was only three meters away from him. At this moment, Messi suddenly kicked up towards the bottom of the football... touch!

Casillas calculated very well, bounced the football, and then pushed the ball back with his own head, because Messi was behind Metzelder, but the moment the football bounced, Casillas recognized the ball immediately. Pass, in La Liga, he has added this kind of pass several times. This player comes from Xavi, the old rival of Real Madrid. Only Xavi of Barcelona can pass this kind of long pass. How can the black ghosts of Burleigh ...

As soon as Casillas turned his head, the football rushed towards the goal crazily. He was thinking that it was too late to catch up. The great power of this volley flew towards the goal in a low arc. , Even if you drive around and chase, it is unlikely to catch up.

Li Cha also saw this ball in front of the TV, and then he thought of a person, Villa!In the World Cup, Huluwa once hit such an ultra-long-range shot. That ball shocked the world. Today, Messi also scored such a goal...

Swish! ! ! ! ! !

When the football got into the net, the net shook back extremely weakly. From this, it can be seen that the football has already lacked strength when it flies to the football. If the shot is a little farther away, if Messi is not volleying but Lob shot, if the ball deviates a little bit from the moment of shooting, the final result may change!


Martin yelled wildly: "God, this is a volley over 40 meters. Diarra sent a long pass from the backcourt and Messi kicked the ball out the first time. Although this kick The shot is not as far as Beckham's half-court lob, but its difficulty is definitely not weaker than Beckham's half-court lob. How did Messi do it? Who can tell me how Messi did it? Why didn't you choose to pass Casillas, in the position just now, Messi can play Casillas until he vomits blood."

"A stroke of magic, I can only say that this shot is a stroke of magic, at least 90% of the wonderful goals in this world are strokes of magic!!!"

Not only Martin was excited, but everyone on Burleigh's coaching bench began to cheer collectively. While Messi's shot shocked everyone in the audience, it probably also cheered up all the fans watching the UEFA Champions League.

Old fans will definitely remember the shock in front of the TV when Beckham made a volley. Younger fans will definitely remember the shock of Scholes' super long shot against Barcelona. Young fans will also remember c Ronaldo's 40-meter long shot in the Champions League is magnificent. Every day, we want to see these scenes on the pitch. This is an important reason why fans love football. Unexpected, but always shocks you at the end.


The referee pointed his finger at the middle circle, and the goal was valid. At that moment, Messi forgot to celebrate and just stood on the court so stupidly.

It is not the first time he has scored a goal, nor is it the first time he has scored a goal in the Champions League, but this goal is a milestone for Messi. In this game, Messi is the absolute ruler.

All the Burleigh players surrounded Messi, and they yelled at Messi crazily. Messi felt the sound like the audience was about to explode, but felt like tinnitus that the sound became more and more blurred the moment it floated into his ears.

He looked at his teammates as if watching a slow-motion replay, and after seeing the smiles on his face compared with the previous oppressive atmosphere, the excess weight represented his achievements in this game.Messi smiled, he looked at all the people around him and smiled, he hugged the rushing teammate back, and let his teammates pinch him up and throw him into the air, that shy smile and dimples on his cheeks made Messi feel like To dream.

Celebrations are always short-lived. When Casillas silently returned to the line and kicked the ball back up the field, the game would start again in the fury of Real Madrid. Keane made a special decision at this time. He wanted to overthrow Li Even if he can only use his own things in this game, he will print Keane's name on the back of Burleigh's team emblem, because in Burleigh's journey, at least one second half belongs to him completely. Belonging to Roy Keane.

He has the confidence to be a head coach. (To be continued..)

ps: Thanks to all the brothers who will recommend the tickets to me, thank you!You kept Wude from falling out of the recommendation list, thank you again!

Thank you Brother Walking in the Dust for your reward, huh, huh, brother.

Thanks to the Alzheimer's scorpion for the reward, thank you, sister.

Thank you Brother Aquaman for the monthly pass, brother is a new face, but thank you anyway.

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