my name is ferguson

Chapter 599 The Most Embarrassing Birthday

In the remaining rounds of Burleigh in the Premier League, Keane played relatively calmly. Although Richard restricted him from using the main lineup and only gave him one Messi, Keane still won the first place with his own lineup. The first official coaching league.high-speed update

Keane did not change the tone set by Li Cha, but in his lineup selection, he has certain rules that belong to Keane. He unswervingly uses Falcao in the forward position, and would rather sacrifice Mata as a left winger. Choosing Bell, the position of midfielder does not appear in his lineup. His is Regan, which means that Burleigh's 4231 formation is just like a 42211, and the right winger is naturally Messi, because Sanchez is for him. , is too unfamiliar.He doesn't have many choices in the arrangement of the midfielder, only De Jong, Schweinsteiger, Harvey?With the three of Martinez, Keane will naturally abandon Harvey?Martinez, thus forming the combination of De Jong and Schweinsteiger.The defense is the top priority, the left back Ziegler, the center back Albiol, Shawcross, the right back is Van der Veer who is about to leave the team, the goalkeeper Joe?Hart.

This lineup is familiar to Keane. When everyone thought that Burleigh was just training for the remaining unimportant games, Keane used his familiarity with the team to win a victory. The focus of this victory belongs to Regan and Falcao.

Keane is not smart. He has never had a sudden inspiration in tactics and set up tactical traps again and again like Richard. His idea is very simple. He uses Burleigh's defensive strength and passing accuracy layer by layer Advance, crush your opponent inch by inch.This kind of tactic is used by many teams, including Arsenal, Barcelona, ​​and Burleigh himself, but if there is no inspiration and an offensive line specially arranged for the opponent's weakness, then the final result of the tactic will be like that. The Arsenal in Wenger's hands is like a team that has been unable to attack for a long time.If this problem is not resolved, Keane has no chance of winning.

In the end, Keane solved this problem. He chose a stupid way, which is to give some special players enough freedom! [

With enough freedom in the first half of the game, Regan, who was completely unrestrained in Keane's lineup, broke out completely. Before the end of the first half, he relied on his dexterous movement to drag the opponent's defense into a mess. Kong, plus Bell's impact, Falcao's impact, and Messi's technology completely serve one person, and this is Burleigh's shadow striker Regan.Regan was like a fish in water on the court, and the opponent's defensive players had completely become the aquatic plants around him, and it was impossible for the aquatic plants to stop the swimming fish!

Messi didn't have any mood to dominate the game in this game. He just wanted to score, but unfortunately, the goal never came.

In the 28th minute of the first half, Regan swayed past the opponent's midfielder, stood on the penalty area line and forced the opponent's central defender to make an initial defensive move with a long-range shot.This through ball is too bold. If it is too strong, it will be confiscated by the opponent's goalkeeper. If it is too weak, it will be cleared by the central defender with a flying shovel. Walk or just hit the door.

Falcao, who was deeply trusted by Regan, did not let him down. His huge body sprinted left and right in the lineup, and he squeezed half of his body from the crowd. Another central defender in front of him stood behind him, and after catching up with the football, he just hit the goal with a kick-touch!


It can be said that Falcao overbearingly grabs the spot. He overturned everyone like a monster running in the crowd and scored this goal. At that moment, the fans on the field frequently applauded. This kind of power beauty can only be understood by fans.

After the first half, Regan was blushed by Keane's shameless performance. If Keane's words are true, then Regan is Burleigh's best player, and Falcao is Burleigh's best player. The center forward... But Regan himself knew that there was at least one person standing in front of him, and this person was Messi!

Even though he shined more than Messi in this game, Messi's ability is there, you can't see it or not.

In any case, Keane's praise still made Regan very happy, so he contributed another assist to Bell in the second half. Bell finally began to enter the attention of the fans after this goal. Only then did the "fans" discover that there was such a young player in Burleigh's lineup.

2:0, this is Keane's first answer sheet under his own guidance, and everyone is happy to work hard for the league winning streak.

At this moment, Li Cha received a roaring call from the old man: "Who asked you to make an offer! I said I would sell Cristiano? Ronaldo!!!"

Li Cha doesn't know what to do anymore, is there anyone in this world who is less shameless than himself?Your old man took Lukaku away, and now you turn around and say that Luo is not for sale?Give you the whole world, okay?

"Mr. Jazz! I remind you very solemnly that you said at the beginning that once Real Madrid starts to attack Ronaldo, I can "intervene"." Richard is full of confidence. When the police complained that the legend of Manchester United's No. 7 was about to disappear, didn't it just prove that they wanted to sell Cristiano?Ronaldo?

Ferguson was dumbfounded, and said almost as if he was cheating: "Not for sale, not for sale, not for any amount of money!!!"

Little kids, old kids...

