my name is ferguson

Chapter 617 The comparison is only one point away

It worked, Li Cha's tactics that made the team practice hard worked, strengthened the breakthrough in the middle, and cooperated with the world's top stars between the three attacking midfielders and shadow forwards, not to mention Hargreaves, even the best in the world later. The defensive midfielders Harvey Alonso and Mascherano couldn't handle it either.

For the first time when Richard faced Ferguson, he had a sense of pride, a very, very strong sense of pride!

How did Richard win against Ferguson before?The outbreak of the tested players has nothing to do with tactics.Either Ribery, Messi, or Van Persie, in short, these world-class top stars suddenly have a flash of inspiration, and the flash of inspiration of the top star cannot be stopped. Zidane's flying fairy , Ronaldo's stab shot surrounded by Turkish players in the World Cup, Ronaldinho's ultra-long-range lob shot in the World Cup, Rivaldo was a Mr. Barb when he was wearing a Barcelona jersey!

The aura of a top superstar shines in today's football, and there is no solution unless he can't shine.

This is not due to Li Cha, it is due to Li Cha's vision ahead of the world.

And this time in the final of the European Champions Cup, the goal this time belongs to Li Cha!

This is the only time he didn't take advantage of crossing, and he didn't even consider the match between Manchester United and Chelsea in history.

If not, Li Cha would not be angry with pride, because it was not him who defeated the old lord, this time, it was him!

The players hugged Messi like crazy. Everyone knew the significance of this goal under such circumstances. This goal immediately dumped the pressure of the European Champions Cup final on the opponent. This is the most important thing.

There was no shy smile on Messi's face. This time, he stretched out his fist in the crowd surrounded by domineering people. He finally found his value, and that was to score in the final of the European Champions Cup.become the focus of worldwide attention.

He is no longer a rookie standing behind Li Cha and crying, at this moment he feels that he has become a superstar.

The fans of Burleigh went crazy, not only the fans in Moscow, but also many fans of the old Allen who flocked to the new stadium at what time, and even feared that the commemoration scene would be too sad, so they chose to watch it on TV in the wine fan.They are all crazy.

In the stands, Gilauto, Charlotte, Woodgate and all the players' girlfriends sat together. They celebrated wildly after the goal was scored, especially Messi's girlfriend who was already pregnant. Hold your belly and cheer with everyone!

Ferguson's performance was very calm, and he was probably the only one in the audience who was fairly calm, because Ferguson knew that as long as he messed up the game, he would lose the game, and there was no room for counterattack.

After celebrating.The players returned to their positions and the game restarted. Manchester United immediately launched a suppressive attack on Burleigh. In the wave after wave of attack, Burleigh guarded against death. Ronaldo, who Diarra was always chasing, Yaya Toure stabilized the position of the midfielder and ran in a wide range. Ribery joined the defensive ranks after returning.He even chased Rooney, who switched positions with Ronaldo, to the penalty area line, and destroyed his pass with a tackle.

The game has entered a tense stage again.Manchester United is eager to recover, at least to bring the game to the same starting line.

Cristiano Ronaldo was more active, but in Richard's view, this kind of activeness was eager to make contributions. He wasted two very good pass opportunities. When the qualityless long shot was shot, Richard It was immediately obvious that Ronaldo was upset.Completely confused by being stimulated by Messi.

In the Premier League, Manchester United was firmly suppressed by Burleigh. No matter how many goals he scored, he could not help the team recover the loss in points; Not to mention, Manchester United didn't even make it to the final; Ronaldo was particularly hard pressed on the Premier League scorer list.In the Champions League, the 8 goals scored by Ronaldo were also tightly suppressed by Messi's goals. No matter how you look at it, it makes people feel that Ronaldo has been lowered.

For Ronaldo, who doesn't even want to lose in swimming competitions with his girlfriend, can he accept it?When he refuses to accept and can't do anything, he will naturally become chaotic. Once he is chaotic, Manchester United will completely lose the chance to equalize. It is not only Rooney and Tevez who can turn things around, let alone their opponent is Burleigh. .

In the 25 minutes of the first half, Ronaldo's impatience seemed to affect the entire Manchester United team. Now Sir Alex's shouts are no longer effective, because Manchester United's players' ears are full of thoughts of equalizing, and they can't listen to any voice .

He wants to counterattack, but now is not the time. Manchester United's defense has not yet shown signs of fatigue. After a successful hit in the middle, Manchester United will become more careful. What they have to do now is to strengthen their defense and wait for the opportunity.

Steady, you must stabilize that restless heart, otherwise you will become Ronaldo on the field and lose your mind. It is very likely that a wrong decision will immediately destroy a good situation. Li Cha knows better than anyone what it means to lose your mind Seriously, he will take this Champions Cup back no matter what, and he must take it back.

As the time passed, the Manchester United players slowly recovered themselves from their impatience, but after besieging Burleigh for a full 5 minutes, they forgot one thing, that is, the impact of 5 minutes of running with all their strength on their physical fitness. How much is consumed.

Anyone who has fought knows that if you are really in a hurry, you will use up all your energy for almost three to two minutes by punching someone against someone. Football games are usually all the strength of a single player at a certain moment. Running, there is no collective running, even Manchester United's running system is fluid running in batches, which will free up rest time.

