In the locker room, the Burleigh players were panting with the energy to win the championship. No matter who has been exercising for 45 minutes, he would also be panting. If he can remain calm at this time, his worth will definitely be Over a billion.

Li Cha was standing in the locker room, waiting for all the players to breathe evenly, because he was going to say something that would make the blood of these guys completely excited.

"Hey, boys, there are always some helplessness in life. For example, when you are playing for Burleigh, you can't talk nonsense to the media, because there are always certain rules in this world. For example, once a person has more, say If you talk about it, you will often be very careful and cautious in your words and deeds; on the contrary, those who have relatively few people can speak freely. If you think about it carefully, it must be the truth."

"Fat girls can slap slender women behind their backs 'Damn anorexic and emetic whores, have been eating salads for the rest of their lives, bless you all choke to death on bread!'"

Boom, all the players in the locker room laughed.

"Short people can scold tall people, you are a special pole for hanging wires, why didn't Bin Laden's plane hit your face directly? I hope that when you go out, you will be stuck by the door frame collectively, so that you don't have to be low and high My head, I never bowed my head, look no one bows!'."

Hahahahahaha... The players in the locker room laughed even more happily, and even Li Cha had a smile on his face.

"The poor can call the rich 'all go on vacation, your cruise ship will crash into the damn iceberg, the moment the Titanic repeats and we can watch another blockbuster movie! I curse the famous Picasso painting on your wall falling off smash your mother to death!'."

Everyone in the locker room was laughing like crazy, they grinned wildly, but Li Cha fell silent.

"That's how I cursed people, from the day I joined Burleigh. I faced one manager after another. The only manager I didn't scold was Sir Alex Ferguson. He was me. Lao Tzu!"

Everyone froze for a moment, this time they didn't dare to laugh anymore, they knew that Li Cha had something to say.

"Why do I dare to scold those rich coaches, scold those who are much better than Burleigh Club at that time? Why! Am I crazy? Am I a mad dog who is immediately surrounded by hundreds of riot police? I'm sure of it. I've been fucking rabies breeding!" Li Cha no longer had the slightest smile on his face, and these words began to become unfunny at all: "Because I'm a fat girl in front of those rich coaches, and I'm a fat girl in front of them. I'm just a dwarf, I'm a poor man in front of them!!!"

"Compared with Carlo Ancelotti, I don't have a top league title; compared with Moyes, who I scolded at the beginning, my team didn't even enter the top league; compared with the head coach of the Scottish Premier League, I just It is a lucky dark horse coach; compared with Benitez, I didn't even know where the European Champions Cup was going; compared with Wenger, I looked at Arsenal's unbeaten season and I was jealous Going crazy!!!"

"If Ferguson hadn't been related to me by blood. I would have scolded him and pulled out his gun and killed me."


The locker room was quiet, and there was no laughter, not even the slightest sound.

"This is not a speech, nor is it a motivation. I am just telling you, who is Richard in front of you! He is not Marlon Brando, George Clooney, or Brad Pitt. He is a Drugs, promiscuity, non-recyclable garbage picked up from the dump by Mr. Ferguson. When I face those halo characters. The only way I can do it is to rub all the mud on them, that's all. I can temporarily forget the fact that I am worse than them."

Li Cha stabilized his emotions, stretched out a finger and tapped it in the air many times before saying: "But my pile of rubbish has one advantage, that is, once I invest in it, I will never turn back. I am willing to use all I have to bet on a draw." They have the same bright future, so I am the coach who puts the most thought into training in England. I don't even care if you warm up with running shoes. Why? Because I know, my future, and yours The future is already connected, and if any one of you has an accident, I can't get everything I want."

"So are you."

"That's why we are heart to heart. That's why we're in the top league, that's why we're winning one title after another and we're on the verge of completing the Premier League Grand Slam. Now I still have to ask, why?"