Li Cha ignored him at all. He knew that Milo could never be won in one season or one transfer period, just like Real Madrid bought Kaka after at least two years of hard work.

Turning his head, Li Cha started to do another thing. He met a person, and this person was the former UEFA Vice President Geoff who was kicked out of UEFA by Beckenbauer!

The meeting between Li Cha and Geoff was impassioned, and the old man’s blood was instigated. In the office of the "chairman" of the FA, Li Cha said loudly: "Why can the "chairman" of UEFA make Johansson and Beckenbau Well, it can’t be you, Mr. Geoff? Where is the place with the longest European football tradition? It’s England! Where is the deepest European football culture? It’s England! Why in such a land, do we have qualifications, conduct, and morals that are almost the same? You are perfect, but you want Beckenbauer to occupy the position of UEFA "President"? Why can't you take this position? I don't accept it!"

"Looking at the current results of the Premier League, which league can exceed the total investment of Premier League transfer fees? Which league can surpass the Premier League in ratings? Which league is as competitive as the Premier League? We have three teams in the Manchester area alone Super team, why can't there be a "chairman" in the whole of Great Britain? I-he-mother-don't accept it!" [

"Believe me, as long as you take the lead in setting off a storm to oust Beckenbauer and become the leader of the whole of Europe, when the moment of European football revolution is approaching, you will be the greatest UEFA "president" in history, Joe Mr. Husband, please accept my most respectful respect before this, because after today, you will receive countless such respects, and by then, my respect will become insignificant!"

Jove's eyes are full of yearning. Only he, who has been the vice-president of UEFA, knows the scenery of becoming the "president" of UEFA, and only he, the person closest to the throne, can appreciate the new gravity there. Therefore, he has absolutely no resistance to what Richard said.

The next day, the FA held a press conference under the auspices of the "Chairman" Mr. Geoff. The theme of this press conference was to discuss the expedition of the Olympic team after the end of the season, but Geoff didn't know where to start. Changed a topic, and the topic turned around to Beckenbauer as soon as it changed.Jove commented on Beckenbauer's crimes one by one, and finally said what Richard had been inciting him to say: "A UEFA 'president' like this should be dismissed!"

There is no formal letter of dismissal, no formal documents. Qiao Fu is obviously leaving a way out for himself. He thinks that the sentence he said may be taken back at some point. He didn't expect that Richard would not give him a chance. This impassioned accusation appeared on the homepage of the fb website the next day.

As soon as Jove finished speaking, the Belgian official immediately issued a statement: "We very much agree with Mr. Jove's suggestion. We are willing to follow Mr. Jove's footsteps and remove Beckenbauer so as to choose a leader who is more suitable for Europe. We Reconsideration!"

Where, just reconsider?

This is not a show of hands vote in the conference room, what's the use of reconsideration!

When Qiaofu looked at the Belgian official's words, he still had some jokes in his heart that he was stupid, but then he broke out in a cold sweat immediately! ! !

The leaders of the football organizations in these European countries are not in the same unit, and it is impossible to sit in the conference room for meetings. Voting through the media has basically become the most official method. When the time comes, the media will naturally follow suit and compile a piece of information. film, and broadcast all the materials on all media around the world...

Portugal, Luxembourg, Romania, Poland, Malta, Turkey, Cyprus, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania followed suit one after another, causing a whirlwind in Europe! ! !

Richard used a press conference of the FA to directly launch the final bombing of UEFA. The final result is already obvious. It is also possible that due to the strong public opinion, some charges will be "implanted" for him.

What?Too cruel?This is not the most ruthless, Li Cha has not used his trump card so far! ! !

The sentence he hates the most in his life is to be a human being and stay on the front line so that we can meet each other in the future. The existence of this sentence is better than not existing, because no one can do it!

When Li Cha was weak back then, why didn't anyone play the game of being a human being and keeping the front line with him?Why didn't anyone take Li Cha, who was still hanging out in Ying C, into the office, so that he could refuse him on a negotiable basis, and then buy him a cup of coffee?Why did everyone see Richard's 30-year-old Hedong, but no one saw the current 30-year-old Hexi?

Richard will never leave a chance for Beckenbauer. He is Richard, and it is impossible to create a Richard because of his own pity. There is a possibility of a turnaround.

The media has been crazy busy these days. The Sun, which has sorted out all the information, has fully played the role of a mad dog. The Sun wrote an open letter to UEFA on the Internet. In the letter, an edited video and a The unedited video, the edited video is the attitude of officials from various countries on this matter, and the unedited video is the messy news that was released when Burleigh played Barcelona at home.Below the video, The Sun explained all the advantages and disadvantages of Beckenbauer since he took office in different colors. The advantages are completely blank, while the disadvantages are listed a lot!

