my name is ferguson

Chapter 572 Must buy and sell by force!

In Milan, the mansion where Richard was kidnapped, Galliani appeared. He left Burleigh after the first meeting with Richard.But as soon as he returned to Milan Galliani, he received a call. The content of the call was very simple 'I want to see you'.There was only one person who dared to talk to Galliani in Milan, Lao Bei, so Galliani appeared in Lao Bei's manor.

On the sofa, Lao Bei was wearing a very old golden pajamas, his hair was still a little wet, it looked like he had just taken a shower, and there was a mark on his neck that couldn't be washed off.

When Galliani saw Lao Bei's appearance, he understood that he had just finished getting comfortable.

"Adriano, do you know how Milan works?"

As Lao Bei's number one dog leg, Galliani said flatteringly: "Of course it's the large amount of money you invested."

"Where does my money come from?"

"Uh... your media group."

Lao Bei nodded, picked up a glass of red wine, tasted it, looked up at the person in front of him and said, "Recently, I encountered a troublesome thing, we have a cooperative company, and the profits created by this cooperative work and our contribution channel Over [-] million, but this company did not choose to cooperate with us, and claimed that they were cheated all over Europe, very angry, and wanted to cooperate with Sky Sports in England. In Europe, my media and Sky Sports are incomparable Yes, if it weren’t for the fact that very few people in Italy watch English channels, I’m afraid we would have gone bankrupt. However, after this company started cooperation with us, our revenue has continued to grow, far exceeding the domestic saturation level. Some companies want to capture Europe Market, also began to choose to advertise on our TV station, do you know why? Because the Internet company we cooperate with has a page dedicated to Italy. For them, an advertisement can be displayed all over Europe just by translating the language, and then , They are distributing some of the profits they get to us, and my TV station can put this advertisement online, which is the room for profit growth.”

"Now. This space is blocked, you, do you know why?"

Galliani was sweating and tried to ask, "fb?"

Old Bei nodded, put down the red wine glass, and said inexplicably: "It's nothing, why do you provoke him? Is there no one in Europe? Do you have to go to Burleigh to buy someone? Even if you get in touch with old Moji from Burleigh Well, at least you are old acquaintances, how are you doing now? FB claims to be cheated by you! Do you know that you caused me to lose a source of income, a source of income that can make Milan rise again."

"No! That's not the case. I negotiated with Burleigh, but I didn't plan to spend much at all. What I wanted to buy was Van der Weil, and I was worried that Richard knew that we needed a right back. The price was too high, so I used to buy Luo Nardinho spoke first under the pretense, I think Richard will definitely..."

"It will be a fart! There is Sneijder, the core of last season, on the training ground in Burleigh. There is also Oscar, whom we have been watching for a long time, in Meulensteen School. They also have Mata in their lineup. It is even said that even in Turkey Ozil, who played football, was bought by them. Do you think they would be reluctant to let Ronaldinho go? Yes! Idiot." Old Bei scolded directly: "Adriano, you One thing to remember, never play a swimming race game with a crocodile, if he can't beat you he will eat you, you won't win!"

Galliani lowered his head, his heart was full of unwillingness, why?Why can a kid who couldn't even get into his own office let himself be deflated today?Why did he ever think he was an idiot?Can Berlustny hold this title on his head today?

At the beginning, Burleigh wanted to buy Redondo, which Galliani thought was a typical idiot behavior, but now...

"Use the money invested in selling Kaka to buy Ronaldinho. In addition, if Milan really needs Van der Weil. We can't buy them together. Remember, be generous."

Galliani asked: "But Ronaldinho is not worth that much money!"

"Do you need me to say it again? This is not just a question of money, but... Forget it, I can't explain it to you. You just need to know a little bit. In the future, the Internet will become an era of rapid development. , the Internet, the mother media, will gradually replace all media. FB will become a giant in the Internet world, probably stronger than Google. This is an economic issue, not a competitive issue. It can be said that when the Internet replaces other media, Milan His fate depends entirely on Li Cha's color, understand?" Lao Bei sighed, why didn't he know that this was a groveling in a different direction?A figure like the Italian emperor wants to bow his head to the former beggar, but he has to choose to accept this kind of humiliation...



Manchester, Burleigh, when Galliani reappeared here again, he had not rested for two consecutive nights, and at this moment, he had to devote himself to negotiating with a player he didn't even want ...

Galliani walked into Li Cha's office again. Facing the devil smiling like a spring breeze, Galliani had an impulse. At least it will be more comfortable to look at.

"Mr. Richard, the Ronaldinho we talked about earlier..."

Li Cha stretched out his hand very gentlemanly, and said very very gently: "Let's not talk about Ronaldinho. After Mr. Galliani left, I thought about it and felt the importance of Ronaldinho." Not at all weaker than Messi, so, sorry Mr Gallinha, we are not selling."