And Manchester United's siege under impatience is completely running without hesitation. Starting from Hargreaves, all Manchester United players have been constantly involved in the attack, constantly moving positions, like throwing a gap, Unfortunately, they failed to accomplish this until 32 minutes.

There are still 13 minutes until the end of the first half of the game, and Manchester United began a large-scale adjustment after repeated failures. Hargreaves stopped running, and almost everyone stood in their own positions. They began to use the pass to evade the defense, one time to continue the physical fitness of the next run, at most it was to move the ball laterally to avoid the opponent's feet.

Can't run anymore?

Li Cha saw this moment from the sidelines and calculated that other teams ran Thaksin.Even Real Madrid has players who can't run before the end of the first half, but Manchester United is Sir Alex's team. These people have learned how to run in this system from the first day they joined Manchester United. Run, can't they run?

"Hold on!"

Li Cha yelled that he didn't want to take any risks.Then he made an upward gesture towards Diarra. He told Diarra to play a long pass after seeing the opportunity and take the air route. Van Persie and Messi were always in front and ready to counterattack. Seeing a long pass, you can throw a single shot just by speed.

Cristiano Ronaldo took the ball and rushed towards Baines again. The moment the messy dance steps under his feet appeared, Baines admired his quick movements.But this did not bother Baines! In fact, Ronaldo used his left foot to step over the football, starting with an outside step on a bicycle, and then moved forward with his right foot horizontally, as if he was about to break through horizontally, he suddenly poked the ball forward, just in front of his eyes When he was about to speed up and run, Baines stood in front of him in one step, at this very second.Cristiano Ronaldo tapped the rolling football with his left foot and the unthinkable happened. The ultimate goal of Ronaldo's series of actions is still extraordinary, but it is not a forced breakthrough inside, but an outside breakthrough after being confused by fake moves.

There was just a time difference between the football and Bynes's movements, and Bynes hooked back with his feet, trying to hook the ball back, but Ronaldo jumped directly along Bynes's feet.Then he took a big step and took advantage of the situation to kill him.The reason why Diarra, who had been staring at him, did not assist Baines in advance was because he had the same judgment as Baines, and the two of them could not be crowded at the same point at the same time, not to mention that Diarra was still standing behind him. The position of the waist, but seeing Baines being passed by Diarra, he couldn't stand at all.He started to intercept horizontally, saw the rhythm of Ronaldo dribbling the ball, and shoveled it the moment Ronaldo touched the ball. He wanted to put the ball over with others.


Wow! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

There was applause in the other half, and when the applause reached the end, even Burleigh players couldn't help standing up and applauding!

It's so beautiful, Ronaldo's series of passing are pleasing to the eye. Just before Diarra's tackle, Ronaldo put his left foot in front of the football while running, and then knocked the rolling football with the arch of his right foot. Diarra just slid past in front of Ronaldo, and Ronaldo turned around and flashed past Diarra, which was called chic.

Li Cha's heart twitched suddenly at this moment. Just now he was thinking that the aura of the top star would be unstoppable. Why is it that Ronaldo suddenly passed two people in succession? Could it be that the weak advantage of this one ball Want to smooth it out?

Ronaldo continued to perform alone. When Yaya Toure rushed towards Ronaldo, no one knew how Ronaldo would continue to surpass others, because Burleigh only had this midfielder left in the midfield. ……bump!

Cristiano Ronaldo did not pass the ball, and directly passed the ball to Rooney, who rushed up to meet him, and then Ronaldo plunged into the penalty area. He rushed forward and made Thiago Silva and Pepe all start to retreat , Don't let Rooney's pass and Ronaldo's running position cooperate. In this position, they don't dare to make offsides. The only thing they can do is to stare at Ronaldo. Don't forget Tevey Si is still in the penalty area, and if the two of them let one go, it will cause irreparable damage.

null! ! ! !

Rooney suddenly took a long shot from the front of the penalty area, Li Cha's heart twitched suddenly, the quality of this long shot was too high, it reminded him of Rooney's famous shot into Arsenal, if this goal is really of such quality The height is so high that it is regrettable that this ball must be lost! ! !

Everyone was paying attention to the ball. The football was like a white lightning bolt in the air. Adler didn't react at all, not to mention him, it would be impossible for any one of them to have any reaction. The Arsenal goalkeeper was like this back then!


After the crisp sound sounded, all Manchester United fans held their heads and collectively sighed: "Oh!!!!"

This goal scored no less than Burleigh's classic just now, after all, Ronaldo was so beautiful before.

In the penalty area, Ronaldo watched the ball hit the high-quality ball and hit the corner between the crossbeam and the column above the dead corner. After popping out, he stomped on the turf in anger. How much he hoped that the ball would go in. Why didn't Rooney pass the ball to himself?Usually Rooney is not like this, he exists in full cooperation with himself...

Rooney would never send the ball away. Only he knew his hatred for Richard. If he could beat Richard's Burleigh on the court, it would be the greatest achievement in his life. With such an opportunity, he How can you just give up and give up? (to be continued..)

ps: Do you think Wude gave up?impossible!

Thank you for forgetting the end of the show for another reward, thank you brother!

Wude understands that he is not a genius, and Wude also understands that even if he loses in the top six this time, it is not because of hard work, but that there are not as many people who support Wude as those who support those great gods.

One day, Wude's efforts will be seen by more people. One day, maybe that day is not far from Wude, so Wude will never give up any chance. , must be finished!

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