Li Cha doesn't know how much effort this open letter has cost the editors, but he knows that the editor-in-chief of the Sun newspaper will leave him with a full 20 pounds, and he doesn't know how much of this money will be distributed to the editors. , five thousand words?Thousand words?Or maybe the editor signed a sharing contract, and the money can only be paid after the newspaper is sold?That's over, Li Cha knows that this open letter will only be published on the Internet, in case the Sun newspaper does not print it into a newspaper, or only publishes the follow-up in the newspaper, and when the follow-up is published, it will change to a different editor, I am afraid the editor will get a penny I can't hold it...


In his office, Li Cha smiled, what was he thinking?



Keane started another journey under Li Cha's foreshadowing, and led the team to the away game to play the next league game. [

The goal Messi had been looking forward to finally came. Leo stood out from the bench as if a small universe had exploded, and staged his first big four in the league.The first goal came from Falcao's assist, the second from Van der Weer's assist, and the third was Schweinsteiger's supplementary shot after a long shot. The weirdest thing was the fourth goal. After Regan's corner kick was taken, someone in the penalty area hit it, and Messi volleyed directly behind the goal without stopping the ball.In the end, Burleigh defeated his opponent with a score of 6:0. Messi reciprocated and gave Falcao and Regan an assist respectively. This was a hearty victory.

In the next Premier League game, Keane was in full swing. The substitute players seized the rare opportunity and frantically completed all the games recorded. The most dangerous game was against the relegation team Reading. The relegation team has always been tough, let alone Reading is currently ranked No.18, with 36 points and No.17 Fulham have the same points, even the goal difference is the same.As a result, the game turned into a goal battle. The immaturity of Albiol and Shawcross was completely exposed. The opponent and Burleigh reached a 80:3 after 3 minutes!

Fans had a great time, but Keane was sweating. He had never encountered such an anxious scene, and he didn't know how to deal with it. He could only imitate Li Cha. He thought he was calm. Sitting on the coach's bench can calm the hearts of the players, but he forgot that he does not have Richard's qualifications and arrogance.

The defensive line made frequent mistakes and allowed Reading to overtake the score. When the game entered overtime, Messi stood up again and scored directly with a 25-meter free kick. Burleigh won the game 4:3 with difficulty. The 38 rounds of the Premier League It was completely over, Burleigh completed all the consecutive victories in the competition!

The unlucky Reading was kicked into the British Championship. Their -25 goal difference is less than Fulham's -22 goal difference, even if both teams have 36 points.

After the Premier League match ended, all the major newspapers began to sing praises for Richard. No one cared about Keane, who almost lost his skin in the last few rounds, and there were praises everywhere.

Burleigh started its own celebration. Fans gathered in the square outside the new stadium and brought the news to Burleigh's most beloved assistant coach in front of the old Allen's tombstone. So far, Allen The existence of the Bethleans has not been forgotten.

It was a lively day, and Burleigh gave up the fireworks outside the new stadium at night as if it were a festival; it was a warm day, and Richard held Charlotte in his mansion and watched the fireworks outside through the door.

Richard asked Charlotte in a low voice: "Do you know why fireworks are beautiful?"

"Because it is fleeting, the law is eternal, incomplete, and it is also a kind of beauty."

Li Cha put his arms around Charlotte's waist and shook his head, "The reason why fireworks are beautiful is because of the smile on your face after they bloom."

Charlotte took the initiative to turn around, cupped Li Cha's face, and kissed it quietly: "Honey, let's have a baby."

As long as he is a normal man in this kind of thing, he will not be cowardly. The more he kisses, the more arrogant he becomes, and he becomes very dishonest in the end.

" a minute."

Charlotte broke free from Li Cha, straightened her clothes and said, "Wait for me, I will give you a surprise." After speaking, she ran out from the living room door with a smile.

"I don't like surprises, but I like the pleasure of puncturing them."

Li Cha is a bit impatient. He has been focusing on the field and European football recently. It has been a long time since he fell in Gentle Country. He grabbed the shirt on his body with both hands. Li Cha didn't even unbutton the button and pulled it off. , trousers, socks, and finally walked in the direction where Charlotte disappeared in clean and smooth slippers. There was a cloakroom, maybe Charlotte was preparing some sexy lingerie... But Charlotte never seemed to be so pleased with herself. , who cares, let's enjoy it first!

Li Cha approached step by step, his heart began to become more and more excited, and his whole body became hot, imagining the scene of Charlotte wearing tulle sexy lingerie... No, it is best to have lace lingerie and then Wearing black silk... is not good, but as long as it is not a queen's outfit with a whip in hand, everything is so-called, anyway, it will end up taking off in the end!

Just when he walked into the cloakroom, Li Cha suddenly heard the voices of many people!


thy-to-you, hppy-

thy-to-you, hppy-


In an instant, Li Cha was struck by lightning. There were several people standing in front of him, and many people were rushing out of the cloakroom in the mansion, including Keane, Ribery, Messi, Villas-Boas,... …

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!"

Immediately everyone burst into laughter... (To be continued.

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