Galliani is crazy, the boss above his head told him to buy Ronaldinho back, but Li Cha turned his face and refused to sell it. Pushing me while shouting 'Don't jump, there is a pit in front'?

"No, no, no Mr Richard, Ronaldinho is a very, very good player, top player in the world, Ronaldinho has a special quality about him, he can be a leader on the pitch , and, after we calculated it, we think your quotation of 5000 million is not expensive at all." Galliani wanted to give himself a mouthful, and he felt sour when he said this.

Li Cha heard this.All the smiles disappeared, and he said as if he was about to eat people: "Mr. Galliani, the price of 5000 million was yours, and it has nothing to do with me. The price I bought Ronaldinho was 3500 million pounds, and I sold it to you." The time was 5000 million euros. I really didn’t make any money under the replacement, how about you? Even so, you still played me, you think I’m cheating you, you think I’m a profiteer, Li Cha, you let Li Cha’s face, Completely disappeared in England. Let alone 5000 million, even if it is 6000 million, don't even think about taking Ronaldinho away!"

If the murder was not against the law, Galliani wanted to kill Li Cha right now, and he would definitely use up all the bullets in the gun to relieve his anger.

"Mr. Richard, it's my fault, it must be my fault. I didn't know what was going on in my mind due to the exhaustion of the journey, so I rejected Ronaldinho's deal. Well, you I also know that the situation in Milan has not been very good. Recently, the pursuit of Real Madrid's Kaka has become more and more urgent. We, who are used to living a simple life, always think that after selling Kaka, we can give it to us and want to buy some cheap stars. But cheap stars can't replace Kaka's departure, only Ronaldinho can. In this way, according to what you said 6000 million, we will sign the contract immediately. On the first day of the transfer period, I will take Ronaldinho away Nardinho."

Li Cha tapped his desk twice with his finger, as if he was in a trance, he resolutely refused to speak. 6000 million?Li Cha didn't lack at all, he could even take out ten 6000 million yuan and smash it in Galliani's face immediately, that's what he wanted.How did I get to Milan back then?How was it blocked?Galliani, you know it well, and now it's my fault. 6000 million want to get it done?

"In addition, we plan to pay 1500 million for Vanderbilt. These two people are what Milan needs. I hope that Mr. Richard can give us these two people because of his cooperation with Mr. Berlustny."


Li Cha laughed. If he didn't mention Berusteni, Li Cha wouldn't be laughing. Back then, Li Cha almost made Berusteni pee his pants!At this time, no one is better than Berlustny!

"Mr. Galliani, you may not have understood what I said. I said that even if Milan offered 6000 million, they would not be able to take away Ronaldinho, not that you can take away Ronaldinho with only 6000 million. Dinho. Let me tell you, there is no shortage of money in Burleigh. Otherwise, after asking for 8000 million yuan, he would sell Ronaldinho at a price of 3000 million yuan at a price drop of 5000 million yuan. Besides, Ronaldinho You really can’t afford the annual salary of the Serie A team. Can a Serie A team accommodate a player with an annual salary of 800 million? Isn’t this a joke? From a competitive perspective, Ronaldinho only has 4 years left for his peak period. This has to be the result of careful care. If the four-year peak period is over, the money spent on Ronaldinho will never be recovered. Mr. Galliani, therefore, out of respect for Milan Forget about it, let’s forget about this deal, really.”

Galliani immediately became the first and the second big, and Lao Bei desperately asked himself to buy the person back to ease the relationship between fb and the Italian media group. Here, Li Cha said nothing and would not let the person go. He raised the price by 1000 million, plus a general card The money from the sale of the card was spent in the restricted area, but, but, but...

It was the first time that Galliani felt so helpless. He had a feeling that he wanted to cry but had no tears. The leader in the Serie A transfer market was actually driven crazy by Li Cha.


Galliani suddenly remembered something, Li Cha once asked Milan for two young players, one was Shalawi and the other was Gourcuff, besides, Li Cha had a "football fetish-child-fetish" Title, if these two people are given to him.

"Mr. Richard, how about Ronaldinho's 6000 million and Van der Wiel's 1500 million, plus you, Shalawi and Gourcuff?"


Li Cha's eyes widened immediately, the little pharaoh is a member of the future washing, cutting and blowing, Balotelli is holding it in his hands, Niang's dispensable role is completely unimportant, South America and Africa are still There are many treasures waiting to enter Burleigh's lineup system, such as Neymar, Oscar and other strongmen, plus the value of Gourcuff and Shalawi at their peak... Richard smiled again, but the smile on his face faded slightly. passed away.