"It's very simple. I want these. I have put in so much effort to get these. No one can stop me, and don't try to stop me, because you have never seen everything I have experienced."

"Now, this is a game where we have completed the most important step. Who can tell me, what exactly do I want to say, bala, bala, after talking so much?"

Suddenly, all the Burleigh players opened their mouths at the same time and said at the top of their voice: "We want the championship!"

Li Cha nodded, a smile reappeared on his face and said: "Ye! Say it again!"

"We want the fucking champion!"

"This is what I want! I also want to sit on the rostrum in the press conference hall and watch the other party's sarcasm without saying a word. When they use all the words in the world to run me down, turn their heads and give They're the equivalent of an atomic bomb 'We're the champions, you've been talking for an hour, who's going to give you the trophy?' Guys, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time, and I'm telling you now, I don't want to wait , I don't want to wait for one more game, no, I don't want to wait for one more minute, I'm going to be the damn champion of the Premier League after the game!"

"I'm looking forward to, I'm looking forward to next season when Klopp has learned English, and he's going to shoot at me at the press conference. I'm looking forward to his mouth being as skillful as a machine gun and using British dramas to force me to death. Sometimes I'll tell him 'hey bastard, I'm already using atomic bombs, why don't you use machine guns?', I'm so looking forward to this moment, guys, give me a chance to get other managers to come too Scold me!"

Hahahahahahaha... Burleigh's locker room roared with laughter again, as if everyone had been tapped.

Immediately afterwards.Li Cha's face became serious again, and everyone shouted, "Berry!"

"We want champions!!!"

Li Cha responded: "do-it (get it)!!!"



When the players from both sides came on the field, Martin opened up his chatterbox again: "I can be sure that the game between Burleigh and Arsenal must not be the most exciting matchup this season. Until now, I still miss Burleigh's leadership under Richard. The confrontation with Wenger is earth-shattering. Think about it. During the game, there was Van Persie yelling at Henry, there was the picture of Richard giving the middle finger to all the players at the Emirates Stadium, and there was the scene where the Highbury police arrested Arsenal. I am proud of the Li Cha of that era. Now? Hey, who put the statue of Li Cha in the coaching bench, I want to see the real Li Cha!"

This is of course Martin's joke, and with the relationship between Martin and Richard, it is entirely possible to make a more exaggerated joke than this.But Martin knows how to measure: "Maybe this is Richard's football politics, but those of us who don't engage in politics can't understand it. It's like the United States bulldozed a big oil country, and the result is that the local oil price is not higher But it keeps rising. I have to think about this problem without thinking about it. If I flatten KFC, all my relatives in my family will eat chicken wings for free. Forget it, let’s ignore the so-called football Politics and so-called face engineering, the second half of the game begins."


The game entered a brief period of precipitation in the second half, as is often the case with the prelude before the storm.When Zhao Kuangyin was added a yellow robe, he didn't even have the idea of ​​being an emperor, didn't he also be pushed to the front of the stage?The brewing before the storm is ultimately for the final fatal blow.The gentle backcourt passing on the court is just to find a passing line that can penetrate the opponent in an instant, nothing more.

Burleigh players habitually pass the ball on the court. Their passing is obviously different from Arsenal's, and the difference is very big. Their passing is not gorgeous, if no one comes to press.Rarely does a kick pass appear.This is Li Cha's deliberate training. The role of passing the ball on the court has been completely changed by Li Cha. It is no longer shortening the distance from the goal, but the best way to avoid opponents.Because the times are different, the offense and defense of each team have become orderly now.You won't become flustered because of a sudden breakthrough, and you won't be passed because your opponent stops and waits to rob blindly.The current team is seeking stability, so Li Cha's thinking is also changing, that is, since you choose to seek stability, I will use this time to observe your weaknesses, this is the performance of a strong team.

When Burleigh no longer needs to kill the opponent with a quick counterattack, but needs to siege, observation becomes the top priority, and thinking on the court becomes the top priority of the players, which is extremely permeable The passing of the ball, the scalpel that hits the loophole with one kick has become the top priority of technology.Yes, there are still Ronaldo, Messi, Hazard, and many players who have become superstars by passing people and shooting from long distances, but now people pay more attention to Harvey, Scholes, and Those passing masters.

This does not mean that these people were not important to the team in the past, but that as football knowledge becomes more and more popular and more and more people know it, he knows the first point of attack and can achieve a goal. The ball never happened by chance, right.In this way, those passing masters no longer need to be covered by the shadow of the forwards, and in the end they can only become famous in the circle for the rest of their lives. They have also begun to be sought after by the fans. Fans began to classify their defensive midfielders into grades. Who is a technical steal, who is a rough steal, who can launch an attack immediately after a steal, who is a simple engineer, and who is specialized in demining. Fans began to classify themselves up.

Once the fans understand, this matter becomes not easy.

Regardless of whether the fan has ever been a head coach, when he understands your tactical intentions, he will not agree with your approach, because there are no two people in the world who think the same, so he dares to speak loudly in the forum after the game Criticize your tactics, if you dare to show your face, then you are dead, he can argue with you in the dark, no matter right or wrong, the theory of relativity is called a skill.

How to prevent this from happening, so that your decision-making will not be disturbed by any voice?

In today's Internet-developed era, just having enough tactical literacy and tactical knowledge is not enough for you to prevent this phenomenon from happening. After Moyes took office at Manchester United, did Manchester United fans criticize Moyes less tactically?There are too many!Moyes dared to stand up and say 'You can do it! '?He dare not!In fact, it may not be like Moyes to put all the fans who criticized Moyes' tactics in the position of Manchester United coach.But he still didn't dare to say this, as long as he said it, he would offend a large number of fans.

This kind of thing happened more than once, and it didn't just happen to Moyes alone. When Manchester United's boss Keane coached the Black Cats to upgrade, the fans praised him, but once the club spent 800 million to introduce players, the results began to decline.The voice of opposition among the fans almost suffocated Keane to death!Keane really wants to say that you all shut up for me, you are not even a professional player, what tactics are you discussing with me?But he didn't say it, he had no choice but to resign, all he had to say was that he had turned his back on being the head coach all his life, which club would hire a head coach who would shoot at his fans?

In this era, those who stand on the glamorous stage are not necessarily happy. They not only need to have a big heart, but also know how to avoid risks.Let those who don't know how to pretend to understand join the camp that supports themselves to support themselves.How to do?Li Cha has his own method, and it works very well.

First of all, ignore it, as long as you ignore it, this voice will become smaller and smaller, and once you speak up, it will immediately become a spark that can start a prairie fire; secondly, use practical actions to prove that you are right.Not to prove the fans wrong.It's very particular here, you prove him wrong.Hurt his self-esteem, then you are doomed to lack a fan, prove yourself to be right, but not hurt his self-esteem, he will silently feel your generosity, at least he will not leave; again.Must win!This is the most important thing. Fans don't like to lose. If a club keeps losing, the end result can only be fewer and fewer fans.As long as you keep winning, even people who don't support you are hitting the wall one after another.Wherever you go, when you say that you are not good, you will be pouted, and he will naturally stand in the camp that supports you.

The head coach of a wealthy club, especially the head coach of the Premier League, is never fighting with his opponents. In fact, he also has to fight with his own fans, using all kinds of mild starts to win over the fans.Of course, this is only limited to their own fans.

If Li Cha is Ronaldo's character, it will be completely over. Ronaldo is a typical character who refuses to admit defeat. In history, Ronaldo and his girlfriend have to win or lose when swimming. If ordinary people will definitely let their girlfriend, It's fine to make your girlfriend happy, but he can't; it's not just Ronaldo? What about NBA superstar Kobe?When he played games with his daughter, he had to compete to win or lose. Everyone said that his daughter was his father's lover in his previous life, so there was a winner.If a head coach with this personality appeared in the club, I'm afraid a war would erupt immediately between the fans and the head coach, what?No such person?Think of Jose Mourinho at Real Madrid.