Galliani keenly grasped the meaning of the smile, and quickly climbed up the slope: "Mr. Richard, I want to apologize to you for my attitude before, please forgive me for the hardships of running around, and Belust Mr. Nee asked me to say hello to you. And hope our friendship will last forever, don't you see?"


Li Cha reached out to pat the table, opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Galliani, this is you!!!"

Galliani's eyes darkened, and he rolled his eyes and said, "Here we go again."

"Let me tell you, Mr. Galliani. Who am I, Richard? Who has seen the meat I eat in my mouth and spit it out? The whole of Europe, except for my good friend Mourinho who played the emotional card from me. I took Quaresma from here, who can take away from Burleigh who I have just used for a year and has played well? That is impossible! In addition, I will tell you that Van der Veer has the potential to be the first right back in the future , this young man is absolutely strong in terms of defensive ability and offensive ability, as long as he is trained well, he will definitely become the best right back in football ten years later. And Ronaldinho, after buying it back, he must be tested in Milan I am very envious of your laboratory." Speaking of this.Li Cha smiled smugly, and thought to himself: "Didn't Ronaldo just let you fly? It doesn't matter, I don't feel sorry for Ronaldinho at all. What's more, where is Milan? The international fashion capital , Ronaldinho can't hold back in a small place like Burleigh, let alone corrupt in the fashion capital (that's right). By then, let alone four years, Ronaldinho will be able to play in his first season. The complete peak period is worth celebrating!"


Galliani finally took a deep breath.Immediately afterwards, Richard invited Galliani to have a meal, and then Galliani met Ronaldinho.

The meeting went very well.For Ronaldinho, Burleigh has never been able to compare with Milan. One has a traditional strong status in Serie A and ranks among the forefront of the world's giants, and the other is a newly emerging upstart whose hat has not yet been put on.If it weren't for the temptation of a high salary and the desire for a second spring, Ronaldinho would never appear here.What's more, Brazilian stars have a tradition of playing for Milan. Cafu, Rivaldo, and Ronaldo, who are also teammates in the World Cup, have all played for Milan. There is even Kaka who is in full swing. Ronaldinho's desire for Milan Far beyond Burleigh.He hopes to enter the squad for the 2010 World Cup through his performance in Milan.Therefore, Ronaldinho cut his salary by 200 million and signed the agreement with an annual salary of 600 million plus a floating bonus of 200 million. For Ronaldinho now, the floating clause is very good for him in such a good state. Reality, isn't it that both assists and goals must reach 10?He is now the assist leader in the Premier League, what's so difficult about it!

Van der Weil's contract negotiation was also very smooth. Galliani just threw out the big cake of "may become the main player next season" and touched Van der Weil's heart. That is Milan's main right back. tempted?Killing him in Burleigh will not take away Alves' main position. This guy is like a monster and has always maintained a good state. Maybe Milan is his way out.

Without the knowledge of outsiders, Burleigh made a big deal, selling Ronaldinho and Van der Weil. Through this deal, Li Cha took Milan's money from selling Kaka. Upside down.Milan’s five-year-cultivated king was given to Burleigh, not to mention, he also picked up Shalawi and Gourcuff. Regarding these two players, Richard did not negotiate the contract in person, and the transfer department followed Galliani. Back in Milan, the contracts of these two people were negotiated. The annual salary is very low. Gourcuff of 5 million and Shalawi of 150 will join in the next season at the same time, but their first stop is not Burleigh, but Porto.Yes, on loan, Richard directly loaned these two rookies who signed a five-year long contract to Porto.In this way, 70-year-old Shalawi and 16-year-old Gourcuff went to Portugal.

At this time, the problem facing Li Cha was to substitute the right back, and Alves could still maintain his peak for a long time, so the right back sub became the top priority. As a result, another person appeared in his line of sight. Born in 1982, 26-year-old Srna, who was still a miner in Donekz, became his first choice.Srna is not expensive, and he is eager for success and fame. He can play right forward and right back. For example, Burleigh has a Chelsea. Will any player reject the current Chelsea?impossible!Willing to join even as a substitute!

The staff of the transfer department had just returned from Milan, went straight to Shakhtar Donekz, and signed Srna with an annual salary of 280 million, and the transfer fee was only 750 million.Of course, all of this has not been announced for the time being, after all, the league has not yet finished.

Immediately afterwards, a situation completely different from the history broke out completely. The chairman of Real Madrid was again hospitalized with a heart attack due to heavy pressure. The board of directors decided to let Calderon rest in peace for his health problems. The election of the new chairman of Real Madrid was in an instant. The curtain opened without warning, and Florentino became the most popular candidate, becoming the new chairman of Real Madrid has been unstoppable.


ps: Thank you Juventus brothers for your reward again, thank you Yin Jiyan for your reward, thank you brothers who died in heaven for your reward, thank you all, thank you without virtue!

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