If Mourinho can choose to endure when his fans spray him, then even Mourinho's supporters will call the police. This is not Mourinho, this must be a fake.

This is the way the world is now. A person with little knowledge will always judge you to be wrong in his own way, and use various means to prove it. If he is a judge, he will even sentence you to imprisonment for this matter.

Li Cha, who is very familiar with this and has too many historical cases, chooses never to be serious about this kind of matter. He has always been aggressive to the outside world, and he puts on a sinister and damaged look. Little Sheep, as long as you are a Burleigh fan, as long as you pay the membership fee and have a member account on the official website, you will be scolded, what can you do?It is the uncle who spends money.

Li Cha is so rich yet so cowardly?

This is definitely not cowardice. The husband manages a company with hundreds of people outside and obeys his wife at home. Is this called cowardice?No, who would let his wife give birth to children and live by himself, right?A team, especially if the fan base is not stable, and new fans have not shown any emotion behind the club, and they only support you based on your good grades. If you want to turn these people into real fans, you must choose to be patient. Let them have feelings, let them speak for the sake of Eberly, not to show their knowledge.When Burleigh's fan base is solid, when the time comes to close the door and quarrel with a blushing neck, no one else can control it, this is our own family's business, who dares to compete with the brothers and fight him with their arms, this is the right way to manage the family What the owner of the house should do.

Seeing that the championship is about to be won, Li Cha's heart is a little messy. He has worked hard for so many years for the top championship of the Premier League. When the championship is within reach, he dared to look back at everything that happened to him.In other words, until today, until the end of this game, Richard was able to put himself on an equal footing with most coaches, because Burleigh was about to usher in the first championship in history.

In the 69th minute of the second half, the game passed without any surprises. When Arsenal's several extremely threatening attacks were intercepted by Burleigh's defense, Klopp couldn't sit still. He didn't want to see Richard like this. Everyone can achieve such good results, he refuses to accept it!

Klopp replaced Tiot and replaced the former King of Highbury. At this moment, there are still 21 minutes before the end of the game.Klopp is crazy and desperate, there is no difference between 2:1 and 4:1, 5:1, it is just a loss.

Richard smirked and replaced Ronaldinho with Harvey Martinez, and Di Maria replaced Messi.

The game entered an endless loop. The more Arsenal wanted to attack, the more the ball was cut off at their feet, the more anxious they played, and the more chaotic the formation.Li Cha suppressed the tendency of the players to take the opportunity to counterattack. He didn't want the absolute advantage of winning by a big score. He wanted the championship trophy that he had never tasted. At this time, nothing is more important than security.

In 75 minutes, Burleigh replaced Ribery with Albiol. Van Persie and Di Maria were left in the frontcourt. There are a full eight people on the back line.

Klopp is going crazy, he is really going crazy, he doesn't have the hooligan temperament that Richard cultivated in England.Standing on the edge of the coach's bench, Klopp was pacing back and forth as if he had suffered the biggest blow in his life, and this blow would last for a full 15 minutes. No one can understand what kind of torture this is.

"Hey, I want to see all the tapes of Burleigh after the game, I mean, all the tapes of Burleigh from the day Richard became the head coach of Burleigh." Klopp knew where he lost, He doesn't understand Richard at all, he doesn't understand Burleigh, and after losing this game, he starts to understand his competitors from the root, because Klopp's team will definitely aim for the championship next season, not top four.


The damn whistle finally blew during Klopp's frenzied pacing. In 93 minutes, Burleigh and Arsenal were puzzled for the entire second half, and Richard finally won the league championship he dreamed of. This is what he has worked hard for five years. The first Premier League title after that! (To be continued..)

ps: Thank you prodigal brother for the monthly pass.

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